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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query masks. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Mock the COVID Scam, Mandates, & Vaccine Passports

Great insight from Martin Armstrong

While everyone is focused on COVID and arguing that there is no virus or that it is easily treated without vaccination, they are missing the real objective – our descent into a state of tyrannical psychosis that creates the totalitarian rule. The totalitarian state has a standard playbook. First, they need to create fear. This is then followed by terrorizing the people. Lastly, they will then seek power by offering solutions that require the surrender of all your rights for security. This is what Ben Franklin was really referring to.

We are told to social distance and to wear masks, but this not merely defies the scientific truth as the Washington Post reported on the studies from the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic that masks were “useless” yet they have demanded we comply. Why? This is to prevent civil uprisings (resistance) against their goals. In France, they have set up roadblocks all to prevent protests – that is ruthless totalitarian tactics unfit for an elected democratic state. They set up roadblocks during World War II for the very same reason. This is Pavlov’s Dog. Training is achieved through isolation and conditioning.

I recommend reading, The Power of the Powerless by Vaclav Havel. He was a dissident who lived in Czechoslovakia under communist rule. 

In his youth, Havel had been denied various educational opportunities due to his family’s intellectual and bourgeois upbringing. Stalin feared intellectuals and even had Kondratieff executed because his cycle work warned that the communist state would collapse. So, Havel instead found himself writing internationally acclaimed plays. In spite of clear fears and frustrations, Havel was carving out a life for himself. It was this trend that caught on and people began to see the Communist state for what it truly was – tyranny not freedom.

You will not understand totalitarianism until you see it live. As I have said before, I went behind the Berlin Wall before it fell. I saw it with my own eyes. The power of rulers is constructed on FEAR. This is precisely what they have begun with using COVID. I am not the only one who understands how to create a totalitarian state. This is no secret. Others have studied this as well and the steps are very clear. They are using this model to redesign the world for climate change and while they are at it, they seek to recreate a communist state thanks to Schwab’s ideas but they assume it failed before because it did not engulf the entire world. Hence, the entire world must be vaccinated. This is the reality behind the curtain.

Havel offers a view of how still the totalitarian state can be defeated. Unlike most dictatorships which are locally created by military power, the Communist dictatorship behaved like a “secularized religion” which was a key observation from within. Communism covered a broad area of diverse cultures, yet it professed to be rooted in historical socialist movements. Its godfathers were Marx and Engels who were raised to god-like status. It is true that there was conventional and nuclear weaponry that was the ultimate trump card in this game of power. Nonetheless, the glue that holds it all together is not the military power, but the social pressures and indoctrination that enable this totalitarian order to be maintained.

 Often the people who are the totalitarian rulers NEVER see themselves as evil. They see that their idea will save society. Because the French demanded vengeance upon Germany in World War I and insisted on ruinous reparation payments that punished the people rather than the political leaders, they set the stage for Hitler to rise because of their oppression. You should NEVER punish the people for the behavior of their leader for the people are suppressed with fear and conditioned to the point where menticide takes place.

Stanley Milgram established the fallacy that the Germans killed the Jews because somehow they were different. He conducted that experiment and found that people in the United States would also torture people if they were told to do so by an authority. That was his book – Obedience to Authority. All the german guards when asked simply responded they were following orders. That was their mindset and it is critical to understand that this is the very key to creating a totalitarian state. They have been using this COVID to achieve their goal of brainwashing people and dividing society into groups so they will not ban together to rise up against their master. So we have Black Lives Matter which helps to divide society by race. They will also induce divisions on religion and try to turn others against the religious right they are characterizing as the neo-Nazis of today. They are against religion just as the Communists were for religion leads to prayer and the belief in a savior from about rather than the rulers of the totalitarian state.

The Salem Witch Hunts were a classic model of totalitarian power. They created the fear that there were witches controlled by the devil threatening their society. People turned against one another as they are doing today. In Britain, they told people to report if they saw their neighbor leave their house. These tactics are well known. What they are doing right now is taken out of this totalitarian playbook.

