Showing posts with label Vaccine Shedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vaccine Shedding. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2023

SHEDDING IS REAL: "we know the concept in vaccinology of self-spreading vaccines. They've been used to sterilize rabbit populations" and horse populations

If [you've been vaccinated and] there's a pregnant woman [in your circles], don't be in skin contact or in the same room with that individual for 4 weeks.  --Dr. Ryan Cole

When you read the abstract and the conclusion, everything is an homage to the shot, but if you go read the data tables, that's where you glean that their conclusion doesn't match the data.  There was a Brazil study with rats and fertility, and it showed a decrease of 16% in the implantation of the embryo in the uterus.  And then there was a mouse study also showed, and these are obscured papers, obscured in the data tables, they're very well hidden, and if you go and read a paper and say Oh, gosh, they concluded it was fine, but if you read the data, you go, wait.  There are signals here that are concerning.  And we know that the ovaries and the eggs, and every woman is born with every egg she'll ever have are replete with ACE-2 Receptors.  So we know from the papers I mentioned that we have circulating spikes.  It's going to bind to that ACE2 on the ovaries and on the eggs.  It can induce inflammatory pathways.  I have two hypotheses.  Everybody asks "Will a spike be shed?"  Well, certainly we have exosomes carrying the spike in the bodies of those who have had the shots, but . . . 

In Wuhan in the subways, there were early studies on the infection showing that they could detect spikes in the sweat of individuals in the subway.  So we know the spike does come out in secretions.  Then the question becomes how much of it is necessary and sufficient to influence an individual in the environment?  We know in the Pfizer emergency application on Page 67 at the bottom of the page, "If there's a pregnant woman don't be in skin contact or in the same room with that individual for 4 weeks."  [IN OTHER WORDS, IF YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE HAS BEEN VACCINATED, STAY AWAY FROM THEM FOR 4 WEEKS].  So Pfizer knew something, and we know the concept in vaccinology of self-spreading vaccines.  They've been used to sterilize rabbit populations, not SARS-CoV-2 but other types of viruses, where one rabbit will take it back to the warren and other rabbits in the warren can no longer get pregnant, so they use it for population control.  [JUST CURIOUS: WHEN BILL GATES WAS RUNNING HIS POPULATION CONTROL EXPERIMENTS, I WONDER IF THERE WERE ANY SCIENTISTS OR VACCINOLOGISTS WHO WERE WRITING ABOUT SELF-SPREADING VACCINATIONS?]  I'm not saying they did or didn't do this, but if you have something being shed that is the toxic part of the virus, well, that is a concerning feature.  You know, hypothetically, and I don't have any way to prove this yet, but part of it makes sense to me, if you have spike binding to ACE2 Receptors, well, you're inducing inflammation in the ovaries.  Just like women in a college dorm will cycle together [meaning sync their menstruation] or in a barracks because of pheromones, well, if you have an intense inflammatory response shifting your hormones such that you're secreting a cloud of pheromones that could be another reason why women who are around women post-shot end up bleeding or spotting as well end up getting these same problems.    

Saturday, December 25, 2021

PURPURA FROM EXPOSURE TO VACCINE SHEDDING? The vaccinated know not one thing about the vaccine they took

If you are vaccinated, it is incumbent upon you to keep the virus that is now in your body from spreading or shedding, or transmitting.  You do this by taking nutritional supplements--vitamins D, C, zinc, A, B, E, magnesium, and others.  Yes, this is a real thing.  Get a multivitamin.  People everywhere are getting infected from the vaccinated.  You've got to suppress the infectious ratio in your own body first so that you're not the cause of grief in someone else.  If you’ve attended a gathering with a sibling, that is even more likely that you’ll shed.  For this reason, you are obligated to do a few things.  One, tell people you’ve been vaccinated and tell them that the vaccines shed.  Your doctor didn’t tell you.  Your pharmacist didn’t’ tell you.  No one told you.  That information is not on the information insert to the vaccine vial, but this is a real thing.  Pfizer’s own documents do document this, highlighting specific risks to women where their menstruation wreaks havoc on them.  But you’re a man, and they don’t share anything regarding men.  For this reason, stay away from folks who are vaccinated.  If you have a family member who has been vaccinated, stay away from them.  Not forever but for at least 4 months; that’s how long their transmissibility lasts, actually 4-7 months.  People who don’t know this will make fun of you online in social media if you mention this, but there is information about shedding online.  Search "exosomes" and or "passive immunization" on DuckDuckGo.  That’s how the viral particles are shed--through exosomes; these act like pheromones.  And the likelihood of shedding rises if you're a genetic match to those around you.  By genetic match, I mean family: more specifically, siblings.  You need to tell people.  You may not have been given a choice, but you must rectify that helplessness and grievance by giving others a choice if they want to risk catching vaccinated COVID passively from you. 

For solutions, search exosomes at Jennifer Depew, who is a Registered Dietician with excellent knowledge of chemistry.  You know, I haven't found a search window on her site, so you can just use this, " and Exosomes." 

Jennifer has a few other sites:  Twitter, Transcending Square, &

Okay, so which vitamins help to resolve purpura?  Vitamin C, Hesperidin/Diosomin, and Rutin.  

