Sunday, January 21, 2024

"Farmers are blue-collar workers, some of the most multi-skilled workers on the . . . planet and the bedrock of an economy"

Many Industries have been torn apart over the last 40 years but farming is consistently has the additional aspect of the net zero agenda farmers are concerned that this is going to affect their yields their livelihoods and the governments are completely out of touch with her what the farmers needs are what we are experiencing in Europe which goes one stage further is effectually is effectively a blue-collar rising, a blue-collar strike because enough is enough for governments who are failing to take care of business of a primary source of the economy, namely farmers.

Scotland is certainly not at the stage of what the German farmers or the French farmers are doing, but I think there is the same mood, the same feeling that they're being neglected by the government.  When you're getting severe pressure in terms of brokerage agreements with supermarkets where farmers are getting pennies for for their crops and their products and at the same time governments are implementing draconian, net zero measures, it's almost impossible for farmers to make some sort of profit.  And what's happening beyond that because farmers are under so much pressure major corporations are coming in and plundering the land and taking the land in an asset crab and then paradoxically offering more Net Zero Solutions such as destroying the landscapes and environments with mass production solar panels.

2:09. Is arrogance on the part of decision makers do they have a sense of how angry not just the farmers are but the greater population and do they care? 

2:19. I think arrogance is a huge part of this, and James makes a good point.  Let me tell you what an experience I had with a Dutch farmer.  The Dutch government was trying to implement their hydrogen restrictions by 2050, and the farmers correctly said, "What do they think we are doing with fertilizer?" because they have it for free.  So they tried to reduce fertilizer use anyway because it's something that is expensive.  But you've got some bureaucrats sitting in a windowless office who looks at this and says, "Oh, 30% looks like a good number.  Let's do it."  But I think there's a second factor that James also alluded to-- communication.  When we say forgotten community there's this old saying, "Out of sight, out of mind," and we don't see the key areas of the economy like farming, mining, energy the attention it deserves.  Maybe I'm being facetious here, but I mean it.  We have debates about drag queens story hour, but maybe we should have something like "Farmers Story Hour" or "Coal Miners Story Hour."  Maybe we should imbue young people with a certain respect about where these things come from that make modern life possible.  Then maybe we would have much more respect for farmers and others.

3:30.  You're saying, in Gareth is saying the same thing that people in Wales are not ready to rise, and you're saying that people in Scotland aren't quite at that stage, but as Ralph says wouldn't be almost beneficial if the farmers rose because the old media is not covering this, they're not drawing attention to it; quite the opposite, mis-portraying it.  Don't the people need to be confronted by the everyday reality of the farmers so that they remember that even there what it is to be what if they do 

4:00. I agree with all of it.  I think there needs to be a blue collar Rising.  We got a challenge in this country remember the poll tax in our history and what happened there if people rise up in a piece of way mbss mobilization change can happen and it comes back to the point you mentioned before that we got to start raising awareness about the bedrock and foundations of our economy and that is the producers.  The farmers are kind of root and branch, and they need to be heard in Westminster.  But the only way I think we can do that is to take a leaf out of the book from the Dutch also the Germans and the French and also going back to the Canadian truckers.  I think we need to support it.  It's our job to raise awareness for this because as you said it's not getting enough coverage.  The last thing I would say is that ironically this is sort of a campaign that the left used to be behind.  Where are the large forests of the left right now?  This is not some sort of far-right protest.  This is nuts and bolts of survival for our country and many other countries.  Food production and the workers that go with it, it's not just the farmers, it's the circular economy around farming: the shops, deliveries, all of it, has to be taken into account.  I remember the country the lines and march we had 20-30 years ago.  There were about half a million people that descended on London.  Maybe it's the time now to coordinate and galvanize a rural community and our farmers to do something about this and to vote with their feet effectively onto Westminster and make our highfalutin politicians listen to what is one of the primary and important industries in this country. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024


Gonzalo Lira reported on this back on August 30, 2022.  Jackson Water Department, or Jackson Water, is a Mississippi corporation.  Who is going to make a corporation act on behalf of the people it's screwing serving?

