Sunday, May 19, 2019


One of the things that we all struggle with is getting the right information.  In the old days, if we didn't know something we'd rely on professionals--doctors, lawyers, dentists, teachers, and so forth.  Today, the internet has become a kind of equalizer, leveling the playing field of information, which puts an even greater premium on specialized information.  We'd like to think that this specialized information is more targeted as well to our individual circumstances.  But with greater information comes more competitors into a field.  And this can cause problems with getting the right, accurate, and actionable information.  Take dentistry, for instance.  For decades we were told that fluoride prevents cavities, and the science on this was so conclusive that municipal authorities began putting fluoride into the water supply of different cities around the country to the point that it is in almost every municipal water supply.  Then we learned that fluoride was bad for our health, that it was a neuro-toxin.  That can't be good.  Then companies and marketers began jumping on the non-fluoride bandwagon, convinced by the science and hopped up on propaganda, and to nearly ban fluoridate toothpaste and mouthwash from the marketplace.  The naysayers had won a victory.  But at what price?  Though we may not like having municipal committee members deciding for its citizens what we want in our water, the amount of fluoride in water is not enough to prevent cavities.  A lot of natural product supporters will cite this fact as proof for fluoride's poor performance in protecting teeth and gums.  But fluoride does have its place.   

I only wished I'd done my homework on dentistry when I was a kid.  Had I done so, I would have understood some of the terms that dentists threw around while my body was prone, my mouth agape, and twin female assistants took turns to warble flattering non-sense.  This image and these terms are a good start. 

So based on this picture, it looks like anything that threatens to unsocket your tooth is what you want to address immediately.  The gum tissue is what you want to nourish and clean.  Nutritionally speaking, vitamin C nourishes healthy gums.  But what about unhealthy gums, bleeding, or receding gums?  This is where the information gets overwhelming, and each person recommending this or that introduces an elaborate system for cleaning.  I hope that gum maintenance would be simple and elegant.  

We acquire 32 permanent, adult teeth.  KidsHealth explains that
By about age 12 or 13, most kids have lost all of their baby teeth and have a full set of permanent teeth. There are 32 permanent teeth in all — 12 more than the original set of baby teeth. Most people have four teeth (called wisdom teeth) grow in at the back of the mouth when they're between 17 and 25 years old.
How many teeth do you have today?  Following teenage cavities, braces, busted teeth from sports or rough play, we may only be left with 26 or 28 teeth at an early age.  And parents themselves don't know how many or what to do about lost teeth.  Can anything be done?  Since we don't know what is possible, it is better to adopt early a diet and hygiene that will keep as many of your permanent teeth as possible.  Remember that when you talk and when you smile, you show your teeth.  Make sure that that smile and that moving mouth during a speech or presentation is something to admire; least that it's not to frighten your audience. 

Periodontal Disease refers to the teeth and tooth structures inside and outside the tooth--gums, bone structure, and pulp inside the tooth.  One particular periodontal disease is gingivitis or swelling of the gums.  Swelling of the gums, or gingivitis, is different from a gingival recession, or receding gums.  So know your terms.  That doesn't answer for everything, but at least it will put you on a level footing with the dentist and keep him or her honest.  They don't really like their patients talking because questions and discussion eat into their scheduled list of patients for the day.  Better if you can put questions to them in advance.  
NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT FOR HEALTHY TEETH & GUMS Turns out that vitamin D is the main ingredient to help prevent cavities.  Oh, your dentist didn't tell you that?  Huh.  
from the Vitamin D CouncilSeptember 23, 2014.  Health Conditions: Dental Caries 

Dental caries, also known as tooth decay, is a tooth infection caused by bacteria that leads to a loss of the hard tissues of your teeth. It is one of the most common diseases in the world.  

In a word, bacteria.  

Bacteria on the surface of teeth that can turn certain sugars into acids, which in turn can demineralize the hard tissues of your teeth. The bacteria form a sticky layer, which helps protect the bacteria from being removed by your immune system.
What produces corrosive bacteria?  Frequent snacking, sugary foods, and not enough saliva all increase your risk of developing dental caries.
A few things.  Do all three.

1)  Vitamin D3. 
Research shows that vitamin D may help reduce the risk of dental caries in infants and younger children. Studies have shown that children with dental caries have lower levels of vitamin D.
More experiments are needed to know for sure if vitamin D can help to treat dental caries. Doctors and scientists don’t know yet whether taking a vitamin D supplement or getting more sun exposure, can help to prevent or treat dental caries.
Vitamin D will keep the enamel of your teeth hard.  The hardened enamel makes it more difficult for bacteria to corrode your teeth.  Vitamin D also keeps your immunity strong.  Saliva is part of your immunity that keeps bacteria in check.  
If you have cavities and want to take vitamin D, it is unlikely to make your cavities worse or cause you any harm, as long as you take less than 10,000 IU per day. However, it’s not proven that taking vitamin D will help treat dental caries or reduce your risk of developing dental caries.  What is proven is that vitamin D hardens enamel; the harder your enamel, the more difficult it is for bacteria to eat the surface of your teeth.  
2)  You'll need to use a fluoride toothpaste.  Fluoride-free toothpastes no added benefits to your health.  It's not the amount of fluoride in the toothpaste that you should worry about, for it is very little, but it is the accumulation of fluoride on your teeth that is protective.  You need protection from bacteria directly on the teeth themselves.  By hardening the enamel, fluoride protects from acid-forming bacteria.  

