Monday, November 22, 2021

Spike proteins interact with many more proteins in our body besides the ACE2 receptors.

Can promote spike proteins in the blood.  No one knows much about this situation.  It's not been characterized before, it's not been studied before. We are in a brave new world.  It was discovered that vaccines can create exosomes with spike proteins IN THEM.  To understand what that means, we need to know what exosomes are: tiny little balls of fat that are released by all of the cells in our bodies; this is how, in fact, our cells communicate with one another.  These cells, or exosomes, will have information in them about the cells that released them, so they can package information in the little ball of fat, and actually have even genetic material, and plus whatever the membranes of these cells are, they will pick up information on the surface of the cell . . . exosomes allow the entire body to communicate with each other [itself].  One part of the body can say to another part of the body, "Hey, this is what's happening.  You have a little too much to drink last night and your liver is aching," the rest of your body is going to know  as if your body is gossiping.  Okay, so that's what exosomes do.  


2:02 One of the publications showed that after vaccination, you can actually produce exosomes with spike proteins in them and they last for a very long time.  In this particular publication, it showed that these exosomes can float inside your body for up to 4 months.  What that means is that post-vaccination, your entire body will be doused with spike proteins.  What does this mean for the body?  No one knows because this has not been characterized before.  Many aspects of these vaccines are uncharacterized from a molecular point of view.  This is part of the reason why I find this fascinating and interesting to learn more on a molecular basis about these vaccines.  

2:50  Where should we start: the good or the bad?  Let's start with the good since most people are vaccinated . . . why this could actually be good if you're vaccinated that there are exosomes being found in your body.  The authors of the paper even mentioned that it could be good . . . .  And the reason t  These exosomes have spike proteins on them and this is another avenue for how the body is going to be stimulated, promote, and react to antibodies to those spike proteins.  

This does not sound good to me.  It sounds like Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, or ADE, which is a syndrome in which your body attacks itself.  This is good?  Scientists and doctors are actually quite ghoulish.  And have no scope or perspective of what a healthy life is for human beings.  Abominable.  

3:40 That's one way this could be good.  Another possible way that this could be good that I didn't think about originally when I read the paper, well remember that the virus needs a spike protein in order to enter the cells and the way it does that is by interacting with the ACE2 receptors on the cell surface of all of our cells.  

So far, in the first 4 minutes of this video, I've learned nothing except that spike-protein packaged exosomes fill your body.  Tell me again how this is good for you, like getting adequate vitamin C?  

4:09  Well, if we are releasing exosomes into our blood with spike proteins in them, well, these spike proteins on these exosomes, little fat molecules, will be competing to bind with the ACE2 receptor with the actual virus if the actual virus infects you, right?  So those could be the two potential benefits of the packaged spike proteins inside these exosomes floating around your body.  Another thing these authors showed was the for the duration of the exosomes in circulation also coincides with the peak production of antibodies against the spike protein.  So that was interesting.  

Oh, jeez, I feel warm and fuzzy all over.  

4:55  Now, how can this be bad?  It can be bad because the spike proteins are now known to interact with many more proteins in our body, besides the ACE2 receptor.  In fact, one of the receptors the spike proteins can interact with are certain innate immune cells.  And this is how it is believed that the spike proteins during the actual infection can promote inflammation, such as heart inflammation.  So the spike proteins can interact with the receptors on myelin cells, the progenitor cells for certain innate immune cells.  It's known that when they do interact with each other it does promote the release of certain cytokines that subsequently result in inflammation.  We also know from the COVID-19 patients that the exosomes do participate in promoting the negative outcomes of the COVID-19 disease.  And it is partially mediated through exosomes.   

6:15  We do know that exosomes participate in the disease progression.  And we do know that spike proteins do interact with other cells as well and just have completely different interactions that can promote inflammation.  And the paper that actually showed that upon vaccination these exosomes with spike proteins are released and coincided with the increase of certain pro-inflammatory cytokines: TNF alpha cytokine and interferon.  And interferon is an antiviral cytokine, and so it helps you fight the viral infection, but if it is released at the wrong time and wrong place, it can actually be pro-inflammatory.  These exosomes were shown to increase the amount of cytokines. 

7:14  So, what does it mean in the long term? 

Ah, finally a decent question.

7:15  We actually don't know, so it will be interesting to find out.  I think we need to start characterizing this information in more detail, one, what does it mean that we have these exosomes, and two, what dose it mean in terms of the cytokines?  That's all I wanted to tell you about in this video.  I'm finding a lot of literature that might not make it look good for vaccination. 

Shit, I could have told him that last year; shit, even last decade.  And this guy is supposed to be ground-breaking.  Ho-hum.    

7:43  It's not that I have anything against vaccines, it's quite the opposite . . . .
8:22  My world is all about medical DNA testing.  I'm familiar with different conditions as a result of genetic mutations. 

He says that he's excite about how these vaccines in the future can treat these really devastating genetic diseases.  Huh.  I guess hundreds of millions of deaths, just in the U.S. alone, is not devastating and therefore warrants no attention.  We're all just guinea pigs for Gates, Fauci, Collins, Schwab, Soros, Ellison, and other ghouls.  

9:18  The vaccines work very, very good against the negative outcomes of COVID-19.  

That statement utterly contradicts with my observations.  I knew a half dozen folks who've been vaccinated, and not one of these individuals is the same as they were personality-wise, intelligence-wise, or even character-wise before.  Not a one.  

9:20  So, they definitely appear to dramatically reduce the rate of hospitalizations. ["appear to dramatically reduce"? His English must be impacted by his COVID-19 jab].  If you get infected with SARS-CoV-2 or die as a consequence of such infection,  I actually think of these vaccines as a medical treatment as opposed to a vaccine . . . [when did a cytokine storm become the newest, latest medical treatment?] 

With statements like these, people just do not realize how fucked we are as a population and a civilization.  

9:41  They don't really appear to really be inhibiting infection by the virus at all.  And this is exactly why I am so interested in these vaccines, because I believe they are going to be a fantastic treatment, or could be a fantastic treatment, in the future to help treat many different medical conditions. 

Like what?  Does this guy not hear himself?  

Here are the links to the papers that he refers to: 

Vaccine exosomes:

Spike new receptor binding:

Exosomes in COVID-19:

I think our chances of surviving these vaccinations and the exosomes they pump out to infect others are worse than surviving the Titanic.  

Here is the full video.  Thank you to TheChiefNerd on Twitter, where you can find his resources elsewhere as well.  

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