One important weapon in fighting totalitarianism is HUMOR. You must ridicule the leaders and expose them for what they truly are for in their mind they are not evil, you are just unruly. The COVID trick is starting to decline for there has been no massive death wave. They will next move onto climate change and expect air travel to rise in price dramatically. They are trying to reduce international travel and will most likely impose restrictions on the number of flights and new taxes destined to double the prices. We will even see air travel domestically rise in price. They are also deliberately trying to reduce meat and are paying farmers not to grow food to create a panic that they will then link to climate change.

We MUST strive to spread the word and to expose the fact that they have lied about COVID. But don’t get involved with claims it is not a virus, has not been isolated, and all that line of reasoning. It will lead nowhere and it misses the entire point. This is a plot and the fact that they are insisting on this vaccine is part of the powerplay to separate the mindless sheep from those who think first, and question those in power who never tell the truth about anything anyway. Getting involved with is it a virus or not is distracting and it will not win the day. They will bring out a fake doctor who has been paid to refute anything you say.

Our politicians may even be oblivious to the goals here for they are NOT the people who have dreamed up this plot. That is coming from the World Economic Forum, Gates, and Soros who have used money and influence to trick most of the world into this direction, and like Hitler, they do not see themselves as evil, but the savior of the world. We are just too stupid to know what is best for us.

When I was invited to the private debut of Schwab’s movie the Forum, it shocked me for this was supposed to be about his 50 years of accomplishment. It turned out to be a promo for the Great Reset where Schwab invited Greta and Jeniffer Morgan of Green Peace to play a major role in selling the true agenda – climate change. That film debuted in New York and was the kick-off for the Great Reset. I thanked Schwab for the invite and we shook hands and he thanked me for coming. Like so many events in my life, I have seemed to be at the key spot where things began like being called in back in 1985 to start the G5 – now G20. I suppose I was at the event that started the move for the Great Reset as well.

We must take a step back and look at this strategy for what it is. They have conditioned society and we still see a few people wearing masks because they have been brainwashed and it now makes them “feel” safe. Handshakes have been replaced by elbow-bumping that contributes to social distancing to prevent gatherings that could result in uprisings. Understand the game plan. Use HUMOR to ridicule them. Remember, resistance is not futile.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Germany to Burn Almost 800 Million Unused COVID Masks

$6 billion dollars in mask purchases?  I wished I could have gotten in on that action.  

Germany spent €6 billion ($5.9 billion) on face covers at the start of the pandemic, according to Spiegel. Former Health Minister Jens Spahn was criticized at the time for excessive procurement and for using personal connections to buy masks, steps he defended by citing major supply shortages and a desperation to obtain protective coverings swiftly. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Here's Why Masks Don't Work

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

psychological effects masks are having on kids

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Masking children causes hypercapnia

The problem is that county health officials and national health officials aren't relying on the science at all.  They're relying purely on politics.  Anyone--including parent or teacher or "educator"--who forces children to wear masks should be brought up on charges of child abuse.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

"Rogan is the Neo-Legacy Media. A $100mil business is not indie."

00:27. Brett Weinstein was not a COVID dissident.  He wore the masks, and fine, you want to wear the masks, fine, but he shamed people who didn't wear them.  When so many true COVID dissidents, so many real doctors and medical professionals and nurses had already been out there risking their jobs, their income, their security, their reputation, and sometimes possibly their lives to bring you the facts.  These people are essentially doing The Stolen Valor thing when you claim that you fought in a war and you get all the kudos and you get all the medals and you get all the trust from society and goodwill that comes from that.  But you really didn't ever fight.  You just bought a uniform at the Army Surplus and you go to Memorial Day ceremonies and Veterans Day ceremonies and you're like, "Oh, I fought" and you didn't?  That's what Brett Weinstein is doing.  

