Showing posts sorted by relevance for query immigration. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query immigration. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, April 1, 2024

Dave Smith vs. Chris Freiman: What's the Ideal Immigration Policy?

Dave Smith
Zach Weismueller
Liz Wolfe
Chris Freiman

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

REP. JODEY ARRINGTON (R-TEXAS): $9,000 roughly per illegal immigrant that taxpayers are fronting

A press release from Arrington's office reads

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has done a great job. Studies suggest this cost is upwards of $400 billion, but their cost estimate is $150 billion. The lion's share of that cost is borne by state and local governments. State and local governments can't borrow or print money like the federal government, so they have to balance their budgets by either absorbing this cost through raising taxes or they have to cut services to their citizens.

This $150 billion, when you look at the 22 million people that are estimated to be in this country illegally, comes out to about $9,000 tax dollars per illegal immigrant. Roughly $9,000 per illegal immigrant that taxpayers are fronting. That's more than we spend per Medicaid beneficiary. That's more than we spend on the most vulnerable American citizen for their health care. That's more than we spend for our heroes and our veterans in the way of military retirement benefits.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Barbarians never take a city until someone holds the gates open for them

The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states," --Peter Sutherland, the UN's Special Representative for Migration.

Christopher Hitchens

Peter Sutherland, 1946-2018, was an Irish businessman, barrister, and Fine Gael politician who served as UN Special Representative for International Migration from 2006 to 2017.  

He is famous for saying

The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said.

Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.

He also suggested the UK government's immigration policy had no basis in international law.

He was being quizzed by the Lords EU Home Affairs sub-committee which is investigating global migration.

Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development, which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.

He told the House of Lords committee that migration was a "crucial dynamic for economic growth" in some EU nations "however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states".

"crucial dynamic for economic growth"?  For whom?  The Irish worker?  The British worker?  Spanish worker, or, how about the American worker?  Has mass migration improved their lot?  

Sutherland is a drunken Irish fool.  

Saturday, September 16, 2023

DR. PAUL OFFIT: The ultimate contradiction in terms to say that you have a religious exemption to vaccination. PAUL, YOUR TYRANNICAL LEANINGS ARE LEAKING AGAIN

You don't vaccinate everybody to save 1 kid.  I am sorry. 

Offit is shameless.  He likens religious convictions to public health policy.  Is there any evidence for this?

And I think that's the tension. I mean, public health is about caring about your neighbor, which I would argue is also what religion is about. 

"We're all in this together" is not a religious ethic, Paul.  Don't start pretending that you're a religious researcher, now, please.  Dr. Paul, religion involves the holy spirit which in turn weighs personal choice.  Religion looks at the individual.  Public health looks at the population as a whole and completely ignores the individual.

Which [is why] I think it's deeply disingenuous to say that, for religious reasons, you're going to put your child and those with whom your child comes into contact in harm's way. How is that a religious principle for any religion? 

You're disingenuous, Paul.  You like to transpose concepts instead of making important distinctions, which makes Dr. Paul, Mr. Adivisor to the FDA, a fraud.

When children were separated from their parents at the southern border, who was there first? It was Christian relief societies that were there.  

Do you see how Dr. Paul conflates topics?  Immigration policy with vaccination policy, Paul?  Sorry, fraud.

I mean, Constantine, who was the first Christian emperor of Rome, at a time when child abuse was the crying vice of the great Roman Empire, established, essentially, organizations to help children. So I don't get it. I don't get it. 

There's that old canard, "It's for the children."  How many atrocities have been committed in the name of children?

It seems to me like such the ultimate contradiction in terms to say that you have religious exemption to vaccination.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

not a conflict between the United States and Russia, or the United States and China; these are conflicts about the nature of governance

