Showing posts with label WHO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WHO. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2024

pandemic potential avian flu H5N1 virus was determined a fake promoted by WHO, CDC, Robert Koch Institute and Friedrich Loeffler Institute in 2006.

With so much gratitude to Sasha Latypova, her efforts, and intelligence.   

WHO, CDC, Robert Koch Institute (RKI), and Friedrich Loeffler Institute (FLI) claim that H5N1 (avian flu virus) is “highly contagious”. Further, Reinhard Kurth, president of RKI, says that H5N1 “threatens potentially all six billion people on earth”.

We identified four fundamental questions underlying these claims and requested supporting studies from FLI (which according to the German Government “possesses virus isolates of H5N1”):

1. Does H5N1 exist?

2. Is it pathogenic to animals?

3. Is it transmissible and pathogenic to humans, and does it have pandemic potential?

Have other causes for observed disease been studied

FLI responded with four papers: PNAS [1], Science [2], J Virol [3] directed toward questions 1 and 2; EID [4] towards question 3; PNAS [1] towards question 4.

Question 1 (existence). FLI responded with, “H5N1/asia virus can be produced completely in vitro by using reverse genetics. The virus generated this way, also called infectious clone, cannot contain contaminants from sick animals” [translated from German]. However, PCR cannot be used to identify viruses which have not been previously sequenced [5].

The PNAS paper (as the others) does not show or reference the composition of the stock virus – nor does Subbarao et al. (referenced by the EID paper), which claims the first characterization of H5N1 disease in a human in 1997 [6]. Though the EID study failed to detect “H5N1” in several of the diseased organs, this anomaly was labeled an “enigma”, rather than a “contradiction”.

Robert Webster, corresponding author of the PNAS paper and Director of WHO’s Collaborating Center for Studies on the Ecology of Influenza in Animals and Birds, informed us that stock viruses “are classified as select agents” and “we are not at liberty to release this information”. Without verification, and without purification described in any of these papers, we cannot accept that stock virus is pure and fully characterized. Inquiries for clarification to Webster, CDC Select Agents Program, and FLI received no response.

Question 2 (animal pathogenicity). Papers describe the use of natural routes, but the disease was only achieved with extraordinary concentrations, up to 10 million EID per animal. None of the experiments used controls or blinding. The Science paper is highly abstract molecular science, employing elevated concentrations of chimeric variants.

Question 3 (human pathogenicity and pandemic potential). The EID paper is an anecdotal report of a 6-year-old boy from Thailand with severe multi-organ disease. No evidence was given for transmissibility to humans. The scientists found evidence of aspergillosis, and the boy was treated with toxic agents (broad-spectrum antimicrobial and antivirals) before he died.

Subbarao et al. (referenced by the EID paper), describe a previously healthy 3-year-old Hong Kong boy who developed flu-like symptoms on May 9, 1997, and was treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics and salicylic acid, though this is commonly contraindicated. He developed Reye’s Syndrome and died eleven days later [7]. A search commenced for causation within a limited range of flu viruses. H5N1 was claimed causative, even though coronaviruses, flaviviruses, enteroviruses, other pathogens and chemicals can also cause flu symptoms. There was no confirmation of prior avian contact. Regardless, warnings of an “explosive pandemic” appeared in this early document, though FLI conceded: “There is no scientific forecasting method that can evaluate the possibility that an influenza virus induces a new pandemic.”

Question 4 (non-“H5N1” causation). Neither the Subbarao et al study nor the FLI references consider reasonable, competing theories for disease causation, e.g., environmental and pharmaceutical factors.

Our analysis shows the papers do not satisfy our four basic questions. Claims of H5N1 pathogenicity and pandemic potential need to be challenged further.


