Showing posts sorted by relevance for query zinc. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query zinc. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2022

From a Friend . . .

1. Whenever you take any supplement, always, always, always include Magnesium.  Magnesium always makes things more effective.  So always take magnesium whenever you’re taking anything.  Magnesium Glycinate comes highly recommended. 

2.  You need a foundation: start with a multi-vitamin, called Molecular Multi.  Take it with 1 of your meals. 

3.  Fast occasionally.

4.  Start TODAY with these: Multi-vitamin, 10,000IU D3, Zinc 50mgs/day, 800-1,000mgs magnesium glycinate, 500mgs vitamin C every 4 hours. 

5.  Create shoebox-sized plastic containers where you place all of the brain nutrients into one box, the heart nutrients in another, and label each one.  It has to be this organized, otherwise, she’ll be confused and not know what to do or where to go to get relief for this or that.  Something like this but in white,  And with labels writ large so that she can read it from across the room.   


Vitamin D


Fish oils, the Zone Diet fish oils came advertised as the cleanest.  Take with a vitamin E.

Benfotiamine, this is fat-soluble B1

Ubiquinol, the absorbable form of COQ10





Beta-Glucans.  Wellmune is a specific type of beta-glucans and the superior form.

Vitamin D, 10,000 to 20,000IU/day

Zinc, 50mgs/day.

Zinc [Acetate, or zinc lozenges] helps regrow the thymus gland back to its original size.  Start on this immediately. 

Magnesium Glycinate

Glutathione, 1 capsule per day.





Gut immunity

Garlic prevents H. Pylori.

Zinc carnosine prevents intestinal ulcers.

Anti-parasitic, Artemisinin.  

Dandelion Root kills 95% of colorectal cancer cells in 48 hours.






Resveratrol (Longevinex is the only resveratrol anyone should be consuming).  Resveratrol has lots of anti-aging compounds, like fisetin, found in strawberries.






Hyaluronic Acid






Hyaluronic Acid

Niacin is excellent for the skin.




Leaky Gut

Apple Pectin





Vascular system

500mgs every 4 hours Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is extremely important for the eyes.

Niacin [FYI, Niacin cures schizophrenia and more.





Melatonin, 20mgs.  Shortages of this compound is problematic.  Doesn’t hurt to go up to 20mgs.  Cancer patients are recommended to take up to 30mgs/night. 




Saturday, January 8, 2011


So you zinc you don't need zinc, eh?  Zinc again.

Oysters top the list.  Six oysters gets you 42grams of zinc.  Wow!  That packs a punch.  

1 Rib Eye filet nets you 129grams.  

See the others in the other 8 items in the link above.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Have a Cold? How to Feel Better

Mark Sisson has penned what I would deem an excellent guide for treating the common cold.

No one likes a cold, and various colds of one origin or another are going around this winter season. One of the worst parts of the common cold is that it’s unpleasant enough to make daily life annoying but mild enough to force you to still go out into the world and maintain a normal schedule.

But you don’t want to have to do that. You don’t want to get anyone else sick, and you want to feel better—fast. How do you do it? How can you speed up your clearance of a cold, whether through actually expelling the virus from your body, getting rid of the symptoms, or both?

Let’s talk about that.

How to Feel Better Quickly When You Have a Cold

These are the basic, research-backed things to do when you have a cold and want to get over it fast.

  • Get enough selenium
  • Get enough zinc
  • Eat a bunch of garlic
  • Drink raw golden milk
  • Try nasal irrigation
  • Try povidone-iodine gargling and nasal rinsing
  • Drink bone broth
  • Eat spicy food

Get Enough Selenium

Almost every upper respiratory tract infection I’ve ever studied has selenium deficiency as an enhancing variable. Most viruses, for example, sequester selenium and utilize it to replicate and to weaken the host, leaving them wide open for further, deeper infection. The common cold is likely no different.

Eat Brazil nuts (one to three per day) and oysters and wild salmon. It is possible to overdo selenium, so don’t go overboard with supplementation. Just eat selenium-rich foods while you’re experiencing symptoms.

