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Showing posts sorted by date for query masks. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2023

During the pandemic, 129 billion masks that could not be biodegraded were used and thrown away every month. Not a peep from the Climate mongerers

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

JOHN JAY SINGLETON: If you think a hospital is there to care for people who are sick, okay, but by that standard WE DON'T HAVE THEM.

John Jay Singleton and
Jobs are not jobs.  
What is being presented to us? 
Everything that doesn't serve me is crumbling away.  
we're being offered an opportunity.

Just because they call it a school doesn't mean it's a school anymore.  

Should I sue if my employer is not doing anything about it?  

Time to lay back and see what's going on or is it time to take action?  

00:37  A lot of people want to live their lives the way they've been living it.  And they're reluctant to realize, that in my opinion, they should do is look at what they've observed and make a conclusion based on what they're seeing without any premise about what they've done in the past.  I know that sounds cryptic, but . . . 

If you see that children are being forced to wear masks at a school, why would you take your kids there, you have to realize that that is no longer a school if it was in the past.  That observation alone: it's not a school.  So, we don't have schools.  We don't have hospitals.  If you think a hospital is there to care for people who are sick, okay, but by that standard WE DON'T HAVE THEM.  What we have is a euthanasia-type program administered.  I mean you go to the hospital to be murdered today.  This is what's happening.  

What do you think a COVID ward is?  

SINGLETON, Exactly, if you can't get that, you're lost.  You're lost.  The analogy I give all the time is if I'm out in public somewhere at a restaurant or a bar, and some dude comes over and punches me, well, I'm not going to wonder what to do.  As soon as I get up if I'm not out for a while, as soon as I get up I'm going to start swinging some fists, you know.  I don't care if he's twice my size I'm not going to let someone take a shot at me like that.  

MARISSA, 02:15  Schools are not schools; hospitals are not hospitals.  Same with jobs:  jobs are not jobs.  If your employer is saying that to have this job, to get a paycheck, you have to waive your rights, you have to stick things in your body that you don't want to do, and undergo experimental injections.  So jobs are not jobs either.  What is being presented to us?  On the one hand, you get all anxious about this and say everything is crumbling away; on the other hand, you can go, "Wow, everything that doesn't serve me, is crumbling away, because the corrupt systems are being revealed and we're being offered the opportunity to stop aligning with them, stop connecting and giving our energy to them.  Let go of the corrupt!  Let it go!"

SINGLETON, 03:08  Yeah, it doesn't exist anymore.  Just because they call it a school doesn't make it a school.  So your attitude should be, "Okay, if that's what's going on in our society, let's just take it at its face value and my employer says that I have to do these things, well that's not my employer.  Maybe I'm involved in an internment camp of some kind.  Maybe I'm involved in a cult.  Think about those who are involved in a cult.  I don't think that they realize it.  

MARISSA, 03:37  Ponder this question.  What you give your energy to is what you make manifest.  So if you're giving your energy to this cult-like, false-premise, rights-waiving entity, then you are making that happen.  I'm not accusing anybody or being judgmental, but you are part of the problem because you are energizing the problem.  

SINGLETON, 04:05  I told my friend that the other day.  He wants the same lifestyle and travel and all that.  I said, "Why are you participating in all this?"  He told me that his wife tested positive for COVID.  I said, like, there isn't any COVID and  I said what are you doing.  He said, "Yeah, but his wife believes in it."  I said, okay, but you're participating in it.  You're making it bad for guys like me.  Just because you want to keep your same lifestyle, this is not a time to do that.  We're under attack.  It's the time to fight.  It is time to stop doing the things that perpetuate these problems, and so he didn't want to hear that.  He agreed with me, but they don't want to get this in their head but what does it take?  If I see you at the mall, and you're with your family and your wife and your two kids, and I come over to you and say, "Hey, man, I wish your children were sterile so they can't have children.  What would you do?  Would you think about that?  Would you want to fight me?  What if I pushed you down?  You should fight!

