Sunday, January 15, 2023

Biden's highly classified documents on Ukraine in context

"they all conspired to cover up his scandal & keep it from the American public until well after the election"

Saturday, January 14, 2023

SHEDDING IS REAL: "we know the concept in vaccinology of self-spreading vaccines. They've been used to sterilize rabbit populations" and horse populations

If [you've been vaccinated and] there's a pregnant woman [in your circles], don't be in skin contact or in the same room with that individual for 4 weeks.  --Dr. Ryan Cole

When you read the abstract and the conclusion, everything is an homage to the shot, but if you go read the data tables, that's where you glean that their conclusion doesn't match the data.  There was a Brazil study with rats and fertility, and it showed a decrease of 16% in the implantation of the embryo in the uterus.  And then there was a mouse study also showed, and these are obscured papers, obscured in the data tables, they're very well hidden, and if you go and read a paper and say Oh, gosh, they concluded it was fine, but if you read the data, you go, wait.  There are signals here that are concerning.  And we know that the ovaries and the eggs, and every woman is born with every egg she'll ever have are replete with ACE-2 Receptors.  So we know from the papers I mentioned that we have circulating spikes.  It's going to bind to that ACE2 on the ovaries and on the eggs.  It can induce inflammatory pathways.  I have two hypotheses.  Everybody asks "Will a spike be shed?"  Well, certainly we have exosomes carrying the spike in the bodies of those who have had the shots, but . . . 

In Wuhan in the subways, there were early studies on the infection showing that they could detect spikes in the sweat of individuals in the subway.  So we know the spike does come out in secretions.  Then the question becomes how much of it is necessary and sufficient to influence an individual in the environment?  We know in the Pfizer emergency application on Page 67 at the bottom of the page, "If there's a pregnant woman don't be in skin contact or in the same room with that individual for 4 weeks."  [IN OTHER WORDS, IF YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE HAS BEEN VACCINATED, STAY AWAY FROM THEM FOR 4 WEEKS].  So Pfizer knew something, and we know the concept in vaccinology of self-spreading vaccines.  They've been used to sterilize rabbit populations, not SARS-CoV-2 but other types of viruses, where one rabbit will take it back to the warren and other rabbits in the warren can no longer get pregnant, so they use it for population control.  [JUST CURIOUS: WHEN BILL GATES WAS RUNNING HIS POPULATION CONTROL EXPERIMENTS, I WONDER IF THERE WERE ANY SCIENTISTS OR VACCINOLOGISTS WHO WERE WRITING ABOUT SELF-SPREADING VACCINATIONS?]  I'm not saying they did or didn't do this, but if you have something being shed that is the toxic part of the virus, well, that is a concerning feature.  You know, hypothetically, and I don't have any way to prove this yet, but part of it makes sense to me, if you have spike binding to ACE2 Receptors, well, you're inducing inflammation in the ovaries.  Just like women in a college dorm will cycle together [meaning sync their menstruation] or in a barracks because of pheromones, well, if you have an intense inflammatory response shifting your hormones such that you're secreting a cloud of pheromones that could be another reason why women who are around women post-shot end up bleeding or spotting as well end up getting these same problems.    

Vaccine Induced Documentary: The Story of Shaun Mulldoon

Who is Shaun Mulldoon?  If you feel you need help recovering from COVID or the vaccine or from shedding, a very good place to start is with FLCCC, Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.  They offer protocols for every stage of an illness, including the prior-to stage with preventative measures, and post-vaccine protocols.  You're probably taking a few of their recommendations already.  Check out their different protocols.  Here is the one for post-vaccinated.

"5+ hoppy beers, you'll intake an equivalent of ~half a pill of birth control based on the estrogenic content."

And to think that as teenagers we used to compete against each other and shame one another for not drinking more.