Showing posts sorted by date for query zinc and thymus gland. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query zinc and thymus gland. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

STEPANIE SENEFF: "The spike protein becomes extremely toxic to the epithelial cells in the thymus gland, which causes accelerated aging through what's called thymic involution." Zinc regrows the Thymus Gland to its original size

"People who are getting multiple [COVID] vaccines, every time they get a vaccine, their immune system ages...and when their immune system ages, they're aging. So, basically, it accelerates your aging process." Senior Research Scientist at MIT Stephanie Seneff (@stephanieseneff) describes for Michael Farris (@CoffeeandaMike) how the COVID injections age the immune system, and therefore accelerate the aging process in general. Specifically, Seneff notes that "the spike protein becomes extremely toxic to the epithelial cells in the thymus gland," which, in turn, accelerates aging through a process referred to as "thymic involution." (Thymic involution is a genetically programmed aging process wherein the thymus, an organ in the chest that's key for lymphatic and endocrine systems, shrinks over time.) Partial transcription: "I think the vaccine causes accelerated aging of the immune system, and I've written about that. The vaccine ingredients can be carried to the thymus gland by the immune cells. They go back to the thymus carrying their cargo, and the cargo is the spike protein. The spike protein becomes extremely toxic to the epithelial cells in the thymus gland, which causes accelerated aging through what's called thymic involution.

"And so people who are getting multiple vaccines, every time they get a vaccine, their immune system ages...and when their immune system ages, they're aging. So, basically, it accelerates your aging process." 

Full interview:

FYI, Zinc regrows the thymus and restores its function.  

If you're going to take zinc supplements, be sure to add copper.  You need very little copper, 2-4 mcg (start with 2 mcg, a heart-healthy compound), but you need it if you're going to supplement with zinc.  Zinc, magnesium, D3/K2, copper, and fat-soluble, Retinol A.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Sweetener Splenda Breaks Up Your DNA. Zinc May Resolve It

An excerpt

"Other studies have found that sucralose can adversely affect gut health, so we wanted to see what might be happening there," Schiffman says. "When we exposed sucralose and sucralose-6-acetate to gut epithelial tissues—the tissue that lines your gut wall—we found that both chemicals cause 'leaky gut.' Basically, they make the wall of the gut more permeable. The chemicals damage the 'tight junctions,' or interfaces, where cells in the gut wall connect to each other.

The paper, "Toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties of sucralose-6-acetate and its parent sucralose: in vitro screening assays," is published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B. The paper was co-authored by Troy Nagle, Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering at NC State and UNC and Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NC State; Terrence Furey, professor of genetics and biology at UNC; and Elizabeth Scholl, a former researcher at NC State who is currently at Sciome LLC.  

But should you really be too surprised at the toxicity of artificial sweeteners?  Or even natural sugar for that matter?  I mean we don't remain children or childlike, do we?  We know better than to consume endless sweets or to think that corporations work completely benevolent on our behalf.  I've got some Santa Claus stories if you're interested.  

Check this out

Perhaps you remember when the Coca-Cola company launched its ad campaign to fight obesity back in the early 80s? 

Wait, what!  A soft drink company wants to play doctor with your metabolism?  Oh, they want to doctor things alright.  No, thank you.

This was all part of a ploy to begin the use of aspartame, whose patent was once owned by none other than Monsanto

O, Irony! 

Ironically, there are numerous studies that show this stuff causes obesity. It doesn’t prevent obesity.

Before they started selling you Splenda, it was called NutraSweet. In 1985, Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle, the chemical company that held the patent to aspartame, the active ingredient in NutraSweet, as well as Splenda and many other artificial sweeteners. Is Splenda safe? It depends who you ask.

Let’s look at a little timeline, shall we?

  • 1901: Monsanto Chemical Works is formed.
  • 1976: When Ford loses the 1976 election, Rumsfeld returns to private business life, and is named president and CEO of the pharmaceutical corporation G. D. Searle & Company, during which time he leads the legalization of Aspartame.
  • 1977: Monsanto stops producing PCBs.
  • 1997: Monsanto businesses are spun off as Solutia Inc.
  • 2000: Monsanto’s Pharmaceutical Services Division is created. Monsanto also merges with the drug-maker Pharmacia & UpJohn Inc., which took control of the Searle pharmaceutical operations, and the current Monsanto Co. was incorporated as a subsidiary in October 2000.

