Dr. Seneff, as a layperson, am I interpreting this correctly: gut permeability is correlated to multi system inflammatory response, and we know that glyphosate adversely affects the mucosal lining?
— riffraffer (@riff007) December 24, 2021
Roundup is sprayed on almost all non organic crops. R
It gets into the water supply from runoff and rain and is able to get into organic foods, as well as meats and sea life. R R
In the past 20 years, the use of glyphosate has increased 6504% (from 1991 to 2010). R
Its found in 93% of Americans' urine. R
Since glyphosate (like atrazine) acts as an herbicide, antibiotic, pesticide, and anti-parasitic, it can kill the plants that it is sprayed on. R
This has has led to the need to create genetically modified (GMO) roundup-r