Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Start Improving Bad Knees Right Now

In a coffee shop in Odessa a raging Ukrainian Nazi challenged the staff for listening to Russian music and speaking the Russian language.

The resentment between these two people is something. 

Vest Cam Footage of Nashville Shooting

This is what Herbert Marcuse's legacy has wrought.  

A preview of the shooting takes place at 3:28, but the full engagement unfolds toward the end at 5:35.

Also, remember this face, and her name is the unconventional, Ashbey Beasley, from Highland Park, IL.  This pic may be all you need to know about her.

She is picking up the refrain of David Hogg. 

Hogg's father, Kevin Hogg, is a former FBI agent, apparently running security at LAX.  Sounds like a lax gig.  Former agent?  Like the CIA, do FBI agents ever retire? Heavy explains,  

Before joining the FBI, Kevin Hogg, 51, was a Navy pilot and an elementary school teacher, he told CNN in the video at the top of the page. He explained that he was dumbfounded that anyone would think he was somehow using his son to trick the country. “My career has been perfect,” he said, adding that he was still proud of his work with the FBI. 

There were unfounded rumors this week that Kevin worked for Cubic Simulation Systems, but there doesn’t appear to be any evidence to back those rumors up. A Kevin Hogg does work for the company in Orlando, but that Kevin’s LinkedIn says he has worked there for 11 years and does not mention any prior military experience. David’s father, meanwhile, has only been retired from the FBI since 2014.

I haven't verified this yet but it looks likely given the fact that David's dad worked at LAX in Los Angeles.  So Hogg went whole hog as a crisis actor showing up on the doorsteps of a tragedy at Parkland, Florida.  So if David attended Redondo High School in Southern California, why did, er, how, did Hogg end up in Parkland, Florida stumping for gun control? Because of Daddy FBI agent?

SIGNATURE VERIFICATION: not being followed in Maricopa County, [and] It is the way that they inject tens of thousands of illegal ballots into the system

3/4 of PPP Funds Accrued into the Top 20% of Households

Sometimes living in the U.S. feels like living in Ukraine.  And where who is in office matters not a whit. 

Rolls Royce had a record year in 2022.  How did that happen, how does a luxury car brand, the top luxury car brand, have a record year in a recession?  Depends on who you ask.  

Rolls-Royce sold a record number of cars last year, driven by demand in the US — its biggest market. 

The UK-based carmaker sold 6,021 cars, an 8 percent rise on 2021 — and the highest annual figure in its 119-year history. 

 The company expects to deliver record profits when it discloses financial figures in the coming weeks. 

 About a third of its sales are in the Americas, while a quarter are in China and a fifth in Europe. 

Sales in China fell slightly because of lockdowns and the government’s zero-Covid-19 policy. 

The overall sales boost was helped by customization, which also rose to highs as luxury car buyers fitted out their models with “ever more imaginative” add-ons. 

The bespoke features, from the type of carpet inside a vehicle to personalized paintwork, helped raise the price of an average Rolls-Royce car above €500,000 for the first time.