Friday, October 1, 2021

Stew Peters with Dr. Judy Mikovits: Viral Shedding, Jab Recovery, & Defeating The 'Virus'

You don’t want to call it shedding, because it’s a synthetic virus.  It’s smaller than a normal virus.  So it's between 30 and 50 nanometers, so, yes, it can shed.  It can go through the skin.  It can go through every cell of the body because of the way that it was made. It’s not restricted the way normal viruses are.  So yes it can go through the skin, yes, you can cough it on people, like a normal virus.  And we’ve seen patients—I’ve experienced it myself . . . . we have family members with cancer that when they go get their treatments in the hospital—you know all the nurses and doctors are all vaccinated—that’s medical malpractice.  Because these patients are vulnerable, and they’re transmitting it to them and we’re seeing fluid in the lungs.  And we’re seeing people diagnosed with COVID.  No you don’t have COVID. You got vaccine-COVID.  You got the covid because that’s what the vaccine was.  The injection of the spike protein.  The injection of the disease-causing part of the virus.  And so when you can test that . . . you can test that with a PCR that will show you the only thing you get on the PCR is the spike protein if you don’t find the rest of the virus—the gag or the structural proteins of the virus—you got it from the vaccine.  But the good news is you treat it and protect yourself with all the things that you would for the natural infection.  So it’s not a death sentence but what we all need to do is take back our immune systems and our own health and get our immune systems healthy and strong. 

PETERS:  So somebody who’s been inoculated—they’re fully vaccinated—they have both Pfizer within a few weeks of each other—do they have hope, can they recover from this, and two, those of us who are around people who’ve been jabbed who are feeling these side effects are we getting sick, is it a permanent thing, or can we be fixed?

MIKOVITS:  Everyone can be fixed.  There’s hope totally.  Because number one, if it didn’t hurt you immediately, we can pray to God you got the control—the saline—and the experiment we talked about earlier; number two, if you have a healthy immune system, it will degrade those particles.  We don’t know how long your cells will manufacture that spike protein, but the healthier you are, the more your type-1 interferon immune system, the more your innate immune system, the more you keep your skin healthy and go out and get vitamin D and sunshine, your own body’s immune system, our God-given immune system can degrade and can heal us from this synthetic, weaponized virus.  That’s the great news.  The bad news is for the immune-compromised, who are exposed—as I just mentioned—in hospitals, this is criminal.  And it’s always been criminal; it’s not just the COVID shot.  You know back, the last five years, we’ve seen the worst flu ever in nurses and doctors—it’s criminal to force nurses and doctors to get vaccines.  That’s criminal—live, attenuated flu shots.  That’s not protecting them or their patients.  Because the nosocomial spread is the word for spreading from doctor to patient.  So what we can do is never wear another mask.  Never get another shot.  Remember what we were told: the vaccinated, the fully vaccinated can take off their mask, so everyone in this country, in this world, hearing my voice is 



3.  Give yourself all the strength, and then nobody is living in fear or hate because everybody’s feeling everybody’s vaccinated.  


5.  DON’T NOT TOUCH THEM. HUG THEM.  You’ll get a natural immunity.  You’ll get an exposure as grandparents used to to chickenpox.  

My husband is 83, and he’s never had shingles.  Now we see shingles in 10-year-olds because of the failure of the chickenpox vaccine to produce lifelong immunity. 

Here are some COVID protocols I am reprinting from the Independent Side

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Are the spike proteins toxins flooding our environment eventually going to make us all sick?

This is a real thing, where unvaccinated people are getting sick from being around or living with vaccinated people, and it doesn’t matter which vaccine was injected into a friend or a loved one. 

Something that is in the vaccines or something that a person’s body does in reaction to the vaccine is making people sick.  I’ve asked around a bit and no one is certain.  A lot of people cite the spike proteins, but 

There are plenty of people who witness to this phenomenon but no one can point to anything specific molecule or the mechanism by which the unvaccinated are getting sick from the vaccinated.  This is not just paranoia, nor is it a wild reverie of a hypochondriac.  

From Pfizer's own documents--stay away from the vaxxed

At the 36:50 mark in this HamEggsnSam video, the host says that his hearing in one ear went deaf due to being clogged up.  After he took Niacin, it cleared up.  

At the 6-minute mark of this video, the host divulges that he, an unvaccinated, had a weird biological reaction from someone who was vaccinated.  

On page 25 of this 42-page review of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, Seneff and Nigh at least concede that there is something going on with transmissibility.  

One researcher I spoke with gave this reply to my concerns, 

But I have to tell you, being around the vaccinated seems to be causing problems for others around them. 

How, why, what? 

That section about vaccine shedding on page 25 reads like this: 

2.  Vaccine Shedding    There has been considerable chatter on the Internet about the possibility of vaccinated people causing disease in unvaccinated people in close proximity. While this may seem hard to believe, there is a plausible process by which it could occur through the release of exosomes from dendritic cells in the spleen containing misfolded spike proteins, in complex with other prion reconformed proteins. These exosomescan travel to distant places. It is not impossible to imagine that they are being released from the lungs and inhaled by a nearby person. Extracellular vesicles, including exosomes, have been detected in sputum, mucus, epithelial lining fluid, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in association with respiratory diseases (Lucchetti et al., 2021).A Phase 1/2/3 study undertaken by BioNTech on the Pfizer mRNA vaccine implied in their study protocol that they anticipated the possibility of secondary exposure to the vaccine (BioNTech, 2020). The protocol included the requirement that “exposure during pregnancy” should be reported by the study participants. They then gave examples of “environmental exposure during pregnancy” which included exposure “to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.” They even suggested two levels of indirect exposure: “A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior toor around the time of conception. 

This is not conspiracy stuff; this is real.  Pinning down what's causing the unvaccinated to become sick from the vaccinated is what's required next before this can be rectified.  I think it's causing severe and debilitating immune responses.  But that's my first brush.  

What is CIRS?

Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) is a progressive, multi-system, multi-symptom illness characterized by exposure to biotoxins. The ongoing inflammation can affect virtually any organ system of the body and if left untreated becomes debilitating.