Showing posts with label — Kevin McKernan (@Kevin_McKernan). Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Kevin McKernan (@Kevin_McKernan). Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2025


Find more on Cannabinoids from Kevin McKernan here.

Willie Nelson performed Saturday night at age 91! --John Isgitt
Kevin McKernan is from Medicinal Genomics.
70% is impressive, but I can't yet speak to the 1:1 THC: CBD compared to other ratios.  Like what is the optimal ratio for any condition?

Motor neuron disease is explained here by Wikipedia, 
Motor neuron diseases or motor neurone diseases (MNDs) are a group of rare  neurodegenerative disorders that selectively affect motor neurons, the cells which control  voluntary muscles of the body. They include  amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),  progressive bulbar palsy (PBP), pseudobulbar palsyprogressive muscular atrophy (PMA),  primary lateral sclerosis (PLS), spinal muscular atrophy  (SMA) and monomelic amyotrophy  (MMA), as well as some rarer variants resembling ALS. 
Motor neuron diseases affect both children and adults. While each motor neuron disease affects patients differently, they all cause movement-related symptoms, mainly muscle weakness.  Most of these diseases seem to occur randomly without known causes, but some forms are inherited. Studies into these inherited forms have led to discoveries of various genes  (e.g. SOD1) that are thought to be important in understanding how the disease occurs.
Check out what cannabidiol does for Epilepsy. No other epilepsy drug comes close. 

See how Cannabinoids stack up against other therapies that are heavily promoted, like Ivermectin, Fenben, and Psilocybin.  The real reason for the drug war is to bury useful natural remedies. No wonder they've worked to discredit some of the early proponents of cannabinoid therapies as fringe.  Criminal. 
Stunning.  DNA drugs, cannabinoids, and fasting unite to shut down colorectal cancer's sugar fuel.
Kevin McKernan explains that Cannabinoids are an exit drug. So for anyone with any kind of opioid addiction, Cannaboids help individuals exit from it. He adds "There are no CB1 receptors in the brain stem." Cannabidiol reverses fentanyl-induced addiction and modulates neuroinflammation.

See the graph below from the Dent Institute.  for a list of clinical conditions that Cannabinoids treat. 

Monday, November 18, 2024

KEVIN MCKERNAN: I’m doing what I can to untangle their molbio [molecular biology] smoke grenades but John has them caught dead to rights.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

SASHA LATYPOVA: Once you're protected from any liability, it's as if regulations don't exist for you because you don't have liability

one nanogram of DNA in a vaccine can cause cancer.  --Dr. Andrew Lewis

What is the FDA regulatory limit?  10 nanograms.  --Sasha Latypova

Vaccines are not regulated at all. They are fake regulated.  

As a result of the 1986 Act that President Reagan signed they no longer have any liability.

Well, starting there.  So the reason that Act went into place was because up until 1973 they were not regulated at all.  They were not even under FDA mandate, they were just cooked up by CDC these poisons.  That's what I'm saying, it's all intentional and it's been going on since like 200 years ago.  The CDC, a private corporation, was cooking them, up forcing them on everyone, and privatizing the returns.  In 1973, they came under FDA regulation mandate.  In about 5 years, I don't know how long it takes to put a new law in place, but let's say in about 5 years they realize, "Uh-oh.  If we have to comply with these things, it's not going to work."  So they introduce this law to protect themselves from liability.  Once you're protected from any liability, it's as if regulations don't exist for you because you don't have liability.  And then proceeded to remove systematically remove requirements that existed on the drug side for the vaccine side.  So nobody actually tests them for anything.  For example, we uncovered an office, an office on the FDA web page, it says it's headed by Dr. Andrew Lewis, who is by our estimates at least 90 years old if he is alive.  But he is the head of this office, fake head, the office when you read the description of what they do they found that even one nanogram of DNA in a vaccine can cause cancer.  What is the FDA regulatory limit?  10 nanograms.  So, the FDA says that it's okay for you to have 10 times more material injected that we know causes cancer because . . . reasons.  Now, what, in fact, was found in COVID-19 vaccines by Kevin McKernan and his colleagues is up to 2000 nanograms, so 200 times over the regulatory limit is being injected into Pfizer jabs and has been for years now.  And all the regulators actually know about it this because everybody's been notified.  The Epoch Times interviewed them even, and they all said, "Yes, we know, and it's not a problem.  Continue injecting."  You tell me this is not intentional.

It's too big to bust because what they need is to have some [privacy?].

Every normal person listening to me is saying, "I know lady what you're saying.  I know you're not crazy, but this is just not possible.  I can't imagine the evil this big."

Sunday, August 6, 2023

"Have you considered the parallels between CBD prohibition and Ivermectin you mocked during the pandemic?"

