Thursday, December 15, 2022

Dr. Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, Issues a Warning

Please read the captions to his comments.   

Why not pivot from Jagger's emaciated mealy-mouthed lyrics and Keith Richard's creviced mug to compliant little bitches promoting a bioweapon on behalf of the surveillance state?

Rolling Stones to fans on Covid19 vaccines: "We've all had the shot and you better get one too"

“Put the mask over your nose.”

Why not?  Their career is over.  In fact, their career has been over for a very long time.  It's just taken a while for the dope-addled late-boomers to notice.  They thought they could enjoy one last toke, one last hoorah, one last concert in the long goodbye.  

"Safe and effective"

But now it's official:  the insane Wango Tango 70s, rock 'n' roll's version of Helter Skelter and short-term thinking and decisions suggested by Stephen Stills' "Love the One You're With" to destroy American conservative life is over.  America's youth today has porn, and that's no match for running down to Music Plus, buying concert tickets from TicketMaster, and going to the old Inglewood Forum behind Hollywood Park.  

Is it a case of the cognitively impaired boomers are no longer capable of watching octogenarians prancing and prattle on stage has come to an end?  


And in today's easy access to almost any commodity, the "You Can't Always Get What You Want" ethic is no longer true?  So, why not pivot?  Why not pivot from Jagger's emaciated mealy-mouthed lyrics and Keith Richard's craggy rebel mug to compliant little bitches promoting a bioweapon on behalf of the surveillance state?  

"The new normal"

They've rocked.  And they've rolled.  Now it's time to gather the "green" or the moss, while calling us all to join them and go gently into that good night, a kind of a nostalgic, lyrical call to eugenics.  You know the murdering monsters at MI6 wrote the script for their commercial, the murdering bastards.

"The CDC says . . ."

Mick Jagger is almost 80 years old.  Young and old people like their music, not the performance of old men prancing on stage.  Ain't that a picture? 

"Did you get Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson?"

Keith Richards is 78, again almost 80 years old.  Why attend the concert of octogenarians?  Buy an album or CD and play their music at your birthday party if you like them so much.  So they've got nothing left to say musically, so they've opted to come out as pimps for the COVID warfare.  Nice guys, eh?

"15 Days to Flatten the Curve"

Ronnie Wood is 75, so he's done.  Or should have been done.  Who knows how much methamphetamine they required to make live performances.  I am sure that MI6 did much of their marketing.

       "We're all in this together"

The founder, Brian Jones, was lost in 1969.   

"Unprecedented times"

Charlie Watts checked out due to a "heart procedure surgery."  Hmm, I wonder from what.  It could not have been from the smoking alone . . . .

"I am Science"

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

2021: 30-Year Mortgage @ 3.1% on a $250k Home Cost $1,014 Per Month. 2022: Rate @ 6.33% on a $250k Home Costs $1,475/Month, an Increase of 45%

Just so you know where we stand. 

And in recent news: 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

this study found that the top 3 selling US fish oil supplements ALL had oxidized lipids

Inositol hexaphosphate [IP6] plus inositol induced complete remission in stage IV melanoma

Check this out

Inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) also called phytic acid is a polyphosphorylated carbohydrate naturally found in cereals, nuts, grains, and high-fiber-containing foods. It has been shown to inhibit the growth of many different tumor cell lines both in vitro and in vivo like colon, pancreas, liver, prostate, and even melanoma. Vitamin B inositol is a precursor of IP6 and another naturally occurring compound with anticancer properties. We present a case report of a patient with metastatic melanoma who declined traditional therapy and opted to try over the counter supplement IP6+inositol instead. To our surprise, the patient achieved a complete remission and remains in remission 3 years later. On the basis of this case and previous preclinical studies, we believe further research is indicated in exploring antiproliferative and potential immune stimulating effects of IP6+inositol in patients with metastatic melanoma. 

Melanoma is a very difficult cancer to treat.  The fact that this was a stage IV, metastasized cancer makes this remission even more remarkable.  Liver cancer, too, is a tough cancer to treat, yet IP6 has brought healing to that illness too.

IP6 Gold Powder is a preferred brand.