Thursday, June 8, 2023

I feel sick.  

I feel sick because I was wrong about two FDA officials who purportedly resigned from the FDA in protest against the approval of the vaccines.  I was wrong.  I'll say it again, I was wrong.  And it only took me one full year to learn of my mistake and to correct it here. 

I made a post with the headline in bold lettering as a kind of breakthrough from institutional corruption, "MARION GRUBER & PHIL KRAUSE: ACTUAL HEROS AT THE FDA."  At that time, June 22, 2022, I was so eager to look for some good news coming out of government institutions that I posted that without critical research to assess and review it like a principled writer.  

The Federal government is made up of a bunch of Madeline Albrights, John McCains, and Lindsey Grahams.  

Okay, dates help to sort things out.  Pfizer applied for EUA on November 20, 2020.  FDA scientist, Marion Gruber, knew the lipid nanoparticles and their payloads were inflammatory in multiple organs, knew they were toxic, and STILL AUTHORIZED THIS FOR EMERGENCY USE ON DECEMBER 11, 2020.

The inflammatory lipid nanoparticles and their payloads collect in the ovaries and other key organs, are not rapidly cleared from the human body and are toxic.

Pfizer scientists knew this before seeking EUA approval from the FDA through the 11/20/2020 EUA application.

FDA scientists led by Marion Gruber knew this when authorizing the product for emergency use on 12/11/2020.

Pfizer, FDA and Gruber withheld this information from the public and knowingly lied each time they described the products as “safe and effective.”


Let's go to London, they said. We'll see all the great cultural sites, they said. Fine restaurants, Shakespeare, English countryside, they said. How do I get out of this digital prison, I asked

Hourly Benefits of Fasting

Colonel Ashley Oughterson, MD, on the radiation effects in Hiroshima: “It is . . . difficult to explain the complete absence of radiation effects in a number of people who were theoretically exposed to lethal dosages of radiation.”

This was a fascinating review of the evidence and testimony and eyewitness accounting of scientists and military officials following the bomb blast over Nagasaki and Hiroshima.  It's been argued that Tokyo was bombed far more devasting than either of the twin cities.  

WATCH THE 28-MINUTE VIDEO.  IT IS DEVASTATING TO THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE.  The author is Michael Palmer, a German physician by training.  He claims that the bombs that exploded at and over Nagasaki and Hiroshima were not plutonium radiation bombs.  The illnesses that victims of the explosion were the result of napalm [see Section 8.1 on this page] and mustard gas.  

American Colonel Ashley Oughterson, MD, on the radiation effects in Hiroshima, see Section 6.5 on this page

“It is … difficult to explain the complete absence of radiation effects in a number of people who were theoretically exposed to lethal dosages of radiation.” 
Oughterson headed the medical “Joint Commission” that investigated the aftermath of the bombings. A short time after writing down these words, he died in a plane crash in Colombia. Three of the other six American MDs who served on the commission also died before their time. 


Eyewitness reports which suggest the use of mustard gas are not in short supply. The possibility that some kind of poison gas had been released at Hiroshima was brought up early on by Dr. Masao Tsuzuki, the leading Japanese member on the U.S.-Japanese “Joint Commission” of medical scientists convened to investigate the aftermath of the bombing. The historian Sey Nishimura [6] quotes from a 1945 article by Tsuzuki:

Immediately after the explosion of the atomic bomb, some gas permeated, which appeared like white smoke with stimulating odor. Many reported that when inhaled, it caused acute sore throat or suffocating pain.

The first Western journalist to report from Hiroshima, the Australian Wilfred Burchett [7],1 also brings up poison gas:

My nose detected a peculiar odour unlike anything I have ever smelled before. It is something like sulphur, but not quite. I could smell it when I passed a fire that was still smouldering, or at a spot where they were still recovering bodies from the wreckage. But I could also smell it where everything was still deserted.

According to Burchett, the Japanese he spoke to believed that the smell

is given off by the poisonous gas still issuing from the earth soaked with radioactivity released by the split uranium atom, and he reports that the Japanese then engaged in clearing the debris from the city center were wearing gauze masks over their faces to protect themselves from the gas.

Among 105 witnesses who experienced the Hiroshima bombing as school-age children, and whose memories were collected and published by the Japanese teacher Arata [8], 13 explicitly mention poisonous gas or fumes. One of them, Hisato Itoh, died of leukemia shortly after writing his account, which contains this statement:

Both my mother and I had been through a great deal of strain during this time … and then we also started to feel listless and began to lose our hair because we had breathed the gases when the atom bomb fell.

From Sasha Latypova:

Fakery in weapons is a broader topic than “scary scary genetically modified viruses”. Fake does not mean harmless, but we must try to uncover the truth to understand how evil is being perpetrated, to fight it effectively, and to care for the injured.

You can buy or download the book Michael has written about this topic on his website.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Signed letter from President Trump on Jan 19, 2021, the day before he left office, declassifying “Crossfire Hurricane” docs showing Obama, Biden, the CIA, DOJ, and FBI spied on him. Now you know why they raided Mar a Lago--to steal back evidence of their crimes