Showing posts with label New Discourses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Discourses. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

the Open Society is what we've been taking for granted basically in the post-WWII era.  --James Lindsay
Episode #2119, March 14, 2024, with James Lindsay.  3-hour interview.  

8:05  London's in trouble.  The UK's in trouble.

9:30  When you have a crisis at that scale, what are your options for fixing it?  And I think that's part of the Cloward-Priven strategy?  How do you end up fixing a problem that's at that scale?  They're doing the same thing with the Trans-ition stuff.  If you end up with a million kids, you've got a million kids that really are on the medical system, what do you do with a million kids, their parents, and then their aunts and uncles?  The whole system has to start bending around a reality that was manufactured, and you can get some major changes.  

10:15  Who are those people?  

LINDSAY, 10:24  Well, the Biden Administration had to have conversations.  They petitioned the Supreme Court to stop Texas from enforcing its border.  

11:09  The United Nations is pushing this [mass immigration] too.  the UN sees itself as a global entity, 193 states, blah, blah, "17 Sustainable Development Goals to transform our world," but Soros and his Open Society have pushed a lot of this stuff too.  Soros' mentor was Karl Popper who, in 1945, wrote a book called, Open Society and Its Enemies.  And so the Open Society is what we've been taking for granted basically in the post-WWII era.  And that's what we want.  It's a free society.  It's a high-trust society.  People can do what they want.  They don't have to worry about whether they're going to get car-jacked all the time or whatever else.  Soros is like, well, you can have that in the nation or where there's kind of one open society, 

58:30. The equity coordinator in one of these cities.  We know who's causing these crime problems.  It's the DAs.  We know who ran the DAs.  We know who paid the money to run them it was the Open Society Foundation.. They called them Soros DA's.  2004 interview with the LA Times, Soros said that he thinks he's a god. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Vest Cam Footage of Nashville Shooting

This is what Herbert Marcuse's legacy has wrought.  

A preview of the shooting takes place at 3:28, but the full engagement unfolds toward the end at 5:35.

Also, remember this face, and her name is the unconventional, Ashbey Beasley, from Highland Park, IL.  This pic may be all you need to know about her.

She is picking up the refrain of David Hogg. 

Hogg's father, Kevin Hogg, is a former FBI agent, apparently running security at LAX.  Sounds like a lax gig.  Former agent?  Like the CIA, do FBI agents ever retire? Heavy explains,  

Before joining the FBI, Kevin Hogg, 51, was a Navy pilot and an elementary school teacher, he told CNN in the video at the top of the page. He explained that he was dumbfounded that anyone would think he was somehow using his son to trick the country. “My career has been perfect,” he said, adding that he was still proud of his work with the FBI. 

There were unfounded rumors this week that Kevin worked for Cubic Simulation Systems, but there doesn’t appear to be any evidence to back those rumors up. A Kevin Hogg does work for the company in Orlando, but that Kevin’s LinkedIn says he has worked there for 11 years and does not mention any prior military experience. David’s father, meanwhile, has only been retired from the FBI since 2014.

I haven't verified this yet but it looks likely given the fact that David's dad worked at LAX in Los Angeles.  So Hogg went whole hog as a crisis actor showing up on the doorsteps of a tragedy at Parkland, Florida.  So if David attended Redondo High School in Southern California, why did, er, how, did Hogg end up in Parkland, Florida stumping for gun control? Because of Daddy FBI agent?