Thursday, November 26, 2020

"Social distancing may be inhibiting the proper development of children’s immune systems."

Robert Wenzel at TargetLiberty reviews an NYT article on how mitigation measures are wreaking havoc on our children's' immune systems to handle disease.  Titled "Quarantine May Negatively Affects Kids' Immune Systems" delivers a devastating blow to the paranoia that some exhibit in their rationale for wearing masks to locking down to quarantining themselves and to deny the warm joy of a holiday dinner with friends and family. 

He writes,

I often see parents in San Francisco with children who are wearing masks.

Talk about low information sheep. 

I love that. 

I wish they all would read the following which appeared, in of all places, The New York Times.

The authors are Donna L. Farber, a professor of immunology and surgery at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, and Thomas Connors who is an assistant professor of pediatrics there.

Here is an excerpt from the NYTimes article:

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is unwittingly conducting what amounts to the largest immunological experiment in history on our own children. We have been keeping children inside, relentlessly sanitizing their living spaces and their hands and largely isolating them. In doing so, we have prevented large numbers of them from becoming infected or transmitting the virus. But in the course of social distancing to mitigate the spread, we may also be unintentionally inhibiting the proper development of children’s immune systems.

Most children are born with a functioning immune system with the capacity to respond to diverse types of foreign substances, called antigens, encountered through exposure to microorganisms, food and the environment. The eradication of harmful pathogens, establishment of protective immunity and proper immune regulation depends on the immune cells known as T lymphocytes. With each new infection, pathogen-specific T cells multiply and orchestrate the clearance of the infectious organism from the body, after which some persist as memory T cells with enhanced immune functions.

Over time, children develop increasing numbers and types of memory T cells, which remain throughout the body as a record of past exposures and stand ready to provide lifelong protection. For other antigen exposures that are not infectious or dangerous, a type of healthy stalemate can result, called immune tolerance. Immunological memory and tolerance learned during childhood serves as the basis for immunity and health throughout adulthood.

Memory T cells begin to form during the first years of life and accumulate during childhood. However, for memory T cells to become functionally mature, multiple exposures may be necessary, particularly for cells residing in tissues such as the lung and intestines, where we encounter numerous pathogens. These exposures typically and naturally occur during the everyday experiences of childhood — such as interactions with friends, teachers, trips to the playground, sports — all of which have been curtailed or shut down entirely during efforts to mitigate viral spread. As a result, we are altering the frequency, breadth and degree of exposures that are crucial for immune memory development.

While the immune system is influenced by multiple factors, including genetics and everyday exposures to family members and pets, the long term effects of removing the social system that brings children in contact with other people, places and things remains uncharted territory. However, there is now substantial evidence that antigen exposure during the formative period of childhood is important not only for protection but also for reducing the incidence of allergies, asthma and inflammatory diseases. A well-known theory, called the “hygiene hypothesis,” proposes that the increased incidence of allergies and other immune disorders involving inappropriate immune reactions across industrialized societies is a result of the move away from agrarian society toward a highly sanitized urban setting.

Failing to train our immune systems properly can have serious consequences. When laboratory mice raised in nearly sterile conditions were housed together in the same cage with pet mice raised in standard conditions, some of the laboratory mice succumbed to pathogens that the pet mice were able to fight off. Additional studies of the microbiome — the bacteria that normally inhabit our intestines and other sites — have shown that mice raised in germ-free conditions or in the presence of antibiotics had reduced and altered immune responses to many types of pathogens. These studies suggest that for establishing a healthy immune system, the more diverse and frequent the encounters with antigens, the better.

Robert Wenzel is Editor & publisher of and of Target Liberty, where he discusses issues relating to free markets, liberty, and Private Property Society theory.

A frequent guest on radio talk shows, he has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes, Bloomberg, ZeroHedge,, CNBC, and many other media outlets.

Wenzel is an Amazon Bestselling author and has written: 

The Fed Flunks: My Speech at the New York Federal Reserve Bank, 2014. 

"Foundations of Private Property Society Theory: Anarchism for the Civilized Person," 2018.

Problems With Modern Monetary Theory: A Comment on Stephanie Kelton’s "The Deficit Myth," 2020.

