Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Yep.  Whether it's in the form of cola, chocolate, coffee or tea, caffeine reduces a woman's fertility.  

Okay, but by how much?  In other words, how much caffeine does one have to consume to see a drop in a woman's fecundity?  And what is the percentage in reduction of a woman's fertility?

Some forms of caffeine I can't live without.  I could if they were killing me, but anything less than that, no, I could not live without them.  Those forms?  Coffee and chocolate.  As for coffee, I love it hot and black.  And I am always on the lookout for the benefits, the risks, and the unknowns of coffee.  The other is chocolate, 85% dark is best.  One unknown of coffee that became less so to me yesterday was the fact that caffeine reduces fertility in women.  Whoa!  I'd never heard that before.  But apparently, it has no effect on male fertility.  Go figure.  
The finding is an old one, 1989, in fact.  
104 healthy women who had been attempting to become pregnant for three months were interviewed about their use of caffeinated beverages, alcohol, and cigarettes. In their subsequent cycles, women who consumed more than the equivalent of one cup of coffee per day were half as likely to become pregnant, per cycle, as women who drank less. A dose-response effect was present.
What's interesting is that these effects were discovered among competing products--alcohol and cigarette smoking--that I would have thought had detrimental effects on fertility.  It is just interesting to see how certain products never get questioned and thus become legitimized as healthy or sociable.  And so we render their effects on our bodies and mind as innocuous.  But make no mistake, there is a war on out there, and the main theater of this battle is your body.  

So if you're trying to get pregnant, ixnay on the coffee, eh.  But not just coffee per se but caffeine.  That means cola too, green tea, you know, that healthy drink.  And probably the most painful form of caffeine that you'll need to jettison is chocolate.  O, say it isn't so.  Well, if' you're trying to get pregnant, ixnay, on the Cadbury, eh.  

So we should qualify some terms.  When the report says that caffeine reduces female fertility, what exactly does that mean?  In other words, reduces it by how much?  And how much coffee produced this effect? According to the study, it's 50%.  So if you do drink coffee and you want to get pregnant, it means that you'll have to work twice as hard at getting pregnant.  Hmm.  Maybe there is an upside to drinking coffee while trying to get pregnant. 
Fecundability of 104 healthy women attempting to become pregnant was halved by consumption of the equivalent of 1 cup of brewed coffee or more daily. 
What I found interesting is that whereas caffeine interfered with pregnancy, analgesics, alcohol, marijuana, weight (like in being over or underweight), or the husband's caffeine consumption had no influence on fecundity.  
Those consuming over 3150 mg caffeine per month, the median, were considered in the high consumption group, and those consuming less the low group. Fecundability, the probability of becoming clinically pregnant in a given menstrual cycle, when expressed as a ratio, averaged 0.59 over the 3rd to 8th cycle, and 0.53 after 6 more months in the high consumption group. Multivariate analysis, controlling for age, the frequency of intercourse, and age at menarche, found no effect for these variables, nor for smoking, vitamins, analgesics, alcohol, marijuana, weight, height, or husband's caffeine consumption. 
Disappointing is the fact that the study was unable to discover how caffeine disrupts fertility.  "The mechanism of action of caffeine on fecundability is unknown."
One piece of good news that came out of the study is that caffeine is NOT a carcinogen.  That is good news and one less thing that you have to worry about if you do drink coffee.  
Evaluation: There is inadequate evidence for the carcinogenicity in humans of caffeine. There is inadequate evidence for the carcinogenicity in experimental animals of caffeine. Overall evaluation: Caffeine is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3).

Monday, August 13, 2018


Sunday, August 5, 2018


First, a little background on Niacin.  Niacin is vitamin B3.
Niacin (or nicotinic acid) is another name for vitamin B3, which is 1 of 8 B vitamins needed by the body to break down fats and proteins and to convert carbohydrates into energy. There are two other forms of niacin, nicotinamide (or niacinamide) and inositol hexanicotinate, which serve as sources of vitamin B3. This is why they can be referred to as "niacin." What many people fail to realize, however, is that these forms of niacin do not work in the same way as niacin.
from Dr. David Williamson on "The Many Benefits of Niacin"