RFK, Jr.: "Mercury is a horrendous neurotoxin. [It] is 1,000 times more neurotoxic than lead . . . in fact, it kills brain cells at 1/30th the dose it takes to kill streptococcus or staphylococcus"

This interview is at least 7 months old, recorded back on June 20, 2023.

Turns out her son Porter Bridges had been a per mfectly healthy kid got a battery of vaccines when he was two and lost the ability to speak he lost the ability to he lost his toilet training engaging in other stereotypical Behavior like stimming hand flapping toe walking and got an autism diagnosis and the vaccine Court had awarded her $20 million dollars for acknowledging that the child had gotten autism from the vaccines and she didn't want it to happen to other kids so I sat down with this pile of studies and I'm used to reading science I'm very comfortable reading it I wanted to be a scientist when I was a little kid and my life my legal career has been about science virtually all of the cases that I have been involved with hundreds and hundreds of cases almost all of them involved some scientific controversy so I am comfortable with reading science and I know how to read it critically I know how to look for the flaws in it I know how to attribute weight to various studies Etc and I sat down and I read while she was there and I read through the abstracts of the studies one after the other and before I was 6 in down in that pile I recognized that there was this huge delta, a variance, between what the public health agencies were saying telling us about vaccine safety and what the actual peer-reviewed science was saying.

4:30.  Then I took the next step which is I started calling people.  High level public officials and I had access to everybody Francis Collins a Maureen McCormick who ran the Institute of medicine at the National Academy of Sciences I called Kathleen Stratton at the National Academy of Sciences it was a chief staffer and I was asking her about these studies and I realized during these conversations that none of these people had read any of the science they were just repeating things that they had been told about the science and they kept saying to me that I can't answer that detailed question you need to talk to Paul Offit.  Well, Paul Offit is a vaccine developer who made $186 million deal with Merck on the rotavirus vaccine and it was odd to me that government Regulators were saying to me you should talk to somebody in the industry I used to talk to the EPA people all the time asking what does this provision mean in the permit why did you put it in there and if they said to me I don't know why don't you go talk to the cold industry or this lobbyist for the cold industry and he will tell you what we're doing I would have been very puzzled and indignant so it was weird to me me to go talk to somebody who's in Industry Insider because we don't understand the science.

6:03. And when I talked to him I caught him in a lie.  And both of us knew that he was lying and that both of us recognized that he was lying.

6:15. What was the lie? 

Well I asked him this question I said Wyatt I asked him this question I asked why is it that CDC and every state regulator recommends that pregnant women do not eat tuna fish to avoid the Mercury but that CDC is recommending flu shots with huge doses of mercury I mean massive doses that pregnant women in every trimester of pregnancy and he said to me by the way when I talk to Paul he started he started the conversation he was very enthusiastic he said you know your father was my hero it's the reason why I've got into public service and public health because I was inspired by your father you know that kind of I'm susceptible to that like anybody else to that kind of flattery so I was inclined to like the guy but then he said that's why I asked him about how can you be you know telling people not eat but then I asked him about how can you tell people not to eat women not taking tuna fish but give them a flu shot that has these huge doses of Mercury and he said well Bobby there are two kinds of mercury there's a good Mercury and there's a bad Mercury and I knew there's a different kind of mercury in the vaccines it's Ethel mercury in the vaccines and it's methyl mercury in the fish by then I knew a lot about Mercury I have been suing people when you sue somebody you get a PhD in that you know more than anybody in the world you have to or you're not going to win your losses so I knew a lot about Mercury I knew that his argument was not with me but it was with the periodic table because there's no such thing as a good Mercury and I also knew the history of why he was saying that because Mercury was added to vaccines in a form called thimerosol in 1932 and Eli Lilly which is the manufacturer was a horrendous neurotoxin Mercury is 1,000 times more neurotoxin than lead you would never shoot lead into your baby. 

8:35. Why was the Marisol introduced into the United States.