3)  Stop feeding yourself and your children sugar and sugary foods, like donuts, cookies, cereals, candy.  These produce acid-forming bacteria on the teeth.  If a sweetener is required, consume Stevia.  

Look, you've got to have a long-term outlook on your children's well-being.  Vitamin D, by the way, is extremely important, particularly during the winter months when more of our activities are indoors, cooking, watching TV, on the computer, or whatever.  Vitamin D isn't just beneficial for your children's teeth as important as that is for their confidence and social life, but vitamin D also is important for the bones in your mouth.  Vitamin D
has a critical role in enamel, dentin, and oral bone formation as ameloblasts and odontoblasts are target cells for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, the active form of vitamin D. 
Vitamin D should be taken by the mother in a prenatal regimen, perinatal regimen (yes, babies can be given small amounts of vitamin D supplements), and post-natal.  Your efforts in your child's teeth will pay off years down the road.  He'll be happier, more confident.  

Here's a definition for Periodontitis.
Periodontitis, also referred to as gum disease, is a gum infection that damages the soft tissue and bone that surrounds the teeth. It can often result in gum recession and loosening of the teeth. It is the most common cause of tooth loss in the elderly.
Gingivitis is one form of periodontitis.  Know what gingivitis is.  It's inflammation of your gums.  Gingival recession means receding gums.  

For further explanation, check this out: 
Periodontitis is usually a painless, slowly progressing infectious disease in tooth-supporting tissues. Persistent bacterial colonization on the tooth surfaces leads to chronic inflammation in periodontal tissues. Periodontal inflammation results in gingival bleeding, pocket formation, destruction of alveolar bone, and eventually loss of teeth (). Severe forms of periodontitis are relatively common, affecting up to 20% of the population worldwide ().  
It's vitamin D to the rescue again, thanks to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
The pathogenesis of periodontitis is based on bacterial driven inflammation. Therefore, vitamin D has been hypothesized to decrease the risk of periodontitis by maintaining oral health by exerting its anti-inflammatory effects and reducing pathogenic bacteria.
Not only is periodontitis associated with low vitamin D, but so is low vitamin C.   10,000IUs of D and 500mgs of C should treat this condition.  The federal government of the United States collected dental data between 1988 and 1994 and found this
The study found a clear linear trend – the higher the vitamin D level, the lower the prevalence of gingivitis. There was no vitamin D level at which the relationship leveled off; the 10% of individuals with the highest levels of vitamin D (the group median was 45 ng/mL) had the lowest levels of gingivitis. 
A definition may not be enough to understand the seriousness of periodontitis disease.  It's serious.  Unfortunately, it's played down by dentists who either don't know how serious the disease is in connection with other vital organs or who are only interested in providing dental services--a tooth cleaning or filling--to remedy the disease in your mouth.  But it is serious stuff
Association of periodontal infection with organ systems like cardiovascular system, endocrine system, reproductive system and respiratory system makes periodontal infection a complex multiphase disease.
Oil pulling with Sunflower oil, sesame seed oil, and coconut oil each reduce the amount of plaque on your teeth.  These reduce plaque accumulation on your teeth.  That, to me, seems like the number one benefit to oil pulling.  And because of its lauric acid, it seems that coconut oil could be the most effective of the three: sunflower oil, sesame seed oil, and coconut oil.  Odd that the study did not include olive oil.  How does it work?  
The oil film thus formed on the surface of the teeth and the gingiva can reduce plaque adhesion and bacterial co aggregation.
Apparently, the best mouthwash to use is one that contains Chlorhexidine.
2017 study Trusted Source suggests chlorhexidine is the most effective antiseptic mouthwash to date. Dentists primarily prescribe it to treat the inflammation, swelling, and bleeding that comes with gingivitis.
Chlorhexidine is available in the United States under the brand names:
Paroex (GUM) [or PerioShield]
Peridex (3M)
PerioGard (Colgate)
There are a few unwanted side effects to using Chlorhexidine, so please read the link above where I obtained the information.

This video recommends a product called Gum Recession Rescue Tooth Powder, which sounds like a toothpaste.

Hardly.  Gum surgery will only make gum disease worse.  Most surgeries in and around the body only compromise the tissue that is being cut.  David Kennedy, DDS, makes a good point.

So if you had an infected finger and went to the doctor and he/she got out a chopping knife to “fix” your problem you would likely run. If you go to a dentist and they recommend surgery I suggest you run as well. Cutting on gums merely accelerates the disease because it allows the bad guys to burrow deeper into tissue and bone and dose little to remove the offending bad guys. 
For gum recession and gingivitis, Andrew Saul recommends comfrey.  



There are bacteria that live inside of your mouth that help break down foods and sugars that you eat. When dental caries develop, certain bacteria turn sugars into acids, which demineralize and destroy the hard tissues of the teeth. This demineralization and destruction of tooth tissue is tooth decay.
In children, dental caries are called early childhood caries (ECC). ECC, also known as bottle rot, is the presence of one or more decayed, missing, or filled tooth surfaces in any primary tooth in a child under three years of age1.  

