Tuesday, June 27, 2023

And people think I'm extreme when I call the Left "Bolsheviks"

ICYMI: More than 1,400 instances proving that @POTUS coerced and colluded with Big Tech to suppress free speech.

DR. ELIZABETH EADS: "the combination of Fenbendozale, Ivermectin, and apricot seeds, i.e., B-17 cures cancers. Not all cancers"

Here is Dr. Elizabeth Eads, [5:00-6:00] who has learned from a series of studies out of Europe that the combination of Fenbendozale, Ivermectin, and apricot seeds, i.e., B-17, cures cancers. Not all cancers, she qualifies that point. But there are 63 papers confirming this fact.  She specifies that this combination treats breast cancers, prostate cancers, and colon cancers.  And I like the dig she makes on Obama, passing the bill to unleash government propaganda through HR 4310, the National Defense Authorization Act, signed by Obama on December 29, 2012.  So basically, Section 1078 of that Bill authorizes the use of propaganda inside the U.S.A. which had previously been banned since 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, 1948, was passed.  What does this mean?  [8:00] It means they legalized propaganda, legalizing mainstream media, Big Pharma, hospitals, doctors, and publications to put out campaigns against Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, calling it "Horse Paste."  They weren't allowed to call it Ivermectin.  Who prevented people from calling Ivermectin?  Claiming that Hydroxychlorine was calling heart arrhythmias.  Chlorine Dioxide, they termed it "bleach."  Shout out to Pierre Kory, because the war on Ivermectin is beautifully laid out with all the evidence, and all the studies supporting this propaganda this study from Desort and Henin, The SAIVE Trial is a trial.  "Exposure to that Ivermectin reduced exposure to SARS-CoV-2 by 72%.  Not sure what that means exactly.  I'd be more interested to know what Ivermectin does to the spike proteins from the vaccine.  Hel-lo.  It is telling, however, that all of the Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine papers under the propaganda law were suppressed.  Then how did they get out then?   

12:00  Underlying cause of cancer falls into 3 categories: 1) EMF radiation, radiation, in general; 2) pesticides, glyphosate, benzine, and environmental toxins; 3) parasites.  All of this has been proven in the literature, so you have to attack all three of those causes/categories in order to treat cancer.  She includes the brand Root Spray and Clean Slate.  She also incorporates the blocking of all radiation radiation.and EMF and using products, topical products like Ozone Blocking, EMF-blocking scaler wave stickers.  They block EMF in your phone, your iPad, your cell tower, anything to block the EMF radiation that is bombarding us everyday.

13:35. Lee Merritt recently raised an interesting point going back to when they started to lay the electrical grid and wiryy for the TELEGRAPH. Everywhere where those wires were being laid down, usually along railroad tracks, there was an increased incidence of sickness in people living nearby.  Scientists have been tracking radiation exposure, and EMF exposure, all the way back to the telegraph.  Negative frequencies, whether in music or in warfare, we know that during World War I and World War II, they used negative musical frequency, called The Devil's Tone to injure and make the enemy hyper-aggressive and make them docile and actually surrender.  And then for each pandemic marching through the years, Dr. Lee Merritt lays out a correlation the increased amount of radiation exposure and disease.  So there's a great correlation.  You know, she's from the military, she has a Navy background.  She was an orthopedic spinal surgeon in the Navy and she sat on a lot of these military committees, so she has a lot of data.  But she has correlated the electromagnetic radiation frequency and disease in the human body whether that's acute sickness or illness or cancer she has correlated that and she's out there and she's really outspoken about the importance of Americans decreasing their exposure to EMF radiation and there are great papers on the frequency rate, papers supporting the 5G.  T there is evidence in Wuhan and Lombardi after they turned on those 5G towers is when most of those "Covid" cases occurred. So perhaps it was just a high amount of 5G exposure causing illness and sickness and toxicity in the body that killed a lot of those patients and not necessarily the bioweapon that was also distributed to people In Lombardi and Wuhan and New York City.

16:36. In your February interview you said something that some people thought was outrageous but you don't lie.  For example,  this explosion in cancers, you got the goods on to tell us there's also a video out by Dr. Bischoff. [Taking vitamin D3, Omega 3s, and exercise may reduce invasive cancers by 61% in adults 70 years old and up.] You can see him give his dissertation from cancer.org the Cancer Society Prevention Society.

17:00  At least a billion dead or disabled by Covid-19 bioweapon vaccine.  Are you sticking by that, or do you have more to back that up?

17:10  I am sticking by that.  Actually, it's going to be higher than that, 1.2 billion.  A paper recently came out submitted by Dave Hodges shows 600,000 Americans per year are dying from Covid shots.  And that data is supported by Stirling and Ed Dowd.  What they did is look at the actuary numbers in the insurance, life insurance numbers, because you know, because we don't have good data sets from the hospitals because they're not reporting vaccine injuries; they're not reporting vaccine status; they're not correlating the deaths with mRNA vaccines.  They're doing that on purpose.  

18:05  You're saying that the data they're getting of 600,000, that's just low because the hospital is shading that.  

18:16  I am sure it's slightly hire because we don't have the data set from the hospitals.  When we're talking about 600,000 excess deaths/year [Josh Stirling, an insurance analyst presents this number at the 6:49 mark] and we're not done with 2023 yet, that could potentially be 1.2 billion.  

18:34  A year?

18:35  Correct.  

18:40  That seems like a lot, right?  That's 1.2 billion globally.  There are 13 billion injections at least.  That's the number. These are the CDC numbers.  And there are at least 676 million injections alone.  676 million injections, CV19 bioweapon injections, in America alone.

19:05  So the UK has really good data set from their Dept. of Health and they have projected recently in a UK study that they've had 5, they're on their 5th or 6th booster.  They're projecting a population decrease by 2025 of 77%.  