MARISSA, 05:00  You'd know what to do.  It's a matter of taking blinders off.  And thinking that this is anything other than that.  WE.  ARE.  AT.  WAR.  All you have to do is step and align yourself to the side that says "I do not accept this" and things will fall away.  It will open up.  The falling away process actually makes way for the new.  So when you're not giving all your energy trying to graspingly hold onto a job that no longer serves you or forcefully stuff your kids into a school that no longer serves them, or use a medical service that is not about health.  If you distance yourself from that, you make room for other things.  I've seen so many say, "I don't want to go to a hospital" figure out something else out.  People who say I don't want my kids to go to that school, figure something else out.  We have so many people in Zunga, I get letters all the time, No, I'm doing homeschool and coop, or we have a pod, or we're doing this stuff.  It's not like you have to be a teacher, don't think that way.  You can get your kids into a situation that is much more productive.  They learn how to educate themselves.  They follow their interests.  That's the way

06:42  For years, we've been babied by division of labor.  So I go to the grocery store like it's my 2nd refrigerator.  I don't know how to clean a deer.  I wouldn't want to do that.  I'm glad that someone else is going to do all that stuff and I can just go buy it.  That's cool.  It's a good use of human labor.  But we've been babied by it because we lack knowledge now.  Don't be confused when. . .  recognize what is happening and take the appropriate action.  We've created a resource.  We're with you.  You're not alone.  

07:22. You don't have to figure out how to engage in the fight we can partner with you on that and help you through it you just need to get your mind in the right place and say I'm going to fight.

07:28. Yeah and so this is what you do.  People go, "Well, gosh I have to use a court?  I have to sue?  Can I have an attorney?" Nope. You don't need one.  There isn't one.  Even if there was one, the law is designed for you to have the remedy and it's not beyond your ability to know how to do that, and you don't have to do that yourself.  We can do all that.  We can write it up.  Like Marissa and I were discussing before this recording, we know that the language we are writing in letter letters and disputes like your conferences like your free employment termination meetings, all the steps that lead to court . . . this language is intended to not only advance your legal argument, it's to empower you to understand what those are because there is no such thing as a religious exemption.  That's for babies.  Medical exemptions, religious exemptions, that's for babies.  Stop doing that.  There is a law, there are many laws, and they are all in your favor.  And you just have to use them.

So, what is involved?  So people start with us.  The first thing we do is the first hour is where you are doing a complaint to your internal Human Resources some agency that is a little bit different than that and then right within the same hour we're going right to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on the FED level.  and all we care about is documenting it we don't care what they say whether we get our right to sue letter or not

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

We'd like to forget. Boy, how I'd like to forget. But we can't forget. It must be recorded. It must be remembered. Never forget. Never forgive. Hold the line.

Do reminders work?  To what degree?  For how long?  We were reminded endlessly about fascism and the Jewish Holocaust of WWII.  How instructive was that to help us make the right decision regarding COVID and the vaccines?  How many of us relied upon the law to obtain an exemption, and defended ourselves, our bodies, and our property?  Not sure if it's soul searching that folks need to do as much as it is to know the laws that protect your rights and to apply them mercilessly against companies, yes, even grocery stores, that want to force some medical device or measure on you when they have no license or protections from the law to do so.  They've gotten away with enough.  Apply accountability.  And never forget.  Never forgive.  And hold the line.  

To the first video, the scene takes place at the Blue Mountain Ski Resort in Ontario, Canada.  For the life of me, I haven't been able to find the name of the man.  He's not identified in any of the reports published online.  And the incident took place on February 1, 2022, so almost a full year ago.  As to the mask mandate back then, their site currently says that masks are mandated and that exemptions are forbidden by the ADA.  One article from last year said, perhaps in error, that the masks were recommended, which is different from being required.    

Steve Kirsch provides a good write-up on Stephanie's murder. 

Friday, January 6, 2023

Wear masks to save public health agencies?

I laugh when people say they don't like talking politics.  For this interview here shows just how vacuous the COVID cult is in luring more innocents to get a shot, a shot that sheds.  The shot is the killer, not SARS-CoV-2.  Though SARS 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Bill Gates & Globalists Wanted to Vaccinate 7 Billion People Worldwide. If It Weren't for the Russians, They May Might Have Achieved Their Objective.

The globalists fully planned on holding all the cards and having full control over this system and the fact that the Russians played along and launched their vaccine first completely collapsed this agenda. 

Tom Luongo and Alex Krainer provide terrific insights on global players, their advantages, disadvantages, and how their respective histories play a role in how they're position themselves against their people and challengers, their competing strategies, etc.  