1. Hulse-Post D.J., Sturm-Ramirez K.M., Humberd J., Seiler P., Govorkova E.A., Krauss S. Role of domestic ducks in the propagation and biological evolution of highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza viruses in Asia. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2005;102(30):10682–10687. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

2. Hatta M., Gao P., Halfmann P., Kawaoka Y. Molecular basis for high virulence of Hong Kong H5N1 influenza A viruses. Science. 2001;293(5536):1840–1842. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

3. Hulse D.J., Webster R.G., Russell R.J., Perez D.R. Molecular determinants within the surface proteins involved in the pathogenicity of H5N1 influenza viruses in chickens. J Virol. 2004;78(18):9954–9964. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

4. Uiprasertkul M., Puthavathana P., Sangsiriwut K., Pooruk P., Srisook K., Peiris M. Influenza A H5N1 replication sites in humans. Emerg Infect Dis. 2005;11(7):1036–1041. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

5. Brown T.A. Genomes. 2nd ed. Bios Scientific Publishers; 2002. The polymerase chain reaction. [chapter 4.3] [Google Scholar]

6. Subbarao K., Klimov A., Katz J., Regnery H., Lim W., Hall H. Characterization of an avian influenza A (H5N1) virus isolated from a child with a fatal respiratory illness. Science. 1998;279(5349):393–396. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

7. Hurwitz E.S., Barrett M.J., Bregman D., Gunn W.J., Pinsky P., Schonberger L.B. Public Health Service study of Reye’s syndrome and medications. Report of the main study. JAMA. 1987;257(14):1905–1911. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

As I previously reported, the “pandemic potential avian flu virus H5N1” fake narrative was re-animated in 2011 by Ron Foucher and Erasmus Medical Center (NL). They were hoping to get the fear porn going again after it was defeated in 2006. They succeeded, despite many sound journalists and scientists identifying the false narrative at the time.

Fouchier and Erasmus were not the only ones stoking fear about “highly pathogenic” bird flu, it is now standard trope of every criminal health authority and academic hanger-on worldwide.

There is no H5N1 virus, not in nature and not in the lab. Nobody can make viruses nor modify viruses in the labs. They can make a chemical soup using PCR and other fraudulent, or at a minimum, unvalidated methods and may show some lab tricks for scaremongering purposes, but none of these abracadabras survive in the open. That’s because they are a dead chemical soup to begin with and are non-compatible with living organisms. The only risk that “bioengineered pathogens” represent is poisoning. Which DOES NOT CAUSE PANDEMICS. Poisoning is always localized. The pandemics are faked by government officials, military and intelligence, academia and mainstream media, as I discussed here:

Monday, May 13, 2024

TODD CALLENDER: What people don't understand is that all the power of our government rests actually in the Department of Defense. which is now, by the way, effectively the private army of the W.H.O.

This Todd Callender interview is from 2022.   

Constitutional rights are being suspended.  President Trump declared a national emergency on 13 March of 2020.  When he did that, that had the effect of consolidating power into the Executive Branch of the government.  And when the public health emergency was declared, COVID-19 became a military operation.  So the reason all of our cases got dismissed out.  All of our cases related to COVID-19 got dismissed out.  Why?  Because the courts said we're not going to hear your case because the military is prosecuting a war.  We're not going to second-guess them in the middle of a war.  It's not exactly what they said, but this is the conclusion we've had to draw.  The same applies here.  The courts are saying, "There was a national emergency declared.  There was a public health emergency declared.  We're not sure we even have the jurisdiction to hear this case."  And so this is the point.  The executive branch is operating as a dictatorship because they were given the power to do that with the declaration of a national emergency followed by the public health emergency.  It's medical martial law.  What people don't understand is that all the power of our government rests actually in the Department of Defense. which is now, by the way, effectively the private army of the W.H.O.  It's a war on humanity, and what they've done is they've hired or engaged the world's biggest killing machine, otherwise known as the U.S. DoD, to be their thugs, to be their enforcement.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

09:16. The Central Bank digital currency is not American.  It is the private Western central bank. It's actually being run by the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF, and the World Bank. 