Lacking Vitamin D has shown to be the main culprit in Early Childhood Caries.  Vitamin D keeps tooth enamel hard.  The way that works is that if you have adequate Vitamin D in your blood, the vitamin D makes the calcium in your blood more absorbent.  The result is that you get more calcium into the bone.  Know, too, that the cells that make up your teeth, the dentin and enamel and pulp, all have vitamin D receptors on the cells.  

You can give your child up to 1,000IUs of vitamin D per day.  Children playing outside in the front or backyard or up at the local elementary school with short sleeve shirts and shorts can get some vitamin D.  They get more vitamin D at the beach where more of their skin is exposed to sunlight.  Same for adults.  But the point of this is to make sure that you provide your child with adequate vitamin D for strong teeth that can better resist tooth decay.  And as your child becomes a teenager and a young adult, they'll feel better about themselves and their smile if their teeth are strong and healthy.  

Also, for mothers, you should be supplementing with vitamin D during pregnancy.  Don't be so arrogant about your physical powers to think, "Nah, I don't need no supplementation."  You do.  You need it for you AND for your baby's well-being.  Supplementing with vitamin D during pregnancy will prevent several unfortunate occurrences with your baby.  Truly
Low maternal vitamin D levels during pregnancy have been associated with a plethora of adverse neonatal outcomes, including small for gestational age and preterm births, detrimental effect on offspring bone and teeth development, and risk of infectious diseases. 
Without vitamin D, your child will be looking forward to regrettable and expensive procedures at the dentist's office as well.  Read for yourself:
Usually, treatment of caries involves removing the decay and then filling the space with restorative materials, such as porcelain or gold. In extreme cases, what is known as a “root canal” is needed if the pulp in your tooth dies from infection by bacteria.
A professional cleaning every six months, brushing at least twice a day, and flossing daily can help you to prevent developing dental caries2. Brushing your teeth removes plaque, which is a group of bacteria hidden under a protective surface on the teeth. As the amount of plaque increases, the tooth is more vulnerable to dental caries.
Nothing new here.  Except you might not know that using fluoride toothpaste is an added layer of protection for your enamel, dentin, and pulp.  There has been such a brouhaha over the hazards or toxicity of fluoride.  And yes it is an industrial solvent.  Yeah, so if you drink a gallon of the stuff, you're right, it is bad for you.  As to the fluoride in your municipal water supply, right again.  It's not nice that local governments put that in without your permission and then refuse to remove it after you're aware of it.  The government will always provide some rationale, usually false so that it serves some other purpose.  But the government's promise is that the fluoride is in the water supply to protect children's teeth.  Hardly.  The amount of fluoride in the water supply does not provide enough fluoride to protect your teeth.  Bill Sardi states it best
Fluoride helps harden dental enamel and thus makes teeth resistant to acid-forming bacteria that induce cavities.
Eating healthy can help reduce the risk of decay, such as reducing both the amount of and how often you consume sugars that are fermented by bacteria in the mouth. Increasing your intake of calcium is also often recommended to protect against dental caries because this can strengthen your teeth.

Stop feeding yourself and your kids sugar.  

Start by reading this from Bill Sardi.  
Another major assault against dental decay would be for food processors and home cooking mothers to cease use of added sugars to foods that feed the growth of acid-forming bacteria in the mouth that are primarily responsible for dental decay.  In that regard, stevia leaf non-caloric sweeteners are considered to be “non-cariogenic” and would be a preferred form of sweetener for children whose taste buds are drawn to sweetened foods.  A stevia-based mouth rinse may even be superior to fluoride mouth rinses.

Dental caries are caused by bacteria on the surface of teeth that can turn certain sugars into acids, which can demineralize the hard tissues of your teeth. The bacteria form a sticky layer, which helps protect the bacteria from being removed by your immune system.
Caries develop when your tooth enamel starts to demineralize by acids secreted by bacteria. Enamel is the thin, highly mineralized coating that makes up the visible part of teeth. The damage caused by the acids then spreads into the dentin, which is the softer tissue underneath the enamel. At this point, the tooth develops a cavity.
Before the cavity forms in the dentin, the process is reversible, but after it spreads to the dentin, it is not. The decay then spreads through the dentin to the layer below, called the pulp. The pulp is the part of the tooth that is made up of living connective tissue and its main purpose is to form dentin.

When caries begin to develop in your mouth, you may not be aware that you have the disease. As your tooth decays more and more, the most apparent symptom is pain in your tooth. This pain can be caused by sensitivity to heat and cold or consumption of sweet foods and drinks.
When your tooth is severely decayed, a toothache can develop which means the pain will become constant.

About 92% of adults aged 20 to 64 years old have had dental caries in their permanent teeth. In this same group, there is an average of about 3 decayed or missing permanent teeth caused by dental caries3.

About 92% of adults age 20 to 64 years old have had dental caries in their permanent teeth.