There is the Chinese proverb or saying that goes "May you live in interesting times."  In that sense we have all massively locked out, you know, in the sense that we are living at a crossroads that is going to change human societies irreversibly.  We are coming to a close on the continuity of a system that you might trace back to 4 or 500 years ago, or you might trace it back to about 3,000 years depending on how you wish define it, but basically for the last 4 or 500 years we had the unchallenged Primacy of the West in the world so Western Powers controlled and dominated global trade and global finance from the time of The Venetian Empire across to the Lombard banking in Italy then to Spain and its conquest of Central and South America, and then the Dutch Empire, and the British Empire.  And now the British Empire, who about a hundred years ago crossed the ocean and infiltrated the governing systems of the United States, helped itself to the American military, political, diplomatic powers, and the American wealth to continue building its empire.  It's . . . I think this continuity of empire is coming to an end it's a system of governance it's easy to look at events today and think oh it's United States or Ukraine against Russia; it's the United States versus China; it's Israel versus the Palestinians and the Syrians; India versus Pakistan there is all these crises fault lines all over the world but I was just last week at a presentation by Kurt Volker who was the U.S. ambassador to Nato and he was delivering a presentation titled, "What We Learned in Ukraine Over the Last 18 Months of War."  To my mind one of the most important things he said was "that this conflict is really about the nature of governance."  This is what he said.  "It's a clash of two systems.  It's a class between democracies and autocracies."  And he explained this like the autocracies, authoritarian regimes, treat their people like subjects, whereas democracies treat people like citizens.  In fact, what he was saying is exactly what George Soros also said in his 2021 speech to the World Economic Forum gathering at Davos in Switzerland.  So basically this is right, this is correct.  This is not a conflict between the United States and Russia, or the United States and China, or any localized nation versus nation conflict, this is really a conflict between two systems of governance.  And even though people like Soros and Volker present this as the good guys versus all the autocrats and despots around the world.  That's not really what it is.  The Western world has been dominated for centuries by a occult oligarchies that have grown up around the international banking cartel and the multinational corporations that they support.  So basically it's who not only the world is up against, but also, even if they don't know it, it's the populations of Western European which hides behind the facade of democracy.  So you get a Democracy where you get to choose a republican Congress or a Republican president, and after 4 years or 6 years you're not happy then you get to choose the Democrat ones.  In the UK, it's the Tories versus Labor.  In every country is more or less the same thing where you think you're going to change something by voting somebody out or somebody in, but in the end by some black magic for decades and decades, we keep getting things that we reject like war, crises, poverty, crime, uncontrolled immigration, a collapse of the healthcare system, decay of our infrastructure; we keep getting that.  Though on the other hand, we never seem to get what we do want: safe streets, good jobs, good education, parks, libraries, hospitals, 

Monday, December 19, 2022

P22 is the Top Cat, consuming local news in LA and even reaching the paper of record all the way out to New York City.  Amazing.

Was listening to KNX News Radio, 1070 on the AM dial in Los Angeles this morning and the lead story was the euthanized  mountain lion P22, who was more of a celebrity in the Santa Monica Mountain than he was a threat since being identified in 2012.  According to some reports, the male lion had been terrorizing the hills above Los Feliz.  In fact, he is reported to have mauled one woman who injuries warranted 30 stitches.  But it wasn't just the single attack that got P22 euthanized; it was also the that he'd been injured and sick.  Some people are relieved, while others are traumatized. Chuck Bonham was grieving.

The attacks by P-22 hinted that the mountain lion had been in distress, according to Fish and Wildlife. 

"This really hurts," CDFW Director Chuck Bonham said Saturday morning, holding back tears. "It's been an incredibly difficult several days, and for myself, I felt the entire weight of the city of Los Angeles on my shoulders."

So P22 was beloved, unlike most teachers. 

But it's not hust his loss that has shook Angelinos.  The cat who is donned the Hollywood Cat, symbolizes so much more to make him the official darling not just of wildlife aficionados, but also that of immigrants for P22's success at migrating multiple barriers. Wikipedia explains

Many Angelenos identified with P-22 and his struggles, including immigrating to LA through multiple barriers, thriving in a city where that can be hard, living in a too-small place because LA is so dense and urban, and being single.[11]

His name after all is Puma.  To the general televised audience, he is cougar or cat or even mountain lion.  But to the Latin population, he's the more exotic puma, which reflects his official name, P22.  The 'p' is for puma.

They've even produced a documentary on the cat.  But it's a memorial.  When did wild mountain lions, roaming a 9-squre mile radius of Griffith Park, become more fitting for a religious ceremony than most human beings?  Why are values misplaced?    

Thanks to CatThatChangedAmerica for the video.

But the real story is P22 euthanasia coming on the heels a week after a dozen reports of canadian government offering 

Perhaps even more wild is the fact that 22 is an immigration code and status for children of lawful permanent residents. C22 is

a lawful permanent resident or permanent resident alien would certainly put this story on the radar of every resident immigrant and anyone planning to migrate to to the U.S. or California specifically.  

