Saturday, June 10, 2023

When a philanthropist gifts you a toilet, run. Bill Gates is a major private interest behind . . . "covid and future pandemics".

Video clip courtesy of Sense Receptor News.  

The masterminds behind this are private... they think of themselves as the owners of the world and they think that we're occupying their space, their resources, and there should be fewer of us.

Steve asked me whether Bill Gates was one of these “owners” and why would I think that he is a bad guy when a Netflix documentary shows him as a do-gooder bringing toilets to poor Africans. I forgot to mention that both Hitler and Stalin were admired on Times Magazine cover, so it’s not news that rich and powerful international terrorists employ PR agencies and buy media to manufacture a do-gooder "brilliant guy” image.

Some very good comments on this were posted by readers, I am going to quote a couple of them here:

in reality, he [Bill Gates] does good things for a few while simultaneously killing millions of other people.

I have lived in a third-world country. For example, Mexico has drug cartels. To control the local people's image of themselves, they build schools, give money to poor people to win their loyalty, and kill others who are not subservient to their demands on the same day. They are the worst kind of humans imaginable. They are murderers, rapists, and, worse, only using people for profit. The seemingly good things they do are just a deception, cloaking their true identity just like Bill Gates does.

This comment (and the perfect example of the cartels) is extremely important because it cuts to the heart of evil. The Mexican cartels are death cults, and create Potemkin villages, as death cults always do. As Gates and his toilets do. People who cannot grasp the nature of evil cannot grasp what is happening with the jabs.

The only way to fight a predator or any danger is first, you must be able to see it, especially when it camouflages. I was on a hiking trip in the Andes some years ago in a large group (30+ people). Two first hikers stepped over this, and the third one noticed it. This is a particularly poisonous viper that could have killed or at least severely injured one of us (it was startled and pissed off).

(You'll need to enlarge it to see it, and even then you won't be able to see any distinctive markings to identify it properly.)

The person who noticed the viper, a police officer, told us that he was afraid of snakes and that his older brother used to throw snakes at him. Knowledge and experience with the subject are important.

Note - I am not comparing Bill Gates to snakes because that is disparaging to snakes. They are not evil.

I believe that Bill Gates is one of the main financiers and masterminds behind the global unrestricted biochemical and psychological warfare, along with WEF and UN backers. Bill Gates controls the policies of mass murder camouflaged as “public health” via the control of the financing of the international policy-setting bodies.

Today, member-states contributions to WHO are capped and account for only 16% of the budget. The 84% of the money comes from private entities (i.e. cartels of rich unelected assholes who want to rule the world), the main ones being Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI (also Bill Gates controlled), which together contribute ~$1.2 billion to the budget, making them the second largest financier of the WHO. In addition, Bill Gates invests in other entities that give money to the WHO, such as the Covid-19 Solidarity fund listed on this page, which received ~$55M from BMGF and GAVI. The slide below courtesy of Philipp Kruse, a Swiss attorney:

As we can see, one of the main owners and controllers of the WHO and likely its single largest financier is a PRIVATE PERSON. His name is Bill Gates. As was also discussed later in our interview, Bill Gates's “philanthropy” comes with dictating policies which, if not implemented precisely as Bill Gates wants, end the funding and further result in the sabotage of the refuseniks and worse. We have already established that the policies Bill funds and pushes via WHO are anti-human and contain the removal of national sovereignty, and unrestricted acts of terrorism camouflaged as public health that have unfolded during the past 3 years.

The information on the sources of funding of the WHO has never been secret. Why is it then, when Bill Gates is brought up as the bad guy behind the covid atrocities, we must pretend he is just a geeky, super smart guy who does the philanthropy thing? And that it is a crazy conspiracy theory to connect him with the global genocide?

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has funded both BioNTech and Moderna and profited tremendously from these companies, as their poisonous products were forced, via WHO policies, on billions of people worldwide.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also funded the main fraudulent studies Solidarity and Recovery which intentionally overdosed the patients with lethal doses of hydroxychloroquine. The worldwide narrative that covid is not treatable by repurposed drugs and gave the US Government-Pharma cartel the cover they needed to push the EUA countermeasures was established based on these “studies”.

