Tuesday, May 14, 2024

UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees

The illegal immigration is not just about election fraud, for that is baked into the system and doesn't require any outside help.  The threat outlined in the video and below reminds me if the threat posed to America back in 2011, the operation referred to as Green Helmets, where the U.N. cites climate change as the cause of supply chain disruptions and food shortages and their justification fir intervention.  But let's hear what Ferguson has to say about the Black Watch Regiment.

FERGUSON, This isn't just refugees coming in.  These aren't people fleeing from some kind of a war zone.  These are predominantly men aged between 25 and 35, young fighting age man as my old boss Nigel Farage once referred to them, and I think he's right John.  What do you think is going on here mate?

OLOONEY. So I can tell you that these are U.N. soldiers and they will be deployed by the W.H.O. when they announce the next pandemic lockdown.  They've been trained by British soldiers.  They've been trained by the Black Watch Regiment.  [Black Watch is a devoted regiment of the Crown; I doubt very much they are a threat to British rule.] They were trained in Antalya, Turkey [this doesn't make much sense given that Turkey is an ally of Britain] and in the east of Ukraine.  They are predominantly down to sergeant ranks.  They're then shipped to France.  They all signed [Britain's] Official Secrets Act [1911, 1920, 1989], then they are ferried over.  If you were fleeing war and tyranny, I don't know about you, but I would certainly take my wife and children with me.  They're my most precious, the most pride my prized asset.  You know, they're everything to me.  If you're going to war, you go to war with the lads.  They're going to be deployed.  They will be deployed.  

FERGUSONThe Black Watch are a very famous yellow regiment.  Are they actually going along with this?  

OLOONEY.  They've got no choice.  I kind of said, you know, "Why are you doing it?"  and he said "Soldiers follow orders."  What you're going to see is the following.  We'll have a minister somewhere in cabinets, suddenly come up with a great idea on how we're going to get these guys to contribute to help us.  And they're going to put them in uniforms.  A couple of people have told me that these uniforms are burgundy.  Others have told me that they're U.N. blue.  I really don't know.  I guess we'll see when they deploy them.  They are going to be deployed.  Because otherwise if they announce another lockdown, what would everyone say?  They'd say bullocks and go about their business, wouldn't they?  They're going to need armed young men in uniform to try and enforce it.  Why do they import young men from the East?  Because traditionally if you want to kill and tyrannize white people, you put black soldiers in because there's a cultural dissociation [suddenly culture matters to these people, meaning the MI6?], and that's their method.  That's the way these globalists are going to do it. 

Next, we have Ferguson underscoring this strategy with a fine detail about the plausibility of an invasion evoking our over-200-year-old birth and origin of the American Revolution, whereas a minute ago he had no clue what the migrants were ir what they're about.  Now, he's providing historical evidence and precedent for its likelihood?  This couldn't be an MI6 staged conversation from across the pond to scare Americans?  Yeah, so UNLIKE the British. 

FERGUSON. In America, when it was a colony  of the United Kingdom of Britain, there was a revolution against British colonial rule.  And a lot of people don't realize but it was only 3% of those people in America that overthrew the British forces and basically got rid of them.  3% of the population, John.

OLOONEY. I look forward to it.  I'm ready, I'm ready.  I can't wait because I know it's going to be the beginning of the end for them.  I do foresee victory.  I see that at a very great cost.  But we will see it.  And people, I think the world will become closer than ever when we do see victory.  It's going to come on the back of a load of blood, and, unfortunately, it has to.  Once people of all colors come together and recognize their common enemy, we'll walk over these people in 10 minutes.

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