Saturday, May 6, 2023

Peter Baldrige, former Assistant General Counsel of the Calif Dept of Public Health notified the agency they were violating the law by not investigating COVID vaccine injuries and deaths. They ignored him.

Peter Baldrige, former Assistant General Counsel of the Calif Dept of Public Health notified the agency they were violating the law by not investigating COVID vaccine injuries and deaths. They ignored him. So I will be filing a writ of mandamus which is a court order to force them to do their job. If the writ is granted by the court, it’s very likely that we will get to have input on how they do it. That will be a nice change, won’t it? 

Who wants to see the data?

As Ryan Cole is fond of saying, “You will never find what you don’t look for.”

Let’s be clear. California is not looking into any injuries or deaths caused by the vaccines. They are looking out for the interests of the drug companies, not your health. They don’t care how many people in California have been injured or died. Your injuries and deaths are immaterial. They don’t care. They don’t even want to look.

The medical community in California is not better. They don’t want an investigation either. Have you heard of a single doctor, Dean of Medicine, or medical association in California calling for an investigation? Of course not!

Does Governor Newsom want an investigation? No way. Newsom himself is vaccine injured so he knows the vaccines cause harm. That’s why he dropped out of sight for weeks after his booster shot. A proper investigation would show that the vaccines killed people which means that Newsom instituted policies that likely lead to the untimely demise of tens of thousands of innocent residents of California and the injury of many times that number.

The only person who called for an investigation, as required by law, is the former Assistant Chief Counsel of the California Department of Public Health. He worked there for 27 years and is appalled by what is happening there now. They can’t take away his medical license because he’s not a doctor. They could try to take away his license to practice law, but he’s retired. This is a problem for them. They ran into someone they couldn’t intimidate.

Not a single candidate in history who has polled above 50%, let alone 60%, has ever lost a Presidential primary.

These numbers are undeniable. 

#1 Based on a study of 1,100 articles from six major newspapers between 2019 and 2021, the media is four times more likely to mention the race of white murderers as compared to black murderers

George Soros was a shareholder of FOX News

How come the United Kingdom is left out of every story geopolitically?  Somehow, they're like the hidden hand that nobody ever talks about anymore.

First, we know what just happened with Tucker at Fox, and there's a slight parallel in history that might give us some insight.

POE, 00:53: Well, back in 2013, Glenn Beck did a 3-part series called The Puppet Master, exposing George Soros, and shortly after he was kicked off Fox News.  Dan Bongino's show closed, and shortly after Tucker Carlson's, and both of them had been going after George Soros quite a bit.  

Dan Bognino's content manager is Matt Palumbo, author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros, February 2022.  He's been pushing that book quite a lot, he's been going on shows, and his boss Bongino has been very supportive.  This begs the question, is the shutting down of Beck, Carlson, and Bongino the result of the hidden hand of Soros in conjunction with the hidden hand of the UK?  Are they one in the same?

Settlement for the Dominion lawsuit.  

Dominion is in cahoots with Smartmatic in this whole election thing.  Smartmatic, originally a Venezuelan company, was bought up by a British consortium whose CEO was Mark Molloch-Brown, a long-time friend and collaborator of George Soros who now is president of Soros' Open Society Foundations.  So it's a tight little world, and in this tight little world we have a lot of nefarious UK-connected figures.  

MEL, 4:20 Rupert Murdoch is vehemently opposed to ever seeing Trump back in office.  Staple Street owns Dominion now.  The guys who started Staple Street are Carlyle Group guys, which connects back to Bush, Cheney, and once again it's the small neocon intel group who have collaborated in some way.  Money changed hands.  It looks like a merger of the one-party rule crowd, billionaire elite class capture of America.  

5:40, POE, Soros was a shareholder of Fox News.  He certainly was when the Glenn Beck show was on at Fox.  That affected me directly because the Puppet Masters series that Glenn Beck did was based on my book, The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and 60s Radicals Sieized Control of the Democratic Party, 2010, which I co-wrote with David Horowitz.  Even after the Puppet Master, Glenn continued having me on his show repeatedly, talking about Soros and all kinds of related subjects.  So it was definitely a big blow to me when Glenn got kicked off, and anyone else who wants to know the truth about these subjects.  I do remember that that was one of the issues that Soros bought into Fox News, so I haven't followed that.  I don't know if he's still a shareholder.  The thing about Soros, from all my research which goes back to the early 90s, everything that I have learned about him continues to support my contention that he is a British asset, certainly an agent of influence for the British Foreign Office.  Whether he is formerly an asset for other British agencies or institutions, I can't say or I can't prove, but it is very clear that he is an instrument of British Foreign Policy, consciously and formerly so, due to his . . . well, the British Foreign Office has a formal program; it's public, it's not a secret.  But they take UK alumni, such as Soros, who've graduated from UK universities, reach out to them, monitor them, maintain communication with them, and basically try to get them to network with other UK alumni for the rest of their lives.  And those who become prominent, like Mr. Soros, are recruited to help advance British foreign policy agendas.  Again this is not some secret.  I read this in a white paper from the British Foreign Office in 2015.  It describes this program in great detail and very proudly announces in their humble opinion that the UK is the world's greatest "soft power" as they put it, directly because of this program of recruiting foreign students to study in the UK, as young George Soros did, and then following them throughout their lives.  

Novak Djokovic reflects on the trauma of NATO bombing his childhood home in 1999