Showing posts with label Mitochondria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mitochondria. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2024

DR. MERCOLA: According to researchers, over a third of all cellular magnesium is found in mitochondria, and various cellular processes rely on this mineral to function.

Monday, August 19, 2024

DR. FRANK SHALLENBERGER: Ozone HEALED me after 20 years

Thank you to Wejolyn.  

The core reason why people get sick is that their mitochondria don't work so well and so they don't have the energy to stay well.  So you can clearly make the statement, and this is as close to 100% true as anything you could say, there's no possible way in the world that anybody who's sick with anything significant, and by that I mean cardiovascular disease or diabetes or cancer or autoimmune disease or whatever, 100% of the time they got bad mitochondria.  100% of the time.  And there's no way they stand any chance at all of getting well unless the mitochondria are improved.  So it's a baseline foundational therapy that you can use essentially on every sick person there is. 

Monday, October 24, 2022

"The highest levels of COQ10 are in the organs of our body that need the most energy--so heart, liver, kidneys."

The best food source of COQ10 that you can get is heart, so beef heart, sheep heart, goat heart, chicken hearts.  Keep in mind that people have been eating [animal] hearts for millions of years.  Ken D. Berry, MD

A long list of medications that will tank your COQ10 levels. 

A coenzyme that hundreds of chemical interactions that your body needs to function optimally. 

The chemical name for Ubiquinol is ubiquinone, which rhymes with ubiquitous.  And the reason they named it that is because every animal on the planet, and most bacteria, have to have ubiquinone, or COQ10, in order to function optimally.  Something needed like this across all animal kingdoms, that's a hint that it's very, very important.  

Most of the COQ10 in your body is stored and used by your mitochondria.  The mitochondria make most of the energy molecules, the ATP and NADH that your body uses for energy.  So right off the bat, that if your COQ10 levels are low, you're just not going to have the energy that you need to function optimally.

Common side effect of low COQ10 levels is fatigue. 

The highest levels of COQ10 are in the organs of our body that need the most energy--so heart, liver, kidneys.  These have a much higher concentration of COQ10.  But what if you're taking a medication, a prescription or over-the-counter, that's tanking your COQ10 levels and you don't even know it.  And these organs are not going to be getting the COQ10 that they need for optimal functions.  

Statins drastically reduce your body's stores of COQ10.

Acid Blockers, or even over-the-counter antacids, also reduce your body's stores of COQ10.  So drugs like Nexium, Prevacid, Zantac, Prilosec, all of these meds are going to lower your COQ10.  Antacids like Rolaids, Tums, Mylanta, they're going to lower your body stores of COQ10.  

Many antibiotics Keflex, Cipro, Levaquin, Bactrim, they're going to lower your stores of COQ10 that your mitochondria take up for energy.  

Anti-depressants, like Elavil or Pamelor lower your COQ10 levels.

Blood-thinners Coumadin and Warfarin lower your COQ10 levels.  

A long list in the show notes.  Be sure to check out that list to see which meds you're taking.


Any cut of meat from any land animal or any fish that swims in the water is going to be a decent source of CO Enzyme Q10.  The best food source of COQ10 that you can get is heart, so beef heart, sheep heart, goat heart, chicken hearts.  Keep in mind that people have been eating [animal] hearts for millions of years.


Don't take a chalky tablet.  Take an olive oil filled gel cap that has at least 100 milligrams of COQ10 . . . .  Dr. Berry says to take 100mg for each of the medications that you're taking.  So if you're taking 3 of the meds listed in his show notes, that means you take 300mgs of COQ10.  He cautions that if you're not taking any of these medications, and you take 1,000 mgs of COQ10 per day, it's not going to be harmful but it could cause some stomach upset.  That'd be about the worst of it, he explains.