Showing posts with label Julian Assange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julian Assange. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

RICHARD POE: A 2019 investigative report in The Star (Kenya) states that was registered in Nairobi in Oct. 2006. It shared a PO Box with Mars Group Kenya, an NGO partly funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID)

Thanks to Polly St. George

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

REPORT: Julian Assange spent $500k for his flight out of the UK to avoid landing on the American homeland after he was released from prison.

REPORT: Julian Assange spent $500k for his flight out of the UK to avoid landing on the American homeland after he was released from prison. Assange will instead be landing on a remote U.S. island where he will plead guilty to the charges. The island is the U.S. territory of Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands, about 1,800 miles from Australia. “He has to front up to charges that have been brought under U.S. law," said a professor at the University of Sydney's law school. Assange will have the U.S. federal court hearing on Wednesday morning on the remote island. His wife suggested the $500k flight was paid for in debt so they will likely launch a fundraising campaign to pay it off.  

Assange is headed for Australia where he will reunite with his family. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

The White House Correspondents Dinner did a whole presentation on wrongfully detained journalists around the world. There was no mention of Julian Assange.

Greenwald adds, 

Assange is responsible for more major stories than every propagandist in that room combined. That's why they hate him: he doesn't only denounce the Bad Countries. Journalists who serve US power go to White House galas. Journalists who challenge US power end up as Assange has.

Assange has won major journalism awards all over the world. He has sources who provide him vital information, authenticates it, curates it, works with news outlets to report it. He's a journalist in every sense: just not the kind who talk on MSNBC.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

A plea deal to free Assange?

Sunday, February 18, 2024

MEARSHEIMER: Assange is a journalist. He did not break the law, as it is commonplace for journalists to publish classified information that is passed on to them by government Insiders.

From John J. Mearsheimer

00:19. A determination will soon be made by the British High Court whether to extradite Julian Assange to the United States where he has been indicted by the American government and will be put on trial.  I am asking the court not to extradite him and instead to set him free.  I believe this is a straightforward case.  Let me explain.  For starters, the case involves a wide variety of classified documents that Chelsea Manning, who was a government employee, leaked to Julian Assange, a journalist who ran WikiLeaks, a famous website that publishes classified and private documents that were not supposed to see the light of day.  Manning was caught and punished because she was a government employee and she broke the law by leaking materials that were classified to Assange.  But Assange is a journalist.  He did not break the law, as it is commonplace for journalists to publish classified information that is passed on to them by government Insiders.  If journalists in the United States were sent to jail for publishing classified materials, the jails would be filled with many of America's most famous reporters from newspapers like the New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal, but of course that hardly ever happens.  Simply put, newspapers publish classified material and hardly anybody ever goes to jail.  Why is this the case?  What is the reason for this situation?  Governments of every type, and this includes liberal democracies like the United States and Britain, sometimes go to great lengths to hide their actions or their policies from public view which makes it almost impossible for the public to evaluate and criticize their behavior.  Given that governments sometimes act foolishly, even recklessly, this is not a good situation.  Thus, a rich tradition has developed over time in the United States where insiders leak information about classified policies to journalists who publicize the information so that the public can evaluate it and push back hard against misguided policies.  The most famous case that illustrates this phenomenon involves the famous Pentagon Papers which were a multi-volume study of the American decision to enter the war in Vietnam in the 1964, 1965 period and then escalate it in subsequent years.  

3:32. Daniel Ellsberg, who was an Insider and had access to classified material, leaked the papers in 1971 to the New York Times which subsequently published them.  The story in those documents was starkly at odds with what the Johnson Administration had been telling the American people about U.S. policy in Vietnam.  By most accounts at the time and certainly since then, both Ellsberg and the New York Times performed an important public service.  They exposed a bankrupt policy that underpinned a war that the US could not win.  Ellsberg did not go to jail despite leaking classified information although it did appear at the time that he might be sent to jail.  Certainly, nobody at the New York Times went to jail because again journalists don't go to jail for publishing classified information in the United States.  It is very important to remember that in the case of Julian Assange, he is not the equivalent of Ellsberg because he was not an Insider who leaked the information.  Chelsea Manning was the insider; Assange was the equivalent of the New York Times and thus he should not be extradited so he can be put on trial in the United States. Unsurprisingly, government leaders do not like leaks unless they do the leaking which they frequently do.  Thus, they are powerfully inclined to punish those who do leak and they even try on occasion to punish the journalists who publish leaked material as is the case with Assange.  It is fair game for governments to go after leakers, but it is not acceptable for governments to go after journalists.  Indeed it would directly undermine freedom of the press which is essential for monitoring the governments and holding them accountable when they pursue misguided policies.  In fact, one of the main reasons that the U.S. government is so determined to put Assange behind bars is that he has exposed malfeasance by U.S. policymakers.  In my opinion, that is all for the good and essential for making liberal democracy, like the United States, work as efficiently and wisely as possible.  

6:35. Two final points.  First, it is important to emphasize that nobody was hurt because of the documents that Assange published.  Nobody's life was put in danger because of what he posted on WikiLeaks and certainly nobody was killed.  For sure, the misguided actions of many U.S. policymakers were exposed because of what Assange did, but that, in my opinion, was all for the good.  Second, Assange has already paid a huge price for his actions.  He has effectively been in prison for years.  Sending him to the United States where he is likely to be convicted and sentenced to a long jail term would be a case of cruel and unusual punishment.  For all these reasons, I respectfully ask the British High Court not to extradite Assange to the United States.  In my opinion, that would clearly be the right decision.  Thank you.  

Saturday, November 11, 2023

WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange awarded honorary citizenship of Naples

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

A reminder of why Julian Assange remains in prison in the UK . . . and why the U.S. is seeking extradition to put him away for 175 years

Monday, October 24, 2022

American actor John Malkovich urges the UK government not to extradite Julian Assange to the US

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Mexico's President Lopez Obrador: Assange “the best journalist of our time”

Mexican President Renews Offer to Grant Asylum to Julian Assange in Letter to Biden

President Lopez Obrador has called Assange “the best journalist of our time”

By Dave DeCamp

On Monday, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said he delivered a letter to President Biden last week where he pleaded for the US not to prosecute Julian Assange and renewed an offer to grant asylum to the WikiLeaks founder.

Lopez Obrador said he explained in the letter that Assange “did not cause anyone’s death, did not violate any human rights and that he exercised his freedom, and that arresting him would mean a permanent affront to freedom of expression.”


Friday, June 17, 2022

"The goal is to have endless war, not a successful war" so that the transnational elite can launder money . . .

The incomparable, Julian Assange.  Julian Assange explains world affairs in less than one minute.  

The goal is not to completely subjugate Afghanistan.  The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of U.S. tax base. Out of the tax bases of the European countries through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is to have endless war, not a successful war.