  • 2002: PCB trial results in a sharp drop in stock price.
Splenda shrinks the thymus gland, a key immune organ, by up to 40%.  Zinc reverses that; in fact, it regrows the thymus to its original size.  See some other valuable benefits of zinc.  
1.  Resolves white spots on the fingernails. 
2.  Resolves pale, rough skin, dry hair, and acne.
3.  Resolves unhealthy weight loss caused by appetite loss. 
4.  Resolves dandruff.  Jettison the shampoo to treat dandruff.  Take zinc.
5.  Resolves slow wound healing.  All of these resolutions come from Sarah Corriher.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

From a Friend . . .

1. Whenever you take any supplement, always, always, always include Magnesium.  Magnesium always makes things more effective.  So always take magnesium whenever you’re taking anything.  Magnesium Glycinate comes highly recommended. 

2.  You need a foundation: start with a multi-vitamin, called Molecular Multi.  Take it with 1 of your meals. 

3.  Fast occasionally.

4.  Start TODAY with these: Multi-vitamin, 10,000IU D3, Zinc 50mgs/day, 800-1,000mgs magnesium glycinate, 500mgs vitamin C every 4 hours. 

5.  Create shoebox-sized plastic containers where you place all of the brain nutrients into one box, the heart nutrients in another, and label each one.  It has to be this organized, otherwise, she’ll be confused and not know what to do or where to go to get relief for this or that.  Something like this but in white,  And with labels writ large so that she can read it from across the room.   


Vitamin D


Fish oils, the Zone Diet fish oils came advertised as the cleanest.  Take with a vitamin E.

Benfotiamine, this is fat-soluble B1

Ubiquinol, the absorbable form of COQ10





Beta-Glucans.  Wellmune is a specific type of beta-glucans and the superior form.

Vitamin D, 10,000 to 20,000IU/day

Zinc, 50mgs/day.

Zinc [Acetate, or zinc lozenges] helps regrow the thymus gland back to its original size.  Start on this immediately. 

Magnesium Glycinate

Glutathione, 1 capsule per day.





Gut immunity

Garlic prevents H. Pylori.

Zinc carnosine prevents intestinal ulcers.

Anti-parasitic, Artemisinin.  

Dandelion Root kills 95% of colorectal cancer cells in 48 hours.






Resveratrol (Longevinex is the only resveratrol anyone should be consuming).  Resveratrol has lots of anti-aging compounds, like fisetin, found in strawberries.






Hyaluronic Acid






Hyaluronic Acid

Niacin is excellent for the skin.




Leaky Gut

Apple Pectin





Vascular system

500mgs every 4 hours Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is extremely important for the eyes.

Niacin [FYI, Niacin cures schizophrenia and more.





Melatonin, 20mgs.  Shortages of this compound is problematic.  Doesn’t hurt to go up to 20mgs.  Cancer patients are recommended to take up to 30mgs/night. 




Tuesday, January 11, 2022


Quercetin should be taken with zinc. QUERCETIN itself has strong anti-viral properties.  The major benefit of taking quercetin with zinc is that the quercetin will push the zinc into the center of the cell where the zinc can stop the virus from reproducing.

There are different forms of zinc.  I like all of them.  Zinc lozenges are made of zinc acetate.  Then there is zinc carnosine for intestinal ulcers.  This stuff is fantastic.  Then there is OptiZinc, considered to be one of the more absorbable forms of zinc.  I like taking all of these.  Zinc helps regrow the Thymus gland, a vital immune organ, to its original size even after years of shrinkage from stress and other ailments.   

Mark Pomykala on Twitter asked a good question, 

What's the mechanism of zinc preventing viral replication?