The EU will be making mandatory digital IDs including digital wallets which include immunization and health records from the World Health Organization but it'll also include your digital banking records, and in the EU they are not going to make it a choice. 

So let's talk about retirement, IRA, 401K, all this stuff, because the biggest problem

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

"INFERTILITY: A Diabolical Agenda Documentary - Depopulation Agenda 21"

W.H.O. with Gates's influence, support by participation, administered a million vaccines to Kenyan women that were designed to sterilize them without their knowledge and against their will, pretending it was a tetanus program.  Included in the tetanus vaccines without anybody knowing Human Gonadotropin hormones which interact with tetanus toxoids essentially as a chemical castration drug for women.  And he gave that, the W.H.O. gave that to at least a million women in Kenya, and they had similar programs in Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines.

00:50. My journey [Antoninah Mutinda] with the miscarriages was very difficult.  The first one I carried, that pregnancy lasted for about 3 weeks.  I got pregnant again and I must have carried that pregnancy for about 4 weeks. I got pregnant a third time, and I carried that pregnancy for 10 weeks I knew there was a problem 

01:19.  [Dr. Wahome Ngare] When a woman is pregnant, her baby produces HCG through the placenta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin.  

01:23. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG.  What is that?  

01:29. It's the first signal that tells a woman she's pregnant.  It tells the ovaries to produce a second hormone called progesterone that then maintains the pregnancy.

01:40. I was tested and my anti-hCG levels were way up.

01:48. What does this mean when a woman has antibodies and an immune reaction to HCG produced in her own body.

01:57. If you create antibodies against HCG, the minute the new baby forming in the woman's womb starts producing HCG it is destroyed like it was bacteria or viruses.  So that the signal is completely lost fore and therefore the ovaries do not produce progesterone if you have high enough levels of anti-hcg antibodies then the woman would actually just become sterile.

02:29. But how does a woman develop antibodies to HCG effectively in autoimmune disease where the body is attacking itself this was the question that was asked and answered by vaccine developers seeking to create an anti-fertility vaccine on behalf of the World Health Organization, "Development of Immunological Methods of Fertility Regulation," J. Spieler, 1987, starting in the early 1970s.  This research and development program was undertaken in response to perceived overpopulation.

"Structured Vaccines for Control of Fertility and Communicable Diseases," G. P. Talwar, 1984.

02:57.  From 1972 to 1992 they spent 20 years funding the research for the development of that vaccine.

03:04.  These facts are indisputable.  W.H.O. through its Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation, has been supporting research on a synthetic vaccine against the HCG molecule to immunize a woman against getting pregnant or

"A Vaccine That Prevents Pregnancy in Women," G. P. Talwar, Proceedings of the Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1994. 

Abort a successful pregnancy scientists discovered that physically combining the beta subunit of HCG with the tetanus toxoid using the routine tetanus vaccine was the most effective approach.  Not only did the woman develop antibodies against tetanus, she also produced antibodies against HCG, including that produced by her own body.

03:49.  The W.H.O. has been spending tens of millions of dollars developing these sterilization drugs to surreptitiously give women. These are studies developing drugs; they are saying, "Here is how this works and we tested it on people and it works."  And then when it came time to use those products, the W.H.O. spent all those years developing they gave it to a million women surreptitiously without their knowledge so the papers don't say here's what we're going to do we're going to sneak up on them and ambush them.  The papers say here's how you develop this vaccine and you hide it in a tetanus vaccine.  Then when it actually came time for them to do the program, they did not tell the women and they were caught by the Catholic Medical Association of Kenya who noticed at first that usually when you give a tetanus vaccine, you only give one dose, and it's good for 10 years.  they were told to give 5 doses over 6 months which made the doctors of the Catholic Medical Association say something was wrong here and it was only given to women of childbearing years, women from 14 to 34 years old, which was weird because men also get tetanus.  Third, there was no tetanus outbreak at that time, and that's when the doctors of the Catholic Medical Association got a hold of the vials and tested them at half a dozen different labs and they all came back, most of them not all of them, but most of them came back and said yeah it contains this drug . . . 

