Showing posts with label Robert Kagan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Kagan. Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2024

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: if Trump gets in, the Neocons are out. Victorian Nuland was thrown out of Trump's Administration. She has been in every Administration but Trump's

Gold has got nothing to do with inflation.  Gold goes up basically when you're questioning the future, who is going to survive?  Gold goes up generally when there is a collapse in confidence in government, and that typically centers around war.  --Martin Armstrong
Thank you to Lew Rockwell @ LRC.

14:30, HUNTER.  So let's say they get war, what happens to the economy? What happens to the bond market?  

14:38, ARMSTRONG.  Basically, we're looking at a 2-year decline in the stock market, interest rates going up, and you're looking at major crises in debt.  China owns 10% of our debt.  They would be absolutely brain-dead to hold on to any of it.  Because what happens in war?  You default on your enemy.  That's it.  Whatever they have, sorry, we're not paying anything.  Go on.  This is what they do.  

15:15, HUNTER.  Is this why gold is hitting one record high after another?  I mean it briefly went over $2,600 an ounce, and Goldman analysts are saying, nah, it's going to $3,000.  They're going to get this war.  I mean they're not going to stop, are they?  Are they afraid of default?  That's why gold is going up?  

15:35, ARMSTRONG.  Look at gold back going into 1980.  It went from $176 to only $400 in December 1979.  It from $400 to $875 in the last 6 weeks of 1979.  Why?  It had nothing to do with inflation.  Why?  That's when Russia invaded Afghanistan.  Gold has got nothing to do with inflation, that's nonsense.  The national debt went up for 19 years, and gold went down for 19 years.  That's just a one-dimensional analysis, "Oh, buy gold, because it's inflation."  No, it's not.  Gold goes up basically when you're questioning the future, who is going to survive?  Gold goes up generally when there is a collapse in confidence in government, and that typically centers around war.  That's the way things have been for centuries.  

from GoldSeek,
"That was basically caused by OPEC raising the price of oil dramatically and that created a cost-push inflation. So everybody's costs were rising dramatically. Anything that had to do with plastic, went up dramatically and that created eventually the inflationary boom between 1976 going into 1980. As for gold rose to $875, etc...I think gold was about a $100 in 1976 and it rose to about $400 but that was by December 1979, the last six weeks of the rally, which peaked in 1980 on January 21st. So from December to January 21st, that's when Russia invaded Afghanistan. So it was the geopolitical stuff that took gold from $400 to $875. So it's important to understand inflation is not the major driving power but inflation when war is around – that's what broke Bretton was the Vietnam War."
16:45. Are they going to try to kill Trump again are they going to go for the third time as a charm are they going to do it again I'm not trying to be morbid I don't want him dead I don't want him dead but these people are cuckoo demonic are they going to try to kill him again?

17:02  I wouldn't put it past them. I mean maybe next time they use monkeypox or bird flu or something but Trump represents a real threat to their power.  If Trump gets in, the Neocons are out.  Who wrote that article for the Washington Post, "A Trump Dictatorship Is Increasingly Inevitable," Oh Trump Would Be a Dictator?  We Should Stop Pretending"? It was Victoria Nuland's husband, Robert Kagan.  Why?  Because Victorian Nuland was thrown out of Trump's Administration she has been in every Administration but Trump's pick up the rug and look at this stuff from the beginning of this year I was told that Biden will never be the candidate he was to remain on there to prevent anybody else from getting on the ticket including RFK why because this has been a setup I was told that he would stay until after the Republican convention why so the Republicans are confused and they don't know who they're running against then he steps down and hands it to Kamala this is the first time in history the Democrats have never had a right to vote for their own candidate why do they want to know why why do they want Kamala Harris because she's another Biden she says whatever she's told and will sign whatever they put in front of her nose.  That's why they want her I don't think they thought that she would do as bad in the approval rating the real one not the fake one the people that come to you for the real numbers so they come to you for the real numbers because when I put this number out Martin Armstrong says that it's 10, 10.5%.  My other source who backs it up says it's 8 and 1/2%. I don't get a single troll that says, "Oh, that's wrong because they don't want that to show up in search."  Not even alt media will pick it up.  Zero Hedge did pick it up last time, but that's a real number.

19:32. They can make them say whatever they want.

19:40. I'm not a fan of hers either but Hillary would have been better 

19:50. She's not going to be president and then do everything that they say, no. They don't want a strong president.

19:55. I hate to tell you this, but Biden would have lost, but Biden would have done better than Kamala. 

20:04. Maybe.  I mean she never even got one delegate in the primary before against Biden. They are afraid, they know she can't win, that's why the push for the shooters.  I mean how clumsy is this, another assassination?  They're pushing for shooting missiles into Russia. They know she can't win.

20:17. The second attempt at assassination is even more but this guy is not from Florida the question is how did he he got down there and suddenly suddenly gave him a gun and untraceable gun