To which Geronimo gave a terrific answer: 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Want quality sleep? Reach for the zinc

Zinc is the 2nd most abundant trace element in the human body.  It reduces stress, improves the quality of your sleep, and regrows your thymus to its original size. 


in this same period, the thymuses of these mice had quadrupled in size and exhibited a greatly enlarged cortex repopulated with immature thymocytes

For years, I was under the impression that magnesium was the go-to mineral for the biological ravages of stress.  And I am sure that magnesium is still good for treating that.  But more recently, in the last couple of years, I've learned first-hand that zinc is even better.  After a simple Google search of "stress and zinc," the first entry produced this, 

Zinc plays a significant role with respect to the stress response.  Proper maintenance of zinc status can help to stabilize serum cortisol levels over time,1 and zinc intake has been shown to temporarily inhibit cortisol secretions. However, in turn, prolonged stress will deplete zinc concentrations in the blood.

That article goes on to say that

Zinc is required for the catalytic activity of approximately 100 enzymes. 

Magnesium is involved in even more--over 300 chemical interactions in your body.

Zinc plays a role in immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and cell division. Zinc supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence, and zinc is necessary for proper sense of taste and smell. 

So if you find that your sense of taste and smell diminishing, reach for the supplemental zinc. 

Given that the body has no specialized zinc storage system, regular daily zinc intake is required to maintain a steady state and to prevent deficiency.

That was interesting because I think that homeostasis leaves us with the impression that we're all doing okay; meaning, that it's hard to tell, hard to know if we're deficient.  And you're never going to have a doctor tell you that you're deficient in zinc.  Ever. 

I remember the first time that I ever took supplemental zinc how it completely relaxed me and put me in a great mood for a good night's sleep.  This was about 3 years ago.  In fact, now I prefer to take zinc rather than melatonin for sleep. Note well, that 

Sleeplessness has a huge impact on the human physiology and is commonly associated with metabolic disorders (obesity and diabetes), cardiovascular diseases (hypertension) and mental disorders (anxiety and depression). 

So if you're looking for quality hours of sleep, reach for the . . . well, you know what to reach for--the zinc, of course. 

The first paragraph in this article states that

Recent research has concluded that zinc serum concentration varies with the amount of sleep, while orally administered zinc increases the amount and the quality of sleep in mice and humans.

Melatonin is a decent sleep-aid and has excellent anti-oxidant properties to boot, but so does zinc.  Melatonin does lower your blood pressure.  If you have high blood pressure like I have had a few times, then melatonin would be a good choice.  But zinc relaxes more functions in your body, I believe.  

Important to know [in the Introduction] is that 

Zinc is the second most abundant trace metal in the human body and is essential for many biological processes.


That depends. 

Zinc lozenges are made with zinc acetate, so if you've got a cold then you'll want zinc lozenges. [I tend to trust Bill Sardi's recommendations, so I buy his zinc lozenges product.] Zinc lozenges are what you should be giving your children, er, grandchildren when they have a cough, not a cough drop which is mainly sugar and provides only a short-lived placebo effect.  Know, too, that zinc regrows your thymus gland back to its original size, which I find absolutely miraculous.  The thymus gland has a tendency to shrink through the years.  Read this

After the deficient mice had been fed a zinc-adequate diet for 1 week, their response was nearly normal, except that the indirect response was 68% of controls; in this same period, the thymuses of these mice had quadrupled in size and exhibited a greatly enlarged cortex repopulated with immature thymocytes [my emphasis as if you couldn't tell].  By 2 weeks, the thymuses of the previously zinc-deficient mice were normal in size and appearance; however, there was a slight increase in the numbers of indirect plaque-forming cells. By 4 weeks, the thymus weights, direct and indirect plaque-forming cell counts, and the secondary response of the previously deficient mice were normal. Mice that were nearly athymic after 45 days of dietary zinc deficiency were also able to fully reconstruct the thymus and regenerate T-cell helper function.

It's been argued that the brand name Optizinc is the most absorbable.  May be true.  If you're deficient in zinc and have never supplemented with it, then the Optizinc will surely improve your sense of well-being.  Keep a bottle of zinc lozenges around the house in case of a cold or any lung issues.  Lately, I've really appreciated Bill Sardi's zinc product, called T-Cell Zinc.  If you accidentally overeat at a party (remember those?), reach for the zinc.  We overeat in response to stress, and then overeating causes our bodies stress.  So any stressful event, reach for the zinc.  

The benefits of zinc are remarkable.  OptiZinc reduces acne by 50%.  So there's that.  Acne may be due to bodily stress of a teenager.  Zinc Carnosine treats intestinal ulcers.  Even Wikipedia understands this.