Medical conditions that reduce the amount of saliva in your mouth, such as Sjögren’s syndrome, diabetes, and sarcoidosis, can increase your risk of developing caries. Certain medications such as antihistamines and antidepressants can also reduce the amount of saliva in your mouth and increase your risk of caries. Saliva contains antimicrobial compounds, as well as minerals that neutralize the acids created by bacteria and help to protect and restore the teeth.
There are certain things that can increase your risk for dental caries, such as4:

Tooth location and surface. Caries are most commonly found on incisors, canines, premolars, and fissure sites in molars.
Foods that cling to the teeth, such as candy or chocolate.
Frequent snacking and sipping on sugary drinks.
Bedtime infant feeding.
Inadequate brushing of teeth.
Dry mouth.

Enamel is the most mineralized substance in the human body. It is made up of mostly calcium and phosphate. Vitamin D is important for increasing the absorption of calcium and phosphate from the food you eat.
Increasing the absorption of calcium and phosphate can improve the strength of your teeth and their ability to fight demineralization from bacteria.
Vitamin D receptors are found on cells in your immune system and in your teeth. Vitamin D can bind to these receptors and increase the amount of good antimicrobial proteins in your body which help to fight the bacteria that cause dental caries5.
In addition, the cells in the teeth that form dentin and enamel contain vitamin D receptors, meaning that vitamin D may play a role in their functioning.

Some studies show that dental caries are most common in late winter and early spring, when vitamin D levels are likely to be at their lowest6.
Many studies have found that geographic location and sun exposure are related to dental caries. People living closer to the equator with greater amounts of sun exposure are less likely to develop dental caries7.

Mothers of children have lower vitamin D levels during pregnancy than mothers whose children don't have caries.
Most of the research on vitamin D and dental caries has looked at ECC and severe ECC.
Children with ECC tend to have lower vitamin D levels than healthy children8,9. Mothers of children with ECC have lower vitamin D levels during pregnancy than mothers whose children don’t have caries10.
Some experiments have found that giving a mother vitamin D supplements while she is pregnant can reduce the rate of dental enamel defects in their children. Defects in dental enamel increase the risk of a child developing dental caries11.
Studies that give people vitamin D supplements to prevent caries have found that vitamin D is effective at preventing the development of caries12.

A study published in 201410 looked at the vitamin D levels of pregnant Canadian women and whether or not their children developed ECC in their first year of life. They found that:
Mothers of children who developed ECC had lower vitamin D levels compared to mothers of children who did not develop ECC.

Children with ECC had more dental caries if their mothers had low vitamin D levels during pregnancy.

The researchers conclude that the vitamin D levels of a mother during pregnancy may relate to their children’s risk of developing ECC.
A Canadian study from 20139 looked at preschool children with severe ECC and children of the same age without dental caries. The researchers measured the children’s vitamin D levels and the parents answered questions on their child’s nutritional habits, oral health, and family information. They found that:

Children with severe ECC had lower vitamin D levels than healthy children.

Winter season was also related to low vitamin D levels in children with severe ECC.
A 2013 review from the United States12 looked at many studies that measured the effects of UV therapy and vitamin D supplementation in preventing dental caries. The main findings were:

Taking vitamin D supplements resulted in a 47% reduced rate of dental caries.

Taking vitamin D supplements had no effect on caries in those older than 13 years old, especially in girls.
The researchers concluded that taking vitamin D supplements may help protect against developing dental caries in children younger than 13 years old.

Dental caries are more common in late winter and early spring, which is when vitamin D levels tend to be lower.

Children with severe ECC have lower vitamin D levels compared to children without caries.

Mothers with low vitamin D levels are more likely to give birth to children who develop dental caries.

Vitamin D supplementation may help reduce the risk of developing dental caries.

Research has shown that there is a link between vitamin D and dental caries.

Vitamin D can help strengthen your teeth's resistance to bacteria by helping to absorb calcium and phosphate.  
Vitamin D can help strengthen your teeth’s resistance to bacteria by helping to absorb calcium and phosphate. Vitamin D also increases the amount of good antimicrobial proteins which can destroy the bacteria that cause caries.
Research shows that higher vitamin D levels in pregnancy and early life can help to reduce the risk of dental caries.
However, more experiments are needed to know for sure if vitamin D is effective in treating dental caries. Doctors and scientists don’t know yet for sure whether or not taking a vitamin D supplement or getting more sun exposure, can help to prevent or treat dental caries.
If you have dental caries and want to take vitamin D, it is unlikely to make your dental caries worse or cause you any harm, as long as you take less than 10,000 IU per day. However, it’s not proven that taking vitamin D will help you prevent or treat dental caries.
You shouldn’t take vitamin D in place of the treatment medications for your dental caries. Talk to your doctor for more advice about taking supplements.  

Is bad breath.  But there are multiple sources for his.  NCBI describes one kind of halitosis
Physiological halitosis (foul morning breath, morning halitosis) is caused by stagnation of saliva and putrefaction of entrapped food particles and desquamated epithelial cells by the accumulation of bacteria on the dorsum of the tongue, recognized clinically as coated tongue and decrease in frequent liquid intake. 
Tongue scrapers are one way to remove 75% of the bacteria that causes halitosis.  So that's good.
Tongue scrapers are shaped according to the anatomy of the tongue and reduces 75% VSCs compared to only 45% using a toothbrush. 
Failure to floss leads to halitosis.  

1. "Statement on Early Childhood Caries.” Statement on Early Childhood Caries. American Dental Association, 22 Sept. 2014. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.

