Showing posts with label ozone therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ozone therapy. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2024

DR. FRANK SHALLENBERGER: Ozone HEALED me after 20 years

Thank you to Wejolyn.  

The core reason why people get sick is that their mitochondria don't work so well and so they don't have the energy to stay well.  So you can clearly make the statement, and this is as close to 100% true as anything you could say, there's no possible way in the world that anybody who's sick with anything significant, and by that I mean cardiovascular disease or diabetes or cancer or autoimmune disease or whatever, 100% of the time they got bad mitochondria.  100% of the time.  And there's no way they stand any chance at all of getting well unless the mitochondria are improved.  So it's a baseline foundational therapy that you can use essentially on every sick person there is. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

WEJOLYN: Ozone steam sauna also will detoxify seed oil accumulation & petroleum based products

Sunday, March 24, 2024

DR. FRANK SHALLENBERGER: Using ozone therapy for 40 years to fix everything

The Holy Grail is to figure out how to optimize mitochondrial function.  --Dr. Frank Shallenberger

Ozone therapy.  What is it good for?  Absolutely everything.  

4:25  Like most any other therapy, whether it's natural or pharmaceutical, usually these other therapies have kind of a limited spectrum of what they do.  It didn't take me long to figure out that ozone is good in almost every case you see.  

It's good for heart problems.  
It's good for toxicity problems.  
It's good for low metabolic problems.  
It's good for stress.  
It's good for sleep.  

And you ask yourself, how can one thing be responsible for improving so many different conditions?  

5:00  So you've got to look at the core.  What's core?  So I'm giving oxygen, that's what ozone is, everybody's getting better, ergo, the problem probably has something to do with oxygen, specifically how the body is using oxygen.  and that's how I got into the whole metabolic thing.  I started looking around, saying, "Okay, we've got to start measuring people's metabolism, because I'll be you a nickel that after I give them a course of ozone therapy, their metabolism is going up.  So I developed this technique that you referred to on how to measure mitochondrial function, and that indeed is what happens.  You get the ozone and the mitochondrial function improves, and at that point, I decided that's the Holy Grail.  The Holy Grail is to figure out how to optimize mitochondrial function.  And to do that you've got to measure it first.  You measure it; if it's great already, fine, there's not much that you need to do.  

Sunday, October 23, 2022


Interestingly enough, it has a history that goes all the way back to the late 1800s in the U.S.  The Florida Medical Association produced a paper in the early 1900s, and Loyola School of Sciences in Chicago produced a paper in 1885 describing ozone therapy, so it does go way back.  

Shallenberger was one of the first guys to bring back ozone therapy from Germany in the early 80s.  And the thing was, after a while, I just noticed that unlike almost any other therapy, whether it's natural or pharmaceutical, these other therapies usually have a limited spectrum of what they do.  It didn't take me long to figure out that ozone is good for almost every case you see: it's good for heart problems, good for toxicity problems, it's good for low-metabolic problems, it's good for stress, it's good for sleep, and all these things, and you ask yourself, "How can one thing be responsible for improving people with so many different things?"  And so you got to look at the core.  So what's core?  You don't have to be a genius to figure it out.  I'm giving oxygen, that's what ozone is, so I'm giving oxygen, everybody's getting better.  Ergo, the problem probably has something to do with oxygen, specifically how the body is using oxygen.  And that's how I got to the whole metabolic thing.  I started looking around and saying, "Okay, we've got to start measuring people's metabolism."  Because I'll be you a nickel after I give them a course of ozone therapy their metabolism is going up.  So I developed this technique that you referred to on how to measure mitochondrial function, and indeed, that's what happens.  You get the ozone, and the mitochondrial function improves.  And at that point, I decided that's the Holy Grail.  The Holy Grail is to figure out how to optimize mitochondrial function.  And to do that, you've got to measure it first.  If it's great already, then fine; there's not much that you need to do.  If not, then that keys you in that it's time to do something, to make some changes.    