Friday, July 24, 2020

"I have a breathing disorder. I like breathing fresh air."

First, I want to thank Robert Wenzel for keeping on top of all issues surrounding the COVID-lockdown-riot nonsense.  The way that the local mini-Maos, not Mini-Mouse, are dictating how to behave to taxpayers and how they've got people scared to death in fear of their neighbor if they get sick, sneeze or cough is an abomination and needs to be fought against.  That's where Wenzel comes in.  He posts these videos from a few shoppers who've gained entrance into different WalMarts in Missouri and Mississippi.  And even though the mask-monitors reminded him that he must wear a mask, the shopper was able to get through on an exemption.  You need to do the same.  Check these out.
Here's video #1.  The guy says, "I was talking to your corporate, and he said that exemptions were allowed."  

"Yes, sir.  Of course."  Notice that no question about the specifics on the exemptions was raised.  That's our advantage.  That's where you want to be.

Here's video #2.  I loved this one.  Both customers loathe wearing a mask and complying with the stupid mandate.

Here's video #3.  

Here's video #4.  

The videos are courtesy NoMask.Info.

So what's the answer in any store that you go into, or what's the answer for getting your employer to bend to your will or exemption?  Stand strong on your beliefs.  Stick to what you believe.  If we give up, we'll never get back our freedoms again."

Zinc is the premiere anti-viral compound as is vitamin D.  Take them in conjunction.  Though I have yet to try this particular zinc product, the price looks pretty good.  You get 90 lozenges of zinc acetate that is powerful medicine to regrow your thymus gland for $30.  That's less than $10 per bottle and about $.33 per lozenge.  Not bad.  I want to try this brand because I trust the producer, Bill Sardi.  There are, however, other brands. 

But whatever brand of zinc you take, try it with magnesium.  Magnesium enhances the effects of almost any nutritional compound you consume.  

Friday, April 3, 2020


We should all know the importance of zinc.  Combine it with vitamins D, A, and C, and you're putting your immune system in an excellent position.  Check out these highlights of zinc from Sardi's article: 
Zinc is required to maintain thymus gland function to produce life-long antibodies from T-memory cells.
Dr. James Robb, a pathologist who performed early experiments with coronaviruses back in the 1970s, claims that zinc lozenges are the “silver bullet against coronavirus.”     

You'll definitely want to get a brand of zinc lozenges that taste good since the lozenges, as such, have to sit in your mouth as they break down over several minutes.  The one brand whose taste I am not a fan of is Swanson's Zinc Lozenges.  Sorry.  If you need or want more convincing than the lone quotation above, then check out what Dr. Robb said
4) Stock up now with zinc lozenges. These lozenges have been proven to be effective in blocking coronavirus (and most other viruses) from multiplying in your throat and nasopharynx. Use as directed several times each day when you begin to feel ANY "cold-like" symptoms beginning. It is best to lie down and let the lozenge dissolve in the back of your throat and nasopharynx. Cold-Eeze lozenges is one brand available, but there are other brands available. 
More on zinc from Bill Sardi . . . 
Zinc supplementation in the elderly, the high-risk group of coronavirus Infections, lowers illness markedly.  Modern medicine needs to emphasize zinc therapy, especially during epidemics.
Between 15-30 milligrams of zinc in dietary supplements can be safely consumed by adults.  Zinc oxide is poorly absorbed.  Other forms (acetate, gluconate, acetate, picolinate) are preferred. 
Four years ago, I wrote a review of Sardi's valuable scrutiny of zinc, where he cited Canadian cancer researcher, Abraham Hoffer, MD, who concluded that
". . . zinc [in old mice] facilitated a complete recovery of thymus gland function and regrowth of the organ with greater immune efficiency."
I initially posted this video of Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, an Indian-American scientist, engineer, and entrepreneur.  The video came courtesy of Steve Bartin.  And though I liked much of what he said, I recalled an article by Bill Sardi published earlier this week at on March 30, 2020.  As I read it, thought about it, and reviewed the article, I realized that Dr. Shiva, though articulate and knowledgeable, is no match for the scientific scrutiny of Bill Sardi.  So what I prefer to do instead is to highlight some of the benefits zinc that Bill Sardi points out.  It's hard to find better, more actionable advice.  
Thanks to Steve Bartin.  "The virus is not some big Godzilla" says Dr. Shiva.  It's B.S.  A virus is coming in, your immune system is compromised . . . ."  But all he is doing is riding on the coattails of Bill Sardi, who already cited why so many people are dying from the coronavirus--a damaged immune system.  And it makes sense.  Most people don't know how to take care of themselves.  They don't even know what an immune system is.  
Dr. Shiva claims that the "Less adaptive immune function, [the] less T-cell activity."  Of course.  But that's a problem that is readily and easily repaired with zinc.  Zinc has the ability to regrow your thymus gland back to its original size.  Zinc doesn't make your thymus gland grow larger than original but back to its original size, and that is something given how it shrinks over our lifetime due to illness, stress, and nutritional deficiencies.  Bill Sardi recently pointed out that the Coronavirus mimics zinc deficiency.  He writes, 
An emergency room physician in New Orleans shares an account of his experience with this dreaded pathogenic virus.   He writes: “You can literally watch it happen in a matter of hours.”  Some 70-90% of hospitalized patients who have to be placed on a ventilator die. 
Talking about insufficient ventilators or how they are becoming cost-prohibitive is the wrong direction.  People will die on ventilators if . . . if they're not also provided with nutritional support to strengthen their innate and adaptive immunity.  