2:55  Alex says he doesn't know what going on with China--their lockdowns, zero COVID policies, quarantine camps, etc.--he says because he does know that the west is flush with disinformation and misinformation about China.  Says that a lot of the information is coming through the Epoch Times.  Journalists are quoting Epoch Times at face value.  Epoch times is controlled by Falun Gang, which is extremely anti-Chinese Communist Party, or CCP.  Says he can't trust them.  He's been trying to follow actual, genuine Chinese sources, and several westerners who live in China, and what I'm gathering from then is that things are not at all the way that things are being presented in the western media.  What's going on with the zero COVID policy, not sure, but the policy is stupid or it's about something else.  He was surprised to see Russia fall lockstep in line with the World Health Organization, and Bill Gates, and everybody, and take this COVID thing at face value, seriously--do the lockdowns, the masks, the vaccines, everything as the WHO dictated.  You already had the president of Belarus, Lukashenko, who said, "This is all bullshit.  We're not doing this."  At intelligence services, Russia and Belarus are quite tight.  So what was the Russian game?  It became clear the day they launched their Sputnik V vaccine, the first one to launch in the whole world.  The Russians were the first, and they made it immediately available to the whole world.  They gave other countries permission to produce it if 

5:55  The vaccines themselves are secondary.  More importantly, the vaccine was supposed to be the stepping stone toward the COVID passports, which were supposed to be universal.  Look at what Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have said.  They fully planned on having monopolies on the vaccines.  So western pharmaceutical companies were going to have a monopoly, and they were going to vaccinate 7 billion people.  Remember Bill Gates saying, "Nothing is going to return to normal until 7 billion people get vaccinated."  That would have meant 7 billion vaccine certificates linked to Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, etc.  Once you have the vaccine certificates in place, there's a whole other administration and bureaucracy, IT administration of these rules.  Monopolies over the vaccines would also give them administration over the system.  

Now, if countries adopted Sputnik V, the Russian vaccine, that completely throws a spanner into the globalists' pandemic agenda because now they either have to include Russians in the administration of this system, or they have to give up control over the countries that opt for Sputnik V.  Now, you no longer have monopoly.  What the hell do you do now?  Had the Russians not played along and taken the whole thing seriously, . . . had they said, "No, no, no, we're not buying this.  This is a hoax," then their Sputnik V vaccine wouldn't have been credible.  "Wait, you have a vaccine, but you said the whole thing was a hoax?"  So the Russians had to play along, be part of the system in order to throw a spanner [British for wrench] into it, because it's not just whether you or I couldn't get onto a plane or go into a pub or into a theater, it's much bigger than that because that system you could use to destabilize governments, to trigger social uprisings, you could use it in all kinds of nefarious ways once you have power to control whether in some countries people may travel. people may leave their homes, people may go to work, children may go to school, and so forth.  The globalists fully planned on holding all the cards and having full control over this system and the fact that the Russians played along and launched their vaccine first completely collapsed this agenda.  That's how I work out the Russian agenda.  I don't know how to work out the Chinese agenda.  It's way out there.  

10:03  Krainer thinks that the zero COVID policy in China may be a ruse to shake out foreigners out of China.  This is such heavy-handed harassment that I know people who've said, like, "Okay, enough.  We're packing up.  We're leaving China.  We're not going to live here." It's not zero COVID, because zero COVID is an impossible objective.  

11:00  When Sputnik V was announced, Tom called it the biggest geopolitical tool.  

Monday, November 14, 2022

"What saves lives, frankly, is freedom to speak and freedom to find truth. What saves lives is immunity . . ."

Sunday, November 6, 2022

When the government takes an inch, do they ever stop with just the inch?

A point about being safe.  This point was raised at the 1:48  mark in the context of wearing a mask.  "We were all scared and we just wanted to stay safe.  We didn't really know some of that stuff wasn't going to do anything.  Live and learn, live and learn."  One, safety is a measurement of risks.  No one is permanently safe, so no one can stay safe.  We can make vigilance a habit but that effort isn't really captured by the "stay safe" mantra.  "Stay safe" is an instruction to be afraid.  Afraid of what?  Transmission initially.  But health is an inside out phenomenon.  If your immunity is strong internally because you do everything right, your immunity will knock at varying speed the any pathogen that invades your body.  And given the dearth of information about how and why COVID was so dangerous, it was easy for too many to be afraid.  The fear was designed to reduce your thinking from an adult with decades of survival skills to rely on the mass propaganda and health instruction from the singular authority, the televised Fauci, while divesting you of the wisdom you've practiced most of your life and learned from family, neighbors, and community.   For most of our lives we've known to cover our mouths with our hands.  We know to wash our hands.  The goal was to strip you of knowledge and history and to funnel you into the shute of mass formation toward the vaccine.  Masks are psychological instruments of torture and symbols of being gagged.  Who can so readily and easily forget the waterboarding torture thar uses a mask placed over the face and water poured over it?  The masks reduced adults to acquiescent, obedient children.  The instruction was to shut up.  Shut up about any detrimental effects of the masks.  Shut up about any received information about COVID or about SARS-CoV-2.  Just shut up.  Shut up about the ridiculousness of the 6' social distancing.  The wisdom of your elders in the County Health offices, your governor, the White House COVID Task Force, the CDC, the W.H.O., and the FDA know better than you.  And recently, Emily Oster says we didn't know.  Those agencies sure claimed to have known everything including the medicines to prescribe anybody hospitalized. 

