Thursday, December 7, 2023

History of Carnivore Diets

Bioweapons are a poor man's nuclear bomb

they funneled [$2 billion] through DTRA and DARPA and funneled all of that money to NIH and NIAID, which became the primary spear tip of bioweapons development so Tony Fauci became the bioweapons czar. 

In my new book, I talk about the history of the U.S. bioweapons program, and from the beginning, the CIA was running the bio-weapons program.  Why?  Because we didn't have a bioweapons program after WWII, and the CIA's first operation was called Operation Paperclip.  And it was an operation to get all the bioweapons and nuclear and chemical scientists out of Germany and Japan.  [Both] had an extensive bioweapons program.  The Japanese had a horrendous program, where they did live vivisections on 3,000 people, and they killed them all during the operation removing their infected organs while they were alive with no anesthesia and these were horrible horrible scientists the CIA elevated them, brought them over to Fort Detrick, downloaded them and made them the heads of hospitals systems and pharmaceutical companies in Japan, and continued to work with them; then they brought all the German scientists over here.  Then they did all these experiments unwittingly on the American public.  They sprayed toxins in the National Airport; they sprayed them in the Pentagon air conditioning systems; they put poison water in NIH; they put light bulbs filled with bacteria that they broke on the grates and contaminated the New York City's subway system; some of those microbes are still in the subway today.  They did aerial dosing from ships on about 60 million Americans.  They dosed San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Virginia, Norfolk, Virginia, all of the seaside towns were dosed from the air and a lot of the midwestern cities were also dosed all unwittingly.  They did 200 outdoor tests on Americans unwitting.

2:08. And they developed bioweapons, by 1969, they had a nuclear equivalent.  They could kill people at $00.29 per death, according to a CIA study, which they're bragging about.  Then in 1969, President Nixon shocked the world by going to Fort Detrick and ending the U.S. bioweapons program.  He was worried that we were creating bioweapons that could be reproduced for nothing, they were kind of a poor man's nuclear bomb.  Anybody could reproduce them once we made them, we were publishing how you did it.  So they were giving blueprints to foreign nations to create these things to be used against us, and he asked,

You know, why are we doing that? We have nuclear bombs.  We don't need these things, and we have a monopoly on nuclear bombs. Seven nations have them.  We've agreed not to give them to anybody else why are we letting these guys get weapons that are going to be turned against us?

So he shut down the whole program.  The Pentagon destroyed all of its bioweapons, but the CIA went into Fort Detrick right before the Pentagon went in there and took cultures of all the different weapons and hid them in a warehouse, a lot of them were in New York City and Washington.  We continued . . .   We signed the bioweapons treaty, which Nixon, one of the great accomplishments of Nixon, he got all the nations of the world to sign it.  We signed the Geneva Convention finally after delaying it for 50 years.  The CIA was breaking the law the entire time.  

3:49. Then in 2001, in June, the CIA sponsored the first of its pandemic simulations.  It simulates a biological attack on Washington, D.C. by Saddam Hussein.  This is in June 2001.  That simulation got international press, and a lot of the CIA people, like Judith Miller from the New York Times, were promoting it, going around doing all the talk shows, it triggered 2 Senate hearings, one by Joe Biden's Committee.  That hearing was in September 2001.  What happened in September 2001?  9/11.  So that hearing was going on during 9/11.  As soon as 9/11 happened, the NeoCons, who were working in all this stuff with the CIA, pulled out the PATRIOT Act, a 350-page statute from a shelf where it had been waiting a while, and in one week said we wanted to pass this in a week.  There was only 1 member of Congress who read it, Dennis Kucinich, and he went crazy.  He said, "You have no idea.  This is the end of the end of American democracy if you do this.  It allows the CIA to spy on Americans."  One of the things the PATRIOT Act did is that it did not get rid of the Geneva Convention or the Bioweapons Treaty, but it said that no federal official could be prosecuted for violating those two statutes.  So it reopened the bioweapons arms race globally a week after when the PATRIOT Act was being debated and it was being held up by two senators there was an Anthrax attack on the US Capitol.  It was blamed on Sodom Hussein, and the NeoCons said, "See, we were right," and the pandemic simulation where Saddam Hussein attacked us, that gets used as a justification to go to war against Saddam Hussein.  And within two days we passed the PATRIOT Act.  Who got the anthrax?  Two Senate offices: Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, the two senators who were blocking the PATRIOT Act.  The FBI did a one-year investigation and said this anthrax was unique; it was Ames Anthrax, and there's only one place in the world it could have come from: Fort Detrick, the CIA Lab.  So we went to war.  We passed the PATRIOT Act and immediately started giving $2 billion dollars a year to bioweapons development.  The Pentagon didn't want to do it, because it was nervous about the legality because it was a death penalty to violate the Geneva Convention.  You would have been committing a war crime even if somebody told you it was okay, it wasn't, and so they funneled it through DTRA and DARPA and funneled all of that money to NIH and NIAID, which became the primary speartip of bioweapons development so Tony Fauci became the bioweapons czar.  In 2001, his budget went up $2.2 billion dollars.  He was personally given a 68% raise from the military that's why he was the highest-paid individual in the federal government because he was getting the 68% bonus every year from the military but it meant that he could not stop and the thing that the military wanted was gain of function studies

15:10. 67% of participants turned the voltage up to 250 volts, where it was marked "Potentially Fatal,"  knowing that it was lethal.  33% of the participants got up and walked out 

The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrible Bioweapons Arms Race, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., 2023.