Showing posts with label Jennifer Depew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennifer Depew. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2021

NEW RESEARCH: SARS-CoV-2 virus stays in organs for months . . . Can persist in vital organs in heart and brain

New research suggests COVID stays in the body for months.  There are plenty of reasons why you should avoid COVID-19.  One of these is the ability of the virus to stay in different parts of the body for months.  The new study suggests that it can persist in vital organs, including the heart and brain. 

Most infections are caused by bacteria and viruses.  Bacteria use the war of attrition to invade and destroy anything in their path.  Meanwhile, viruses use a more stealthy approach.  By hijacking host cells, viruses make more copies to conquer a host.  Full-blown invasion becomes known once new viral copies burst out of infected cells.  That said, a new study revealed that SARS-CoV-2 may linger inside vital human organs after infection.  It suggested that after recovering from COVID-19, the virus may spread and persist in the respiratory tract and nearly every other organ for months.  In the preprint published on Research Square, researchers at the US National Institutes of Health showed the “most comprehensive analysis to date” of SARS-CoV-2’s persistence in the human body.  The team autopsied 44 patients who died either from or with COVID-19.  They did the procedure to map and quantify the distribution of the coronavirus across the body.  According to The Hill, principal investigator Daniel Chertow said, along with his colleagues, that the RNA from the virus was found in patients for up to 230 days after symptom onset: that’s around 7 and ½ months.  What they found in this study might explain why some patients experience long-COVID.  The persistence isn’t exclusive to severe cases.  Researchers also found that the virus replicated in different organ systems in those who only had mild COVID-19.  All 44 autopsied cases were confirmed with detectable SARS-CoV-2 in 79 of 85 anatomical areas and body fluids sampled.  Based on that research, SARS-CoV-2 can reach the muscles, intestines, glands, and lymphatic areas.  It looks like the Coronavirus is seeding body-wide to deliver maximum damage to its host. 

Here is The Hill article cited in the presentation, dated December 27, 2021.  RNA from the virus was found up to 230 days after symptom onset.  It has been reported that Lysine halts the coronavirus.  

Saturday, December 25, 2021

"130K-180K US deaths can be attributed to vaccination between February and August of 2021"

Don’t die.  Take vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, all B vitamins, quercetin, and others.  Don’t die.  You must survive! 

PURPURA FROM EXPOSURE TO VACCINE SHEDDING? The vaccinated know not one thing about the vaccine they took

If you are vaccinated, it is incumbent upon you to keep the virus that is now in your body from spreading or shedding, or transmitting.  You do this by taking nutritional supplements--vitamins D, C, zinc, A, B, E, magnesium, and others.  Yes, this is a real thing.  Get a multivitamin.  People everywhere are getting infected from the vaccinated.  You've got to suppress the infectious ratio in your own body first so that you're not the cause of grief in someone else.  If you’ve attended a gathering with a sibling, that is even more likely that you’ll shed.  For this reason, you are obligated to do a few things.  One, tell people you’ve been vaccinated and tell them that the vaccines shed.  Your doctor didn’t tell you.  Your pharmacist didn’t’ tell you.  No one told you.  That information is not on the information insert to the vaccine vial, but this is a real thing.  Pfizer’s own documents do document this, highlighting specific risks to women where their menstruation wreaks havoc on them.  But you’re a man, and they don’t share anything regarding men.  For this reason, stay away from folks who are vaccinated.  If you have a family member who has been vaccinated, stay away from them.  Not forever but for at least 4 months; that’s how long their transmissibility lasts, actually 4-7 months.  People who don’t know this will make fun of you online in social media if you mention this, but there is information about shedding online.  Search "exosomes" and or "passive immunization" on DuckDuckGo.  That’s how the viral particles are shed--through exosomes; these act like pheromones.  And the likelihood of shedding rises if you're a genetic match to those around you.  By genetic match, I mean family: more specifically, siblings.  You need to tell people.  You may not have been given a choice, but you must rectify that helplessness and grievance by giving others a choice if they want to risk catching vaccinated COVID passively from you. 