Grocery stores refused entry without one.  Ditto for restaurants.  They did this without themselves knowing the science behind mask-wearing.  Businesses that were allowed to stay open simply and obediently deferred to the local County Health office.  They'd been threatened or bribed.  None of the businesses, which were and are all essential to people's lives and to a sense of enjoying a certain or high standard of living.  But the unscientific refrain that got drummed into our heads from the grocery store speakers was to wear a mask to keep yourself and others safe.  Not a peep about how unhealthy the masks were.  People dutifully wore the masks to buy food and endured the lowering of oxygen saturation in our blood and lungs by breathing in one's own CO2.  From a rational standpoint, the idea to wear masks to keep other people safe was an epic fail.  Okay, if the message wasn't rational or practical and, in fact, designed to reduce oxygen saturation in our lungs and blood, what then was the intention of the message?  Solely to get people sick while we're being gaslit to believe we're making a small sacrifice to protect others or the community?  How do we know?  Is infectivity the same the world over?  Is it the same in Riverside as it is in Los Angeles, or the same in Denver as it is in Boulder?  

When the government takes an inch, do they ever stop with just the inch?  They commanded us to make a small sacrifice with the mask.  And look at all of what we gave up.  

So on January 18 [2021], they detect an issue. They do nothing and they kill 60 people at least . . . . After that occurrence, everything else should be considered intentional.

Manufacturers have safety signals in place.  So the signals regarding the unsafe nature of the vaccines were ignored, consistently ignored . . . .  These safety systems exists.  The manufacturers have these systems themselves and they monitor them, and most of the time they detect safety problems themselves.  The vast majority of product recalled are volunteered by the manufacturer.  With automobiles, you get messages from the car deal informing you that this model has a defective part.  Same system exists for the pharmaceutical products.   

8:27  And these systems exist at the federal, state, and county level.  Health authorities monitor and or pull products when there's a problem.   I found one news report in Orange County, California, the Health authority accidentally did their job and on January 18, 2021, which was just two weeks after the rollout of these shots in the United States, they detected a problem with the lot of Moderna, and they said that there were too many "allergic reactions. . . ." And it was reported in numerous news outlets, including CNN, but nothing happened.  And that lot was allowed to continue to be distributed all over the United States, until the end of March, until it ran out, and I counted in the VAERS system over 3,000 adverse events and 60 deaths.  So on January 18, they detect an issue.  They do nothing and they kill 60 people at least, we know that VAERS is under reported.  After that occurrence, everything else should be considered intentional.  And by the way, throughout the world.  This product is distributed throughout the world.  And wherever it's sold in every country, this should be noted by the regulators and nobody did anything.   

10:18  How did this fraud come about with these regulators playing the role of the regulator but they're not actual regulators?  They know, and they're just part of the theater.  I got my information from Katherine Watt, a private citizen and a deep and experienced researcher in legal matters.  She writes at Substack.  It's called Bailiwick News.  She calls it American Domestic Bioterrorism, but it's actually American International Bioterrorism program because it includes many other countries where these products are being distributed. So she revealed this whole scheme, which is actually quite simple.  The United States government and the Department of Defense are running this program.  The U.S. gov't, over many years--this goes back a decade--put in place three key pieces where they removed the regulations that we just discussed.  They removed the manufacturing practices requirements and all the safety monitoring requirements for what they called "countermeasures."  They call these things "countermeasures."  BTW, these vaccines are classified as "Countermeasures."  [Okay, what does that mean?] Countermeasures is a euphemism for weapons.  So the Department of Defense has the right to order these countermeasures, meaning weapons, from private manufacturers, meaning Pfizer, Moderna, and a whole bunch of their suppliers, there's like hundreds of companies that make this.  So these are Emergency Use Authorized, EUA, so no regulations apply to them, and this happens under public health emergencies.  So three things: 1) you have DOD other transactional authority where they contracted bribed manufacturers 2) they make countermeasures, and 3) which are Emergency Use Authorized, and this happens under Public Health Emergencies.  So when those conditions are met, no regulations apply whatsoever.  The only standard for releasing them or deploying them is the United States Health and Human Services, USHHS, had Alex Azar under the Trump Administration, and now currently it's Xavier Becerra.  It's up to that person's sole discretion to deploy these weapons.  If they feel that they may be effective.  That's it.  There's no other standard that applies.   