Lawyer J. Bruce Wineman on AVVO replied,

It means you obtained your green card as a child of a lawful permanent resident.

While Mohammed Akif Saleem explained,

That category denotes the "child of a Lawful Permanent Resident", i.e. "green card" holder, through whom you must have obtained your own LPR "green card" status... 

P22 is also a steel alloy.  

Biblically, the number 22 represents disorder and chaos.  

Sunday, March 17, 2024

DAN MCCARTHY: NeoConservatives have been extremely clever and have used the vice president's office as their power base within Republican administrations.

He's used to being a CEO where you hire someone, you can fire them at will, and you expect them to be loyal and their job and whole future career depends on the business they're working for and the person in charge of that business.  13:22  Of course, in government, none of that applies.  In government, you have people who will stab you in the back, even if they're drawing a paycheck from you.  And you have people who see their career advancement in their ability to cash in on their betrayal of you . . .  Daniel McCarthy
Even if Trump wins the presidency, he'll only be in for 1 term.  This makes the Vice President more important for this election.  


Thank you to Tom Woods and his show, "The Trump VP Choice: Brace Yourself," on March 14, 2024.

Dan McCarthy is the editor of the conservative Modern Age: A Conservative Review magazine. 

3:27  Yeah, before I do that, I want to really emphasize what the stakes really are.  Obviously, the fact that Donald Trump has already served one term as president means that he'll have at most one more term if he wins in November, which means that his vice president is really set up to become the Republican Party's nominee in 2028 and quite possibly president thereafter.  Now, historically, really going back to the Reagan Administration, NeoConservatives have been extremely clever and have used the vice president's office as their power base within Republican administrations.  And that's true of every single Republican administration from Reagan through to the first Donald Trump term.  Think about it.  With Ronald Reagan, you had as Vice President, George H. W. Bush.  Now, Reagan was not a NeoCon.  Reagan was somebody who believed in trying to shrink government.  He wanted to emphasize cutting taxes.  He wanted to emphasize freedom.  And in foreign policy, even though a lot of people thought of him as being this apocalyptic, showdown with the Soviet Union UberHawk, he was, in fact, seeking genuine peace through strength.  You saw that he didn't want to get us entangled in Middle East conflicts.  He pulled us out of Lebanon, in fact, when American troops were murdered there by terrorists, 1983.  He was very careful to negotiate with the Soviet Union he always made a very clear that the Soviet Union was morally evil but he didn't think they're going to war with the Soviet Union was going to be either the answer or necessary thing he thought instead that reaching through the humanity of the Russian people and even the humanity of Russian leaders was going to be sufficient to start to unwind the Cold War and bring us to a peaceful resolution of it.

5:00  George Bush, on the other hand, he was always from his days back in the CIA a very hawkish individual, and of course, once he becomes President after the Cold War, he embarks America on this new global mission which has become this debacle over the last 30 years.  It's George H. W. Bush who gets us into . . . first we have this mini-war in Panama, 1989, then we later have this First Gulf War, which, in fact, becomes an endless war, open-ended.  The First Gulf War doesn't end in 1991 with throwing Saddam Hussein's forces out of Kuwait; instead, it becomes this protracted policing effort in the Middle East.  We have troops in Saudia Arabia.  We have a no-fly zone over Iraq, and basically the scene is set when the Iraq War, George H. W. Bush's son, George W. Bush, becomes president.  Now people know that George H. W. Bush was a Vice President who was not on board with Reagan's agenda

