Wednesday, February 21, 2024

JACQUES RENE CHIRAC, former President of France: "We bled Africa for four and a half centuries. We looted their raw materials, and . . . "

The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.  Ezekiel, 18:20, KJ

"We bled Africa for four and a half centuries. We looted their raw materials, and then we told lies that the Africans are good for nothing. In the name of religion, we destroyed their culture. And after being made rich at their expense, we now steal their brains through miseducation and propaganda to prevent them from enacting Black retribution against US." ~ Jacques Rene Chirac, former President of France

This is good to know but it is not to be used as a justification or a rationale to destroy the living or the current society or for retribution or for reparations.  As the Bible says in Ezekiel, 18:20, "The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father."

WEJOLYN: Pasteurization destroys enzymes, denatures antimicrobial and immune stimulating components, diminishes nutrient availability, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin C, B6 & B12, kills . . .

Boeing’s subcontractor seems to be more concerned about DEI than making quality airplane parts.

Got to be a way to safeguard traditional values.  The real church is the faithful.  Keep the faith, keep truckers and farmers as your friends.

Boeing’s subcontractor seems to be more concerned about DEI than making quality airplane parts. 

Illegal Migrants Double and Triple Dipping on Taxpayer Funds. Why they're almost like politicians who bring them. Anything else I can get for you, mija?

O, come on, if you were an illegal migrant, looking to settle in or settle down in your sanctuary city, wouldn't you too double and triple dip?

Dip #1Sanctuary New York will receive free tuition, free room, and board [or sleep and food]. 

Watch this video where migrants in Sanctuary New York will receive free tuition, free room, and board [or sleep and food].  For those other graduates, remember the days when you had to work one or two or three jobs just to pay off your tuition and to, oh, yeah, eat and house yourself?  

Dip #2Sanctuary New York funding illegal migrants to the tune of $10,000

You played fair, fool.  So Sanctuary New York is really loading it up on its taxpayers.  Not to be outdone, the Federal government and the UN, along with Catholic Charities, are also financing illegal migrants to the tune of $10,000. 

This debit card program — if you read the actual contract — has the potential to become an open-ended, multibillion-dollar Bermuda Triangle of disappearing, untraceable cash, used for any purpose.

It will give migrants up to $10,000 each in taxpayer money with no ID check, no restrictions and no fraud control. 

By the way, Mayor Adams's plan to give Illegals $10,000 each DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY ID CHECK:

Breaking News: Mayor Adams's plan is to give Illegals $10,000 each with No ID check required, No Fraud control, and No Restrictions.

Dip #3The U.S. Federal government is handing out EBT or Debit Cards

Why is that a problem? Because that money, investigations have shown, is being handed out directly to migrants who want to cross the border illegally. “People who might not have taken the risk to travel to the U.S., because they were worried about food or safety now have help,” Bensman points out. “That help,” The Epoch Times notes, “comes in the form of prepaid debit cards, food, water, shelter, medical care, and transportation.” In most cases, these migrants are “directly” receiving cash — “what the U.N. emergency manual calls ‘cash in envelopes.’” 

I am sure that there is a lot of 4th, 5th, and 6th dipping.

MIKE BENZ: abandon your [...] distinction between the CIA, the State Dept & the Pentagon. They are one Blob. Wherever you see one, the other two are there, and you just don't see it yet.