Monday, January 9, 2023

TOM LUONGO: The Fed is trying to stop the march to war by aggressively raising rates and shutting down the money spigot, force a crisis onto the ED/OS markets.

JUDY SHELTON: Fix Congress, you really fix today's inflation

Debasing Yourself in Public Is Part of Occult Initiation

teachers don't even have children themselves?

These are just opinions but interesting observations nonetheless. 

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Eva Bartlett on the ground in Ukraine

The interview is from May 29, 2022, so only 3 months into the war.  But if you're looking for an accurate assessment of the conflict in Ukraine, this, though dated, is quite good.  Clayton Morris is the host, and Eva Bartlett is the guest from Ukraine.  At the 29:00 mark, she mentions Andrei Martyanov as a source for Russian military capabilities.