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

He is an example of a very nice evil person


2:50. Laura Demaray. The testimony was organized by Laura Demaray, a nurse and a grassroots campaigner in Idaho for stopping the covid mRNA injections.  She is from Washington County my words are my own opinion and not any organization or place of work I ask the honorable members of the Southwest District Health Board to take action and recall the genetic shots due to adulteration contamination and unprecedented adverse effects.  To Idahoans and Americans, it is in your power to take righteous action of Western magistrates to protect citizens when higher authorities of the land failed to do so.  I speak for three Idaho injured friends: one military, one healthcare, and one healthcare Executive who were forced by threat of job loss and poverty to take this contaminated gene jab and now have over 34 debilitating symptoms, like blood clots, brain fog, neurological disorders, chest pains, serious heart issues, dysautonomia, reactivated latent viruses, and a major loss of finances and anyearTisoDred ability to work.  Their life will never be the same.  They are Idahoans and they will speak to you privately, if you wish.  In chsuwereBtn are dead and 103 permanently disabled.  And 33 cases of myocarditis on the VAERS safety data.  In the US, it's 17,000 and that includes 181 of our little ones.  16,000 are permanently disabled, including 586 children.  We were told the shots would stay in our arms, but the Japanese bio distribution study proves that, in fact, it travels to all organs and every sacred space of the body, including the blood-brain barrier, the placenta barrier into the ovaries and testes as well.  We are told that it leaves the body quickly but Castruita Rolken (spelling?) show that it is in the blood 28 days and 60 days, and there is no off-switch.  And that's just when the study ended.

We are told they cannot change our DNA, however, Alden, et al, 2022 set out to prove that even within 6 hours it the reverse transcription was found in the nucleus of a liver cell.  We are told it's safe for pregnancy but Thorp and McCullough showed that it is a 57% increase in miscarriages when they did a study compared to flu shots.  And from transmitting to Grandma but Walensky, Fauci, and Birx all said that it doesn't stop you from getting COVID or stop transmission to Grandma.  And a Pallex studies show that the more of these shots that you take, the more immunocompromised you and Grandma are.  Dennis Nigh and Benune highlights the potential shedding of body fluids from  breast milk.  It has the potential to be passed on to your children. Zang and Chang highlight the vaccines can be given through cow's milk, and they're doing that in China.  Compared to studies like Delay, 2006, no more than 66 athletes die a year, top athletes.  In 14 months, 1,200 athletes have died.  Died suddenly Pilots I have a lot of pilot friends.  The Pilot Association Magazine usually has two to five memorials per year to pilots who have died.  This last year they had over 100.  Ed Dowd, ex-Backrock manager highlighted that insurance actuary analysis in 2022. So post gene jab, we have lost in excess of 300,000 working individuals who had group life insurance.  Those are the most healthy people on the planet.  In America, they have access to healthcare.  In excess of 300,000 are gone.  There is a lack of employees simply because the workforce is either dead, sick, fired, or tired.  I know there's a presentation later today.  I have looked over that and my colleagues have looked over it, and I appreciate that there's a presentation for the public but I do want to point out that I can provide the 2022 and 2023 data for cancer, turbo cancers, multiple studies, the CDC and the American Cancer Association studies that the presentation for the public today is for only 2021.  All my scientists noticed that right away so it's disingenuous to give that to the public to say that any cancer has gone down.  I assure you that what you will find out in the next year is that, in fact, the cancers have risen and that more cancers have hit younger people in higher numbers and I can prove that.  And that can only be a conversation with us later.  The shots are literally breaking our children's hearts.  Men sang when's shows a 29.2% adverse effect with cardiac issues in the teens in their studies.  Clinical trials were substandard, biased, underpowered, and not validated.  Injured participants were dropped like Brianna Dressin and whom I just spent the weekend with and Maddie de Garay as well she was a little girl who wanted to save the world she was in that Pfizer trial and she may never eat a hamburger again.  They said in that trial that she had functional stomach issues.  She's in a wheelchair.  She cannot walk.  She has seizures, and she is eating out of a feeding tube.  That is a lie, a bald-faced lie by Big Pharma, and I stand behind that.  And they can sue me.  Please, please, I want them to sue me because I would love discovery.  

There are zero downstream safety studies for fertility cancers, genetics, or generation contamination and I just want to say that to Big Pharma they served their shareholders.  Their mission is not to serve you and I and our grandchildren.  I just want to pose this question for us to think about over time here.  Why is this board, and other boards in the district healths in Idaho, why are they supporting a genetic shot with lipid nanoparticles that has no safety studies, no long-term safety studies for children and pregnant women?  We always have safety studies long-term for children and pregnant women and suddenly we don't.  I just helped organize this fundraiser for a group called React19, me, and a group of lovely people.  We helped do this for the injured.  They have 30,000 members of permanently disabled individuals, doctors, mothers, nurses, and children  For the first time in history the injured are using their last dime to go to Switzerland and kill themselves because they are suffering beyond what you can imagine.  