Get Enough Zinc

Zinc is the most important mineral for immune function, especially regarding upper respiratory tract infections. Depending on the virus, zinc has been shown to inhibit replication, lower binding, and block various physiological processes many viruses use to attack and ingratiate themselves with the host (you). And this isn’t just theoretical or based on cell culture studies. The best evidence we have shows that zinc supplementation reduces the duration of common colds in adults.1

Eat Lots of Garlic

Garlic is a potent superfood lurking in plain sight. Garlic and its components can improve immune function, reduce the occurrence of common colds, and block viral entry into host cells.234 If I feel a cold coming on, I’ll crush and dice up an entire head of garlic and lightly simmer it in a big mug of bone broth. I find I am usually able to ward off whatever’s headed my way. Of course, that’s just an anecdote and the available evidence is more equivocal.5

Drink Raw Golden Milk

Ayurveda is the traditional Indian system of medicine. Although talk of chakras and levitating gurus lets rational skeptics dismiss it entirely, modern science has vindicated many Ayurvedic therapies, herbs, and concepts. Golden milk is one, and it’s really simple. Add turmeric and black pepper (plus other spices) to milk and it turns gold. In Ayurveda, golden milk is used to fight sore throats, colds, and flus. Does it work?

Well, turmeric is absolutely rife with potent pharmacological effects. It may be able to relieve cough and clear up excess mucus, at least according to animal studies.67

Milk might actually be a bigger aid. Research has shown that a combo of two milk components—whey protein and lactoferrin—is able to reduce the incidence of the common cold in people.8 That was a concentrated supplement, however. Your standard glass of milk doesn’t have nearly as much whey or lactoferrin. Raw milk may be a better option, as it contains more lactoferrin than pasteurized milk, and raw whey provides more glutathione-boosting effects than heat-treated whey. To preserve these benefits, you’ll have to drink your golden milk unheated, of course. Here’s how I’d make it:

Fill a blender bottle with turmeric, black pepper, raw milk, and extra whey protein. Add a sweetener if you prefer. Shake vigorously. Drink. Maybe chase it with a lactoferrin or colostrum (the “first milk” that’s highest in lactoferrin) supplement.

Try Nasal Irrigation

In Sanskrit, “neti” means “nasal cleansing.” The neti pot is a exactly what it sounds like. You fill a tiny kettle with warm saline water, tilt your head over a sink, and pour the water into one nostril. It flows out the other one, clearing your nasal cavity and letting you breathe again. The scientific term is “nasal irrigation,” and it really does work against the worst part of a bad cold: the stuffy nose that keeps you up at night, gives you dry mouth, and makes food taste bland.9

Also, it’s better than antibiotics in kids with rhinosinusitis.10 It even improves symptoms in infants with bronchiolitis, another kind of viral infection.11

Gargling and Nasal Irrigation with 1% Povidone-Iodine

Make a 1% solution of povidone-iodine (1.5 tablespoons 10% povidone-iodine/betadine into 250 mL nasal irrigation bottle and fill the rest up with sterile/distilled water) and gargle with that at the first hint of a sore throat and spray it into your nasal passages. Betadine is intensely virucidal when applied topically. One study even found that COVID patients who gargled with 1% betadine had quicker clearance of the virus and its associated symptoms.12 Since the common cold is often a coronavirus, it’s also probably susceptible to betadine.

Worth a try.

Bone broth/chicken soup

People call it “Jewish penicillin,” and they’re not lying: evidence has confirmed that chicken soup eases nasal congestion, improves the function of the nasal cilia protecting us from pathogen incursions, and reduces cold symptoms.

Does it have to be chicken? As most cultures include soup in their list of effective cold remedies, I suspect it’s the goodness of the broth that’s important and any true bone broth-based soup will work. Hell, in a pinch pure collagen peptides might even do the trick, though I’d opt for the real bone broth if you can.