For solutions, search exosomes at Jennifer Depew, who is a Registered Dietician with excellent knowledge of chemistry.  You know, I haven't found a search window on her site, so you can just use this, " and Exosomes." 

Jennifer has a few other sites:  Twitter, Transcending Square, &

Okay, so which vitamins help to resolve purpura?  Vitamin C, Hesperidin/Diosomin, and Rutin.  

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Pomegranate peel helps clump nanoparticles into large enough size for white blood cells to identify & remove

Monday, December 13, 2021

NIACIN: It Removes Spike Proteins from Cell Membranes

"You have 387 trillion viruses in your body, 45% of your DNA is viral and Coronavirus is 23% of all viruses . . . .” Dr. John Bergman

You have 387 trillion viruses in your body, 45% of your DNA is viral and Coronavirus is 23% of all viruses . . . .”  Dr. John BergmanBergman is a chiropractor in Huntington Beach, CA.

Knowing this now, think about all the testing they did and the ‘positive‘ cases they found . . . .”  You’ve been lied to. 

Sunday, December 12, 2021

COVID Causing Balding in Men and Women?

So it looks like there are a handful of causes for hair loss.  Registered Dietician, Jennifer Depew, called out a few: low iodine, excess halides, lack of B vitamins, and other trace minerals."  

This shouldn't have surprised me, but it did

Oceans are the world's main repositories of iodine and very little of earths iodine is actually found in the soil. The deposition of iodine in the soil occurs due to volatilization from ocean water, a process aided by ultraviolet radiation. The coastal regions of the world are much richer in iodine content than the soils further inland; here the problem gets more compounded by continuous leeching of iodine from the soil(). Therefore, the crops grown in such soil remain iodine deficient; even ground water in these areas is deficient in iodine(). This explains the endemic distribution of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) in the world. 

As for iodine loss due to COVID-19 or the COVID-19 vaccine, it is cause for concern

The thyroid seems to be one of the most common end-organ targets of COVID-19 morbidity.

So the thyroid is vulnerable.  How best to protect it?  

Hmm, like which ones?  It looks like shellfish, fish, and seaweed are your champion foods for iodine.

Marine products, including fish, kelp, seaweeds, and shellfish are rich natural food sources. However, people living far away from the coast tend to take low amounts of seafood and develop insufficiency of the mineral in their system. 

The insufficiency of this trace mineral is taken care of in several countries by compulsory iodization of the common table salt. The amount added to common salt is just to stave off hypothyroidism. Apart from thyroid glands, iodine is present in high concentrations in breast tissue, stomach lining cells, ovaries, prostate glands, and oral mucosa. Any insufficiency will adversely affect the health of these tissues.

She highlights halides, and those are salts

Halides are chemical compounds that contain halogens. Halides are present in nature with some—namely salts and acids—being essential to human life. Halides can be found in minerals, animals, and plants. The best-known halide is NaCl: table salt.

While some halogen-containing substances or halides are safe, there are some that have raised suspicions as being toxic and carcinogenic. In the electronics industry, this can be a concern as some of these materials are used in manufacturing.

For example, we know that chlorine is used to keep drinking water safe by killing off unwanted bacteria. It is not harmful to humans in such a low concentration. However, concerns arise when chlorine gas is released into the air.

Here is a list of some iodine-rich foods:

Seaweed, 232 mcg

Bread made with iodate dough, 185 mcg

Cod, 158 mcg

Greek yogurt, 116 mcg

Oysters, 93 mcg

Non-fat milk, 85 mcg

Eggs, 26 mcg

Beef liver, 14 mcg 

Lots of benefits to taking iodine supplements.  The top three benefits are, one, improved cognitive performance, two, improved neuromotor function, and three, increased TH [or thyroid] levels.  How does iodine help with COVID symptoms or symptoms from a COVID vaccine?  

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Ultrasound at diagnostic use settings causes coronavirus to vibrate and break apart

Someone in this thread mentioned Dr. Hulda Clark's VariZapper, 2.0.  I've heard of her products before but never used them, in part, due to pricing.  But the person in the thread swears by it.  It looks like the main benefit from Clark's VariZapper, 2.0, is to kill parasites.  But what are the guarantees?  Which parasites does the zapper kill--all or some?  If only some, then which ones?   