These public facts about the money flows already easily establish Bill Gates as one of the main masterminds of the globally orchestrated “pandemic” atrocity. Of course, he is not the only one, but clearly, he is very important in the area of weaponizing global public health. As another example, Soros’s main push is the destruction of the rule of law through the hijacking of law enforcement - he buys all the “progressive” district attorneys in the US.  But back to Bill - he is in the policy makers class and he implements his cherished eugenics policies for population control through WHO and other “health” policy distributors that he funds. This chart was made by Iain Davis and I find it helpful to see the layers of the international mafia cartel. However, as I keep reminding myself, these are organizations only, there are individuals behind them who own, fund and control them, and Bill Gates is one of the main owners:

This answers the “Who-Is-Doing-This?” question and further clarifies the picture of the global crime in progress that I previously discussed here.



Thanks to San Gabriel Tutor for this video and comments.  Clearly there's infinite evidence that Germany, or any other country, can recover economically ONCE government regulation in the market is removed.  No, actually in spite of regulation.  But if you want to see a surge, government needs to get out of the way. 

Read more about Ludwig Erhard here.

Tom Woods and Robert Higgs explain how 1946, the first year after the war, was the most productive year in all of U.S. history.

Second, if we’re going to believe these crazy GDP numbers from the early 1940s, that tell us oh, wow, what a great bout of prosperity we had, we also have to believe these same figures when they also tell us that 1946 was a terrible depression year.  Yet we know that 1946 was probably the most prosperous year in all of American history from the point of view of production.  Private production increased by 30% in one year.  We’ve never seen anything before or since that would even touch that.  But according to these same figures, this was a time of depression.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Steve Kirsch Testifies the Truth About All Vaccines to Pennsylvania State Senate

All these vaccines are causing harm to our kids.  It's not just the COVID Vaccines.  It's every single one of them.  There's never ever been a study comparing fully vaccinated kids, who follow the CDC schedule, versus kids who did not get vaccinated at all, who did not get a vitamin K shot, which is not a vitamin.  And whose mother did not get vaccinated if you compare the results of kids whose moms didn't get vaccinated no vitamin K shot and no vaccines and if you compare the outcomes of those Kids versus kids who got the CDC schedule there is a dramatic difference. It is an unbelievable difference.  It is a difference that nobody wants to talk about.  There are no studies, zero, that show the opposite.  You know I go on Twitter, and the doctors say, well, for every study there's always a study that shows the opposite.  This is the one case where there are no studies in medicine that show the opposite results.  The fully unvaccinated kids are always healthier.  And, in fact, there was a 10-year study done by Dr. Paul Thomas.  And, of course, they got that study retracted,  unethically, in violation of the COPE guidelines.  That 10-year study showed that the kids who got measles were the kids who were vaccinated against measles. The kids who got mumps were the kids who got vaccinated against mumps. The kids who did not get any vaccines did not get any of the diseases that the kids were vaccinated against . . . we're vaccinated. So when you talk about you shouldn't be discriminated against because you didn't get a vaccine, you should be applauded because you didn't get a vaccine because you did the right thing.  If you're a parent and you didn't vaccinate your kids you should be applauded because you did the research and you found out that vaccines are causing chronic disease in America.  There's a study that was done by The Control Group they have over a thousand people who are unvaccinated.  The health outcomes in those people are night and day compared with fully vaccinated people.  

We have like a 60% rate of people with a chronic disease in America.  If you've not been vaccinated at all, the rate is close to zero.  And, of course, none of this is talked about.  They tried to get the CDC to do a study of the fully vaccinated versus the fully unvaccinated.  In 2005, the CDC Director Julie Gerberding from 2002 to 2009, promised to do such a study.  She said, "Yes, we should do such a study. It's important that we do a study now. We can refine it later," and that was nearly 20 years ago. And that study has never been done.  And it will never be done because they don't want people to know that all these vaccines have been harming people since the very beginning.  There is no safe vaccine, not a single one.  Not one vaccine is safe and effective.  And I actually went on Twitter and offered $2,500 to anybody who could show me such a study.  And nobody was able to produce such a study. 

Find Steve Kirsch's notes for the presentation in a fun and easy-to-read slideshow here.

India, the most diabetics in the world, just crossed the 100 million diabetics threshold!! Low meat, high carb, high seed oil diet!!

Thank you to Wejolyn for this post.