Spicy Food

Some people, when ill, swear that spicy food helps them “sweat it out.” Maybe, but a better bet lies in its effect on our nasal cavities. Capsaicin, the chili pepper component that produces a burning sensation in mammalian tissue, reduces nasal inflammation. When your nasal blood vessels are inflamed, the walls constrict; the space gets tighter and you have trouble breathing. Studies indicate that capsaicin is effective against most symptoms of nasal congestion.13

My Cold Remedies

The foundation for my resistance and response to upper respiratory tract infections isn’t any specific food or supplement, of course. It’s everything. It’s my sleep, my stress, my training, my play. And yes, my food. As I said about my experience with COVID, I’d been training for it my entire life. But it does happen to the best of us, and it’s the worst. We shouldn’t accept being sick. I never do.

I’ve mentioned my common cold medicinean entire head (yes, a head) of crushed garlic lightly simmered in a mug of bone broth spiked with cayenne, hot sauce, or fresh chilies. If I feel a cold coming on, I’ll drop whatever I’m doing and prepare it. This is a potent combination of three of the cold-busting ingredients with the most support in the literature (broth, garlic, and spicy food). Lately, I’ve been including black garlic, a delicious fermented variety that tastes like molasses and has increased pharmacological activity.

If I have a sore throat, heating up and drinking a blend of lemon juice (lime works too), water, and raw honey in a 4:4:1 ratio always makes me feel better. I tend to use a wild neem honey harvested in India. I’m not sure if the bees feeding on neem makes a difference, though the plant does possess antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. I’ve also heard great things about black seed honey, made from bees who feed on the black cumin seed flowers.

I also use these zinc acetate lozenges recommended by Chris Masterjohn. If you ever feel a sore throat coming on, suck on these and let them dissolve in your mouth. Each one takes about 30 minutes to dissolve, but it really does help.

How do you folks beat colds? What do you do?

Thanks for reading, everyone.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Sweetener Splenda Breaks Up Your DNA. Zinc May Resolve It

An excerpt

"Other studies have found that sucralose can adversely affect gut health, so we wanted to see what might be happening there," Schiffman says. "When we exposed sucralose and sucralose-6-acetate to gut epithelial tissues—the tissue that lines your gut wall—we found that both chemicals cause 'leaky gut.' Basically, they make the wall of the gut more permeable. The chemicals damage the 'tight junctions,' or interfaces, where cells in the gut wall connect to each other.

The paper, "Toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties of sucralose-6-acetate and its parent sucralose: in vitro screening assays," is published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B. The paper was co-authored by Troy Nagle, Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering at NC State and UNC and Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NC State; Terrence Furey, professor of genetics and biology at UNC; and Elizabeth Scholl, a former researcher at NC State who is currently at Sciome LLC.  

But should you really be too surprised at the toxicity of artificial sweeteners?  Or even natural sugar for that matter?  I mean we don't remain children or childlike, do we?  We know better than to consume endless sweets or to think that corporations work completely benevolent on our behalf.  I've got some Santa Claus stories if you're interested.  

Check this out

Perhaps you remember when the Coca-Cola company launched its ad campaign to fight obesity back in the early 80s? 

Wait, what!  A soft drink company wants to play doctor with your metabolism?  Oh, they want to doctor things alright.  No, thank you.

This was all part of a ploy to begin the use of aspartame, whose patent was once owned by none other than Monsanto

O, Irony! 

Ironically, there are numerous studies that show this stuff causes obesity. It doesn’t prevent obesity.

Before they started selling you Splenda, it was called NutraSweet. In 1985, Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle, the chemical company that held the patent to aspartame, the active ingredient in NutraSweet, as well as Splenda and many other artificial sweeteners. Is Splenda safe? It depends who you ask.

Let’s look at a little timeline, shall we?