Friday, November 26, 2021

WAR: These were research facilities for them to inject . . . [black South Africans with HIV]

The clip above is taken from the 2019 Danish/Swedish documentary, titled Cold Case Hammarskjöld, which refers to a cold case investigation conducted on the death of the Swedish economist, Dag Hammarskjöld, 1905-1961, who was appointed as the Second UN Secretary from 1953 until his death in 1961.  Hammarskjöld

was a Swedish economist and diplomat who served as the 2nd Secretary-General of the United Nations from April 1953 until his death in a plane crash in September 1961. As of 2021, he remains the youngest person to have held the post, having been only 47 years old when he was appointed. 

Brief and incomplete transcript from the clip above:  

The interviewee is Alexander Jones who says he spent years as an intelligence officer with SAIMR (South African Institute for Maritime Research) 30 years ago. We were at war.  Black people in South Africa were the enemy.  

They weren't just trying to kill black people, they were trying to eradicate them.   

So it was about white supremacy?  Definitely.  Definitely trying to retain the white supremacy on the African continent. 

First of all, he tells us that the purpose of Maxwell’s Clinics in and around Johannesburg was to infect black people with HIV. 

He had the one in Thokoza.  He has the one in Alex.

If I’m not mistaken, there was one on the East . . . on the West Rand.  These were research facilities for them to inject

As the story goes, 

Group said to have 'spread the virus' at the behest of Keith Maxwell, the eccentric leader of the shadowy South African Institute of Maritime Research, who wanted a white majority country where 'the excesses of the 1960s, 70s, and 80s have no place in the post-Aids world'.

Even from the trailer to the documentary, Alexander Jones claims, "He was a threat," referring to Hammarskjöld, a point corroborated by this Guardian article,

Anybody that resisted any white form of manipulation on the African continent, SAIMR was prepared to go and quell those for a price,” Jones said. “And that is one thing that Dag Hammarskjöld  was totally against. He wanted every country for the people of that country. He was killed because he was going to change the way that Africa dealt with the rest of the world financially, and he was a threat.

Belgian mercenaries called the Lone Rangers to the Ace of Spades, "He had the death card in his collar," and secret African societies.  

Delphinidin also is good against cancer & other health issues

From Wikipedia, 

Delphinidin (also delphinidine) is an anthocyanidin, a primary plant pigment, and also an antioxidant.  Delphinidin gives blue hues to flowers in the genera Viola and Delphinium.  It also gives the blue-red color of the grape that produces Cabernet Sauvignon and can be found in cranberries and Concord grapes as well as pomegranates and bilberries.  Delphinidin, like nearly all other anthocyanidins, is pH-sensitive, i.e. a natural pH indicator, and changes from red in basic solution to blue in acidic solution.

from BMC Cancer,  

Delphinidin, an anthocyanidin monomer, exerts the strongest antioxidative efficiency of all anthocyanidins in the human diet. Our previous studies confirmed the anticancer activities of anthocyanidin and delphinidin-3-glucoside against breast cancer

Given that Delphinidin provides the "blue hues to flowers" and "blue-red color of the grape . . . found in cranberries and Concord grapes as well as pomegranates and bilberries," that the only commercially available Delphinidin product I could find at Amazon was Maqui Berry.  

Thursday, November 25, 2021

GARLIC: improves immune profile as prophylactic and is a potent antimicrobial with better antiparasitic results [than] Ivermectin.

FYI, garlic is the #1 anti-cancer food.  Oh, there are other anti-cancer compounds, like IP6 and Beta Glucans, for example, the latter Bill Sardi describes as an "immune activator."  [After reading the literature, Sardi points out that there are better brands of beta-glucans.  Scroll down to the heading, "The New Discovery" and "Underutilized Medical Technology."  The brand that stands far ahead of the rest in producing immune cells is the unique brand, Wellmune.]  