5:57  Did not know that Vice President Quayle, under the presidency of George H. W. Bush, had as his Chief of Staff the little kingpin of NeoConservatism, William Kristol.  So Bill Kristol goes on to found The Project for a New American Century, goes on to found the Weekly Standard, and today he's running The Bulwark.  Bill Kristol was Chief of Staff to the Vice President when Dan Quayle was the VP.  So that goes to show how smart these people are to invest in an office that most people consider to be worthless.  There's a famous historical description of the vice presidency worth "a bucket of warm spit."  And you could imagine that if you're a staffer, Chief of Staffer, for example to the vice president well that seems like less than nothing you have almost no direct policy influence but in fact you are right there in the executive branch having all kinds of indirect influence and really be able to influence things powerfully.  Of course, when the second George Bush, George W. Bush, becomes president after the 2000 election, he has a long-time American Enterprise Institute-connected, former Secretary of Defense intellectual, Dick Cheney, who becomes a key player in the War on Terror as it was called at the time, and generally, the expansive foreign policy, the really aggressive nation-building and world-transforming revolutionary foreign policy that George W. Bush pursues.  So, once again, the vice president's office with Dick Cheney becomes the hive and the nexus of NeoConservative power.  Even the George W. Bush Administration, which was already quite neoconservative, you can see that even if you have a bad president you can have an even worse vice president.  

7:58. Well then finally we get Donald Trump, and Donald Trump is a complete repudiation of the Bush Legacy.  He's a repudiation of George H. W. Bush and also a repudiation of George W. and, of course, he humiliates Jeb Bush in the 2016 primaries.  Well, Donald Trump chooses as his vice president Mike Pence, and Mike Pence seems like a pretty typical Republican and not really any more neoconservative than the ordinary Republicans of the 2000s or 2010s.  But Mike Pence's office among his staff furs there are people who actually play a very powerful role behind the scenes in sabotaging some of the better people some of the better non-interventionists and foreign policy realists for example who had a shot at getting nominations within the Donald Trump Administration.  And, of course, people with in the vice presidents office are also in on the conversations about National Security staffing and other things, and therefore they're able to keep neoconservative resumes in the pipeline with the endorsement of the vice president's office, which is one of the reasons why Trump winds up being so outflanked within his own administration by people who do not agree with him on fundamental policies whether it's trade or immigration or specially foreign policy and War so all of that is a preamble to say that the stakes could not possibly be higher not only because Donald Trump's pick for vice president this time has a very good shot at becoming the Republican nominee in 2028 and becoming ultimately perhaps president but also because that person and his or her office in the next Trump Administration is going to be either a major source of neoconservative influence within the administration or for once we could have a dramatic change, where you actually have a vice president and a vice presidential staff that are loyal to the president and loyal to a non- Neoconservative agenda. 

9:58.  I raised an objection to you about Trump not being a good chooser of personnel.  Is Trump better, worse, or the same person that he was in 2016? 

10:50.  Well it's not just about Trump, it's about the people around him.  And Trump went into the White House in 2017 without having a network of political contacts that you need in order to fill White House offices.  It's not that there weren't people out there, but there are always these filters in politics.  Remember, the RNC by that point was actually quite close to Trump.  You had Jared Kushner, Trump's own son-in-law, a number of people in very influential positions were able to tell Trump, "Okay, bring this person in."  Trump had no idea who most of these folks were. 

11:30. How do these people get into his Circle they don't just come out of the sky.

11:35.  His son-in-law had been part of the family so that's a special Vector of influence when you're running for the Republican nomination As Trump was in 2016 try to not try to pull the rug out from under him which I thought they were going to do now the head of the Republican National Committee at that time to my surprise actually gave Trump a fair shot he didn't completely sabotage Trump as I expected in the primaries and then subsequently at the convention itself that earned a certain amount of respect from trump it was rather short-lived because Trump realized very soon that the RNC was actually quite a problematic Institution but at that time he thought well you know they've given me a shot and remember Trump is by nature very transactional and he's actually quite he could be loyal to people who are part of a coalition that is invested in him, so if he gets the impression that these people are supporting him he will actually be quite willing to give them a certain degree of support in return.  The other thing about Trump, one of his advantages, but also his disadvantages, is that he's not ideological at all.  He has pretty sound personal instincts.  He has a pretty common-sense view of the world, but he doesn't really doesn't spend his days and nights thinking about who's a conservative or neoconservative, who's a paleoconservative or a fusionist.  So he's quite naive, I think, about these inner workings of politics.  He's used to being a CEO where you hire someone, you can fire them at will, and you expect them to be loyal and their job and whole future career depends on the business they're working for and the person in charge of that business.  

