Showing posts with label Snake venom peptide in vaccines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snake venom peptide in vaccines. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2022

Dr. Tau Braun on Venomation of COVID-19 Spike Protein

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Interesting interview. Refreshing to hear Jany Ruby at 28:13 say about McCullough and Dr. Kory, whom I've liked, that "these are people running opposition."  That's a pretty damning indictment for a guy that has been anointed as the antidote to Fauci.  Turns iut that McCullough is just a foil to Fauci.  The interview gets quite interesting at the 26:30 mark. He says to avoid milk sugars and to consume nothing that ends in "ose," dextrose, lactose, etc.  Do not discount information that is odd or out of the ordinary.  Sift through the information but don't discount it.

Dr. Tau Braun is a Counter BioTerrorism expert.

Ivermectin works because it binds to the same receptors as the snake venom gene does.  He makes that point here.  By the way, his envenomation information corroborates what Dr. Brian Ardis pointed out back in April and got slammed for.  

The SARS-CoV-2 is resistant to copper.  The bats grew up in copper mines and are resistant to it, says Dr. Braun.  He adds that you cannot take zinc without copper.  I've never heard that before.  I've heard that zinc must be taken with magnesium and vitamin D, selenium, and vitamin E, but never heard that about copper.  

I take that back.  I actually did read this article on zinc by Bill Sardi back when it was published in 2017. 

This is just phenomenal.  

Sardi says that “overlooked is the importance of zinc in acting as a mimic of insulin and in maintaining mental acuity.”  Wished I’d known.  

But Dr. Braun continues at 21:41, saying, "This is a mutant of a pathogen.  This pathogen has got death written all over it, all sorts of death mechanisms, including prion disease that people know from deer wasting, from mad cow disease.  It's got these [kinases? inaudible] in it that cut up the body.  It's got an HIV insert that makes the body react to.  It's got an antigen that the body reacts to in terms of . . . it's perceived as a pathogen so the body fights it.  And then it's got venom mechanisms where the venom allows certain mechanisms to take place.  It can trip cells.  The big thing with mRNA, the technology, is that it is using venom to trick cells to accept it, and then it gets into the cell and the cell replicates it.  It's like a handcuff key that gains access, little ways that trips the body and then hijack the cell . . . a trick in the cells to open."  

24:06  I believe the government is trying to kill us.  When Dr. Brian Ardis said "the government is purposely putting this in the water to kill people," um, that would make no sense in terms of the economy of a country, in terms of the strength of a country, ah, nobody has the ability to be an intentional killer and goes out and does things without being specific.  So intentional violence is targeted.  So the target in the U.S. is no different than a culling that people would do in an animal population. 24:55 

Okay, so the venom peptides can be synthesized.  

So pick yourself up some nicotine lozenges.