Be sure to look for the term, Wellmune.       

But if you're not a pill-taking fan and still want anti-cancer compounds in food form, garlic is the go-to choice.  Hands down.  It even beats broccoli.  So reach for a clove or six of raw garlic.  I take both--garlic capsules and raw garlic cloves on a daily basis.  The garlic capsules help maintain a healthy gut, and the raw garlic cloves work wonders on my nerves, my legs, and my sleep.  Yeah, sleep.  Raw garlic improves my sleep.

It's not always easy to simply add garlic to any food dish because not all dishes are palatable with garlic.  This is why I eat raw garlic in the morning and in the evening before bed.  To make it an anti-cancer compound instead of just a garnish in cooked meals, you need to take this every day.  If you cook potatoes, add some chopped garlic.  If you cook broccoli, add some chopped garlic and fry it in olive oil.  If you cook pasta, definitely add some chopped garlic fried in butter.   

Oh, yeah, as to the CD4+ and CD8 cells.  CD4+ cells are immune cells, referred to as "Helper cells," because they don't attack a pathogen directly but rather trigger the immune system to launch its Army and Navy.  CD8 Cells, now, those are the bad boys that directly attack and kill pathogens, which is why the CD8 immune cells are called "Killer Cells."  Go get 'em, Killer.  

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

WAR CRIMES: Against the Aboriginal Peoples of the Northern Territory of Australia

This criminal tyrant is stabbing the Aboriginal people of the North Territory with jabs against their will.  These aboriginal peoples are frightened, they're scared, and they're announcing to the world the war crimes at the hands of the Australian government, led by this Hitler, Michael Gunner.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

POMEGRANATE JUICE: Helps brain, reduces cancer risk, & inflammation.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Spike proteins interact with many more proteins in our body besides the ACE2 receptors.

Can promote spike proteins in the blood.  No one knows much about this situation.  It's not been characterized before, it's not been studied before. We are in a brave new world.  It was discovered that vaccines can create exosomes with spike proteins IN THEM.  To understand what that means, we need to know what exosomes are: tiny little balls of fat that are released by all of the cells in our bodies; this is how, in fact, our cells communicate with one another.  These cells, or exosomes, will have information in them about the cells that released them, so they can package information in the little ball of fat, and actually have even genetic material, and plus whatever the membranes of these cells are, they will pick up information on the surface of the cell . . . exosomes allow the entire body to communicate with each other [itself].  One part of the body can say to another part of the body, "Hey, this is what's happening.  You have a little too much to drink last night and your liver is aching," the rest of your body is going to know  as if your body is gossiping.  Okay, so that's what exosomes do.  


2:02 One of the publications showed that after vaccination, you can actually produce exosomes with spike proteins in them and they last for a very long time.  In this particular publication, it showed that these exosomes can float inside your body for up to 4 months.  What that means is that post-vaccination, your entire body will be doused with spike proteins.  What does this mean for the body?  No one knows because this has not been characterized before.  Many aspects of these vaccines are uncharacterized from a molecular point of view.  This is part of the reason why I find this fascinating and interesting to learn more on a molecular basis about these vaccines.  

2:50  Where should we start: the good or the bad?  Let's start with the good since most people are vaccinated . . . why this could actually be good if you're vaccinated that there are exosomes being found in your body.  The authors of the paper even mentioned that it could be good . . . .  And the reason t  These exosomes have spike proteins on them and this is another avenue for how the body is going to be stimulated, promote, and react to antibodies to those spike proteins.  

This does not sound good to me.  It sounds like Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, or ADE, which is a syndrome in which your body attacks itself.  This is good?  Scientists and doctors are actually quite ghoulish.  And have no scope or perspective of what a healthy life is for human beings.  Abominable.  

3:40 That's one way this could be good.  Another possible way that this could be good that I didn't think about originally when I read the paper, well remember that the virus needs a spike protein in order to enter the cells and the way it does that is by interacting with the ACE2 receptors on the cell surface of all of our cells.  

So far, in the first 4 minutes of this video, I've learned nothing except that spike-protein packaged exosomes fill your body.  Tell me again how this is good for you, like getting adequate vitamin C?  