13:20  Are we talking about Operation Warp Speed, for example? Yes.  OWS is a DOD operation, with the DOD in charge of the entire operation.  Layers of U.S. government that designs, develops, and manufactures these products.  And Pharma is just suppliers.  They execute only orders.  But everything is designed, developed, and manufactured by DOD.  But the legal structure is, once they make these things, the HHS Secretary, Alex Azar, if he decides they may be effective, they're released on the market.  Notice that this is done by the DOD with their suppliers and network and so forth.  DOD is not regulated by FDA.  It's not regulated by "good manufacturing practices" or good "distribution practices," does not have to run clinical trials.  [I don't see how fraud goes undetected.]  The FDA's own website states that 

Consumers expect that each batch of medicines they take will meet quality standards so that they will be safe and effective.

So they expect a certain quality.  But the quality regulators were let off the hook for the COVID vaccine.  Huh.  

Does not have to demonstrate safety and efficacy.  BTW, for these products, no clinical trials are needed because HHS Secretary declares them to be "effective."  They don't have to be safe.  The decision to release them in the market to the American people is left to the sole discretion of the HHS Secretary, in this instance, it was Alex Azar.  The FDA plays no role here.  What FDA has been doing is acting, and playing theater, pretending to be a regulator, so they're impersonating a regulator, and they have no role to regulate these products.  And that's the fraud that has been committed on all of us.  [Among others, I would add.]  We also have leaked emails we see that the FDA pressured the European medicine Agencies to approve these things on specific schedule, and they created this whole panic, by saying, "Oh, my God, if we don't approve by Christmas 2020, the world will come to an end."  So they pushed the European regulators who are also quite aware.  I don't think they're amateurs and they probably investigated the legal structure of this scheme.  And they probably did the same in Australia and everywhere else where they pushed this garbage.  After all the evidence of reproductive healt damage, heart attacks, myocarditis, and nerve destruction, we go to the regulators to have a discussion, showing them the data, but the regulators refuse to look at the data and refuse to acknowledge them.  They tell us to go away, that it's been determined to be safe and effective.  They're acting.  They're pretending.  They're stalling everyone.  We keep going there only to learn that we're barking up the wrong tree. 

19:00  The main perpetrator here is the DOD.  The contracts of the players show that this scheme was planned.  In the U.S. about 400 contracts . . . for everything, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, masks, swabs, test kits, staffing, logistics, everything related.  

Friday, November 4, 2022

Five doctors are challenging a California law that threatens to punish them for deviating from the COVID-19 "scientific consensus."

This was a good point.  Yeah, given how the scientific consensus changes from day to day, week to week, month to month, how can the law rely on a standard? 

Leaving aside the practical challenge of defining the "scientific consensus" at any given time, that consensus is constantly evolving. The very nature of scientific inquiry means that today's majority view may ultimately be proven wrong. The history of the COVID-19 pandemic is littered with such examples. 

The scientific consensus on masking and vaccination has raised intense debate.  

The California Medical Association argued that A.B. 2098 was necessary because some physicians had been "calling into question public health efforts such as masking and vaccinations." Yet both of those subjects have generated vigorous, empirically informed debates among scientists. 
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) initially dismissed the value of general masking, then embraced it as "the most important, powerful public health tool we have." More recently, it has conceded that commonly used cloth masks do little, if anything, to stop coronavirus transmission. That view had previously been deemed "misinformation" egregious enough to justify removing it from social media platforms.

Monday, October 31, 2022

"Lockdown Moderate" and Parent Guru, Emily Oster, Calls for Americans to Forgive the CDC, the FDA, County Health Officers, Governors, Fauci, Birx, Collins, Gottlieb, Bourla, et al. Sorry, Sister. Never Forget. Never Forgive. Hold the Line.

Don't make me laugh.  The answer is NO.

The author's name is Professor Emily Oster, a woman who writes about pregnancy and parenthood.  And here she is to tell us to forgive what Fauci, Collins, Scarf-Lady Debra Birx, Scott Gottlieb, your local county health officer in tandem with your governor told us to isolate, to social distance, wear a panty on your face, prevent you from dining out, effectively locking up your elderly grandmother or parent in a convalescent home before killing them.  Yeah, right, Emily, oh, such a pretty Victorian name Emily.

Eugyppius calls her out: Professor Oster is a "lockdown moderate."  Oh, how compromising.  Problem is that she's compromising your health and the nation's economic health.  