Niacin (or nicotinic acid as it’s referred to in medical circles) was the third B vitamin to be discovered (hence the name B3). It wasn’t until about 1943, though, that a couple of doctors reported that niacin worked wonders in relieving the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. Unfortunately, their research was never well publicized, since that was around the time that drug companies were promoting their own miracle “cure” for arthritis—cortisone.
Niacin has a unique characteristic. If you haven’t experienced it personally, you’ve probably heard about the “flush” niacin can cause. As little as 50 mg of niacin can cause a flush in some people. While not dangerous, it can be uncomfortable, or even alarming, if you aren’t prepared for it. (Personally, I somewhat enjoy the sensation.)
Niacin causes the blood vessels to dilate or open up near the skin, which results in a hot, tingling sensation accompanied by a red flushing of the skin. Generally, by starting with low amounts of niacin (50 to 100 mg a day) and gradually increasing the dosage, a person can quickly build up a tolerance and avoid the flush. Taking niacin immediately following a meal will also lessen the flushing sensation. (Niacinamide, the alkaline form of niacin, doesn’t cause flushing and it works just as well for most things.)
Since niacin isn’t something that drug companies can patent, it’s of little interest to them. But whatever you do, don’t overlook niacin’s potential just because it’s been around so long, or because it sounds like too simple of a solution.
Keep in mind that all of the B vitamins actually work in conjunction with each other—which means you can expect better results if you take niacin or niacinamide along with a good multivitamin that contains a broad balance of B vitamins.
Several researchers have reported excellent results in arthritic patients using niacinamide. While niacin opens up the blood vessels near the surface and causes a flushing sensation, niacinamide only opens up the deep blood vessels like those surrounding the joints.
In cases of moderate arthritis, outstanding results have been produced by taking 1,000 to 1,500 mg a day. In more severe cases, as much as 3,000 mg to 4,000 mg have been recommended. In all instances, here and in the recommendations listed below, the dosage should be divided into five or six doses spread throughout the day rather than all at once. It should also be taken with the knowledge and supervision of your nutritionally oriented doctor.
One of the most effective and least expensive ways to lower blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) is to take 1,000 to 3,000 mg of niacin a day.
Patients using 1,000 mg the first day, 2,000 mg the second day, and 3,000 mg each day thereafter have seen as much as a 25 percent reduction in cholesterol levels, and a 50 percent reduction in triglycerides. (Blood lipid reduction is one case where niacinamide is not as effective as niacin.)
Heart patients on niacin treatment had less illness and lower death rates after five years when contrasted to those not using niacin. An even more astounding study revealed that niacin treatment actually reversed signs of heart disease in patients who had genetically related cholesterol problems.
Niacin lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. It reduces the blood fats called “very low-density lipoproteins,” which have been linked to heart disease and cancer. It improves the blood sugar problems that can lead to damage to the arterial walls. It dilates blood vessels, which improves the circulation to areas starved of oxygen and nutrients. The list of benefits goes on and on—and if that wasn’t enough, the stuff is dirt cheap.
Finish readingIt gets better.  And then buy some Niacin.  This may be the best medicine for the price.  The cost/benefit ratio is in your favor.  

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


h/t to that internet maven, property rights champion, Robert Wenzel.  

As an African-American physician focusing on preventive medicine, Dr. Mills has delved into some of the environmental and societal influences affecting the health of African Americans and other racial/ethnic minorities. Dr. Mills has lectured and given research seminars across the United States and in Mexico and Canada on such topics as the negative impacts of meat and dairy consumption on human health, nutrition and HIV/AIDS, nutrition and cancer, and the dietary needs of various ethnic groups.  

He answers the question that if we don't get our protein from animal sources, where do we get our protein?  And he's right that you get your protein from plants and vegetables.  In fact, your body does a better job of distributing plant protein throughout your body than it does with animal protein.  And the reason for that is that animal protein is like a blast or overwhelming infusion of protein, whereas with plant protein your body takes and converts what it needs.  When we're young we can handle animal protein; hell, we prefer it.  We're active, running around, jumping around, playing sports, and so forth, so an immediate repair with a burger or steak or any animal protein is perfect . . . when we're young.  I would still advocate for eggs.  The terrific fat that you get from eggs is an excellent energy source.  The diseases that Dr. Mills mentions--cancer, diabetes, and so forth--are all conditions that people get with age. Those are age-related diseases.  So if you've been eating meat most of your life, you may want to consider incorporating blood-letting in your routine or add the iron and heavy mineral chelator, IP6, to your diet.  You, in fact, consume that between meals.  You will feel better.  But moving to fruits and vegetables is a healthier way.  Your energy will rise.  Your health with improve.  Your performance and productivity will find its rhythm again.  

Monday, July 30, 2018


A review of Bill Sardi's "The Baking Soda Cure for Almost Everything," Aprile 27, 2018 @ LewRockwell.com.

I first took baking soda as a muscle relaxant.  Yeah.  After running about three miles one night, my knees were particularly sore.  A few weeks prior to this, a nurse friend of mine told me of the virtues of baking soda as a remedy for arthritis, including pain in the joints.  The knee is a joint, so I thought "Ah, what the heck."  So I took 1 tablespoon and voila, pain-free, almost immediately.  I was shocked.  In fact, so much of the pain was gone that I actually felt not just pain-free but I felt pretty good all around.  My knees were no longer sore.  My calves and thighs were relaxed.  I was impressed with the results.  The friend told me that you can only tolerate about 1 teaspoon per week.  Okay.  Didn't understand why the limit, but okay I live with that. 