13:22  Of course, in government, none of that applies.  In government, you have people who will stab you in the back, even if they're drawing a paycheck from you.  And you have people who see their career advancement in their ability to cash in on their betrayal of you, or their previous connection with you.  They don't feel any sense that their prosperity or doom depends on their loyalty.  So they have terrible incentives

Saturday, July 22, 2023

A December 2018 report by the House of Lords essentially said that Trump must not be reelected in 2020. Huh

Another article in the Economist expresses another fear.  What if Trump gets re-elected in 2024?  What would that mean?  What would it mean?  Would the U.S. become pro-Russia?  Would the United States and its commitment to Green Policy and several other aspects?  What about an industrial policy for the United States?  Now, keep in mind that the city of London produced in December 2018 a report by the House of Lords which essentially said that Trump must not be reelected in 2020.   So we see again the fear that a resurgent United States breaking out from the special relationship and breaking away from the unipolar order policy which has been the policy since 1991, that this is the greatest fear of the British.  Well that's a good thing for them to be afraid of, and we have to make sure that the changes do take place.

Now to your questions.  One, a couple wrote about Biden mumbling during his meeting with the Israeli president, seeming to fall asleep.  Why are the Democrats sticking with Biden?  Is there a Plan B for them?  Well, let's avoid getting into scenarios and speculation.  You know it's clear that Biden is not mentally competent for the job as president, but who is on the Democratic side?  The problem is that the Democrats and the Republicans are so committed to this idea of protecting the unipolar order that the only alternatives they have to Biden are more of the same.  If you look at the Republican side, DeSantis, Holly, Nikki Haley, they're pro-war.  You look at the Democratic side,  what do you have, Harris? So they have no good options.  In fact, what they fear is what would happen if there is an insurgent campaign of Bobby Kennedy, Jr.  And Trump, of course, with Trump what you see is one legal case after another to knock him out.  Point is, instead of being spectators, we have to be engaged in the process of educating the American people so they will not accept a lesser of [two] evils; they will not accept the same game.  Now, that's not wedded to any particular candidate.  It has to be based on policy, and I'll come back to that in a moment when I talk about the plans for the August 6th demonstrations.  But instead of getting caught up in these scenarios, which is what they want you to do and get involved in all the identity politics that's connected to the scenarios, let's build a movement that's committed to the idea of the United States as a force in the world for one Humanity.  

Now, the second question is, what's the latest in Germany?  We keep hearing horror stories about German industrial collapse, the German government is obviously incompetent; the German government is not defending its people.  Someone wrote "How come there's no discussion of the Nordstream pipeline bombing in Germany?"  Well, the polls are saying it all in Germany.  The three coalition partners: the Social Democrats,  the Greens, and the Free Democrats are in a falling state of collapse.  They are less than, or they average around, 40% support, which is not a majority by any means.  The one party that's surging is the alternative for Deutschland, which has been written off by most people as too far right-wing and anti-immigrant party, but just as we see with the Kennedy insurgency in the United States and Trump that whatever the media says about it is different.  What it expresses is a dissatisfaction with the existing choices.  And what we'll see in Germany there are warnings about a brutal winter coming up, a lack of energy, a lack of electricity, a new round of inflation in the Euro Zone, poverty, hunger, fear of rampant immigration, essentially they're trying to use the fears to convince people that you have to stick with the devil you know, whether it's Macron, whether it's Maloney, and whether it's Schultz.  But we're seeing cracks in that.  The question is will NATO disintegrate?  Can the EU be broken up, and is there a possibility for sovereign nations working together in Europe outside of the framework of the European Union?  And so far in Germany that's not emerged.  There's a lot of dissatisfaction a lot of angst and nervousness and so far there's been no major shift except as we see in the polls a gradual decline of the ruling coalition in the absence of any alternative. 

Now, the next question came from again a number of people asking for an update on the plans for the demonstrations on August 6th.  August 6th is the commemoration date of the bombing by the United States  of the dropping of a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima at the end of World War II.  The decision was made to have a coalition of groups hold a demonstration at the United Nations from 1 to 4:00 p.m. Eastern time.  On that day, more than 20 groups are involved, and the Schiller Institute is one of them.  We'll have several speakers there, and the demands for this demonstration are what I think are important and should become a rallying point for people who want to end this war and move toward a new strategic architecture.  

So, the demands are: 

DEMAND #1: Immediate end of funding and weapons to Ukraine it's obvious as long as NATO countries continue to supply arms to Ukraine the lunatics in Kyiv will continue to send their citizens to their death.  This must stop, and it stops when governments pull the plug on the supply line.