I don’t know much about the American pandemic pundits, but I gather that Brown University economist and “parenting guru” Emily Oster is far from the worst of them. Her Twitter timeline suggests she spent the early months of the pandemic terrified about the virus until school closures took their toll on her kids, at which point she repositioned herself as a kind of lockdown moderate, opposing the worst of the hystericist excesses while validating their central premises whenever possible to save face with friends and colleagues.

Oh, I love this, Emily.  Why don't you retreat to your downtown townhome far away from the rest of civilized, real working people, huh? 

Emily Oster’s latest act of moderation is the suggestion that we forgive and forget all the disastrous policies inflicted on us by terrified wealthy urbanites, clueless technocrats and mad scientist vaccinators since 2020, because, hey, these were just honest mistakes, anybody could’ve messed up like that, it’s all good.

April 2020, with nothing else to do, my family took an enormous number of hikes. We all wore cloth masks that I had made myself. We had a family hand signal, which the person in the front would use if someone was approaching on the trail and we needed to put on our masks.  Once, when another child got too close to my then-4-year-old son on a bridge, he yelled at her “SOCIAL DISTANCING!”

These precautions were totally misguided. In April 2020, no one got the coronavirus from passing someone else hiking. Outdoor transmission was vanishingly rare. Our cloth masks made out of old bandanas wouldn’t have done anything, anyway. But the thing is: We didn’t know.

The thing is, Emily Oster, that we did know. We’ve studied respiratory virus transmission for years. All the virologists and epidemiologists who aren’t total morons knew your 2020 mask routine was crazy and they just didn’t care. They wanted you to do it anyway, because they thought that if they got you to act paranoid and antisocial enough, your insane behaviour might have some limited effect on case curves. Joke’s on you, and it’s sad you still haven’t realized.

In fact, instead of an amnesty, Emily.  I give you this: 

Never Forget.  Never Forgive.  Hold the Line.  

Letting them off the hook means to surrender to a horde of troglodytes.  Amnesty for lying Fauci?  This is worst than running press coverage for Fauci, Birx, Collins, who with his wife, pranced a televised version of Puff the Magic Dragon, the way that Che Guevara would televise public executions on TV for their families to witness the horror.  You have a poor grasp of history.  Maybe you spend too much time around babies.  Give that up occasionally to a babysitter once and a while.  Our family members have died and instead of demanding justice, or God forbid just a cessation of all the vaccine mandates, here you are telling us to forgive and forget.  What a POS.  You ignore the fact that people lost lives, we lost loved ones, brothers, sisters, cousins, parents, family, dear Emily, and your call for amnesty is the rudest insult.  

Why not ask us to say to these monsters, "Ah, no big deal, no harm no foul" only to let another few years go by before they introduce something else and you're not going to be in any position to help yourself ore your family or friends.  Read this by eugyppius.  

And finally, check out this post with Professor Oster's tweets on lockdowns.  Lovely gal, isn't she?  

When it comes to those who forced lockdowns & drugs on unwilling people now seeking amnesty, an eternal principle stands out: #NeverForget #NeverForgive #HoldTheLine

— Robert Barnes (@barnes_law) October 31, 2022

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

DR. ERIC BERG: “There is actually no real estrogen or progesterone in a birth control pill. What you do have is a synthetic version altered in a way to mimic estrogen and progesterone.”

Thank you to Mary Wicker from LifeSite News @

Dr. Eric Berg said the long-term effects of removing natural hormones from a woman’s body are quite dangerous, negatively affecting menopause, bone function, and even longevity.

(LifeSiteNews) – A popular dietary expert on YouTube released a new video that explains the dangers of artificial birth control and advocates instead for a natural form of family planning.

Dr. Eric Berg, a chiropractor and dietary expert with over 8 million subscribers on YouTube, posted a YouTube video with a discussion on the “dark side of the birth control pill” while exposing the negative effects the pill has on women and offering a natural alternative.

“There is actually no real estrogen or progesterone in a birth control pill,” Berg said. “What you do have is a synthetic version altered in a way to mimic estrogen and progesterone.”

Berg went on to say that what women do not realize is that replacing naturally produced estrogen and progesterone with an artificial version can lead to various complications.

Among numerous health risks, the birth control pill can “increase your risk of heart attacks, blood pressure, strokes, blood clots, breast cancer, dementia, depression, acne, mood swings, [and] it can even trigger auto-immune diseases.” He went on to describe how birth control also depletes women of many necessary minerals such as zinc, selenium, and magnesium, and vitamins such as B12.

“What a lot of women don’t realize is when you take this pill, you are shutting down the production of estrogen and progesterone,” he said.