  • 1901: Monsanto Chemical Works is formed.
  • 1976: When Ford loses the 1976 election, Rumsfeld returns to private business life, and is named president and CEO of the pharmaceutical corporation G. D. Searle & Company, during which time he leads the legalization of Aspartame.
  • 1977: Monsanto stops producing PCBs.
  • 1997: Monsanto businesses are spun off as Solutia Inc.
  • 2000: Monsanto’s Pharmaceutical Services Division is created. Monsanto also merges with the drug-maker Pharmacia & UpJohn Inc., which took control of the Searle pharmaceutical operations, and the current Monsanto Co. was incorporated as a subsidiary in October 2000.

  • 2002: PCB trial results in a sharp drop in stock price.
Splenda shrinks the thymus gland, a key immune organ, by up to 40%.  Zinc reverses that; in fact, it regrows the thymus to its original size.  See some other valuable benefits of zinc.  
1.  Resolves white spots on the fingernails. 
2.  Resolves pale, rough skin, dry hair, and acne.
3.  Resolves unhealthy weight loss caused by appetite loss. 
4.  Resolves dandruff.  Jettison the shampoo to treat dandruff.  Take zinc.
5.  Resolves slow wound healing.  All of these resolutions come from Sarah Corriher.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Dr. Tau Braun on Venomation of COVID-19 Spike Protein

Interesting interview. Refreshing to hear Jany Ruby at 28:13 say about McCullough and Dr. Kory, whom I've liked, that "these are people running opposition."  That's a pretty damning indictment for a guy that has been anointed as the antidote to Fauci.  Turns iut that McCullough is just a foil to Fauci.  The interview gets quite interesting at the 26:30 mark. He says to avoid milk sugars and to consume nothing that ends in "ose," dextrose, lactose, etc.  Do not discount information that is odd or out of the ordinary.  Sift through the information but don't discount it.

Dr. Tau Braun is a Counter BioTerrorism expert.

Ivermectin works because it binds to the same receptors as the snake venom gene does.  He makes that point here.  By the way, his envenomation information corroborates what Dr. Brian Ardis pointed out back in April and got slammed for.  

The SARS-CoV-2 is resistant to copper.  The bats grew up in copper mines and are resistant to it, says Dr. Braun.  He adds that you cannot take zinc without copper.  I've never heard that before.  I've heard that zinc must be taken with magnesium and vitamin D, selenium, and vitamin E, but never heard that about copper.  

I take that back.  I actually did read this article on zinc by Bill Sardi back when it was published in 2017. 

This is just phenomenal.  

Sardi says that “overlooked is the importance of zinc in acting as a mimic of insulin and in maintaining mental acuity.”  Wished I’d known.  

But Dr. Braun continues at 21:41, saying, "This is a mutant of a pathogen.  This pathogen has got death written all over it, all sorts of death mechanisms, including prion disease that people know from deer wasting, from mad cow disease.  It's got these [kinases? inaudible] in it that cut up the body.  It's got an HIV insert that makes the body react to.  It's got an antigen that the body reacts to in terms of . . . it's perceived as a pathogen so the body fights it.  And then it's got venom mechanisms where the venom allows certain mechanisms to take place.  It can trip cells.  The big thing with mRNA, the technology, is that it is using venom to trick cells to accept it, and then it gets into the cell and the cell replicates it.  It's like a handcuff key that gains access, little ways that trips the body and then hijack the cell . . . a trick in the cells to open."  

24:06  I believe the government is trying to kill us.  When Dr. Brian Ardis said "the government is purposely putting this in the water to kill people," um, that would make no sense in terms of the economy of a country, in terms of the strength of a country, ah, nobody has the ability to be an intentional killer and goes out and does things without being specific.  So intentional violence is targeted.  So the target in the U.S. is no different than a culling that people would do in an animal population. 24:55 

Okay, so the venom peptides can be synthesized.  

So pick yourself up some nicotine lozenges.  

Friday, July 24, 2020

"I have a breathing disorder. I like breathing fresh air."

