Sunday, January 9, 2022

Evidence of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry in the Pfizer Vaccine

No one is guarding the castle. 

CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, grew excited over the concept of compliance.  What he's talking about is slavery for us.


Does this mean that all countries where the vaccine is being implemented in lieu of more effective and less toxic substances also made deals with the different vaccine manufacturers?  I wonder when we're going to hear about the deals that Pfizer, Moderna, J & J, and others made with the United States.  Actually, the PREP Act gives total immunity to Pfizer's vaccines from any liability to vaccine damages.  Brazil and Argentina, both willing to throw their citizens under the bus, put up as collateral military bases and bank reserves.  From the Greg Reese video in the above link:

The companies would not be responsible for adverse effects, or their own negligence—fraud or malice.  Pfizer then demanded that the nation’s bank reserves, military bases, and embassy buildings as collateral against future vaccine damages.  In brazil, Pfizer asked for vast money reserves to be put into foreign bank accounts, that Pfizer be exempt from the law of the land, and be exempt from any side effects and all civil liability.  In the United States, the Public Readiness & Emergency Preparedness Act, or PREP Act, gives total immunity to Pfizer and all manufacturers of experimental jabs.  So there’s no reason to threaten any government agency in the U.S.  They always knew how dangerous the radical and experimental mRNA jabs actually are.  It’s what the science says.  The only ones who say otherwise are the bureaucrats and pop culture media agents working for Big Pharma.  By every measure, this is the greatest crime ever committed by Big Pharma out of a long list, their magnum opus for the dark arts, death, and depopulation.  And they were setting up governments to take the fall so that the bankers can have their great reset without any resistance.

If this isn't one more example of full-proof evidence that your government has never sought your best interests but only your demise on your dime and then blaming you, well, I don't know what else I can offer.  For a general warning as to what government is about, I highly recommend that you read Murray Rothbard's 1974 essay, "Anatomy of the State."  And when you finish that, get yourself a copy of R. J. Rommel's 1994, Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900.  

Christine Anderson of the European Parliament has already reminded us.  Forget no longer.  Never forget.  Never forgive.  Hold the line.   


And some folks were hoping for a relief from last year.  Here we go.  

Looks to me, too, that having the Supreme Court endorse vaccine mandates tries to position them and their position as though they're above financial incentives.  I have my doubts.


Thank you to the Post Millennial

Note how Dr. Phil's guests flank him as though they're closing ranks and circling the wagon.  These leftist ideologies and ideologues really are losing influence and those appointed to be the vanguard of the movement really are frightened.  Their narratives cannot hold.  

Outside of his book[s], you can find essays and interviews by and with James here.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Justin Trudeau ordered 10x more vaccines than there are Canadians

DAVID MARTIN  The Canadian government gets a kickback from every one of the Pfizer and Moderna shots because Acuitas and Arbutus, a Biopharmaceutical Company, both out of British Columbia are the ones that invented the lipid nanoparticle that is licensed to inject the pathogen into everybody.  Canada wins every time there’s a shot, which may explain why Justin Trudeau ordered 10x more vaccines than there are Canadians including the moose.  Why would we need 10 times the doses more than the sum total of all of Canada plus the moose?  Well, it turns out it’s racketeering because if I’m getting a kickback for every dollar I’m spending, guess what I get to do?  I get to pocket a whole lot of money from all over the world, which is exactly what happened. 

TRUDEAU, 2:00-2:55  While more and more Canadians are getting vaccinated right now, it’s also important to plan ahead for the future.  We’ve reached an agreement with Pfizer for 35 million booster doses for next year and 30 million for the year after.  This deal includes options to add 30 million doses in both 2022 and 2023 and an option for 60 million doses in 2024.  Pfizer has been a solid partner with Canada in this fight with COVID-19 we’re happy to be one of the first countries to secure an agreement with them going forward.  These boosters will be the latest version of the Pfizer vaccine based on research and testing; they will help us keep the virus under control.  And the work doesn’t end there either.  We’re in ongoing discussions with other vaccine manufacturers about their plans for booster shots, too.

This video did not make clear the importance of the Deaths category in the VAERS reporting.  How is that more important from a legal standpoint?  The "Not a vaccine program" point wasn't really an argument.  

Deaths is the most important category of the VAERS data because Dead people from the “Not a vaccine program" more than doubles, yes, doubles the number of deaths from any other vaccine in our reporting history. Why this is a problem or why this should concern you is

TRUDEAU, 3:46-5:50  But when we talk about the high vaccination rates of Canadians, 82%, 85%, 87% in various jurisdictions of Canadians fully vaccinated, it’s always eligible Canadians because we know, particularly those of us who are parents, like I am, of kids under 12, that not everyone can get vaccinated yet.  We have heard that Pfizer has now submitted for regulatory approval at Health Canada a pediatric vaccine for kids 5 to 11, and this is great news.  I can assure you that Health Canada is going to be examining attentively that submission.  And even though I know that parents are going to be eager to get their kids vaccinated as quickly and as soon as possible.  I want people to be patient because Health Canada is going to be taking the time necessary to ensure that like all vaccines approved for use in Canada, vaccines approved for kids 5 to 11, will be fully safe and effective.  It is extremely important that they go through all the full processes necessary so that every parent can have confidence when these vaccines do get approved that they will be safe for their children to keep us all safe, to keep them safe, to keep our communities safe, and schools safe as we move forward.  Therefore, what I am very pleased to be announcing today is that we have worked directly with Pfizer and shortly after the time comes for Health Canada to approve those vaccines for pediatric use we will receive millions of doses in Canada to get all kids between 5 and 11 vaccinated as quickly as possible.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I've heard this done before, like all around the world.  I can't tell whether or not David Martin's information is compelling enough to get charges filed or get an indictment.  Seems to me that the Canadian courts are so bought off that I can't imagine any ordinary Canadian citizen winning anything from their courts, not unlike legal life in the United States.