I'd wish that people would stop picking on the elderly BEFORE they're even sick, or at all.  If someone is sick, stay away from them: problem solved.  But the damage has already been done.  The media has dog- whistled the entire population to despise, to be wary of, to thwart any threat by someone with gray hair, wrinkles, or a hunch in their shoulders.  What, as if everyone else who does not fit these descriptors is somehow healthy?  Please.  The narrative initiated in Seattle that elderly folks were dying almost en masse in a Seattle convalescent hospital.  I don't know the details surrounding that hospital or those deaths.  But the most likely scenario is that it wasn't just age plus the coronavirus that killed these people; instead, my guess is that those who passed had lived with chronic disease and malnourished lives that kept them functioning at a very low grade.  And then if they were tossed by family and friends and abandoned, that can't bode very well for their well-being.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Bill Sardi has a March 19, 2019 article on the value of zinc supplementation posted at Martie Whittekin's site, Healthy By Nature.  

Sardi alerts us to a serious health condition: zinc depletion or zinc deficiency.  It's not that we're all born deficient, but certain environmental exposures puts some of us at greater risk of becoming zinc deficient.  And given the importance of zinc in regulating our immunity, in development, and in its role in certain intellectual abilities, like reading, and composing one's emotions, zinc deficiency becomes quite a serious social health issue.  So how do we know if we're deficient in zinc?  If you've had a serious illness or if you're chronically ill, chances are you're zinc deficient.  There are, however, signs of zinc deficiency.  See the list of symptoms below.  There are so many things in our lives that can make us deficient in zinc.  Sardi points out a major culprit: arsenic.  So somehow too many of us are getting exposed to arsenic, but how?  Through our food.  More specifically, from Glyphosate: i.e., RoundUp.  
The first culprit that comes to mind is arsenic as blood concentrations of zinc and selenium, two essential trace minerals, drastically decline with exposure to arsenic.  The widespread use of glyphosate weedkillers [e.g. Roundup] in crops may be the hidden source of arsenic [or for some other reason glyphosate lowers zinc].
Dr. Derrick Lonsdale made a similar point, citing the pathology that arises from consuming non-organic foods that are sprayed with RoundUp.  He said if your food is not organic, then it has glyphosate in and on it.  Which means that we're all susceptible to zinc deficiency.  Sardi presents it thus:
Something has happened in America.  In retrospect, it appears zinc in the American diet has vanished or is not getting absorbed.  Either way, too many Americans exhibit overt symptoms of zinc deficiency.  A blood test is notoriously inaccurate as zinc may be locked up with a binding protein and be biologically unavailable.  Here are some signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency that may help you determine if you are zinc deficient [you don’t have all or even many of these]. 
Here are the symptoms.   
·         Are you losing your sense of smell?
·         Are you losing your sense of taste?
·         Do you crave salt and habitually to add salt to your foods?
·         Do you have adult-onset acne?
·         Is your hair prematurely turning grey?
·         Does your nail bed show white flecks?
·         Do you heal slowly from cuts?
·         Do you have a low sperm count?
·         Do you frequently experience cold sores on your lips?
·         Do you have an upset stomach, air, and gas, after meals?
·         Do you have skin problems like fungal infections (Athlete’s foot), yellow toenails?
·         Do you have chronic diarrhea?
·         Do you have thin or sparse hair, vanishing eyebrows?
·         Do you have moles on your skin?
·         Do you experience eczema (atopic dermatitis; red, itchy skin)?
·         Are you lethargic or irritable for no apparent reason?
·         Is your testosterone level low?
·         Do you experience a rash around your genitalia or mouth?
·         Do you regularly consume alcohol?
·         Do you take an ACE inhibitor blood pressure pill (lisinopril)?
·         Do you have stomach ulcers?
·         Do you or your children have difficulty reading due to dyslexia (letters are backwards)?
Who exactly is at greatest risk of zinc deficiency?  No one is immune.  