Sunday, November 7, 2021

"Surgical masks and N95 respirators are not tested against specific microorganisms and should not claim to prevent specific diseases."

Sunday, November 12, 2023

MUST-LISTEN: Audio: Hero Nurse Records Hospital Officials Violating Their Own Policy, The Nuremberg Code and The Law.

MUST-LISTENNurse Kim Carter recorded her termination meeting on November 2nd, 2023 with Select Medical Hospital in Cincinnati Ohio for mask refusal and enforcement.  


Kim is not jabbed and knows the harms of the masks and the shots, regardless of the type of shot. She has warned her co-workers, including Dean Blevins (CEO), Lauren Alexander (Human Resources Director), and Jennifer Dreher (APRN, CNO.) well in advance. Kim also submitted her religious exemption to them with peer-reviewed, referenced, proof of harm. Her religious exemption was denied.

Kim was sent home on Monday, October 30th, 2023, and then returned to work on Thursday, November 2nd, 2023. This was the date of the meeting and the recording.

Kim learned of the recent FDA safety signal (regarding the taking of both the COVID shot and the Flu shot), which dropped on the 29th of October, then she warned them on the 30th, the next day. Kim has always warned her co-workers about the harm of masks and shots, and how informed consent is not being given to the patients or the employees.

As a House Shift Supervisor, she was told to enforce Select Medical’s reimplemented mask policy for those who have not taken a flu shot. Their policy is that if you take the flu shot, you don’t need to wear a mask. If you don’t take the flu shot, you have to wear a mask and force others to do so.

Kim refused, based on religious beliefs and medical facts.

They sent Kim home to silence her. Then, she went back on the 2nd of November and they used her religious beliefs about the mask to further silence her, then they terminated her on Friday, November 3rd of 2023.

In this meeting on November 2nd, 2023, Kim was in a room with Dean Blevins (the CEO), Lauren Alexander (Human Resources Director), and Jennifer Dreher, APRN, CNO (the lady on the phone in the recording).

Kim recorded this meeting.

Above is her recording.

Kim is a friend of mine, a mother, and a patriot of the highest order. She has witnessed atrocities at former hospitals where she’s worked and former nursing homes as well, specifically from 2020 up to the current day.

If you can assist Kim in her legal battle, with any legal referrals or legal advice, please reach out to me at:  


1:38. So we just wanted to follow up from our last conversation and make sure you're doing okay, and then kind of go from there.  [Insincere: trying to disarm his audience]

1:46. We wanted to touch base with you before you got here.  We left you a voicemail . . . [Getting to business; tries to establish authority in conversation]

1:50. Yeah, I don't know what happened with that [questioning & indicting his intentions]  

1:51. That's okay [Bevins trying to buy back some creds with her; he's failing and flailing]

1:59. How are you feeling.

2:00. I'm still very concerned and I don't know how to make that and I don't know how to make that concern go away because those are significant safety signals I don't know how I'm supposed to feel I feel the way that I feel.

2:18. So I guess from my standpoint my question to you is do you think that you're able to lead the floor as a house supervisor?  Like knowing what you know, knowing where our patients are at, knowing where our staff is at [with] enforcing the mask with the people that don't have the flu shot, do you feel that you're able to leave the floor?

2:45. That's what I've been doing I mean and I'm not going to enforce a mask when I don't know what their religious standpoint is or what their medical standpoint is that's none of my business that's a HIPAA thing.

2:58. But that's a job requirement as a leader.

3:00. You are too enforce the mask when you know that people don't have the vaccine.

3:06. But I don't know because it's medical information that I'm not privy to

3:12. We provide a list of the house supervisor . . . 

3:13. So you're violating people's Medical information

3:17. We don't know what they're

3:18. If you're giving me a list, you're providing me with your personal medical information.  You're violating HIPAA.