Dear Fellow Health Club Member, Please Leave Me the Hell Alone: An economic analysis of the water "shortage," 2017.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Nathan Crabbe of the Gainesville Sun says wearing masks help protect the economy." LOL

This is an excellent interview.  Find the time to watch it.  Check out Jennifer Cabrera's sites linked at Tom Woods' Show notes.  death certificates have a part I and a part II, anything the doctor things was a co-morbidity that didn't lead to the death.  If covid is in part 2, that death is now a covid death.  doctors giving guidance to a covid death. Doctors 

Gainesville Sun or Miami Herald, the latter wanted to smear her to influence the governor to lock down Florida even further as some states are doing with a slight rise in cases.  

The Herald and the Sun both speak about economics all the time but don't have a single economist on the staff.  

Columnist of the Gainesville Sun said, "If we'd all wear masks it would help the economy."

People will definitely freak when they read this.  I freaked.  My Adam's Apple literally gulped.  But Kyle Lamb is a respected Data Analyst and comes highly recommended by one of the few reporters who is covering so much data on COVID.  Though this chart is not directly related to Cabrera's conflict with the Miami Herald or the Gainesville Sun, it is compelling and absolutely has disturbing implications (meaning that it contradicts and exposes lies regarding the COVID narrative) about the COVID narrative across the country and worldwide.  

Check out the kind of nonsense in reporting on COVID that goes on in Florida.  I am sure that it is just as bad in other states.  And remember that it was Governor DeSantis of Florida who opened up his state, so these stats, particularly that high number for November, is designed to put pressure on him to lockdown again.  This is war.

Sacred Cow Documentary, 2020

Sacred Cow Trailer from Diana Rodgers on Vimeo.

A good documentary on how meat has been demonized in favor of high-caloric carbs, a trend that has effectively brought about metabolic disease, obesity, and diabetes on a grand scale.  You've heard this a thousand times, I am sure.  It's not like red meat is a panacea, and so though I am not sold on a keto exclusive diet, I do know that beef has its place in a healthy weekly diet.  Age concerns should be factored in, too, for the consumption of red meat increases iron overload in your body.  Nutrition journalist, Bill Sardi, explains that our bodies when young and growing in our teens require lots of red meat, iron, and calcium, and then at a certain age, like a kind of barrel, our bones are filled up with adequate amounts of these heavy minerals.  Our job after, say, age 40 for men is to maintain what we have but careful not to overload.  Iron overload is a concern because it is implicated in many age-related diseases, like cancer, type II diabetes, arthritis, gout, and others.  The key is to manage iron overload.  That can be achieved through diet by limiting, not eliminating, red meat.  If you like the taste of red meat and how it satisfies, then you can manage the iron overload by way of supplementing with IP6, a heavy mineral chelator.  Quercetin, vitamin C, and vitamin D are also iron chelators, but IP6  targets the condition pretty effectively.  

Post-menopausal women and men in their 50s have shared with me how their cravings for meat diminishes with age.  This may be their bodies telling them to avoid iron-rich foods.  

Of IP6/Inositol brands, I like Solaray's IP6/Inositol.  

Quercetin is another mineral chelator.  So if you enjoy your meats and you are of a certain age, you should be managing iron overload with one of these two supplements.  Caffeinated coffee also chelates iron, but the problem with caffeine is that it blocks vital Thiamine or B1 vitamins from getting absorbed into your muscles and nerves.  

If you're interested to learn more about managing iron overload so as to avoid age-related diseases, then check out these articles here.  A book list on the topic of IP6 appears at the bottom of this post.  

When husks (bran) were separated from rice, the B vitamins were removed, which led to deficiency diseases of pellagra and beri beri. However, in addition to B vitamins, these rice polishings (bran) provided phytic acid (IP6), also called inositol hexaphosphate, an important mineral binder and antioxidant. [Free Radical Biology Medicine 8: 61-69, 1990; J Biological Chemistry 262: 11647-50, 1987] IP6 is found in every living cell in the body and is also an important second messenger for the nervous system. The low consumption of whole grains has led to reduced consumption of IP6 and the development of iron, copper and calcium overload diseases (hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, kidney stones, mitral valve, calcium cataracts) and other iron-overload sequelae such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, brain disorders, liver disease, colon cancer and other maladies. IP6-phytic acid has been mistakenly branded as an anti-nutrient because it interferes with mineral absorption among growing children. Nutritionists fail to recognize that most of the anemia in developing countries is caused by intestinal parasites, not the lack of iron, and that nature favors iron anemia over iron overload, since iron is a major growth factor for bacteria, viruses, fungi and tumor cells. Bran has never been fully restored to the food supply, and the world is still suffering from deficiency diseases.   