Food alone either takes too long to restore sufficiency or it lacks the ability altogether.  So supplements are required.  Sardi poses the questions, "How do we correct the shortage of zinc?"  Oysters is the food with the highest concentration of zinc.  You'll have to eat quite a bit.  Sardi explains, 
Aside from oysters, there is no single food that provides enough zinc to correct a deficiency.  Typical zinc intake levels are 10 milligrams/day but maybe only 1-2 milligrams are actually absorbed.  Older adults with low stomach acid levels typically have difficulty absorbing zinc.  And wouldn’t you know, zinc is an important co-factor in the internal synthesis of hydrochloric acid in the gastric tract. 
It was important for me to hear that "very high concentrations of zinc are found in the liver, muscle, brain, and testes."  Men, take heed.  "it is no wonder that zinc sufficiency has something to do with brain function, testosterone synthesis, and liver health."
Sardi explains that "There are ~2000 milligrams of zinc stored in body tissues."  Yes, but what happens if you get seriously ill, like say you contract measles or scarlet fever or chickenpox.  These drain your zinc stores.  For older folks, it's low stomach acid that keeps us from getting enough zinc.  So if it's not environmental issues, like Glyphosate, then it's low stomach acid due to age or some kind of illness, maybe diabetes, that depletes us of adequate zinc.  Sardi points out that "The trace mineral selenium helps to release zinc so it is biologically available."  What this means is that for zinc to be more absorbent, you'll need to take selenium with it.  
Zinc shortages cause loss of smell and taste, including mental decline.  
Zinc is responsible for a strong immune system.  It regulates the size of your master immune gland, called the Thymus gland.  Sardi says that "Zinc is required to activate T-cells, those memory white blood cells that confer life-long immunity via memory T-cells that produce antibodies against various pathogenic germs."

I wrote recently how OptiZinc reduces the incidence of acne by 50%.  There are different forms of zinc that seem to provide different kinds of protection.  Zinc Carnosine heals the lower intestine.  Sardi points out other parts of the body that are aided by supplementation of zinc carnosine.
Fortunately, there is a form of zinc that protects the nervous system, promotes the health of the digestive tract, aids in wound healing, normalizes gut bacteria, promotes liver health and helps restore the sense of smell and taste to individuals with these symptoms.  It is called zinc carnosine.
Zinc Carnosine is also important for the heart.
And no one would have guessed that supplemental zinc would help restore healthy heart pumping after a heart attack.  The amount of blood pumped (ejection fraction) after a heart attack improves with the provision of zinc carnosine.
Zinc is a great wound healer. And it helps diabetics.  I cannot get diabetics to listen to me.  
Zinc is known to promote wound healing.  And the preferred form of zinc to heal up gastric ulcers is zinc carnosine.   Zinc carnosine is the form of zinc commonly used to protect and heal tissues following cancer radiation treatment or to aid antibiotics in the kill off of H. pylori, the bacterium that causes gastric ulcers.  Zinc carnosine is the trace mineral of choice for nutritional support of hepatitis (liver inflammation). 
Helps fight aging. 
Zinc carnosine has also been demonstrated to stabilize genes that become fragile with advancing age. 
A typical two-week course of zinc carnosine, taken as directed on the label, may help you become zinc sufficient.