Ozone is molecular O3 versus the regular form of oxygen which is in the air that we're breathing right now, which is molecular O2, meaning regular form oxygen contains 2 oxygen atoms.  Ozone contains 3.  That extra oxygen atom makes it a very unstable molecule, such that when you put it in the human body, and you can put it in the human body in a lot of different ways.  You can expose the blood to it, the most common way.  You can also put it in various body cavities--stomachs, vaginas, bladders, rectums.  You can inject it into joints.  You can inject it into backs.  You can inject it into soft tissues.  You can give it transdermally in the sense of a sauna.  When a person is in a sauna, and then you flood that sauna with gas and it absorbs transdermally.  

His website is titled, AntiAgingMedicine.  And he's located in Carson City, Nevada, where he can be reached @ 775-884-3990.  Their office is closed for lunch from 12:30 to 1:30.  His address is 1231 Country Club Drive, Carson City, Nevada, 89703.  Frank has a book out, titled Bursting with Energy: The Breakthrough Method to Renew Youthful Energy and Restore Health, 2nd Edition, 2022.

If you're not in the area but reside in Southern California, Judy Shallenberger recommended a woman, who trained with hers and Frank's office in Carson City, named Amilya Santiago @ Integrative Natural Medicine, located @ 301 S. Fair Oaks Avenue, Unit 208, Pasadena, CA 91105.  PHONE 626-714-7400.  

Their website literally does not have their physical address entered anywhere that I could see.  Unbelievable.  It does not exude confidence.  Her website declares that she offers a 30-minute consultation.  How much?  

I called and asked about the consultation.  Andrea, the receptionist, said that she offers a 1.5 to 2-hour consultation @ $400.  And that I am to bring in the labs, Doctor's records, imagining, and so forth. She does offer Ozone therapy, what is called IV ozone 10 units.  What does that cost?  Health is astronomical.  

Friday, December 10, 2021


The following protocol comes from Dr. Thomas Levy's article, "Canceling the Spike Protein: Striking Visual Evidence." Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 18, 2021.  

Suggested Protocol (to be coordinated with the guidance of your chosen health care provider):

For individuals who are post-vaccination or symptomatic with chronic COVID, vitamin C should be optimally dosed, and it should be kept at a high but lesser dose daily indefinitely.

Ideally, an initial intravenous administration of 25 to 75 grams of vitamin C should be given depending on body size. Although one infusion would likely resolve the symptoms and abnormal blood examination, several more infusions can be given if feasible over the next few days.

An option that would likely prove to be sufficient and would be much more readily available to larger numbers of patients would be one or more rounds of vitamin C given as a 7.5 gram IV push over roughly 10 minutes, avoiding the need for a complete intravenous infusion setup, a prolonged time in a clinic, and substantially greater expense (Riordan-Clinic-IVC-Push-Protocol, 10.16.14.pdf).

Additionally, or alternatively, if IV is not available, 5 grams of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C (LivOn Labs) can be given daily for at least a week.

When none of the above three options are readily available, a comparable positive clinical impact will be seen with the proper supplementation of regular forms of oral vitamin C as sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid. Either of these can be taken daily in three divided doses approaching bowel tolerance after the individual determines their own unique needs (additional information, see Levy, vitamin C Guide in References; Cathcart, 1981).

An excellent way to support any or all of the above measures for improving vitamin C levels in the body is now available and very beneficial clinically. A supplemental polyphenol that appears to help many to overcome the epigenetic defect preventing the internal synthesis of vitamin C in the liver can be taken once daily. This supplement also appears to provide the individual with the ability to produce and release even greater amounts of vitamin C directly into the blood in the face of infection and other sources of oxidative stress (

Hydrogen peroxide (HP) nebulization (Levy, 2021, free eBook) is an antiviral and synergistic partner with vitamin C, and it is especially important in dealing with acute or chronic COVID, or with post-COVID vaccination issues. As noted above, the COVID virus can persist in the stool. In such cases, a chronic pathogen colonization (CPC) of COVID in the throat continually supplying virus that is swallowed into the gut is likely present as well, even when the patient seems to be clinically normal. This will commonly be the case when specific viral eradication measures were not taken during the clinical course of the COVID infection. HP nebulization will clear out this CPC, which will stop the continued seeding of the COVID virus in the gut and stool as well. Different nebulization approaches are discussed in the eBook.

