Tuesday, October 17, 2023

ABBY MARTIN ON PALESTINE: There's a 99.9% conviction rate. Kids are tortured. Kids are in prison.

Everyone mistakenly thinks that Hamas controls Palestine.  That's not true at all.  There are 3 different areas that were drawn up with the original partition.  It's the West Bank, which is totally under military rule by Israel.  And then there's the Gaza Strip which is like an open-air prison which they bomb the sh** out of every couple of years and Hamas controls that area.  And then there's Jerusalem, which is an international city center that both Arabs and Jews live in.  But the West Bank has been occupied militarily since 1967 and it's complete martial law.  There are checkpoints.  All political parties are illegal.  You can't . . . having a gun is like the least of it.  You can't hold a flag.  You can't belong to a political party.  You literally can't do sh** if you're a Palestinian.  You just have to sit there and submit.  Even if you share a photo of someone who was killed by an Israeli soldier, you go to jail, and you go to jail for the [number] of months that . . . yeah, based on the shares and the likes of the photo, they'll penalize you more and put you in prison for longer and longer.  Of someone who died, and they'll claim that you're sharing a martyr and inciting people to commit suicide.  And on behalf of Palestinians, you go to jail.  And they put them in jail.  There's a 99.9% conviction rate.  Kids are tortured.  Kids are in prison.  It is absolutely insane.  The first day that we were there, we went to the funeral of some guy, some farmer, shot by Israeli forces, and we went to the funeral.  It was horrible.  All the women are wailing and crying.  As we were leaving, the Israeli Forces had set up a checkpoint right outside of this dude's house and started tear-gassing and shooting rubber bullets at people who were simply attending the funeral.  Just to punish people for attending the funeral.  

We went to another girl's house, whose name is Aya, who got shot in the vagina for peacefully protesting at some protest.  They shot 200 people that day.  One guy next to her died.  Another guy was paralyzed.  They have a policy that's called "Shoot to Cripple" where they shoot guys in the dicks.  Yeah, it's f***ing nuts.

Different license plates for Arabs and Jews. 

"Since Ron D. knows this and outed them, there's no way they want him running the US"

Biden Admin Orders Banks Not To Reject Illegal Immigrants' Loan Applications

The Zionists have tremendous support from American megachurches and Christian evangelicals, many of whom believe that as the world becomes a firey Hell, they will be saved and be brought to an eternal paradise.

1:30  The Zionists garnered the support of the British Crown as early as 1841 and they were funded by the Rothschild banking dynasty, otherwise known as The Bank of England.  So the crown was likely involved from the start.  

1:45  In 1897, the political intent to recreate the state of Israel was made official to the public.  [The First Zionist Congress of 1897.]  And in 1917 under the British government's Balfour Declaration, British troops seized control of Palestine on behalf of the Zionists.  

1:58  In 1922, the League of Nations adopted the Declaration.  

2:03  And in 1947, the United Nations granted parts of Palestine to the Zionists.

Between 1947 and 1949, Palestinians were made refugees and kicked out of the homes of their ancestors.  Hundreds of villages and thousands of Palestinians were murdered in a series of massacres known as the Nakba.  The Zionists killed Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews.  The Zionists claimed to be non-religious, but they were mostly Ashkenazi Jews.  The Ashkanazes can be traced back to the Khazars, the progenitors of Rabbinic Judaism.  The Khazar Qaghanate was a major empire in what is now Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and parts of Russia, Turkey, and Iran.  It was ruled by the Khazars but made up of several, diverse nomadic tribes.  In the year 740, the Khazars mass converted to Judaism.  Synagogues and schools were built and Rabbinic Judaism was born. The original Jerusalem Talmud was recently replaced by the codified Babylonian Talmud, based on Babylonian philosophy, and became mainstream, thanks to the Khazars and the Zionists.  Some Christians believe that this is the synagogue of Satan, written about in the Bible, which says they are Jews and are not.  And many other Christians have become Zionists themselves.  The Zionists have tremendous support from American megachurches and Christian evangelicals, many of whom believe that as the world becomes a firey Hell, they will be saved and be brought to an eternal paradise.  But in order for this to happen, the Temple of Solomon must be rebuilt and 2/3 of the Jewish people must perish.  According to the Bible, King Solomon's Temple was constructed in 957 BC and destroyed in 586 BC, rebuilt again in 516 BC, and destroyed again in the year 70 AD.  Many Christians and Jews believe that this temple must be rebuilt in order for their Messiah to come.  But there is something in its way.  Originally built near the end of the 7th century, the Al-Aqsa Mosque is considered one of the three holiest sites in Islam.  Islam teaches that this is where the prophet Muhammed ascended to Heaven.  The Temple Mount has been occupied by Israel ever since the 6-Day War of 1967 and now it looks like they are ready to complete their mission.  This is the Holy War that sane people have feared and zealots have prayed for.  They want you to pick a side and kill each other, but we can always choose peace and learn to love our neighbors.  

Norman Finkelstein on Gaza

If Hamas is a military dictatorship, can you hold the civilian population accountable?   Norman Finkelstein

00:00 Intro 3:17 How Norman stays so healthy 6:17 How did Norman's parents' experience during the holocaust affect his views on Israel and Palestine? 18:19 The President of Israel blames Palestinians for Hamas. 38:38 What are Palestinians' rights to self-defense? 45:16 Norman's response to Oct 7th 51:35 A White Abolitionist's response to The Nat Turner Rebellion. 1:08:16 Amy Schumer claims to 'Stand Alone' as someone who supports Israel. 1:40:10 Norman debunks many myths surrounding Israel and Palestine. 2:06:54 The blockade on Gaza is a crime against humanity. 2:08:10 Norman calls out Bernie's response to Oct 7th 2:17:21 The U.S. made the same justifications for invasion after 9/11. 2:18:18 Lincoln's words ring true today. 2:28:36 Chuck Schumer wants to 'strangle' Gaza Economically. 2:29:32 Israel's former Prime Minister refuses to answer questions about Gaza. 2:35:57 Israel's Foreign Minister won't let Palestinians into Israel.