Tuesday, February 6, 2024

CLASSIC. For some this is not propaganda, it's a mandate.

Irish patriots march in Dublin against their traitorous government.

"Twas far better to die ‘neath an Irish sky / Than at Suvla or Sud el Bar". 

The song is titled "Foggy Dew," a war or rebel song.  

from Wikipedia,

"The Foggy Dew" is a product of the political situation in Ireland in the aftermath of the Easter Rising and World War I.

Approximately 210,000 Irishmen joined up and served in the British forces during the war. This created mixed feelings for many Irish people, particularly for those with nationalist sympathies. While they broadly supported the British war effort, they also felt that one of the moral justifications for the war, "the freedom of small nations" like Belgium and Serbia, should also be applied to Ireland, which at that time was under British rule. The 1915 Battle of Gallipoli, in which many young and mainly middle-class Irishmen who had joined up in response to John Redmond's call were killed, turned many people against the war.

In 1916, Irish patriots led by James Connolly and Patrick Pearse, taking advantage of Britain being preoccupied by World War I, seized some of the major buildings in Dublin including the General Post Office, while others came out in Ashbourne and Galway in the Easter Rising.

The brutal response to the Rising, and the execution of its leaders that followed, marked a turning point for many Irish people. The public revulsion at the executions added to the growing sense of alienation from the British Government.

Canon O'Neill reflected this alienation when he wrote The Foggy Dew commemorating the few hundred brave men who had risen out against what was then the most powerful empire in the world. In 1919, he attended the first sitting of the new Irish Parliament, Dáil. The names of the elected members were called out, but many were absent. Their names were answered by the reply faoi ghlas ag na Gaill – "locked up by the foreigner".

These events had a profound effect on O'Neill and some time after this he wrote The Foggy Dew telling the story of the Easter Rising and reflecting the thoughts of many Irish people at the time who now believed that the Irishmen who fought for Britain during the war should have stayed home and fought for Irish independence instead.

O'Neill sums up this feeling in the line, "Twas far better to die ‘neath an Irish sky / Than at Suvla or Sud el Bar".

"When we manage cattle with regenerative agriculture, they are the single best way to sequester carbon from the atmosphere into the soil . . ."

Thank you to Spacedoot

MUST-LISTEN: Malcolm Muggeridge, On Humanae Vitae, July 1978

Malcolm Muggeridge quotesBooks by Malcolm Muggeridge.

Thank you to Katherine Watt.

Now whether and how far and to what extent this inhibition is or can be or will be acceptable, it's not for me to say. What I want to say tonight as a non-Catholic, as an aspiring Christian, as someone who as an old journalist has watched this process of deterioration in our whole way of life, what I want to say is that in that encyclical, the finger is pointed on the point that really matters. Namely, that through human procreation, the great creativity of men and women comes into play. And that to interfere with this creativity, to seek to relate it merely to pleasure, is to go back into pre-Christian times and ultimately to destroy the civilization that Christianity has brought about.

One thing that I know will appear in social histories in the future is that the dissolution of our way of life, our Christian way of life, and all that it has meant to the world, relates directly to the matter that is raised in Humanae Vitae.

And when they are as old as I am, enriches them particularly beautifully when they see, as they depart from this world, their grandchildren beginning the process of living which they are ending. There is no beauty, there is no joy, there is no compensation that anything could offer in the way of leisure, of so-called freedom from domestic duties, which could possibly compensate for one-thousandth part of the joy that an old man feels when he sees this beautiful thing: life beginning again as his ends, in those children that have come into the world through his love and through a marriage which has lasted through 50 and more years.

Now, of course, when Humanae Vitae was published to the world and was set upon by all the pundits of the media, it was attacked as being a failure to sympathize with the difficulties of young people getting married. That was the basis on which the attack was mounted. But it was perfectly obvious, and Colin Clark will remember from that symposium with which the coming of Humanae Vitae was celebrated by the BBC -- it was mentioned then that contraception was something that would not just stop with limiting families, that in fact it would lead inevitably as night follows day to abortion and then to euthanasia. And I remember that the panel jeered when I said particularly the last, euthanasia.