And then a few weeks back, I come across this article by Bill Sardi, titled "The Baking Soda Cure for Almost Everything," April 27, 2018, at Lew Rockwell.com.  Well, that's a hell of a title.  And knowing how accurate and thorough Sardi tends to be, I knew that I had to read his piece and its linked resources carefully.  

He opens with savvy financial recommendation:
The three trillion-dollar income stream produced by the medical industrial complex is about to come demolished by a home remedy–baking soda.  Buy stock in Arm & Hammer. (Church & Dwight Co. Ltd.)
I will definitely look into it.  But before I go out and buy, let's review the specifics of his recommendations.  The focus of the benefits are found on the surface of the spleen.  
Now for the details:
Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia have discovered a nerve center in a cell layer in the spleen that controls the immune response and therefore inflammation throughout the body.  Given that virtually all chronic age-related disease involves inflammation (called inflammaging), this discovery is of monumental significance and has widespread application for virtually every organ and tissue in the body as the spleen is not only an abdominal organ that is involved in the recycling of old blood cells but is also a key part of the human immune system.
What is astounding is the amount that one needs to maintain the immune response: 1/2 teaspoon per day for 2 weeks.  Do you know what that would cost?  The water costs more.  
The striking part of this discovery is that autoimmune reactions responsible for chronic inflammation throughout the body were quelled by consumption of two grams (~half a teaspoon) of baking soda in water for two weeks in healthy humans.  Researchers say baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) calms the immune response in the spleen and has a system-wide effect.
How, er, why does sodium bicarbonate work? 
An over-active immune response defines autoimmune disorders experienced in physically remote parts of the body including the eyes, kidneys, brain, joints, arteries, and lungs as well as in obesity.
As researchers explain, when sodium bicarbonate is consumed it becomes a trigger for the stomach to make more acid to digest the next meal and for the overlooked mesothelial cell lining in the spleen to signal there is no need to mount an overly protective immune response that can alter a delicate balance between M1 and M2 macrophages, white blood cells that target bacteria, viruses, parasites and tumor cells.

Credit: Cumberlands University Biology
It looks like the reason why baking soda works at all is due to the presence of the spleen and its mesothelial cells that line it.  Remove the spleen from the body in some kind of operation, and the benefits of baking soda evaporate.
Mesothelial cells line the spleen and directly secrete the nerve chemical acetylcholine.  When the spleen is removed from lab animals or just slightly disturbed, the mesothelial nervous connection in the spleen with other parts of the body was cut off and the healthy effect produced by baking soda was abolished.  Acetylcholine signaling represents the brakes on the human immune response.  Acetylcholine signals other organs to under-respond when confronted with pathogenic germs or tumor cells.
What's nice about this is that simply using an oral dosage diluted in water works.  You don't need a limousine IV drip of baking soda to realize any of the benefits.  How this news can be anything less than fantastic is beyond me.
“This is the first demonstration that orally ingested sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) can promote a powerful anti-inflammatory response in both animals and humans,” say researchers writing in the Journal of Immunology.  Baking soda “may provide a cheap, relatively safe, effective and easily accessible and/or noninvasive method to activate anti-inflammatory nerve pathways,” researchers emphasized.
Did you get that?  You're looking at a compound that treats inflammatory nerve pain or stress.  
Macrophages traverse the entire circulatory system.  But macrophages that reside in the digestive tract represent the largest population of macrophages in the human body.  This strategic location positions them as a first-line defense against harmful bacteria and other pathogens.
Imagine the widespread universal application of this simple remedy in the human body.  If only Big Pharma could have patented it.The polarization of one type of macrophage (M1) over the other (M2) is considered the key link between inflammation and many diseases.  For example, obesity greatly increases the numbers of M1 macrophages in fatty tissue.  This can result in insulin resistance (inability of cells to utilize insulin to produce energy).
Got poor vision?  Then consume the baking soda. 
A giant pillar of modern medicine against age-related disease is about to fall to baking soda therapy.  Monoclonal antibody drugs that block the cellular target of inflammatory agents represent $90 billion in annual sales.  Such drugs are commonly used to treat an advanced form of macular degeneration.  M1/M2 macrophage balance is the tipping point between a common and severe form of macular degeneration, a disease that robs older adults of their central vision.
Don't want to take the baking soda? Then try Resveratrol.
The red wine molecule resveratrol also addresses macrophage M1/M2 polarization, which makes it another excellent natural remedy for chronic inflammation as well.  This is why resveratrol supplementation has been demonstrated to rescue patients who don’t respond to monoclonal antibody drug injections.
Where do we go from here?  Are doctors going to drop their prescription pads and hand out samples of sodium bicarbonate?  That’s not likely.   Let’s see how modern medicine throws this sure-fire remedy under the rug this time.