11:00. They have shared that they feel abandoned and left in their broken bodies to die like lepers in the time of Jesus.  And I can have you talk with any of them.  They would love to tell you to please get this off the childhood schedule.  Government agencies can be captured.  They can make errors in judgment like thalidomide, like the Rotovirus, Tuskegee Experiments.  it happens.  They make bad judgments.  It doesn't mean we have to.  The McKernan genetic sequencing proves these shots have over 1,000 times the DNA allowed in any of the shots.  She has the genetic sequences in their packages.  And you can talk to him if you want to.  Also, the Pfizer has SV40, which you may remember from polio.  It's why a lot of people have cancer now.  They're finding SV40 in the tumors.  That is what is in the Pfizer shot.  It is undisclosed to you.  But they can see it in McKernan's work and 4 other labs.  The shot is so failed that the FDA and CDC had to change the definition of the vaccine.  And now includes in their definition yogurt and the sludge at the bottom of a porta potty because they solicit an immune response citizens have to be bribed with donuts and lottery, threatened with job loss to take this shot.  Morticians speak out and are trying to save humanity because for the first time, they see unprecedented massive white fibrous clots that they've never seen before and it is seven out of 10 according to the Havelin & Kassner Survey.  Idaho health districts are allowing this unsafe genetic therapy given to our children and grandchildren and we have the power to say not right now.  Not ever.  Do a forensics investigation.  You're brave enough.  You are extraordinary people because you are serving your community.  Big Pharma websites convey their intent for this genetic software to be in the flu shots and many other shots for adults, children, livestock, wild game, and fish, and I have that in your packet.  Even your vegetables, like lettuce and tomatoes.  They have plans for you.  The USDA summary shows an 11.5% herd loss with this technology.  That is devastating to Idaho farmers and ranchers. 13:35 Idaho is a state that unequivocally values life, including the unborn and we have a right to normal cell growth.  I implore you, honorable board, to take immediate action to recall the adulterated genetic shots.  According to FDA regulations and Idaho statutes, to also find the action letter addressed to the Idaho AG and Governor to immediately recall these until further forensics investigation.  And I ask that you be strong and courageous and hold the line with me, and my brave colleagues who have risked their lives, their job, their certifications, and their licenses, they have risked everything to talk to you today and to tell the world about these shots and I thank you.  Please protect our most valuable treasures, our children, our health, and our food supply. I appreciate all of your time today and I'm ready for our presentation if Dr. McCullough is there, could you please put him on because he's in clinic. 

15:00. Dr. Janci introduces herself.

17:00.  Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay starts at 17:00.  

Okay, so Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, toxicologist and molecular biologist with over 30 years of scientific experience, including recombinant protein vaccine development experience in the 1990s at Baylor College of Medicine.  Molecular Biology is the study of DNA, RNA, and proteins, and I have a doctorate in this degree.  She thanks her audience for allowing her to speak on the contamination of the mRNA genetic vaccines.  Several labs across the globe that have now found that the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are both heavily contaminated with the DNA plasmids used to create the shots in large volume through a process that was not trialed in the original recipients.  It's called Process II.  The contamination was found in every vial tested by genomist, Kevin McKernan.  The contaminating DNA plasmids are designed to infect e coli in which they are grown.  They are supposed to be separated away from the shots though as their presence introduces DNA that is not allowed in these shots, and which increases the risk of genomic integration.  A reason that the genetic vaccines were never brought into production before and rolled out into the population is because of excess cancer due to genetic integration.  In the Pfizer vaccines, these anti-plasmids are found to be present at up to 20 to 35% of the shot material.  So this is not slight contamination.  These DNA plasmids can infect the e coli in your gut and make your gut a perpetual spike factory.  They also have a human promoter from the oncogenic virus SV40 that allows the plasmids to also infect human cells.  This is not necessary to simply grow these in e coli, so it is quite a mystery as to why the SV40 promoter and enhancer are in these plasmids.  It was also not disclosed to the EMA and the FDA that the SV40 promoter and enhancer were in the plasmids as your material shows.  The promoter also has a localization signal to the nucleus of the cells, making it more likely that there will be a genomic integration event, which as I said most often results in cancers which kept the technology from coming forward in the past.  An additional serious issue with plasmid contamination is that they carry 2 antibiotic-resistant genes to kanamycin and neomycin, two major classes of antibiotics that are used in medicine today.  Kanamycin is used to treat tuberculosis, and neomycin is used to treat a broad variety of fungal infections.  The potential consequence of these plasmids being injected into billions of people carrying antibiotic resistance genes is that all these people could become resistant to these antibiotics.  The plasmids are also able to be shed as well as taken up by other persons as were shown in lab workers in Seattle who worked with the COVID plasmids in the lab and ended up being colonized within their nasal cavities, and then they went on to pass them to their family members.

20:15.  These workers remain positive for covid which is how this which is how they were initially found in their nasal cavities, the plasmids.   this is a serious matter and it has been brought up to the FDA the CDC several months ago but they have not responded in any manner typically this type of contamination would get the shots pulled off from the market immediately.  All of us are familiar with the fact that contamination gets medical products pulled immediately.  Yet these are not being pulled.  We have seen an egregious number of deaths and disabilities attributed to the Covid-19 vaccine and at this point CDC's VAERS programs shows an excess of over 35,000 deaths up to this point.  Typically, we see maybe 200 to 300 deaths a year from all the other vaccines combined.  We would see that.  And here we are at over 35,000 deaths in two and a half years.  This may also be the explanation for why the spike protein in the mRNA have been so far have been found so far out from inoculation.  The mRNA is now being proposed to be used in our cattle, as Laura said, and is already being used in swine with the Sequivity vaccine.