Tuesday, February 20, 2024

People aren't sheep; they've been comfortable wolves. Well, the truckers in America are pretty uncomfortable and they've reached their limit.

The circus in New York, the amount of money they're asking Donald Trump with no victim, and what this says about where our country stands right now.  

It's clearly a fraudulent case about fraud that didn't occur right?  Why did they do this?  It pushes so many little things forward the core thesis is that these people are trying to destroy all of the institutions that make up the United States, political, judicial, economic, all of it, right? But at the same time, they don't know when to stop.  The men who architected this whole idea of global governance, they're all dead now the Kissingers, the Brzezinskis, and all that's left are the IQ 105 midwits to run the system, and they're just smart enough to run machines but they're not smart enough to know how they work.  Like your average person who drives an automatic transmission but has no idea that there are gears in that transmission, or that this is how a car works, or can change a tire, or even understands that there's oil in the engine or anything along those lines.  They just do what they've been told.  The Wicked Witch of the West is dead, and the flying monkeys running around doing random stuff. I talked about this in 2018 when I wrote an article talking about the whole theme and I think it's more apropos today than it was then.  So this guy Arthur Engoron, whatever his name is, said "Hey, this is an opportunity," and Leticia James they think that this is the right thing to do.  These people don't know how to play chess.  They don't know how to think more than one move ahead.  They're not supposed to think more than one move ahead.  Even if they're not malicious, and they're being blackmailed or whatever to do what they're supposed to do.  I'm being generous here. Even if they are just coerced into acting this way, you have to ask yourself, why?  This thing is insane and it's dumb, and it'll get reversed on appeal, because immediately Kathy Hochul, the mayor of New York, comes out looking like she just saw a ghost, and says "Don't take this to heart.  We're not going to do this . . . .  This is the only . . . ."  No, you set the precedent, stupid woman.  Once you start going down that path it's not going to stop it it has to be taken care of she clearly got a call from what's left of Wall Street in New York because they're all moving to Miami and Dallas anyway because New York is literally a thing it's rapidly becoming a museum or a failed State somebody still thinks that this is a good idea this is clearly one of those things that is going to propel us towards some kind of Civil War.  And then I get a text from this friend of mine about this video from Chicago Ray, the trucker.  

Huh.  So what have I been saying for a little over a year now?  People aren't sheep; they've been comfortable wolves.  Well, the truckers in America are pretty uncomfortable and they've reached their limit.  At the end of the day, these people really think that we are all price-takers for their insanity, and we are not.  We don't have to.  The truckers are like, 

"You know what?  I got a toilet to deliver into Paducah, Iowa, or Illinois, and that guy needs a toilet.  I don't have time to go to New York."

"But we'll pay you three times the normal rate."

"I don't care. I'm delivering the toilet in an empty 18-wheeler back to that guy.

See, that's what's going to happen here.  This is the kind of soft secession, however, you want to put it, that is the best possible way to remind everybody that New York City . . . do you have any idea what kind of volume and people and freight that have to go into the city every day just to make it function?

MEL, 5:45. It's not easy to get an 18-wheeler into midtown.

LUONGO, 5:53. That's one, and then two, Chicago Ray spoke to that.  It gets even worse than that.  What are you going to do?  Let's say half of the truckers say no to delivering to New York.  The other half will sit back and say, "Cool. I can ask whatever price I want now."  Now the price of everything in New York triples.  And they say "Okay, well that's not going to work, we'll use the trains.  Do you have any idea how many people take the commuter trains?  You can either bring the people in, or you can bring the goods in on the train, but you can't bring both. So you can either have an economy to pay for the food or you can have the food but you can't have both.