Berg went on to explain that this is a dangerous thing to do because women, unlike men who produce testosterone every day, produce their necessary hormones in “two major spikes.” That is, instead of producing the necessary hormones daily, women produce the hormones at two points during their cycle, one where they see an increase in estrogen, and one where they see an increase in progesterone.

Berg says the long-term effects of removing natural hormones from a woman’s body are quite dangerous, negatively affecting menopause, bone function, and even longevity.

Widespread human misery from contraception-enabled promiscuity

Pro-life and pro-family activists have long warned of the dangers of artificial contraception – as has the Catholic Church, which is the only remaining religion to condemn contraception openly and completely. In addition to the many health dangers of the birth control pill, some of which were outlined by Berg, the broader culture of casual sex that contraception (including non-hormonal barrier methods), has enabled and encouraged has led to widespread misery from promiscuity, increased abortion rates (with abortion regarded as a back-up method of birth control), and skyrocketing rates of sexually transmitted diseases. It has also degraded male-female relationships by giving men access to easy sex with little to no commitment or consequences.

Birth control pills and IUDs can also cause very early abortions. If they fail to prevent fertilization – which is when a whole, distinct, living human being begins to exist – these methods of contraception typically weaken the lining of the uterus so that it is hostile to a newly created human, preventing implantation.

‘An offense against the law of God and of nature’

Even non-Catholic Christians largely opposed contraception until the Lambeth Conference of 1930 infamously approved it in some instances. In Casti Connubii, Pope Pius XII refuted the idea that contraception was ever acceptable, warning that those who “deliberately frustrate” the “natural power and purpose” of the marital act “sin against nature and commit a deed which is shameful and intrinsically vicious.”

READ: The Church’s total ban on contraception cannot be changed by Pope Francis or anyone else

“Any use whatsoever of matrimony exercised in such a way that the act is deliberately frustrated in its natural power to generate life is an offense against the law of God and of nature,” Pius XII wrote, “and those who indulge in such are branded with the guilt of a grave sin.”

Instead of artificial birth control, Berg recommended Natural Cycles, an app that allows women to track their cycles and accompanying symptoms in order to avoid or achieve pregnancy. Natural Cycles is “the first FDA cleared birth control app,” its website says, and it tells users trying to avoid pregnancy to use non-hormonal contraception (condoms) “or abstain from sex” on fertile days. (There are a number of methods of menstrual/hormonal cycle tracking that couples can use to achieve or avoid pregnancy without degrading the marital act; Pius XII outlined some of the legitimate reasons for intentionally abstaining from intercourse during the fertile window in his famous Address to Midwives on the Nature of Their Profession.)

READ: Bp. Strickland celebrates Church teaching on contraception amid rumors of papal review

Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas has previously reminded Catholics of their duty to respect the Church’s teachings on contraception. On July 26, the anniversary of the publication of Humanae Vitae, Strickland tweeted a reminder to all Catholics to heed the truth in regard to this issue.

“Humanae Vitae, issued in July 54 years ago, taught the Truth that contraception is immoral and does harm to marriage & the family,” he said. “We have lived for more than 1/2 a century with humanity rejecting this Truth & this has done great harm to the human family. Let us heed The Truth!”

IRISH HEALTH MINISTER, STEPHEN DONNELLY: "I mean there's oodles of data."

Well, I don't live in Ireland, but I do live in the U.S. where I've seen schoolyards of children wearing masks, not because of any condition they have or any condition they might threaten their classmates with, but because of remote, unaccountable, invisible authority: the county health officer.  

But I do love the language that these official tools give to reporters.  

You may mandate COVID masks this winter, but according to a major report by Ofsted in the UK earlier this year.  There's evidence that face masks could have stunted many children in social and language development.  So I'd like to ask with these known risks, what real-world evidence do you have that masks significantly reduce COVID-19 not based on models but actual real-world examples.   

00:25  So first of all, there is no expectation we will be moving to mask mandates.  Obviously, Ireland does what every other country will have contingency plans in place should there be a variants of concern that out competes Omicron that is a high ratio in terms of severe illness and that escapes the vaccines.  

My comments:  So this was something.  He's admitting that Ireland's response will be just like every other country's response.  Like China's?  Like Austria?  How about Australia?  There's no greater admission or concession that says we defer to a higher central authority than our own nation.  We defer to the International Communist WEF, Davos, and the EU.  These are our gods.  

00:45  The public health advice I have is unambiguous [meaning he'll change his advice next week] on the use of masks.  Masks are important.  We have public health advice in place right now.  They do work.  They do save lives.  And they have been an incredibly important part of our response to the . . . to the pandemic.

