Showing posts with label Pierre Kory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pierre Kory. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2024

Osteoporosis is geriatric rickets. Just eat real food and get out into the sunshine.

Monday, January 23, 2023


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Maddie de Garay's Story

You've probably heard of her. You've probably seen her on television or at Ron Johnson's Advisory Hearing back in October 2021.  But her name is Maddie de Garay and she was severely injured by the Pfizer vaccine.  Here's more testimony on Maddie's condition and her parents' grief.  The dad is in the medical field and her mom is an engineer who states that they both have faith in science.  Yes, science can be beneficial but you can't ignore the personal agency of the purveyor of that or any science.  We've all been set up by the deceit.  For the doctors to dismiss her symptoms as nothing and then as some fleeting side effect that will get better over time is proof that we're all alone when it comes to government-sponsored medical procedures.  No apologies.  No explanation.  No compensation.  No restoration.  Fine.  Then let us take the approach: Never forget.  Never forgive.  Hold the line.    

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Dr. Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, Issues a Warning

Please read the captions to his comments.   

Sunday, February 27, 2022

legislation in TN could set a precedent for other states on:

The fact that states have to pass laws for citizens to get treatment should be a clear sign of how corrupt the medical establishment in the U.S. is.   

Monday, December 13, 2021

BIG IVM WIN: A Virginia judge ruled Fauquier Medical must allow ivermectin or be fined $10,000/day since 12/9.

Friday, October 22, 2021

U.S outperformed the U.K and Australia in controlling summer Delta Surge with the use of IVM... this despite CDC/FDA unleashing #pharmageddon