DEMAND #2:  Immediate unconditional peace talks.  This is what has been proposed by the Vatican, by Lula, by Erdogan of Turkey, by the Chinese with no preconditions that the two sides sit down to meet and discuss without pressure from the outside and what this means is going back to the original agreement that came up in March of 2022 which was sabotage by NATO but again unconditional talk to end the fighting.

DEMAND #3:  Dissolution of NATO.  NATO has no purpose other than to enforce the unipolar order.  NATO policy goes against the interests of The sovereign nations of Europe. Were they Sovereign or The Sovereign goes against the interest of the people

Monday, July 13, 2020


Here is Peggy Hall’s latest, “Walmart & Discrimination, Part 1”

Writes a friend:
Yes, all the eternal satanic enemy has had to do is legalize every evil and mindless Christians fall for it.
Before I discovered Peggy’s videos, I used her same tactic to fend off discrimination against me for not wearing a mask in public. Recently, one day at my physical therapy clinic, after weeks of compliance, I announced to my therapist that I would no longer be wearing their “mandatory” paper mask while visiting their facility for my therapy. My young therapist was dumbfounded and tried to find a solution between my pronouncement and her employer’s policies (yes, policies). She offered to secret me away in a windowless, small consultation room where I could attempt a limited regimen instead of using their gym and open floor space. I thanked her but told her that sounded like discrimination (from her employer) against me. After all, she was well aware of my brain injury and breathing problems, which I knew I did not have to explain for any justification. Happily, for the remainder of my therapy over the next several weeks, I have had no one mention the word “mask” to me as I now arrive “maskless” for therapy.
I invite all to put on the armor of Our Lord and join Peggy Hall to fight the venomous snake, the state, and stand up for our God-given rights!
Dear Lew,
In all my years of fending off the state through reading their law and using it against them, I have seen no one better than Peggy Hall. She is right, This is a spiritual battle, in addition to a legal battle. For those without a spiritual perspective, they are easily caught up in the net of man’s law … “Well, it’s legal ….”
Hall's site is Her husband has a YouTube channel, called True Hope with David Hall.  
Call law enforcement for 3 reasons: 
1.  To alert law enforcement that you are being harassed. It's a very important demonstration for those managers and those patrons to know that you stand your ground, that you mean business. 
2.  The other reason to call law enforcement is that law enforcement agencies are going to know how ridiculous this enforcing of a mask is, that they have to send out their police and deputies to break up mask fights.  
3.  David was in Walmart, and the manager came over to stop his purchase because he wasn't wearing a mask.  David calmly tells the manager that "You are breaking California Civil Code 51, and you are discriminating against me because I am not wearing a mask."  

Here is what California Civil Code 51 states
3) California Civil Code section 51(b) establishes: “All persons within the jurisdiction of this state are free and equal, and no matter what their sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship, primary language, or immigration status are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind whatsoever. [emphasis added].
Peggy reminds us at the end that large companies publish on their websites their policies on discrimination.  Use these.  Search online for their incorporating documents, which are usually at the SCC. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Immigration: Political Football. I Like Team DeSantis

Don't be critical of DeSantis.  Put in context, he still needs to drop off a few plane loads at Soros' door. 

It started like this.

Monday, May 29, 2023

One of the nation’s largest Catholic advocacy organizations has issued a letter to the Los Angeles Dodgers announcing an upcoming ad campaign calling for a boycott of the baseball club.

Thank you to Charles Burris @ Lew Rockwell.  

CatholicVote launches $1M campaign calling for LA Dodgers boycott over anti-Catholic drag queens, by Timothy Nerozzi. 

One of the nation’s largest Catholic advocacy organizations has issued a letter to the Los Angeles Dodgers announcing an upcoming ad campaign calling for a boycott of the baseball club.

CatholicVote President Brian Burch addressed the letter to Dodgers principal owner Mark Walter and CEO Stan Kasten.

“I represent the nation’s largest lay Catholic advocacy organization,” Burch wrote. “We are supported by millions of devoted Catholics across America who believe that the time-honored values of life, family, and freedom — which the Dodgers used to celebrate — are demonstrably good for America, and worthy of respect, not ridicule.”