01:00  What real-world examples do you have of that other than just saying that they work? 

01:07  I mean there's oodles of data.  There's data all over the world.  There's no serious argument being had in terms of whether face masks . . . there's no serious argument being had in the medical community as to whether face masks are an important public health measure.  Are there trade-offs, are there trade-offs in children wearing masks?  Yes, there are, and those things are taken very seriously, and they are counted for in terms of public health advice.  But in terms of living through a pandemic, there is no serious debate as to whether face masks are an important public health measure . . . .

01:48  Could you name a real-world public health study that shows that . . . ? 

01:51  I will ask the Chief Medical Officer to send you any number of studies to that effect.  Yep, no problem at all.     

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Putin was selected by Yeltsin BECAUSE he was not a Communist and was moderate. If Putin was a communist, Yeltsin and his family would have been in prison.

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics 

I feel sorry for you for those who believe the propaganda put out to justify a war that Putin is this madman. Be careful what you believe and wish for. You probably think the government really cares about you and your future. You probably still wear masks driving alone, or even when you sleep, and possibly a condom just in case for good measure.

There are those of us who have REAL contacts and who understand REAL geopolitics and the way governments create wars by filling the minds of their people that there are weapons of mass destruction. Now even a former MI6 agent has come out and said the same thing. You better be careful what you wish for. Putin was selected by Yeltsin BECAUSE he was not a Communist and was moderate. Yeltsin was under siege from the communists who did want to resurrect the USSR and the oligarchs who wanted to strip mine Russia for themselves. If Putin was a communist, Yeltsin and his family would have been in prison.

I have all the declassified documents from the Clinton Administration that CONFIRM that Putin was nothing that the propaganda is all about. He NEVER sought to resurrect the USSR. As far as the KGB, he was never high-ranking and quit in 1991 as soon as Russia fell. All of the comments put out there by John McCain were outright lies. I have the security briefing he read and said the opposite because he was a Neocon who just wanted endless wars.

So you can believe all the BS. They need you to do that to wage war and offer your life on their altar of political agendas. If you think you will be an armchair general and watch this war on CNN, sorry. It will come to a neighborhood near you. I just thank God I am not 18. The future these people want is total insanity. The Weimar Republic in Germany took place because it was a revolution against the imperial government that always waged war. We face the same fate when the people realize this has been a mountain of lies for a political agenda. When Zelensky came to power, he promised peace. He was then instructed by the West that was not acceptable. The West promoted the civil war in Ukraine.

It is the hardliners putting pressure on Putin because he has been “too soft” on Ukraine. Replace Putin and we will get World War III. Zelensky better pack his high-heels in an emergency exit bag. 

Germany to Burn Almost 800 Million Unused COVID Masks

$6 billion dollars in mask purchases?  I wished I could have gotten in on that action.  

Germany spent €6 billion ($5.9 billion) on face covers at the start of the pandemic, according to Spiegel. Former Health Minister Jens Spahn was criticized at the time for excessive procurement and for using personal connections to buy masks, steps he defended by citing major supply shortages and a desperation to obtain protective coverings swiftly. 

Friday, October 14, 2022

Where Were All the Fact-Checkers When . . .

Ain't this the truth?  Where were the fact-checkers when the lockdowns were introduced?  

When the masks were introduced?  

When the PCR tests were introduced?  

The average dude and chick online were using social media to find answers, because they certainly weren't coming fast and furious from any public health agency.  To the contrary, those mfers lied to us then threatened us.  Threats that ultimately led people to get the jab.  

The government lied to us.  

Government-connected Bill Gates lied to us.  [No surprise there.]  

International agencies--the W.H.O., the CDC, the NIH, the U.N., the FDA all lied to us, to Americans, and to the entire world.  

The truth is that plenty of people fact-checked those claims but the rollout was in each case was too powerful, too orchestrated, too well-planned, and funded like you wouldn't believe.  


Who lied to us and how did they lie to us?


Who lied to us?  

Bill Gates funded the censorship battle.  

Debra Birx.

Anthony Fauci

Francis Collins

Scott Gottlieb

The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.


Who fact-checked the lockdown?  A few people.  

The folks who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.  

Scott Atlas, White House Task Force advisor.  

from Tom Woods

Nobody fact-checked their claims.  Fact-checkers weren't a thing back then in 2020 during the BLM's and Antifa's Summer of Love.  Distracted and exhausted from the "mostly peaceful" violence across the country, people met the rollout of the vaccines with critical thinking having taken a hit.  2020 was one long year of cognitive dissonance.  It was like