2.  "Dental Cavities: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.” U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 8 Sept. 2014. Web. 22 Sept. 2014. 

3.  "Dental Caries (Tooth Decay) in Adults (Age 20 to 64).” Dental Caries (Tooth Decay) in Adults (Age 20 to 64). National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 22 Sept. 2014. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.

4.  "Cavities/Tooth Decay.” Risk Factors. Mayo Clinic, 22 Sept. 2014. Web. 22 Sept. 2014. 

5.  Youssef, D., C. Miller, A. El-Abbassi, D. Cutchins, C. Cutchins, W. Grant, and A. Peiris. “Antimicrobial Implications of Vitamin D.” Dermatoendocrinology 3.4 (2011): 220-29.

6.  McBeath, E., and T. Zucker. “The Role of Vitamin D in the Control of Dental Caries in Children.” Journal of Nutrition 15.6 (2937): 547-64.

7.  Grant, W.B. “A Review of the Role of Solar Ultraviolet-B Irradiance and Vitamin D in Reducing Risk of Dental Caries”. Dermatoendocrinology 3.3 (2011): 193-98.

8.  Schroth, R., N. Jean, E. Kliewer, and E. Sellers. “The Relationship between Vitamin D and Severe Early Childhood Caries: A Pilot Study.” International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 82.1 (2012): 53-62.

9.  Schroth, R. et al. “Vitamin D Status of Children with Severe Early Childhood Caries: A Case-control Study.” BMC Pediatrics 13 (2013): 174.

10.  Schroth, R. et al. “Prenatal Vitamin D and Dental Caries in Infants.” Pediatrics 133.5 (2014): 1277-284.

11.  Cockburn, F. et al. “Maternal vitamin D intake and mineral metabolism in mothers and their newborn infants.” British Medical Journal 281.6332 (1980): 11-14.

12.  Hujoel, P. “Vitamin D and dental caries in controlled clinical trials: systematic review and meta-analysis.” Nutrition Reviews 71.2 (2013): 88-97.
This page was last updated in September 2014.

Stevia leaf non-caloric sweeteners are considered to be non-cariogenic.  Meaning that this sweetener, unlike sugar or high-corn fructose syrup, does not produce cavities.

Friday, May 10, 2019


Fluoride gas or liquid mixed into your water supply, without your permission, is none too nice.  Who gave the county or municipal water authorities permission to put a chemical, a drug, into the water supply for everyone to ingest?  Good question.  Who authorized such a move?  

Without ever getting an answer to that question, what we usually hear is that fluoride was put into the water supply because the city deemed it beneficial for consumer's or resident's teeth.  Well, thank you very much.  Can I have another?  So as city or county officials bide their time while residents debate the benefits to their teeth of fluoride in the water, that helps to deflect any accounting or criticism thereof.  So one antagonist is the city or county.  So let's test this theory that fluoride in the water supply protects teeth from getting cavities or the more technical term, caries.  And just because dentists provide fluoride treatments, does that ensure that fluoride is of benefit?  Let's see.  At least at the dentist, we have a choice.  We can say no thank you to Dr. Eagan, whereas the government forces their edicts on residents in a given territory whether they want the stuff or not.  

Ardent researcher, Bill Sardi, points out that very little fluoride from fluoridated water is consumed.  
Why it’s even been shown that fluoride in tap water never reaches saliva levels to prevent dental caries. [Journal Environment Public Health 2013]  And was the rational to fluoridate tap water to prevent dental decay just a cover for population control? [Journal Toxicology Environmental Health1994]
So, fluoride in fluoridated water does not prevent cavities.  Does this mean that the amount of fluoride that we ingest from fluoridated water is okay for us?  Not exactly.  From the article that Sardi cited, it ends with this, "Blood levels during lifelong consumption can harm heart, bone, brain, and even developing teeth enamel."  So the concern then is the amount of fluoride you consume in fluoridated water OVER A LIFETIME.  My recommendation?  Drink bottled water.  This way you'll get less fluoride, less chlorine, less lead [by the way, lead poisoning is the 4th leading cause of death], and other heavy minerals.  

Though it's animated, this review on how teeth grow isn't bad.  Consider it a review.  And I think that because too many of us don't take the best care, either from negligence or bad information, of our mouth, teeth, and gums that it doesn't hurt to start somewhere even if it is review.  

Bill Sardi points out that
Severe dental caries (cavities) in preschool children are more related to low blood levels of vitamin D rather than lack of use of fluoride toothpaste or fluoridated drinking water.  (Fluoride helps harden dental enamel and thus makes teeth resistant to acid-forming bacteria that induce cavities.)
So fluoride is important to protect your teeth; that, and vitamin D.
Vitamin A is good to maintain tooth pulp.  Vitamin D, like fluoride, hardens your enamel.  Vitamin C works to keep your gums healthy.  