Here is the full video.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

"Codex Alimentarius reclassified vitamins and minerals as poisons and toxins"

This was an interesting discussion.  Dr. Carrie Madej was pretty animated here.  In previous interviews, she has sounded pretty despondent and for good reason given her findings.  

Her remarks about the CDC were interesting--that the CDC owns over 50 patents on vaccines.  But what that means--I need a context for that--it's hard to tell.  She added that individual board members of the CDC have or own rights to specific vaccines, which means they're not going to be honest about how any product they own and will benefit your health or protect you from disease.  

They will lie to you.  That's all they do is lie.  I guess we should all know who, what, where, when, why, and how the CDC was created to get a better sense of who they are and what they're about. 

To know what the CDC, the FDA, the EPA, the NIH is willing to do to you in the name of the common good or the public good, simply look back to what Stalin did to Russians and what Hitler did to Germans, communists, homosexuals, and Jews.  These alphabet soup "institutions" are the heirs to the heirs to the Nazis and Communists.  

Her remarks on the Codexd Alimentarius were interesting.  

International trade agreement: Codex Alimentarius.  This program, or trade agreement, is a product of W.H.O. intended to regulate the exchange of food internationally.  According to the CA, everything has to be genetically modified.  Everything.  So where are the natural foods or natural seeds?  So the yield from a crop becomes the number one ethic . . . because they'll use the argument of feeding the masses or feeding the world as the only virtue of agriculture.  Period.  Forget the nutritional content of food.  It's all about volume.  Seem like a theme you've seen in the last 30 years?  

It's funny how the mission statements of so many different government-connected agencies always love to prioritize safety as the most important concern.  Think of the early days of COVID.  What did you hear your neighbor or your co-worker say?  "Stay safe."  Or, "be safe."  What are you, my mother?  Take a look at the Codex Alimentarius FAQ sheet.  The second and third sentences read respectively, "The C O D E X  A L I M E N T A R I U S international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice contribute to the safety, quality, and fairness of this international food trade. Consumers can trust the safety and quality of the food products they buy and importers can trust that the food they ordered will be in accordance with their specifications."  The 4th sentence reads, "Public concerns about food safety issues often place Codex at the center of the global debates."  So it's safety ad infinitum and ad nauseum.  How many people die each year from food poisoning?  The CDC claims 48 million get sick each year in the United States

CDC estimates 48 million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die from foodborne diseases each year in the United States.

The 128,000 that are hospitalized is equal to only 0.0026%, and that is cause to create a program like Codex Alimentarius to regulate the food exchange from around the world?  Note, too, that these government agencies love to use children as leverage to get you to comply.  That's what the whole use of "safety" means.  Keeping you safe means to keep your child, children, or the child in your safe.  Too many are uncritical about this and comply rather quickly. 

Though the organization was created by the W.H.O. and the United Nations, the United States does have a member office, called the U.S. Codex Office

Established by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1963, the Codex Alimentarius, or “Food Code,” is the preeminent international food standards-setting body that protects the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in the food trade through the establishment of voluntary international standards, guidelines, and codes of practices. 

It looks like the FDA cooperates with the W.H.O. and the UN. It is amazing to me how the United States allowed itself to be tied up with these organizations.  But I guess the U.S. government were the ones who created the League of Nations.

Codex reclassified vitamins and minerals as poisons and toxins.  If they're natural, it means that they're not controlled by anyone or owned by anyone.  But turn them into poisons and toxins, and voila, suddenly an international one-world government dispenses food and vitamins to you according to what they think you should have.  How do you like that, slave?  

I don't know how many more declarations of war one needs.  This means that vitamins and minerals can now be controlled because they're no longer natural organic things in the world because THEY decided they weren't.  In the human body, only so certain dosages will be allowed or only a certain number of bottles of vitamins can be purchased in a health food store at any one time.  