“We wrote to you last week with a reasonable ask: Please do not honor this anti-Catholic hate group,” Burch told the Dodgers’ administrators. “There is no place for anti-Catholic bigotry, mocking of religious sisters, or celebrating a perverse activist group whose identity is marked by blasphemy and mockery of Catholics.”

Biden admin hired former leader of anti-Catholic group at center of LA Dodgers Pride Night controversy

Sam Brinton — the embattled former Biden administration official charged with multiple airport thefts — previously led the Washington, D.C., chapter of the anti-Catholic group CatholicVote launches $1M campaign calling for LA Dodgers boycott over anti-Catholic drag queens, by Timothy Nerozzi.

One of the nation’s largest Catholic advocacy organizations has issued a letter to the Los Angeles Dodgers announcing an upcoming ad campaign calling for a boycott of the baseball club.

CatholicVote President Brian Burch addressed the letter to Dodgers principal owner Mark Walter and CEO Stan Kasten.

Biden admin hired former leader of anti-Catholic group at center of LA Dodgers Pride Night controversy

Sam Brinton — the embattled former Biden administration official charged with multiple airport thefts — previously led the Washington, D.C., chapter of the anti-Catholic group invited to a “Pride Night” hosted by the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Brinton was the D.C. Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’s principal officer from its founding in 2016 until 2018, according to tax filings reviewed by Fox News Digital. The group is part of the San Francisco-based Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a drag queen group that regularly mocks the Catholic Church and made headlines after it was uninvited then re-invited to the upcoming Dodgers Pride Night.

“When we are asked, ‘Why are you mocking nuns?’ we answer: ‘We are nuns!’ We do all that traditional nuns have done for centuries,” the D.C. Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence website states.

It adds that the group is dedicated to the “promulgation of universal joy and the expiation of stigmatic guilt” and that its ministry is “one of public manifestation and habitual perpetration.”

Meanwhile, Brinton — who made headlines last year after being appointed to the position that oversees nuclear waste policy at the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy as a non-binary gender-fluid person — has faced a series of legal troubles in recent months stemming from three alleged thefts of baggage at multiple airports nationwide.

Police charged Brinton in October with stealing a traveler’s baggage worth a total of $2,325 from the luggage carousel at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport after flying in from Ronald Reagan Washington Airport on Sept. 16.

Then, in early December, Las Vegas prosecutors charged Brinton with grand larceny of an item valued between $1,200 and $5,000. Police accused Brinton of stealing a suitcase with a total estimated worth of $3,670 on July 6 at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas. The bag contained jewelry valued at $1,700, clothing worth $850, and makeup valued at $500.

And earlier this month, Brinton was arrested in Maryland as a “fugitive from justice.” Police later confirmed the arrest was related to a 2018 theft at Ronald Reagan Washington Airport. A lawyer for a Tanzanian fashion designer said the theft was related to his client’s baggage that contained custom designs.

Anti-Catholicism Has Always Been the Pornography of Protestant Zealots and Sanctimonious Secularists

From the tiresome progressives at HuffPo, we have Sex, Mischief, And Witches: Dark Side Of Life Discovered In A Medieval Oxford NunneryThe article puts forth its purported archeological findings in the most oh-so-antiseptic and scientistic manner. But the agenda of contemporary anti-Catholicism is ever-present between the lines of the text. It reads like the same scurrilous and salacious attack on Roman Catholic religious found in the Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, or, The Hidden Secrets of a Nun’s Life in a Convent Exposed, which was published in January 1836. Monk’s book, which was a complete hoax, was published in an American atmosphere of pronounced anti-Catholic hostility (partly fueled by early 19th-century Irish and German Catholic immigration to the U.S.) and followed the 1834 Ursuline Convent Riots near Boston. It was the most popular best-selling book in America next to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Such lurid Anti-Catholicism has always been the pornography of Protestant zealots and sanctimonious secularists. That hostility, fear, and bigotry had gone back centuries in the making.

Later in the 20th Century, filmmakers carried on these same base sacrilegious attacks with two movies.

From Wikipedia:

The Devils is a 1971 British historical drama horror film directed by Ken Russell and starring Oliver Reed and Vanessa Redgrave. Russell’s screenplay is based partially on the 1952 book The Devils of Loudun by Aldous Huxley, and partially on the 1960 play The Devils by John Whiting, also based on Huxley’s book. The film is a dramatized historical account of the rise and fall of Urbain Grandier, a 17th-century Roman Catholic priest executed for witchcraft following the supposed possessions in Loudun, France. Reed plays Grandier in the film and Vanessa Redgrave plays a sexually repressed nun who finds herself inadvertently responsible for the accusations.