First, I want to thank Robert Wenzel for keeping on top of all issues surrounding the COVID-lockdown-riot nonsense.  The way that the local mini-Maos, not Mini-Mouse, are dictating how to behave to taxpayers and how they've got people scared to death in fear of their neighbor if they get sick, sneeze or cough is an abomination and needs to be fought against.  That's where Wenzel comes in.  He posts these videos from a few shoppers who've gained entrance into different WalMarts in Missouri and Mississippi.  And even though the mask-monitors reminded him that he must wear a mask, the shopper was able to get through on an exemption.  You need to do the same.  Check these out.
Here's video #1.  The guy says, "I was talking to your corporate, and he said that exemptions were allowed."  

"Yes, sir.  Of course."  Notice that no question about the specifics on the exemptions was raised.  That's our advantage.  That's where you want to be.

Here's video #2.  I loved this one.  Both customers loathe wearing a mask and complying with the stupid mandate.

Here's video #3.  

Here's video #4.  

The videos are courtesy NoMask.Info.

So what's the answer in any store that you go into, or what's the answer for getting your employer to bend to your will or exemption?  Stand strong on your beliefs.  Stick to what you believe.  If we give up, we'll never get back our freedoms again."

Zinc is the premiere anti-viral compound as is vitamin D.  Take them in conjunction.  Though I have yet to try this particular zinc product, the price looks pretty good.  You get 90 lozenges of zinc acetate that is powerful medicine to regrow your thymus gland for $30.  That's less than $10 per bottle and about $.33 per lozenge.  Not bad.  I want to try this brand because I trust the producer, Bill Sardi.  There are, however, other brands. 

But whatever brand of zinc you take, try it with magnesium.  Magnesium enhances the effects of almost any nutritional compound you consume.  

Monday, March 30, 2020


This was interesting.  I'd never heard of Zicam.  Thanks to Lew Rockwell.  
Writes Brian Dunaway: 
You’ve posted quite a lot of material with the word “zinc” in it.I noted in one article by Bill Sardi that “zinc inhibits growth and replication of RNA viruses like coronaviruses.” A light went on when I read that.
I’ve been using Zicam to ward off colds for years, and its efficacy is stunning, especially if you use it at the first indication of a cold. I tell everyone about it. The conversation usually runs something like. “You really should use Zicam – it’s amazing.” Typical response: “OK.” To which I reply, “No – dude – it’s like you didn’t even catch a cold.”
Bill Sardi suggests zinc lozenges. Maybe I didn’t take the right kind, but the results after several attempts were: bupkus.  My chemical engineering perspective suggests to me it’s all about the transport mechanism. If taken orally, the transport path (for any substance) is much more slow and inefficient than introducing it directly into the bloodstream. (I note that one COVID-19 treatment is IV Vitamin C.)  Absorption into the mucous membranes is essentially that.
I use the oral mist because I believe the nasal variety no longer contains zinc. (Some users were complaining of loss of olfactory function.) Further chemical engineering instruction: After spraying it under your tongue, take your (clean) finger and wipe it all around the mucous membranes of your mouth (this increases the mass transfer film coefficient – trust me), including the gums (I saw someone in a movie do this with cocaine). Zicam instructions say to swallow it – I spit it out, because it upsets my stomach (they mention that as a possibility), and I don’t believe it’s effective orally anyway. Do follow the other instructions.  Since I live with an 89YO, I take extra caution, and essentially use Zicam as a prophylactic.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Pfizer CEO confirms mRNA is in the seasonal flu shot this year... So what does this mean? It means that there will be plasmids in the shot that will enter your cells. Stop it. Stop it right now. Do not get a flu shot

Don't get a flu shot.  Double up on your vitamin D3.  Go from 5,000 to 10,000.  Or go from 10,000IUs to 20,000IUs.  It's that simple.  Oh, and add zinc.  If you're 60 and older, take up to 50mg of zinc.  Be sure to take copper with the zinc.  So if you take 50mgs of zinc, take at least 2mg of copper.  No more than 4mg.  And don't forget fat-soluble vitamin A.  Be sure to take this vitamin A for a more durable immunity.