Friday, October 29, 2021

The Regime Provides a Fix for Every Problem That Ails Them

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Three Ohio judges "die unexpectedly" in nine-day span after vaxx mandate in Cuyahoga County

The Catholic Church Is Irrevocably Lost

Thank you, Becky Akers @ Lew Rockwell

The incident took place at St. Frances Cabrini Parish in Lakewood, Washington state.  Apparently, there was an undefined conflict between the parishioner and the priest, which led to a few remarks on the Church's Facebook page, 

Your priest and congregation should repent. Evil was brought into the light,' sad another Facebook user.

All he did was kneel down and start praying and your priest pointed at him and said he is trespassing. Pure evil in your church. Then your members instead of peacefully speaking with him violently removed him and swarmed him. 

It does seem to me that the church is following state mandates in direct violation of the Church's brand of helping the sick and poor.   

Becky Akers @ Lew Rockwell penned the following remarks, 

I’m not a Roman Catholic, but the physical fight one diaperless man of courage sparked at the very altar of this church should infuriate every Christian with its sacrilege. The “priest” and accomplices from the congregation would rather beat and then bodily remove a victim who dared show his face as God created it than worship the Lord. Indeed, they’ll even interrupt their service for such evil.

Everlasting shame on these apostates (and they’re not only apostates but cowards: 15 or so of these Neanderthals pile onto a lone man. Oh, and this is a “woke” assembly: at least one woman joins them in their assault). Our Lord reprimanded those who tried to keep little children from Him, let alone “outcasts” such as the Jabbed hope to make of the Unjabbed. But heretics brawling near His body and blood plunges this wickedness to new and fathomless depths.

The gentleman who sent me this video did so with a note expressing his contempt for the mendacious medical profession:

I’m at the point where I’m so disgusted that I never want to see another doctor again.  My wife’s doctor tried to talk her into getting the gene therapy.

She asked him, “What are the results of the long-term studies?”  He had no answer.  I wonder how much he gets paid for every person he talks into getting this crap?

I feel the same about traditional physicians but extend it to the “church” under Parson Goat as well. I will never again attend any parish that cooperates in any way with the Satanic Marxism of the plandemic. But these hypocrites, roughing up guests brave enough to defy COVIDCon …  well, may these sinners fall into the hands of a God far angrier than I can ever be. 

CONFLICT OF INTEREST OF CRIMINAL PROPORTION: FDA Committee Reviewing Pfizer Vaccine for Children Have Worked for Pfizer. BIG SURPRISE THERE

 Authored by Patrick Howley via National File,

The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee is holding a virtual meeting Tuesday, October 26 to discuss authorizing a Pfizer-BioNTech Coronavirus vaccine for children between the ages of 5 to 11 years old.

This committee has a lot of sway with the FDA and their findings will be relevant, considering the Biden administration is getting ready to ship vaccines to elementary schools and California has already mandated the vaccine for schoolchildren pending federal authorization.

But the meeting roster shows that numerous members of the committee and temporary voting members have worked for Pfizer or have major connections to Pfizer.

Members include a former vice president of Pfizer Vaccines, a recent Pfizer consultant, a recent Pfizer research grant recipient, a man who mentored a current top Pfizer vaccine executive, a man who runs a center that gives out Pfizer vaccines, the chair of a Pfizer data group, a guy who was proudly photographed taking a Pfizer vaccine, and numerous people who are already on the record supporting Coronavirus vaccines for children. Meanwhile, recent FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb is on Pfizer’s board of directors

HERE’S THE MEETING ROSTER: Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 26, 2021 Meeting Draft Roster.

Acting Chair Arnold S. Monto was a paid Pfizer consultant as recently as 2018.

Steven Pergam got the Pfizer vaccine: Building trust in safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines (

Committee member Archana Chatterjee worked on a research project related to vaccines for infants between 2018-2020, and the research project was sponsored by Pfizer.

Myron Levine has mentored some U.S. post-doctoral fellows, and one of his proteges happens to be Raphael Simon, the senior director of vaccine research and development at Pfizer.

James Hildreth, a temporary voting member, made a financial interest disclosure for this meeting in which he disclosed more than $1.5 million in relevant financial interests, including his work as president of Meharry Medical College, which administers Pfizer Coronavirus vaccines.

Geeta K. Swamy is listed as the chair of the “Independent Data Monitoring Committee for the Pfizer Group B Streptococcus Vaccine Program,” a committee sponsored by Pfizer Duke University states that “Dr. Swamy serves as a co-investigator for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial.”

Gregg Sylvester previously served as a vice president for Pfizer Vaccines, where he launched Pfizer vaccines including one for children.

Among the meeting’s “temporary voting members,” Ofer Levy, Boston Children’s Hospital, is for the Pfizer vaccine for children, Eric Rubin is pro-vaccine for children, Jay Portnoy supports authorizing Coronavirus vaccines for kids, and Melinda Wharton complained over the summer about how orders for the CDC’s “Vaccines For Children” program dropped.

FDANews stated last December: “FDA advisory committee members in the past have frequently been the target of heavy politicking by industry representatives of whatever drug they were considering for a recommendation at in-person meetings. That process has been somewhat altered by the fact that during COVID-19, meetings are being held virtually. But it’s likely that behind-the-scenes pressuring still goes on. The industry defends the attempts to influence committee members as simply efforts to best present their case.”

In short, a staggering conflict of interest . . . 

Follow Patrick on Twitter @HowleyReporter and at


Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: scientific evidence that covid is crime against humanity

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: scientific evidence that covid is a crime against humanity

Thank you to Lew Rockwell