MEL, 6:40. Also, during the lockdowns, people were acting like lunatics because they couldn't get food to the supermarkets.  I mean it was pandemonium.  Think about that in terms of what you've just described.  Another thing about New York City at that time, you're talking about jacking up prices, for trucks at that time if you wanted to leave New York City and get a U-Haul, there was like a 3-month wait.  And they were charging $10,000 for something that would normally cost $1,200.  So New York is uniquely vulnerable these strategic kinds of boycotts or work-outs or whatever around the country would be a great way for this to go forward. The scary part is that we have a 4th branch of the government that has no oversight is not functioning in any way or has anything to do with the Constitution or the Bill of Rights we have three branches of government but after 9/11 and the Patriot Act appears that now we have four branches of government with all these new agencies that no one should have allowed I'm a big proponent of having the Patriot Act repealed, of course, it's the worst thing that happened to our country but it appears to be double and tripled down on under Obama and it continued down the road but this branch of the government that shouldn't exist the Intel agency branch DHS, DSA, DNI, it appears that they've taken over the other three branches of government, and this to me is the most dangerous thing we have going right now.  They have no limiting principle on these agencies most of the surveillance tapes that are coming out of the January 6th trials that Obama and Eric Holder turned out to be a branch underneath a branch of Obama and Eric Holder created a National Security Division at the DoJ that nobody seems to know exist.  So what can we do on that?

LUONGO, 9:06. I get your concern.  The thing from the [Robert] Hur Report, they knew in 2017 that Joe Biden wasn't capable of being president.  So clearly our alphabet agencies decided this is who is going to be president; then they knew he was going to be president because they effectively rigged the election.  Now you're starting to ask yourself, "What country do we actually live in?"  That's the state of play, and I think we all consciously understood that that has been the state of play for quite a long time the question is not how do you stop them the bigger question is do we actually have any power left?  Their goal is to demoralize us into believing that we don't have any power and when you stop to really think about what the truckers are saying about New York City is, we do.  Mao was wrong, folks.  Political power does not end at the barrel of a gun.  It ends with the guys who make sure that the ammunition can be produced in the first place.  That's what this represents we are this system that feeds their control system we say no and now I'm going to get a little Ayn Randian on you.  If we say no, we're just not going to trade with you anymore.  We are not going to do any work for you anymore.  People forge.  The 1st Amendment is freedom of association.  People forget that freedom of association is also freedom from association. 

LUONGO, 11:07. And you'll note that at every moment when there is an opportunity for them to remind us why It is they think we cannot be free from associating with them, and they can Lord it over somebody small, like a bakery in Colorado, that they get their way because they can force, they can create an edict, or a law, or whatever, even if you don't want to, to say, you know what, you have to bake that cake for that gay couple.  

Monday, February 19, 2024


High-end data centers, $2.5 billion each.  Most institutions need more data centers.  You need power.  NY has Niagra Falls.  I can't go to New York, so I'm going to Oklahoma, North Dakota, and West Virginia.  Those are winner states.  I don't have to do stuff like this.  I have to syndicate all that debt and equity.  We're talking billions of dollars

Look at Tennessee right now.  The fastest-growing city in the United States is Nashville.  Winner state, good policy, competitive taxes.  You've got to start thinking about this in terms of winners and losers.  New York: Megaloser state.

What did you think of Governor Hochul saying, "This is like a unique one and done, because Donald Trump went too far, so nefarious?  You guys if you're doing what you should be doing, you have nothing to worry about. 

Every investor is worried because where is the victim?  Who lost money?  This is some arbitrary decision the judge made.  This policy . . . what does this say about the legal bar in New York?  Aren't they going to question this judge?  $355 million as a penalty plus interest at 9% and there's no victim!!!  Her words fall on deaf ears to everybody.  There's nothing that she can say that justifies this decision.  And this has nothing to do with Trump.  Forget about Trump.  This is not a Trump situation.  This is a New York problem now.  The whole world is looking at this saying, "What are you doing to yourselves!"

Will never forget Neil Cavuto on COVID, the lockdown, and especially murderous with the vaccine mandates.

Without the hundreds of billions to Ukraine, our democracy is jeopardy

I prefer older architecture as long as its function is maintained

Schumpeter on How Higher Education Wrecks Freedom

"Schumpeter on How Higher Education Wrecks Freedom," Jeffrey Tucker, Brownstone, February 19, 2024.