3:23. We're following our select policy

3:24. And your select policy is violating your own corporate policy I mean I don't know what you guys want me to do but you're asking me to break the law and I'm not okay with that.

3:35. I just told you what we want . . . 

3:35. So you're asking me to break the law

3:37. We're not breaking the law.

3:38. You are breaking the law . . .

3:39. We're following our policies from slot[?]

3:40. And HIPAA is very clear, and you're breaking HIPPA. 

3:48. No because every leader gets [a list of] who is vaccinated who isn't vaccinated every hospital.

3:50.  But that is not . . . that is their medical history.  Providing somebody with a medical procedure is medical history.

3:58. Kim, we're not going to continue to do this, like this is everywhere, every hospital, every leadership team you get how many people are vaccinated, what vaccination they have, what they're getting, and we have to enforce on the floor our policy.  Our policy is that you wear a mask if you do not have the flu vaccine.

4:16. Okay well I've already given you guys my religious beliefs and my religious exemption and that's where I stand.  I don't know what anybody else is medical status is.

4:26. I wasn't submitting that to you because I was looking for acceptance.  You, you have no right to accept or deny my religious beliefs. You have no right.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

We'd like to forget. Boy, how I'd like to forget. But we can't forget. It must be recorded. It must be remembered. Never forget. Never forgive. Hold the line.

Do reminders work?  To what degree?  For how long?  We were reminded endlessly about fascism and the Jewish Holocaust of WWII.  How instructive was that to help us make the right decision regarding COVID and the vaccines?  How many of us relied upon the law to obtain an exemption, and defended ourselves, our bodies, and our property?  Not sure if it's soul searching that folks need to do as much as it is to know the laws that protect your rights and to apply them mercilessly against companies, yes, even grocery stores, that want to force some medical device or measure on you when they have no license or protections from the law to do so.  They've gotten away with enough.  Apply accountability.  And never forget.  Never forgive.  And hold the line.  

To the first video, the scene takes place at the Blue Mountain Ski Resort in Ontario, Canada.  For the life of me, I haven't been able to find the name of the man.  He's not identified in any of the reports published online.  And the incident took place on February 1, 2022, so almost a full year ago.  As to the mask mandate back then, their site currently says that masks are mandated and that exemptions are forbidden by the ADA.  One article from last year said, perhaps in error, that the masks were recommended, which is different from being required.    

Steve Kirsch provides a good write-up on Stephanie's murder. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

HARMFUL EFFECTS OF MASKS: Relatives of an inpatient who died directly as a result of miscommunication between two masked health professionals?

In their campaign to drop the mask mandates across the British Isles, it was interesting to learn of pending lawsuits from families whose members died as a direct result of the interferences of masks--interferences in communication, and other disruptions.

At Smile Free, we routinely hear anecdotal reports of how (often vulnerable) people suffer as a direct consequence of the expectation to wear a mask in healthcare setting. What defence would NHS Scotland offer when faced with complaints – and threats of litigation – from:

1. The family of an elderly lady who died shortly after fracturing her femur in a fall after being pressured to wear a mask in a hospital outpatient department?
2. A hard-of-hearing man who accidentally overdosed on prescribed medication, a mask having rendered his doctor’s instructions inaudible?
3. Relatives of an inpatient who died directly as a result of miscommunication between two masked health professionals?
4. The father of a young woman, a victim of historical sexual and physical abuse, who was re-traumatised by the obligation to wear a mask for an outpatient appointment resulting in her subsequently taking her own life?
5. A long-standing patient with respiratory difficulties who contracts pneumonia as a consequence of repeated masking when attending for appointments?
6. A lady whose historical problem of recurrent panic attacks is re-activated by the somatic sensations of a mask over her mouth, leading to a prolonged admission to psychiatric hospital?
7. A coroner’s report of the death of a young child from a non-Covid illness after the parents were too scared to attend hospital (partly as a result of the fear perpetuation associated with widespread masking)?