Agnes of God is a 1985 American film starring Jane Fonda, Anne Bancroft and Meg Tilly, about a novice nun who gives birth and insists that the dead child was the result of a virgin conception. A psychiatrist (Fonda) and the mother superior (Bancroft) of the convent clash during the resulting investigation. It was adapted by John Pielmeier from his own play of the same name, and directed by Norman Jewison. The film was nominated for Academy Awards for Best Actress in a Leading Role (Bancroft), Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Tilly) and Best Music, Original Score.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees

The illegal immigration is not just about election fraud, for that is baked into the system and doesn't require any outside help.  The threat outlined in the video and below reminds me if the threat posed to America back in 2011, the operation referred to as Green Helmets, where the U.N. cites climate change as the cause of supply chain disruptions and food shortages and their justification fir intervention.  But let's hear what Ferguson has to say about the Black Watch Regiment.

FERGUSON, This isn't just refugees coming in.  These aren't people fleeing from some kind of a war zone.  These are predominantly men aged between 25 and 35, young fighting age man as my old boss Nigel Farage once referred to them, and I think he's right John.  What do you think is going on here mate?

OLOONEY. So I can tell you that these are U.N. soldiers and they will be deployed by the W.H.O. when they announce the next pandemic lockdown.  They've been trained by British soldiers.  They've been trained by the Black Watch Regiment.  [Black Watch is a devoted regiment of the Crown; I doubt very much they are a threat to British rule.] They were trained in Antalya, Turkey [this doesn't make much sense given that Turkey is an ally of Britain] and in the east of Ukraine.  They are predominantly down to sergeant ranks.  They're then shipped to France.  They all signed [Britain's] Official Secrets Act [1911, 1920, 1989], then they are ferried over.  If you were fleeing war and tyranny, I don't know about you, but I would certainly take my wife and children with me.  They're my most precious, the most pride my prized asset.  You know, they're everything to me.  If you're going to war, you go to war with the lads.  They're going to be deployed.  They will be deployed.  

FERGUSONThe Black Watch are a very famous yellow regiment.  Are they actually going along with this?  

OLOONEY.  They've got no choice.  I kind of said, you know, "Why are you doing it?"  and he said "Soldiers follow orders."  What you're going to see is the following.  We'll have a minister somewhere in cabinets, suddenly come up with a great idea on how we're going to get these guys to contribute to help us.  And they're going to put them in uniforms.  A couple of people have told me that these uniforms are burgundy.  Others have told me that they're U.N. blue.  I really don't know.  I guess we'll see when they deploy them.  They are going to be deployed.  Because otherwise if they announce another lockdown, what would everyone say?  They'd say bullocks and go about their business, wouldn't they?  They're going to need armed young men in uniform to try and enforce it.  Why do they import young men from the East?  Because traditionally if you want to kill and tyrannize white people, you put black soldiers in because there's a cultural dissociation [suddenly culture matters to these people, meaning the MI6?], and that's their method.  That's the way these globalists are going to do it. 

Next, we have Ferguson underscoring this strategy with a fine detail about the plausibility of an invasion evoking our over-200-year-old birth and origin of the American Revolution, whereas a minute ago he had no clue what the migrants were ir what they're about.  Now, he's providing historical evidence and precedent for its likelihood?  This couldn't be an MI6 staged conversation from across the pond to scare Americans?  Yeah, so UNLIKE the British. 

FERGUSON. In America, when it was a colony  of the United Kingdom of Britain, there was a revolution against British colonial rule.  And a lot of people don't realize but it was only 3% of those people in America that overthrew the British forces and basically got rid of them.  3% of the population, John.

OLOONEY. I look forward to it.  I'm ready, I'm ready.  I can't wait because I know it's going to be the beginning of the end for them.  I do foresee victory.  I see that at a very great cost.  But we will see it.  And people, I think the world will become closer than ever when we do see victory.  It's going to come on the back of a load of blood, and, unfortunately, it has to.  Once people of all colors come together and recognize their common enemy, we'll walk over these people in 10 minutes.