4:09  Well, if we are releasing exosomes into our blood with spike proteins in them, well, these spike proteins on these exosomes, little fat molecules, will be competing to bind with the ACE2 receptor with the actual virus if the actual virus infects you, right?  So those could be the two potential benefits of the packaged spike proteins inside these exosomes floating around your body.  Another thing these authors showed was the for the duration of the exosomes in circulation also coincides with the peak production of antibodies against the spike protein.  So that was interesting.  

Oh, jeez, I feel warm and fuzzy all over.  

4:55  Now, how can this be bad?  It can be bad because the spike proteins are now known to interact with many more proteins in our body, besides the ACE2 receptor.  In fact, one of the receptors the spike proteins can interact with are certain innate immune cells.  And this is how it is believed that the spike proteins during the actual infection can promote inflammation, such as heart inflammation.  So the spike proteins can interact with the receptors on myelin cells, the progenitor cells for certain innate immune cells.  It's known that when they do interact with each other it does promote the release of certain cytokines that subsequently result in inflammation.  We also know from the COVID-19 patients that the exosomes do participate in promoting the negative outcomes of the COVID-19 disease.  And it is partially mediated through exosomes.   

6:15  We do know that exosomes participate in the disease progression.  And we do know that spike proteins do interact with other cells as well and just have completely different interactions that can promote inflammation.  And the paper that actually showed that upon vaccination these exosomes with spike proteins are released and coincided with the increase of certain pro-inflammatory cytokines: TNF alpha cytokine and interferon.  And interferon is an antiviral cytokine, and so it helps you fight the viral infection, but if it is released at the wrong time and wrong place, it can actually be pro-inflammatory.  These exosomes were shown to increase the amount of cytokines. 

7:14  So, what does it mean in the long term? 

Ah, finally a decent question.

7:15  We actually don't know, so it will be interesting to find out.  I think we need to start characterizing this information in more detail, one, what does it mean that we have these exosomes, and two, what dose it mean in terms of the cytokines?  That's all I wanted to tell you about in this video.  I'm finding a lot of literature that might not make it look good for vaccination. 

Shit, I could have told him that last year; shit, even last decade.  And this guy is supposed to be ground-breaking.  Ho-hum.    

7:43  It's not that I have anything against vaccines, it's quite the opposite . . . .
8:22  My world is all about medical DNA testing.  I'm familiar with different conditions as a result of genetic mutations. 

He says that he's excite about how these vaccines in the future can treat these really devastating genetic diseases.  Huh.  I guess hundreds of millions of deaths, just in the U.S. alone, is not devastating and therefore warrants no attention.  We're all just guinea pigs for Gates, Fauci, Collins, Schwab, Soros, Ellison, and other ghouls.  

9:18  The vaccines work very, very good against the negative outcomes of COVID-19.  

That statement utterly contradicts with my observations.  I knew a half dozen folks who've been vaccinated, and not one of these individuals is the same as they were personality-wise, intelligence-wise, or even character-wise before.  Not a one.  

9:20  So, they definitely appear to dramatically reduce the rate of hospitalizations. ["appear to dramatically reduce"? His English must be impacted by his COVID-19 jab].  If you get infected with SARS-CoV-2 or die as a consequence of such infection,  I actually think of these vaccines as a medical treatment as opposed to a vaccine . . . [when did a cytokine storm become the newest, latest medical treatment?] 

With statements like these, people just do not realize how fucked we are as a population and a civilization.  

9:41  They don't really appear to really be inhibiting infection by the virus at all.  And this is exactly why I am so interested in these vaccines, because I believe they are going to be a fantastic treatment, or could be a fantastic treatment, in the future to help treat many different medical conditions. 

Like what?  Does this guy not hear himself?  

Here are the links to the papers that he refers to: 

Vaccine exosomes:

Spike new receptor binding:

Exosomes in COVID-19:

I think our chances of surviving these vaccinations and the exosomes they pump out to infect others are worse than surviving the Titanic.  