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Terrific session here from 4 conscientious doctorsDr. Tom Cowan [and hereDr. Andrew Kaufman [and here], Dr. Stefan Lanka, and Swiss virologist, Dr. Dean Braus.  Kaufman explains that the term "Antibody" comes from the German phrase "anti-toxin body," leaving out the "toxin" to get antibody creates this tension in meaning.  Thanks so much to CJ who points us to Dr. Cowan's stories at the 11:53 to 19:47 segment in the video.  

I liked what Dr. Cowan said, 

At the 41:50 mark, Kaufman references a book by Nancy Turner Banks, M.D., titled, AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire, 2010.

He says a bit later, 

Holding each other accountable has been taken out of the equation because everyone has been depending on government funding to do science.  This culture and philosophical shift has taken away the scientific pursuit of truth. 

Wow!  At the 49:20 mark, Dr. Cowan explains the psychology behind people wearing masks.  It is damning as well as frightening to those of us who recognize this.

He says, 

There's really only fear of one thing, and that is being ostracized from the tribe.  You will be kicked out and will be wandering in the wilderness and you're going to be eaten by a lion.  And you better not dissent, because if you do, your entire world will crumble.  This is similar to what Stefan was talking about.  You make your entire world view based on believing the narrative that you're being told and you live in fear that if you dissent from the narrative that your life will lose meaning and you will be devoured by the wilderness.  That, I would contend, is the very definition of a cult.  And so with all cults, they have certain signs that they do--they'll do this or they'll wear a mask.  There's only one reason for people to wear a mask and that is to demonstrate that you're a member in good standing with the cult.  If you don't wear a mask, you're a threat because you're not a member of the cult--I can see it--and you may tell me something and I am going to have to consider that my life is no longer mine . . . what you've done is you've stopped thinking for yourself, right?  That's what you do when you join a cult.  The leader, no matter what he does, no matter if he rapes your daughter, which happened in my family, or anything--you still believe because if not a member of the cult, then you have no life.  And that is an abrogation of what it means to be a human being.  And that's why it's so dangerous and that's why anybody who has dealt with cult members knows how difficult, I might even say impossible it is to help them out of the cult.  Because it's not about facts, or masks don't stop viruses, or vaccines don't prevent Aunt Bessie from getting sick, none of those things mean anything.  Because at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is my life will have no meaning if I'm not in this cult.  So you can't say, "Well, don't be in the cult" because then you've got nothing.  They would rather be dead than have a life without meaning.  No friends, no work, no nothing, I have nothing.  So somehow there has to be a way to help people find meaning.  And I don't even know if there's anyway to do this.  We all know how difficultt it is to disengage people from cults.  I know some first-hand stories, where the most horrendous things happen and people stay in the cult.  And you know what else?  All cults lead [to] death and suicide.  That's where they always lead because I--you know the human soul knows that it's almost better to disengage from this physical body rather than lead a life where you're not fully human.  So they'd voluntarily kill themselves rather than their spirit maintaining itself in that horrible situation.  I mean that's pretty pessimistic because we are up against an incredibly powerful, cultic situation.  And there is no easy solution, like, "Oh, well, let's do this . . . ."  It isn't like that.  54:15   

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Friday, May 22, 2020


Thanks to Bob Wenzel for the video

Tucker Carlson’s take on the lockdowns has been pretty good.  I particularly liked his citations of the different headlines that have gone out of their way to condemn states that have reopened, like Georgia. We should praise Georgia for its courage to put risk back in the lives of individuals and away from government bureaucrats.  Don’t tell people to stay safe.  Tell people to stay free.  The Bezos' rag, The Washington Post, headlined an article with "Georgia Leads the Race to Become America's No. 1 Death Destination," an article by Dana Millbank on April 21, 2020.   
Bezos is onboard with Fauci, Birx, Ferguson, Gates, and other medical idiots.  He has mandated that all of his employees and contractors wear masks.  And we know now that masks cause people to get sick and develop respiratory conditions.  Does Bezos care?  Not about you.  Does Bezos stop to think about the benefits of the prophylactics?  Never.  Bezos follows government mandates.  If he follows government mandates, does that mean that Jeffrey receives gov't money or special protections or privileges?  For we all know that in the U.S., major corporations are on the receiving end of U.S. doled-out dollars, while the rest of us rely on the insights and strategies of capitalism to survive. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

This is literally about wearing paper masks

For more about Australia's crazy COVID police, check out this post.  