So, to recap: D to harden enamel.  A to maintain tooth pulp.  C for gums. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Boy, the controversy over coffee is endless.  I love the beverage.  
I love the taste.  
I love the aroma.  
I love the preparation, even that of instant coffee.  
I love the drinking of it, the savoring action of intermittent sipping.  It is a love affair.  My first cup of coffee with my dad was a 5am-cup of hot coffee poured carefully from his Thermos as we made our way on Highway 101 in the morning night through Thousand Oaks, California from Los Angeles to Monterey, CA.  Coffee is a many splendid thing.
But getting to the truth about coffee is no love lost, let me tell you.  We keep hearing of the benefits of coffee--staves off heart attacks, protects you against all kinds of morbid conditions, adds 7 years to your life . . . the list is endless.  But aren't these palliatives all a bit conspicuous?  I mean don't they kind of go against what we see and experience?  I mean I don't care what scientists say about smoking cigarettes, they will cause you to get ill.  Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States, got throat cancer from smoking so many cigars.  Even if he didn't inhale, that backdraft of smoke on a puff is going to irritate tissue, its ability at moisturizing itself, and neighboring systems.  So imagine my shock when I came across an NCBI article that professes the benefits of coffee on tooth enamel.  Really?  You mean to tell me all those acids in coffee help clean the mouth and teeth?  Well, that's what the NCBI article is saying.  Now before you go out and prepare a pot and consume 3 cups with sugar and cream, note well that the benefits come under certain conditions.  Before we look at the NCBI article, let's what folks from the early 19th century had to say about coffee:

It is rarely mentioned today the strange theory that Hahnemann created before the Psora theory, that Coffee was the cause of all human illness. Reference is: 'On the Effects of Coffee from Original Observations' (Leipzig, 1803) and listed in his Lesser Writings, pp391-410.

'...Hahnemann himself alludes to the essay he wrote upon the action of coffee in 1803, where he had ascribed the production of a multitude of chronic diseases to the action of that all but universal beverage, and he confesses that he thinks he had ascribed an exaggerated importance and gravity to its use; since his discovery of psora as the cause of many chronic diseases, he is inclined to attribute to that agent the production of most of those affections he had imputed to coffee.' (Dudgeon, 1853, Lectures on the Theory & Practice of Homeopathy, p259)

I will not quote in full length his essay, but in the course of it Hahnemann ascribes the following chronic disorders to the use of coffee:

'constipation, impotence, dental caries, abscesses in children, pulmonary mucus, blue rings around the eyes, leucorrhea, ulcers, general megrim, nervous affections, chronic diseases, insomnia, stammering of speech, lack of appetite for food, ophthalmias, rattling in the chest, etc.' (On coffee, 1803, Lesser Writings, pp401-9)

This list very closely resembles many of the entries in his list of conditions for Psora (given both in Chronic Diseases and in other essays from the 1820s and '30s) and it is perfectly clear to me - as Dudgeon states - that Hahnemann was tempted in 1803 to ascribe to Coffee a grand theory of chronic disease remarkably similar to that which he later, in 1827, ascribed to the Itch animal of Scabies.

In the Chronic Diseases Hahnemann says this:
'That the drinking of warm coffee and Chinese tea...has further augmented the tendency of this period to a multitude of chronic diseases and thus aided psora, I least of all can doubt, as I have made prominent, perhaps too prominent, the part which coffee takes with respect to the bodily and mental sufferings of humanity, in my little work on the 'Effects of Coffee' (Leipzig, 1803). This perhaps undue prominence given was owing to the fact that I had not then as yet discovered the chief source of chronic disease in Psora.' (Chronic Diseases, Jain Edition, 1978, (Tafel translation of 1896), Vol 1, pp13-14)

I tend to agree with Hannenman.  
Remember, too, that coffee is addictive; unlike a lot of other addictive substances, coffee is socially acceptable.  Try getting someone to listen to your rationale about why you love heroin.  
And then there's NCBI, who claims that coffee prevents cavities.  I kid you not.  
The DMFS score of the control subjects was 4, indicating that coffee if consumed alone had anticaries action but in the presence of additives the antibacterial and anticaries action was totally minimized.
This is too fantastical.  Unbelievable.  In the twenty years that I've been fiercely studying the effects of food on health, this is the first time that I've heard that coffee benefits your teeth.  I'd always thought that acids in coffee erode enamel, not protect it.  But here is the evidence:
It elevates mood and can treat severe headaches. If coffee is drunk in limited amounts it can help in having healthier and whiter teeth as well as enjoying other health benefits. Besides keeping one alert and awake, coffee has been linked to an increasing number of potential health benefits. Coffee provides more than just a morning jolt and has been found to contain substances called antioxidants, which are beneficial to the human body. Several years ago, in California, a research conducted by Takayuki Shibamoto, a professor of environmental toxicology, found that freshly brewed coffee contains potent antioxidants equal to the amount found in three oranges. 
Then we learn that the antioxidant in coffee is the result of the roasting process.
The antioxidant in coffee is called methylpyridinium. Oddly enough, this tongue-twister chemical is not found in large amounts in other foods. Even odder, it is not present in the raw coffee bean. It is created during the roasting process from the trigonelline that is present in raw coffee beans.[

