Saturday, January 20, 2024

black-on-black gang violence in Philly is actually a proxy war between Mexican cartels and a single Chinese pharma corp—funded by *the* Wuhan Institute of Virology—to control the flow and price of xylazine in Philly.

Tranq is Xylazine.  

They're desperately trying to make Alex Soros look important, but it's not working, because he isn't important. The man who runs the Open Society Foundations is its president, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, a British diplomat and intelligence operative.

DR. JANE RUBY: The entire allopathic medical system is a fraud but particularly egregious is pediatrics

Pediatrics is a completely unnecessary and even fraudulent field. The very basis of the Medical Industrial Complex.

What do they do? Measure Length, Weight, Lungs, Pulse, etc. (All things a parent could do) just to tell a parent what pre-conceived AMA growth chart their child "ranks" under. This chart is also a fraud considering it's based on chronically sick kids. Then, what are Pediatrics really about? Programming the parents for years of toxic vaccines and to build a chronically ill child that will need their services for the follow up DRUGS they will need like Antibiotics, Inhalers and Synthetic Sugary Nutrition products. Parents, you and your children are programmed and made ill from day 1...Obstetrics programs even before the Pediatrician.

MICHAEL RECHTENWALD on how to divest from corporate ESG, WEF, and CBDC

PUT YOUR EYES ON THIS: Government healthcare providers were the muscle behind the vaccine mandates?

Read this and tell me how you don't come to the conclusion that government programs told healthcare providers to be the muscle behind the vaccine mandates.  Remember when you first got your corporate gig and thought, "Yeah, I've got decent healthcare benefits."  Where's the benefit actually?