 In each organism, legally speaking in a genetically modified organism, it allows the owners of the patents on that organism to judiciously measure out how much of a vitamin, er, a, poison, sorry, people could consume.  

Why would this international organization be dictating how food or which foods can be grown in any other country or state?  

 Sounds and looks like a friendly farming bill, how to make things work more effectively, produce things more efficiently.  But when you look at it closer, it’s really a one-world order for all of agriculture.  Everything has to be genetically modified.  Everything.  This is one-world medicine, one-world food store, one-world everything. 

Harvard Pilgrim Study.  

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Abortion Drugs Found in Bill Gates' Tetanus Vaccine

From InvestmentWatchBlog via WhatReallyHappened

Doctors in Kenya have accused UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation of secretly trying to sterilize millions of women in Africa via a tetanus vaccine program. 

According to LifeSiteNews, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association says that doctors have uncovered evidence of a mass sterilization program sponsored by the Kenyan government and funded by Bill Gates. reports:

The Kenyan government denies there is anything wrong with the vaccine, and says it is perfectly safe.

The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, however, saw evidence to the contrary, and had six different samples of the tetanus vaccine from various locations around Kenya sent to an independent laboratory in South Africa for testing.

The results confirmed their worst fears: all six samples tested positive for the HCG antigen. The HCG antigen is used in anti-fertility vaccines, but was found present in tetanus vaccines targeted to young girls and women of childbearing age. Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, stated in a bulletin released November 4:

“This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This evidence was presented to the Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization but was ignored.” (Source)

Dr. Ngare brought up several points about the mass tetanus vaccination program in Kenya that caused the Catholic doctors to become suspicious:

Dr. Ngare told LifeSiteNews that several things alerted doctors in the Church’s far-flung medical system of 54 hospitals, 83 health centers, and 17 medical and nursing schools to the possibility the anti-tetanus campaign was secretly an anti-fertility campaign.

Why, they ask does it involve an unprecedented five shots (or “jabs” as they are known, in Kenya) over more than two years and why is it applied only to women of childbearing years, and why is it being conducted without the usual fanfare of government publicity?

Usually, we give a series of three shots over two to three years, we give it to anyone who comes into the clinic with an open wound, men, women, or children.” said Dr. Ngare.

But it is the five vaccination regime that is most alarming. “The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992. (Source)


It should be noted that UNICEF and WHO distribute these vaccines for free and that there are financial incentives for the Kenyan government to participate in these programs. When funds from the UN are not enough to purchase yearly allotments of vaccines, an organization started and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, provides extra funding for many of these vaccination programs in poor countries.

Also, there was no outbreak of tetanus in Kenya, only the perceived “threat” of tetanus due to local flood conditions.

These local disasters are a common reason UNICEF goes into poorer countries with free vaccines to begin mass vaccination programs.

Health Impact News reported last year that UNICEF began a similar mass vaccination program with 500,000 doses of live oral polio vaccine in the Philippines after a Super Typhoon devastated Tacloban and surrounding areas. This was in spite of the fact there were no reported cases of polio in the Philippines since 1993, and people who have had the live polio vaccine can “shed” the virus into sewage systems, thereby causing the actual disease it is supposed to be preventing.

A very similar mass vaccination with the live oral polio vaccine occurred among Syrian refugees in 2013 when 1.7 million doses of polio vaccine were purchased by UNICEF, in spite of the fact that no cases of polio had been seen since 1999. After the mass vaccination program started, cases of polio began to reappear in Syria.

It seems quite apparent that UNICEF and WHO use these local disasters to mass vaccinate people, mainly children, and young women. Massive education and propaganda efforts are also necessary to convince the local populations that they need these vaccines. Here is a video UNICEF produced for the tetanus vaccine in Kenya. Notice how they use school teachers and local doctors to do the educating, even though the vaccines are produced by western countries.

At least in Kenya, Catholic doctors are acting and taking a stand against what they see as an involuntary mass sterilization campaign designed to control the population of Africans.