Coffee helps with tooth decay?  Prove it.  
The caffeine in coffee is known to affect the manner in which the body handles sugar absorption: A few cups of coffee a day can greatly reduce the onset of type II or adult-onset diabetes. Coffee also contains substantial amounts of potassium, niacin, magnesium, and important antioxidants such as tocopherols and phenol chlorogenic acid. It is also been known to thwart migraine headaches, (the results show that both green and roasted coffee possess antiradical activity, and their more active component is 5-O-caffeoyl-quinic acid. Moreover the roasting process induces Maillard reaction products, such as, melanoidins, which also possess antiradical activity, in coffee. These results could explain the neuroprotective effects found for coffee consumption in recent epidemiological studies)[]and to ease pain and relieve symptoms associated with asthma. 
The evidence does seem to be developing. 
A new research published shows that coffee made from roasted coffee beans has antibacterial activities against certain microorganisms. Both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including S. muans are a major cause of dental caries. []Inhibition by cocoa, coffee, and tea is due partly to gelatin-precipitable tannins and partly to components that exhibit properties of monomeric polyphenols. Catechin, a known constituent of these beverages, is an effective inhibitor of the enzymes. The effects of fruit juices are attributable mainly to the inhibition of the glucosyltransferases, by the endogenous fructose and glucose. The findings show that the naturally occurring constituents of foods can inhibit extracellular polysaccharide formation from sucrose. Such constituents may play a role in regulating dental plaque formation in vivo and, thereby, have long-term effects on the development of dental caries. 
To reduce the bitterness of coffee, some folks use a pinch of salt. I've never tried that but a business associate from India, a gentleman by the name of Tanveer, did take his coffee that way.    

As delicious as coffee is, it is complicated.  For example, you don't want to take your morning multivitamin with a cup of coffee because coffee interferes with vitamin C and vitamin B1 absorption.  Bill Sardi explains
The problem of thiamin deficiency may be traced to another daily practice, the consumption of coffee, tea or beer. Many millions of people consume coffee or tea at the same time they take their morning multivitamin. What's the problem with tea or coffee? They contain tannins (bitter parts) that alter vitamin B1 and render it uselessSulfite preservatives, as found in wine, are another antagonist to B1. Alcohol also interferes with B1 absorption. In fact, about 30-80% of alcohol users have low circulating levels of B1. The lesson here is not to take vitamin B1 pills with coffee, tea or alcohol.

Monday, April 22, 2019


Given this fact, if you ever bump your head, know that it can compromise the network of capillaries in your brain.  So what strengthens capillaries--before and after a concussion?  You've got it, vitamin C.  Bill Sardi pointed out that this fact has been known since 1940.  

But even if you don't bump your head, you will need a constant supply of vitamin C throughout your life to avoid dementia, a form of dementia caused by weakened capillaries.  Vitamin C strengthens capillaries.  So take 500mgs every few hours.

from NCBI
The highest concentrations of ascorbate in the body are found in the brain and neuroendocrine tissues such as adrenal, although the brain is the most difficult organ to deplete of ascorbate. Combined with regional asymmetry in ascorbate distribution within different brain areas, these facts suggest an important role for ascorbate in the brain.  
Did you get that?  Where is the largest concentrations of vitamin C in your body?  That's right--your brain.  What do you think happens to that vitamin C when we're stressed or we drink regular alcohol or develop brain disorders?  We lose some of that vitamin C, which is so important for vision, you know, those oracular orbs located in your brain!  

This is backed up by nutritional researcher, author, and nutritional formulator, Bill Sardi, who reminds us that
Brain levels of vitamin C are higher [there] than in [any] other organs.  
Blood plasma levels of vitamin C are lower in Alzheimer’s patients than in healthy individuals.  
Deficiencies in vitamin C are associated with mental decline.  Don’t want to be forgetful or slow down as you age?  Then upload more vitamin C.
Smoking tobacco, which depletes vitamin C, increases the risk for Alzheimer’s dementia.  Not good.  If you smoke, if you must smoke, then you must supplement with vitamin C.
Supplemental vitamin C improves the behavior of laboratory animals genetically engineered to develop Alzheimer’s.  Did you hear that, parents?  Don’t want your baby to be causing problems at school?  Make sure they get a daily of 500mgs of C.
Alzheimer’s patients have lower blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluid vitamin C levels despite adequate dietary intake.
Repeated consumption of high-dose vitamin C to laboratory animals reduced beta-amyloid plaque levels in the brain by 40.2% (in the hippocampus) to 57.9% (in the cortex) in the brains of laboratory animals.  Low-dose vitamin C (just enough to prevent scurvy symptoms) was almost ineffective at preventing mental decline whereas doses 10-fold higher than the minimum requirement were demonstrably effective.  However, it doesn’t matter whether people have a buildup of plaque in their brain or not, they still [acquire] mental decline says a recent study. 
Measurement of beta-amyloid plaque should be abandoned in favor of vitamin C blood and cerebrospinal fluid levels to predict risk for Alzheimer’s disease. 
Vitamin C-nourished capillaries are stronger and less likely to leak into surrounding brain tissues.  It has been known since the 1940s that vitamin C strengthens blood capillaries.  Capillaries are connectors between the red hoses (arteries) that carry oxygenated blood and nutrients to tissues and the blue hoses (veins) used to dispose of deoxygenated blood.
For more than two decades it has been known in humans that vitamin C is superior to other supplemental antioxidants (vitamin E, coenzyme Q10) in antioxidant protection in cerebrospinal fluid and it takes greater than dietary intake amounts of vitamin C (~110 milligrams/day) to elevate vitamin C levels in cerebrospinal fluid.  Researchers have been calling for oral antioxidant supplementation to protect the human brain since 1997.
Given that vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that is rapidly excreted in urine flow, repeated doses (500mgs) every 4-6 hours are required to effectively prevent this devastating disease. Levels of vitamin C in the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain need to be much higher than in blood plasma to maintain brain health.
Other accompanying nutrients such as zinc, resveratrol, and rice bran IP6 may synergistically reduce toxic metals (aluminum, copper) that also play a destructive role in Alzheimer’s disease.
Bill Sardi and vitamin C: here, here, and here.
The following video does a good job explaining both what the blood-brain barrier IS and its function.  About the drugs it recommends for treating certain brain disease, I have no idea.  Well, actually, I do.  The best treatment is high-dose vitamin C.