But it was quite obvious that this would be so. That if you once accepted the idea that erotic satisfaction was itself a justification, then you had to accept also the idea that if erotic satisfaction led to pregnancy, then the person concerned was entitled to have the pregnancy stopped. And of course, we had these abortion bills that proliferated through the whole Western world. In England, we have already destroyed more babies than lives were lost in the First World War. Through virtually the whole Western world, there now exists abortion on demand. The result has been an enormous increase in the misery and unhappiness of individual human beings, and again, the enormous weakening of this Christian family.

I should mention to you that the point has been reached in England where a bishop has actually produced a special prayer to be used on the occasion of an abortion. You know, one of the great difficulties in being editor of Punch was something that I hadn't envisaged when I took the job on. And that is that whenever you tried to be funny about somebody, you would invariably find that something they actually did was funnier than anything that you could possibly think of. I really don't know how you could get a better example of it than a bishop solemnly setting to work to produce a measured prayer on the occasion of murdering a baby.  But that is actually what has happened.

And the reason I call it that is because I read about how a journalist who had managed to make his way into a hospital ward had found that all the patients in the ward who were over 65 had N-T-B-R on their medical cards. And when he pressed them to tell him what these initials stood for, he was told, "Not to be resuscitated."

Well, I've been in that belt for some ten years, so I know that as sure as I can possibly persuade you to believe, this is what is going to happen. Governments will find it impossible to resist the temptation with the increasing practice of euthanasia, though it is not yet officially legal, except in certain circumstances, I believe, for instance, in this state of California. The temptation will be to deliver themselves from this burden of looking after the sick and imbecile people or senile people by the simple expedient of killing them off.

Now this is in fact what the Nazis did. And they did it not, as is commonly suggested, through slaughter camps and things like that, but by a perfectly coherent decree with perfectly clear conditions. And in fact, it is true that the delay in creating public pressure for euthanasia has been due to the fact that it was one of the war crimes cited at Nuremberg. So for the Guinness Book of Records, you can submit this, that it takes just about 30 years in our humane society to transform a war crime into an act of compassion. That is exactly what happened.

from another interview

Time and Eternity: The Uncollected Writings of Malcolm Muggeridge, Malcolm Muggeridge (Author), and Nicholas Flynn (Editor).  This may be a better assessment of Muggeridge Whereas Britain’s Muggeridge was documenting the atrocities in the Soviet Union and the Ukraine, Walter Duranty was the New York Time’s Man in Moscow.

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: The total “official” amount of illegal aliens has exceeded 6 million. That is more than the total population of Montana, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, Vermont, and Wyoming

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

Now, they are handing them money, for they will start a crime wave if they do not. The most honest people will steal food when hungry. They think they will be able to buy their votes, and Biden will hand these people citizenship, and they will be able to claim Social Security with some disability. All of this is to rig the 2024 election.  --Martin Armstrong

Sources are saying that the majority of people flooding in through the Southern Border are now from Africa and the Middle East, with a lot of Chinese thrown in for good measure. They denied two of my employees from Europe who have UK and German passports and have been coming to the USA before to come in for the WEC last November. All of a sudden, there is discrimination going on, and it’s about if they are educated and skilled, they are denied. The Biden administration is completely out of control. We cannot afford another four years of this insanity.

The total “official” amount of illegal aliens has exceeded 6 million. That is more than the total population of:

Montana  [1,142,746]

Delaware  [1,044,321]

South Dakota  [928,767]

North Dakota  [788,940]

Alaska  [773,536]

Vermont  [647,818]

Wyoming  [586,485]

TOTAL: 5,912,613  [this is a decent site for tracking data in each state]

The people being let in are not generally highly skilled, and they can’t even speak the language to get a good-paying job. Now, they are handing them money, for they will start a crime wave if they do not. The most honest people will steal food when hungry. They think they will be able to buy their votes, and Biden will hand these people citizenship, and they will be able to claim Social Security with some disability. All of this is to rig the 2024 election. Biden may step down before the Democratic Convention from August 19 to 22, 2024. This sets Biden up to take all the arrows, and Michelle Obama takes the stage. They MUST defeat Trump to adopt the World Economic Forum 2030 Agenda.

We are showing Panic Cycles and Directional Changes due in May markets in September. So get ready. This election year, 2024, will be one epitaph of the United States. It is highly doubtful that we will even see a 2028 election in the future.