Showing posts with label the Archangel (@aveng_angel) December 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Archangel (@aveng_angel) December 10. Show all posts

Saturday, December 9, 2023

the number that they are concerned about is life expectancy. And it happens to be highly affected not by the average lifespan necessarily but by childhood mortality, That's why they're so after pregnant women and children and babies

If you don't have an X account, then use this link.  This is a montage of different interviews that reference the reduction in life expectancy as a way to hide the kill or culling of the population.  They can't drop a nuclear bomb; too visible, too obvious.  So the shots that make sick and reduce their life expectancy is a more subtle way to achieve the same results.  Now, there is a financial angle to this.  

11:55  The same guys who are missing $20 trillion from their financial statements over the last 20 years just happened to be the guys who are depopulating the country.  That is not a coincidence, right?

12:11. The life of expectancy that's a very interesting number . . . for them it's all a numbers game.  [She's thinking of the Nazi doctor, Dr. Mengele.]  Hitler's Fauci.  He was in public health and by public health they meant death camps and he was in hiding for a number of years after the war and finally when he was caught, he was like "I was just doing my job."  It was a numbers job.  It was just statistics and Public Health numbers that he was doing.  And that's the number that they are concerned about,  life expectancy.  And it happens to be highly affected not by the average lifespan necessarily but by childhood mortality, number one.  Number one:  childhood mortality.  That's why they're so after pregnant women and children and babies and catching them right in the hospital right away and giving them all kinds of poisonous injections right away including now approved monoclonal antibodies.