When available, ozonated saline and/or ozone autohemotherapy infusions are excellent. Conceivably, this approach alone might suffice to knock out the spike protein presence, but the vitamin C and HP nebulization approaches will also improve and maintain health in general. Ultraviolet blood irradiation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy will likely achieve the same therapeutic effect if available.

Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and chloroquine are especially important in preventing new binding of the spike protein to the ACE2 receptors that need to be bound in order for either the spike protein alone or for the entire virus to gain entry into the target cells (Lehrer and Rheinstein, 2020; Wang et al., 2020; Eweas et al., 2021). These agents also appear to have the ability to directly bind up any circulating spike protein before it binds any ACE2 receptors (Fantini et al., 2020; Sehailia and Chemat, 2020; Saha and Raihan, 2021). When the ACE2 receptors are already bound, the COVID virus cannot enter the cell (Pillay, 2020). These three agents also serve as ionophores that promote intracellular accumulation of zinc that is needed to kill/inactivate any intact virus particles that might still be present.

Many other positive nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are supportive of defeating the spike protein, but they should not be used to the exclusion of the above, especially the combination of highly-dosed vitamin C and HP nebulization. 

In addition to ridding your body of the spike protein, ozone therapy also improves your immune system to fight inflammation in broader ways.  


Thursday, July 9, 2015

Chris Vark Interviews Oncology Nurse, Valerie Warwick

Chris Vark of Chris Beat Cancer interviews retired oncology nurse, Valerie Warwick.  She says that cancer is a survival response.

Cancer manifests itself because it is trying to survive some serious ailment in your body.

"Don't patients get nutritional advice from their doctors?"

"Oh, yeah, right."

"Patients are nutritionally devastated."

What about Vitamin C? Low blood platelet caused one patient to bleed everywhere. He had cracked lips. He was depleted. The nurse suggested Vitamin C, because she thought his symptoms looked like scurvy.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that your body uses to combat free radicals.  If you've accepted chemo-therapy as a cancer treatment, it will for sure, 100% sure, deplete your body's Vitamin C stores and let the free radicals reign in your system.

"Chemotherapy drugs are bought at a discount from the mfg.  60% of oncologist revenue comes from chemotherapy drugs."  So there's that.

Chris:  "All of it seems like criminal negligence . . . to me."

Valerie:  "Yeah . . . it is."

They're not allowed to offer any other therapies.  they'll be shunned by their peers.  They'll get reported to the board.  They'll lose their license.  It's a very tight peer group thing.  "You're not one of those [who preaches Vitamin C], are you?"  

Nurses know what's up.  And are carefully trying to give good advice.  

Curaderm?  Made from eggplant.  

She got reported to the board of nursing for a product that was not FDA-approved.  

American people do not know that doctors are not allowed to prescribe anything other than surgery, chemo, or radiation for cancer treatment. Doctors are trapped in a system that pays them really well, to keep doing what they're doing despite miserable results.  

System has been hijacked by pharmaceutical companies.  There's a pill for every ill.  And they pooh-pooh the nutrition.  Can't say that nutrition cures or reverses disease.  And it's really all about diet.  

At the 32-minute mark, Chris asks Valerie about Ozone therapy.  Now remember, she is an oncology nurse so her realm is how cancer responds to certain treatments.  And ozone therapy works well on cancer for the main reason that ozone is concentrated oxygen and cancer does not thrive in oxygenated environments.