20:35  Ed Dowd says that the number of injured is exponentially higher than those who are dying.  What do you think about the disabilities and deaths in the U.S. for 2023?  Ed Dowd said we lost 30% of our workforce in 2022.

20:54  It's going to be in the high millions. 600,000 and we're not done with 2023.  You double that and that's what, 1.2 million and that's underreported.  So millions.  Remember that the spike protein and the bioweapon nanotechnology remain in the body for we don't know how long.  There's no endpoint.  The reason you're getting these super cancers is because you have spike proteins being manufactured with no off button.  And so you have a delayed effect in auto-immune disorders and cancers.  What happens is that the spike protein dysregulates your T-cells, your B-cells which fight foreign bacteria, viruses, and cancers, and the complement system.  It interrupts that.  And then you have the SV40 that was discovered in the Moderna and Pfizer vials by Kevin McKernen who worked on the human genome project, who is a microbiologist.  So you have these foreign proteins with DNA, this monkey SV40 which he discovered in over the legal amount allowed to be as a contaminant in the vials, and multiple vials he looked at.  So you had these DNA proteins getting into the cells and introducing this monkey DNA, the SV40, which is also dysregulating your normal T-cells, normal B-cells, and complement which normally attack and eat cancer.  They're actually causing cancers.  And it's been suggested that these SV40 lead to cancers such as mesothelioma, lymphoma, and brain cancer.  And there's a direct correlation.  So there's no endpoint to the mRNA mechanism, the nanotechnology that has clearly been proven by the patents which are on Karen Kingston's substack.  And there's no turn-off switch for the spike protein.  The spike protein remains in the body for 1-3 years that we've seen so far. 

23:54  It doesn't dissipate?

23:55  No, that's my point.  

24:00  Is this why people are prescribing Ivermectin is it because it binds, this is what Dr. Pierre Kory told me, is it because it binds to the spike proteins and removes them?  Dr. Peter McCullough is also prescribing Nattokinase because it dissolves the spike protein.  Bind, remove, dissolves, sound like a pretty good one-two punch.  Are those two great things to have if you're going to preemptively attack spike proteins if you've been vaxx'd or if you're being shed on?

24:40  Absolutely.  Look, Nattokinase has been used as a food supplement in Japan for years.  And the life expectancy in Japan is really long, it's over 100 years old.  Nattokinase boosts the immune system.  It makes the red blood cells in your blood, whether it's venous or arterial, it doesn't matter.  It makes them less sticky, and it decreases the incidents of blood clots.  But also it's been shown by Peter McCullough and his team, to sweep out the spike protein, so I highly recommend the use of Nattokinase, Ivermectin, and some kind of chelation.  I love the Root Spray and Clean SlateIvermectin has been proven to decrease the effects of spike protein.  Decrease the effects of and limit viral exposure and the entrance of the virus into cells and block the mechanism of the virus sticking to the ACE2 Receptors and the spike protein sticking to the ACE2 receptors, which are all over all the organs in the body.  So I use a combination of products.  I also use dimethylglycine or methylene Blue to turn off the mRNA.  It demethylates the mRNA that is outside the cell.  There's no product that we know that stops the mRNA mechanism inside the cell at this point.  But I use that whole combination to lessen the effect of the spike protein.  

26:55  No treatment that we know of for the q dot nanoparticles that Karen Kingston describes.  

27:05  That's not shed on you, that's actually injected into the 200 plus million Americans . . . that is not a shedding issue.  That's an issue of injection, correct?

27:17  No.  Actually, the nanoparticles can be shed during transmission as well and they can jump from person to person.  And that's been seen in the DoD literature and supported by James Giordano, who is Advisor to U.S. Military Intelligence community.  In fact, he wrote that "neurotism technologies and neurotechnology nanoparticles, such as NeuroLink, Neurolace should not be considered for their mass destruction effects."

27:57  What would Elon Musk say about that? It's a bio weapon, right? These are all bio weapons, right?

28:05. These are definitely bioweapons.  If you go to Karen Kingston's substack, she has put out . . . she has done some great work in Florida.  She has put out 12 Points.  She set up a document that has laid out 12 talking points to send to your County Commissioner to get rid of these mRNA shots.  And in Point #12, I am going to read it, it says biological weapons are weapons of mass destruction.  Allowing their use on civilian populations is a 1st-degree felony in the state of Florida.  And she goes on to say that mRNA vaccines contain neurotechnology that is patented for use as a bioweapon.  She has the receipts on her website.  And this document can be downloaded off of her substack and used for any county in any state.  This is specific to Florida, but she has a letter on there where you can plug in your County Commissioner's name and office.  In the letter, you can tailor that letter to your own county commissioner in any state.  I actually sent it to my county commissioner here in Florida.  

29:40  Are they going to do anything about it? 

29:42  Yes, Collier County has passed legislation that protects its citizens against mandates, and these mRNA vaccines.  It also talks about informed consent and there are other counties in Florida that are going to pass legislation against these mRNA technologies., mandates, and against the lack of informed consent.  It's a beautifully written document and everybody should download that.

30:25  Karen Kingston was on the cutting edge of this from the very beginning.  

If you want to get Ivermectin without a prescription,
there are places in the United States.  See here.  If you order from outside the U.S., say, from India, it will take at least 1 full month before you receive it in your mail.  

$70 for 90 Count.  Well, it was $70.  Today, Sunday, May 19, 2024, it's $90 for 90-count.  

Vladimir Putin, George W Bush, and Prigozhin, 2006

What does it mean? 

Over 300 Canadian Soldiers Launch $500 Million Lawsuit Against Military For COVID Vaccine Mandates

Now we're getting somewhere.