Here are a few books on IP6:

IP6 with Inositol, Question & Answer Book, L. Coles Stephen & David Steinman, 2015.  

IP6: Nature's Revolutionary Cancer Fighter, Abulkalam M. Shamsuddin, 1998.  

IP6 + Inositol: Nature's Medicine for the Millennium!  Discover How a Cocktail of Simple Molecules Can Prevent and Fight Cancer and Other DiseasesAbulkalam M. Shamsuddin, 2011.

Too Good to Be True?  Inositol + Cal Mag IP6, Dr. Kim Vanderlinden & Dr. Ivana Vucenik, 2004.

The Iron Time Bomb: How Iron Adversely Affects Your Health: How to Use Nature's Mineral Chelator, IP6 Rice Bran Extract, for Better Health, Bill Sardi, 1999. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

New Jersey Gym Owner, Being Fined $15,497.76 Per Day, Is Staying Open


From a health standpoint, COVID is no worry whatsoever.  If it makes you concerned about your health, that's a good thing.  You always want to be prepared to care for your biology.  But to allow the government to tell you to wear a mask, go out during hours only it dictates, or distance yourself from people truly is a crime against humanity.  You just haven't seen the results of this crime yet.  But healthwise, if you want protection, there is no better protection than vitamin D3 with K2, vitamin C, and Zinc.  Take these three on a daily basis, and your body will handle external stress, biological stress, and worry like a champ.  The studies that look at deficiencies as a cause of COVID generally spot a vitamin D deficiency for cases, for illness, even for death.  I would say that vitamin D is the go-to nutrient to prevent all-cause mortality.  It has the effect of fortifying all parts of your body--heart, brain, muscles, nerves.  I published a video on the benefits of vitamin D a few years ago.  

A Forbes Magazine article reported that 

Researchers in Spain have discovered that 82% of hospitalized patients with Covid-19 were vitamin D deficient in a new study published today. They studied levels of the vitamin in 216 patients admitted to the hospital for Covid-19 treatment in March this year, finding that 8 in 10 patients were considered clinically deficient. 

Clinically deficient means that the patients were showing signs or symptoms of D deficiency.  The message is multiple: one, if you want to stay out of a hospital, take vitamin D.  If you don't want to get a Coronavirus, take vitamin D.  Here is a shortlist of symptoms from vitamin D deficiency

1)  Feeling weak.

Fatigue.  Extreme fatigue.  If you’re feeling fatigued and tired, don’t reach for the caffeine—coffee, tea, cola, or Red Bull, for these, will only exacerbate the fatigue.  Vitamin D will absolutely boost your energy.  The best way to take vitamin D is with vitamin A, magnesium, and a fat-soluble compound, like fish oils. 

2)  Bone and back pain.

3)  Depression.

4)  Impaired wound healing.  Taking vitamin E with vitamin D will enhance the healing of your wounds.

5)  Hair loss. 

6)  Muscle pain.  

Okay, so those are the symptoms of D deficiency.  Know that these symptoms in any organ of your body will respond positively from vitamin D supplementation.  Ha, ha, the reporters of the article caution that the findings in the vitamin D study do not confirm a causative relation of vitamin D to sickness or illness.  But what's funny is that this is always the chicken or the egg problem.  On one level, it doesn't matter what the cause is.  Vitamin D supplementation will definitely fortify you.  Whether it was stress or a biological entity that caused you to get sick, one of the side effects of sickness is that viruses, bacteria, and stress use up a lot of vitamin D and you find yourself depleted.  Restoring your vitamin D stores means you're no longer sick.  

Here is the video on vitamin D that I posted 5 years ago.  Vitamin D is essential for hardened tooth enamel.  If your teeth are sensitive, vitamin D will help with this sensitivity.  Vitamin C helps with your gums.  Vitamin A helps with the tooth pulp, the dentin within your teeth.  Oh, and be sure to use a fluoride toothpaste.  Unless you can find some other, safer compound to use on your teeth that will keep them hardened.  

I found this brand of vitamin D at Amazon's Top Sellers List.  One of my favorite types of vitamin D that I've taken is one that came with olive oil and coconut oil.