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Hypercapnia, i.e., CO2 retention, caused by mask wearing reduces blood flow to the kidneys

Aside from being an instrument of torture, masks are terrible for your health.  Is that part of the torture?   

Hypercapnia, or impaired kidney function.  Your kidneys are trying to decrease the level of acidity in your blood, so they're actually doing a lot to retain, basically to balance the Ph so it really puts a lit of stress on the kidneys to balance the Ph and the salt, and it reduces blood flow to the kidneys and in many cases can lead to chronic inflammation or nephritis.  No one is even talking about this.  Anyone measuring it in our kids?  No. I don't think so.  We have a sleep apnea model of hypercapnia that also causes a lack of oxygen and what they see in these people is altered postural stability, altered ability to sensor environment known as proprioception, altered gait and increased falls.  This is what it looks like when your brain is not getting enough oxygen.  This is not rocket science.  In the context of our children, their brains are still developing and yet we think it's okay to deprive them chronically of oxygen.  We have mitochondria that produce ou energy.  And there is biochemical evidence that masks are damaging our mitochondria because they're trying to work in an environment where it doesn't have what it needs.  Again, the body is out of homeostasis and it's put in a place where it's constantly trying to adjust but it can't adjust because you won't take the mask off.  

Monday, April 24, 2023


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Come On, Kids Don't Mind the Masks

Saturday, August 8, 2020

More deaths from lockdown than from COVID admits CDC Director

The world has gone mad.

This morning I stopped into my usual place to puck up snacks for my workday.  The check-out clerk had a mask around her mouth and a plastic visor covering her face AND thin latex gloves on both hands.  I place my items on the cashier's belt and said "Hello."  She asked,  "What did you say?" before she leaned her ear toward me to hear me say, "I said hello."  And she proceeded to wipe down the keypad where you type in your debit card password.  I told her that she was overdoing it, that personal health should not be socialized, that I take care of myself. And she says to me, "That's a bit overconfident."  I said I take care of myself.

One, this shows how illiterate and incompetent people are in caring for their own health.  Two, it shows how "the crisis" or "pandemic" has given illiterates, particularly women, the Karens of the world, the power to shame and bully individuals. This woman owns nothing of herself.

Three, it's becoming apparent that the use of masks is more harmful than I first thought.  The lack of oxygen the masks produce is giving people headaches which intensifies their anxiety, makes them panic, and causes them to be rude and belligerent.

Even the monsters who are running the pandemic hoax admit that the lockdown, and other protective measures, have killed more people than the virus itself.  Robert Redfield, head of the CDC, admitted in a statement that

Science reporter, Jon Rappoport, recently pointed out how Ferguson of Imperial College, where the first alarming predictions emerged, was not only wrong but severely exaggerated his estimates for effect.  And that Ferguson is serially wrong.  See here.
We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from Covid. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose, that are above excess, than we had as background than we are seeing deaths from Covid.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Face coverings/masks are ancient tools used to break people down psychologically

Thursday, November 26, 2020

"Social distancing may be inhibiting the proper development of children’s immune systems."

Robert Wenzel at TargetLiberty reviews an NYT article on how mitigation measures are wreaking havoc on our children's' immune systems to handle disease.  Titled "Quarantine May Negatively Affects Kids' Immune Systems" delivers a devastating blow to the paranoia that some exhibit in their rationale for wearing masks to locking down to quarantining themselves and to deny the warm joy of a holiday dinner with friends and family. 

