Friday, December 8, 2023

GARDASIL VACCINE: 50% drop in teen pregnancy over a 10-year period. 9 to12-year-old-girls were going into menopause and with all of the bodily changes that go with that.

The intention of all vaccines is to destroy your fertility; they don't want you to have a future.

I'm a co-author of the book HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed, Mary Holland, J.D., 2018.  We published that in 2018 and we have a chapter on the fertility effects of the HPV, the human papillomavirus vaccine, which remember at the beginning we're giving just to girls; now, it's given to both girls and boys.  The vaccine was introduced in 2006.  By 2018 when we publish the book there had been a 50% drop in teen pregnancy.  Now, these are unplanned pregnancies.  You wouldn't want for someone to have a teenage pregnancy necessarily but [what's important here is] that there had been any 50% drop over a 10-year period, suggested to us that something was very wrong.  We were also having girls, as Dr. Northrop points out, report premature ovarian failure.  Essentially 9, 12-year-old-girls were going into menopause and with all of the bodily changes that go with that.  Although women in girls who were in the clinical trials could not come in as being pregnant and it was not advisable women did get pregnant in the clinical trials and what we saw was a miscarriage rate over 27% in the Gardasil 9 trials so we knew from the HPV vaccine that fertility could be a very serious issue.  And to my mind, the rollout of COVID shots with all of the propaganda, with all of the censorship to ill effects, all of the sort of targeting children, you know, we've seen this before, the COVID shots are even worse as Dr. Liz Mumper and Dr. Christiane Northrop pointed out.

From the Lawsuit Information Center

Gardasil is a vaccine intended to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV), which can sometimes lead to cervical cancer in women. Gardasil was developed by the embattled pharmaceutical company Merck & Co.

Merck obtained FDA approval for Gardasil in 2006 based on deceptive research and clinical trials that misrepresented the vaccine’s efficacy while concealing its safety risks and side effects. Merck then launched an aggressive and highly misleading marketing campaign to include millions of parents vaccinating their pre-teen daughters with Gardasil. 

Vaccine manufacturers are always in court even with all the liability protection that your government grants at your expense. 

Better ways to get Omega 3s than fish oils . . .

🚨BREAKING: We have filed suit against Washington University in St. Louis for failing to hand over documents they had previously agreed to provide amidst our investigation into their pediatric transgender clinic.

BREAKING: A bill has been introduced in the House and Senate that would prevent hedge funds from owning single-family houses in the United States.

"Against our wishes . . ."

00:40. I took the flu shot when I was pregnant with the twins.  Thankfully, that was the only one.  Took the TDAP and the flu shot with my first son, but was told because I'd had it I didn't need it again.  So the flu shot was the only one, so thankful that I didn't get the COVID shot because I was pregnant when they just were rolling out, and because they're twins we had to see a fraternal medical specialist and he tried to push the COVID vaccine on me and I declined and I'm not sure that they would be here today had I would have gotten that.

1:21. So how are they born, did you have a normal birth?

Yeah.  I had a repeat C-section they were scheduled they induce me at 37 weeks probably would have kept on cooking if it hadn't interrupted them but because they were Mono-Di twins, meaning that they had one placenta but two sacks, it's considered high risk, so I was monitored very closely but the pregnancy was perfect.  

They set you down the first appointment that you have like the fetal medicine specialist and they tell you everything that could go wrong and nothing went wrong.  They were born 06 pounds at 37 weeks, latched right away, I breastfed, and . . . 

2:10. Healthy?  Declared healthy? 

2:11. Healthy . . . yeah.. Healthy.  Declared healthy.  Perfect Apgar Scores.  Nothing was the matter.

2:15. Two beautiful healthy boys at birth, both latching.  It's really important because we don't have very long before they get the Hep B, correct?

2:24. Right.  They got their first dose at 4pm against our wishes.  When medical issues started arising we did start pulling their medical records.  At the time of birth, we signed a form to decline the Hepatitis B shot.  Somebody once told me that being born was traumatic enough, so why put them through shots?  I wasn't against it at the time, but that stuck with me . . . we thought we were protecting them . . . it turns out they gave them a shot against her wishes.  Not only did they give them a shot, they gave them the adolescent dose.  At 4 p.m. the day that they were born, per our medical records, they were given the shot even though it clearly says  "parents declined" in our records.  It was ordered in the pharmacy, and, of course, we didn't know.  We didn't know they had been given the Hepatitis B vaccine.  So we left the hospital thinking they had not been vaccinated.  We were going to get their first set of vaccines at their first "Well Baby" visit, which they did.  They got their first set of vaccines at their first Well-Baby visit, but, ironically, the day that they went in for their first Well-Baby visit, their body temperature was so dangerously low, probably from their first shot [Hep B vaccine] that we had no idea that they got and they were reacting.  They gave them the shot that day, and again we had no idea that they did it.  When we took them to the pediatrician's office, what three days after they were born, it was 96 hours later, they were struggling to maintain their body temperature.  So the pediatrician just kind of brushed it off . . . it's probably because the building is cold, or we didn't have them dressed right.  So we couldn't leave the pediatrician's office until we raised their body temperature.  So just through bundling them up, we raised it and then we vaccinated them and we went home and a couple of days later they just started getting really constipated [Interesting that the first sign the mom notes that they're ill is their bowel movements, which Ivermectin resolves.]. And we have two older kids so it's not like we don't know what kids are like we knew something wasn't right.  So, back and forth with the pediatrician, saying something is going on, we don't know what it is, they're constipated, they're having issues with their bowel, weird stuff was coming out; sending her pictures, she just kept brushing it off.  So, then we went and they got vaccinated again with the Hepatitis B again by this point it was their fourth we didn't know 

5:39. Please tell me how you got to that state, why did they get vaccinated again?  

5:42. Because we didn't know yet, we hadn't woken up.

Is it normal to have that many Hepatitis Bs?

5:50. No.  You get the one at birth, and then you get the 2-month shot.  They gave the one at the hospital on accident [the one against their wishes].  Yeah, we didn't know it until "the one at birth" was given at the pediatrician's office, and then they were given their 2-month.  So they got their second dose, and 22 days later, Ralph started having seizures.