The narrator talks about capillary replacement on the brain, but all that one needs to do treat brain disorders is to take vitamin C, a lot more than what the FDA recommends for daily dosage.  

In another report, Sardi explains that 

Important to know that nutrients donate electrons, the fuel that runs your body.  Contrary, at the molecular level, anything that takes electrons away, it is toxic.  

Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, says, in conversation with Desiree Rover, that [vitamin C] "is the therapeutic tool of choice, if you will, for most infections and nearly all toxin exposures."  


"What causes disease is, of course, invariably unneutralized toxicity, which is oxidant stress, which is invariably relieved by antioxidants such as vitamin C.  A tremendous amount of coalescence, if you will, of what causes diseases and what remedies diseases, but modern medicine prefers to look upon a hundred different medical diseases as a hundred different totally unrelated entities each of which has [its] own pathophysiology, each of which has [its] own treatment, but when you come to understand oxidation and oxidative stress and what antioxidants do, it turns out that really most diseases start for the same reason and it's just your unique toxin or environmental or genetic predisposition that determines what you suffer."

Dr. Kellner cured polio patients who were already on life-support.  He had a series of 60 polio patients, infants and young children, in the middle of a polio epidemic so even with nearly half of them DID NOT get spinal taps there was little doubt that all 60 had polio, and he was able to show that with only 3 days of injectable vitamin C, either by muscle or by veins, in only 3 days was able to cure 57 out of 60.  And the remaining 3 required an extra 2 days, of peripheral vitamin C that they were cured as well.  But he was able to very conclusively show that he could cure within a total of 5 days 100%, or 60 out of 60, polio patients.  22:49

Desiree Rover retorts, "Vitamin C has 325 functions: 300 enzymatic ones, and 25 hormonal functions."  Wow.  

With vitamin C every two to three hours, Dr. F. Klenner asserted that he could dry up measles and chicken pox.

Klenner administered ascorbate by injection, and, as Lendon H. Smith describes in great detail in the Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C: The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., Klenner found that “the most effective route was intravenous, but the intramuscular route was satisfactory. He gave at least 350 mg per kilogram of body weight.” That quantity per day is a dose of 25,000-30,000 mg or so for an adult. Yet, Smith adds, “With 350 mg per kilogram of body weight every two hours, he could stop measles and dry up chicken pox.” 
This was a compelling vitamin C story.
In 1951, “In an especially incredible case,” Levy says, “Klenner (9) described a five-year-old girl stricken with polio. This child had already been paralyzed in both her lower legs for over four days! The right leg was completely limp, and the left leg was determined to be 85% flaccid. Pain was noticed especially in the knee and lumbar areas. Four consulting physicians confirmed the diagnosis of polio. Other than massage, vitamin C was the only therapy initiated. After four days of vitamin C injections the child was again moving both legs, but with only very slow and deliberate movement. Klenner also noted that there was a “definite response” after only the first injection of vitamin C. The child was discharged from the hospital after four days, and 1,000 mg of oral vitamin C was continued every two hours with fruit juice for seven days. The child was walking about, although slowly, on the 11th day of treatment. By the 19th day of treatment there was a “complete return of sensory and motor function,” and no long-term impairment ever resulted. Vitamin C not only completely cured this case of polio, it completely reversed what would undoubtedly have been a devastating, crippling result for the remainder of this girl’s life.” (4) For such elegant results, in the days before widespread use of either antibiotics or vaccination, one may wonder why Klenner was not awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine. 
Okay, okay, okay, so now you know some of the terrific benefits of vitamin C.  But which kind do I take and how much?  First, you don't have to take a limousine brand or even the liposomal type of vitamin C.  Basic vitamin C will do.

Okay, but how much?  That depends.  If you're healthy, it doesn't hurt to take 1,000mgs every three to four hours.  That provides pretty good protection with all things being equal, which they never are.  There are some days or parts of your day where you are stressed out.  Maybe you bump a leg or stub a toe at work or step wrong, something, and you'll need some added protection.  Same thing with eating.  Maybe your diet isn't the best.  Then take vitamin C with each meal to fight off problems stemming from your consumption.  Bill Sardi suggests taking 500 mg every 4-6 hours.
Given that vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that is rapidly excreted in urine flow, repeated doses (500 mg) every 4-6 hours are required to effectively prevent [Alzheimer's] this devastating disease.