He writes,

I often see parents in San Francisco with children who are wearing masks.

Talk about low information sheep. 

I love that. 

I wish they all would read the following which appeared, in of all places, The New York Times.

The authors are Donna L. Farber, a professor of immunology and surgery at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, and Thomas Connors who is an assistant professor of pediatrics there.

Here is an excerpt from the NYTimes article:

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is unwittingly conducting what amounts to the largest immunological experiment in history on our own children. We have been keeping children inside, relentlessly sanitizing their living spaces and their hands and largely isolating them. In doing so, we have prevented large numbers of them from becoming infected or transmitting the virus. But in the course of social distancing to mitigate the spread, we may also be unintentionally inhibiting the proper development of children’s immune systems.

Most children are born with a functioning immune system with the capacity to respond to diverse types of foreign substances, called antigens, encountered through exposure to microorganisms, food and the environment. The eradication of harmful pathogens, establishment of protective immunity and proper immune regulation depends on the immune cells known as T lymphocytes. With each new infection, pathogen-specific T cells multiply and orchestrate the clearance of the infectious organism from the body, after which some persist as memory T cells with enhanced immune functions.

Over time, children develop increasing numbers and types of memory T cells, which remain throughout the body as a record of past exposures and stand ready to provide lifelong protection. For other antigen exposures that are not infectious or dangerous, a type of healthy stalemate can result, called immune tolerance. Immunological memory and tolerance learned during childhood serves as the basis for immunity and health throughout adulthood.

Memory T cells begin to form during the first years of life and accumulate during childhood. However, for memory T cells to become functionally mature, multiple exposures may be necessary, particularly for cells residing in tissues such as the lung and intestines, where we encounter numerous pathogens. These exposures typically and naturally occur during the everyday experiences of childhood — such as interactions with friends, teachers, trips to the playground, sports — all of which have been curtailed or shut down entirely during efforts to mitigate viral spread. As a result, we are altering the frequency, breadth and degree of exposures that are crucial for immune memory development.

While the immune system is influenced by multiple factors, including genetics and everyday exposures to family members and pets, the long term effects of removing the social system that brings children in contact with other people, places and things remains uncharted territory. However, there is now substantial evidence that antigen exposure during the formative period of childhood is important not only for protection but also for reducing the incidence of allergies, asthma and inflammatory diseases. A well-known theory, called the “hygiene hypothesis,” proposes that the increased incidence of allergies and other immune disorders involving inappropriate immune reactions across industrialized societies is a result of the move away from agrarian society toward a highly sanitized urban setting.

Failing to train our immune systems properly can have serious consequences. When laboratory mice raised in nearly sterile conditions were housed together in the same cage with pet mice raised in standard conditions, some of the laboratory mice succumbed to pathogens that the pet mice were able to fight off. Additional studies of the microbiome — the bacteria that normally inhabit our intestines and other sites — have shown that mice raised in germ-free conditions or in the presence of antibiotics had reduced and altered immune responses to many types of pathogens. These studies suggest that for establishing a healthy immune system, the more diverse and frequent the encounters with antigens, the better.

Robert Wenzel is Editor & publisher of and of Target Liberty, where he discusses issues relating to free markets, liberty, and Private Property Society theory.

A frequent guest on radio talk shows, he has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes, Bloomberg, ZeroHedge,, CNBC, and many other media outlets.

Wenzel is an Amazon Bestselling author and has written: 

The Fed Flunks: My Speech at the New York Federal Reserve Bank, 2014. 

"Foundations of Private Property Society Theory: Anarchism for the Civilized Person," 2018.

Problems With Modern Monetary Theory: A Comment on Stephanie Kelton’s "The Deficit Myth," 2020.

Dear Fellow Health Club Member, Please Leave Me the Hell Alone: An economic analysis of the water "shortage," 2017.