8:36. It was allegedly he introduced it was introduced as a preservative but it doesn't kill streptococcus or any of the other contaminants that they would be worried about in fact it kills brain cells at 1/30th to kill streptococcus or staphylococcus so it wasn't a good preservative so what NIH admitted to me in 2016 was the real reason it was there in the vaccine was as an adjuvant and adjuvant is a toxic material that they add to dead virus vaccines to amplify the immune response so your body a live virus vaccine and they give it to you you can spread the disease that's why most of the polio today 70% of the polio today is vaccine polio it came from the vaccines so The Regulators expressed a preference for dead virus vaccines a dead virus vaccine however will not produce a durable robust immune response enough to get a license the way you get a license for a vaccine is you're showing that you've got an antibody response for a certain amount of time and it's a strong antibody response but the dead virus vaccine won't produce that the vaccinologist figured out that if you add something horrendously toxic to the vaccine your body confuses that toxic product you add it with a dead antigen the viral particle your body confuses that toxin with the viral particle and it's frightened and it mounts us humongous immune response the next time it sees that virus the immune response is there.  S so at that point the vaccinologist went around searching around the world searching around the world to find the most horrendously toxic materials to add to vaccines and there's a mantra in vaccinology that the more toxic the adjuvant the more robust the immune response and that's why toxicologists and vaccinologists don't get along with each other because of toxicologists would say to the vaccinologist I understand it gives you immune response but what is the fate of that in your body where is it going is it being excreted is it being lodged in the brain is it penetrating the blood-brain barrier and the vaccinologist could not answer those questions and did not want to so they basically move the toxicologist out of the vaccine universe so when it was added anyway when it was added in 19 32 the industry said Eli Lilly said because everybody said how can you put mercury into a child who would do that and they said well it's a different kind of Mercury it's a Mercury is excreted very quickly so it won't stay in your body they had no science to say that but that's what they were saying for years.  Then in 2003, a CDC scientist called a study where he gave tuna sandwiches contaminated with mercury to children and then measured their blood, and the mercury from the tuna sandwich was there in a half-life for 64 days later.  So it was still there 64 days.  Then he injected the children with mercury from the vaccine, and that mercury disappeared from their blood within a week, and this kind of confirmed what Eli Lilly had said in 1932, "Oh, it disappears really quickly from the body," and that was published, I believe, in the Lancet Pediatrics.  But immediately the journal began getting letters from people, including this famous scientist, doctor Boyd Haley, who was the Chair of the Chemistry Department at the University of of Kentucky, and he asked, "Well, what happened to the mercury?"  He said, "I couldn't find it in the children's urine, their feces, their hair, sweat, or nails."  He asked, "Where is it?"

13:00.  And then NIH actually commissioned a study.

Stalin called the farmers "the enemies of the people."

If it's not abundantly clear by now, the state will not defend your citizenship

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova

[The U.S. and Chilean governments] essentially consigned this “inconvenient” journalist to execution.  

Russia on Death of Gonzalo Lira:  “Kiev Is Allowed to Torture and Kill Americans, and Everyone Keeps Their Mouth Shut” by Richard Abelson at the Gateway Pundit.

Reporter:  On January 12, the world media reported the death of Gonzalo Angel Quintilio Lira López in a Ukrainian prison. He was an American journalist, film director, and video blogger and had Chilean citizenship as well. What can you say about this tragedy?

Maria Zakharova:  First, I would like to draw your attention to this truly unprecedented situation. Gonzalo Lira was a national of both the US and Chile, but these countries preferred to leave him without attention and support from the moment of his arrest by the Security Service of Ukraine.

They essentially consigned this “inconvenient” journalist to execution. Santiago (de Chile) has done all it could to hush up this issue even when his tragic death became public. For many months before, the Chilean authorities ignored the repeated appeals of international and local human rights activists not to abandon him by shifting responsibility for his fate to the US Department of State.

In the meantime, the reasons for the blatant disregard for the journalist by the US and Chilean authorities that refused to defend him and did not even note his death in a Ukrainian prison are obvious to all those who followed without bias the fate of this courageous man.

In May 2023, it became known that the blogger was detained and accused under the article “Justification, defense as legal and/or denial of Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine and glorification of its participants.” After posting bail, he was put under house arrest. But soon thereafter, in July 2023, the Security Service of Ukraine placed him in a pre-trial detention center, ostensibly for “violating the law and attempting to evade justice.”