Here is the full video.  Thank you to TheChiefNerd on Twitter, where you can find his resources elsewhere as well.  

HESPERIDIN: Reduces markers of heart disease and protects against myocardium structural damage

That Twitter screenshot of the article comes from the Journal of Hypertension.  Of note from the articles listed therein is the fact that Hesperidin protects the heart.  Other compounds do, too, like Resveratrol, magnesium, vitamin Bs, vitamin D3, and, of course, vitamin C.  When I first tried the Hesperidin/Diosomin, the veins on my legs became visibly stronger, more fortified.  I do love this product.

In most Hesperidin/Diosomin combinations, you're going to get only 100 mg of Hesperidin, so not sure it makes much sense to order any of the 1,000mg of Hesperidin/Diosomin because that 1,000mg refers to the Diosomin. 

These are nutritional compounds taken from citrus fruit.  VeryWellHealth explains that

Although oranges, lemons, and other citrus fruit are known to be an excellent source of vitamin C, these fruits also contain diosmin, a little-known flavonoid compound found to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

I've known and seen examples of older folks suffering from phlebitis, or inflammation of the veins.  This inflammation, if gone unchecked, will show as open wounds or ulcers on the skin.  The folks that I've seen with phlebitis had it on their lower legs near their ankles, which may be common due to poor lower leg circulation.  They were helpless.  I was helpless.  Their doctors were helpless.  The wounds were nasty looking and only reminded these poor souls of the extent of their internal illness, which were other problems. It's just that the ulcerated lower leg looked awful and was, to them and the rest of us at the time, untreatable.   Doctors are of no use.  Hesperidin comes paired with Diosomin because they're both citrus compounds that have healing powers on inflamed veins AND other blood vessels, like the capillaries.  This should be of note to anyone who got vaccinated since the spike proteins tend to settle in the capillary network between veins and arteries.   

Diosmin is often referred to as a phlebotonic, a class of therapeutic agents used to improve the health of veins. It's also said to enhance the health of other types of blood vessels.

First used therapeutically in the 1960s, diosmin is widely available in dietary supplement form. In many cases, diosmin is taken in combination with hesperidin, another citrus fruit flavonoid. A supplement known as "micronized purified flavonoid fraction", or MPFF, is a combination of diosmin with hesperidin, typically in a 9:1 ratio. Diosmin can also be produced by extracting hesperidin from citrus rinds and modifying its components.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

DR. SHANKARA CHETTY: they offered me a beer and a donut but I still don’t want to skydive, you still haven’t proven the science and tell me how it’s going to benefit humanity

Dr. Shankara Chetty.

It’s the allergic reaction that causes death.  But that is not the end game.  That is to test the waters.

We’ve been conned into thinking that giving away all our freedoms

Spike protein is also a membrane protein.  The mRNA will distribute it throughout our body.  It will be manufactured in various tissues throughout our body.  It will be incorporated into those membranes around our body in those specific tissues.  Those tissues will be recognized as foreign and will trigger a host of autoimmune responses.  So the deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations were never meant to be able to be pinned on the poison.  They will be too diverse, too many, and too broad of a timeframe to understand that we have been poisoned.  And I think this is the big plan.  The toxin is dependent on the host’s response to it.  We got mild, modest, and severe responses to COVID after the 8th day and it confused most of us.  So as we keep talking about COVID pneumonia and we keep chasing the virus, but the virus was just the vector to give us a taste of the poison.  Now this toxin, in the long-term, is going to get people with pre-existing illnesses to have those illnesses exacerbated.  It has bits of prion in it, it has bits of HIV in it, so people with cancers are going to have their cancers flare up, and they’ll say they died of the cancer.  People with [blood] vessel injuries, like diabetics and hypertensives are going to have strokes and heart attacks at varying times and will attribute those to their pre-existing conditions.  People are going to develop over time autoimmune diseases, a diverse of which will never be addressed by any pharmaceutical intervention because they are far too targeted.  We gave up our freedoms and were told that jail is the best place to be secure.  So we willing went down that road.  Now, today, if we want our freedoms back, they’ve got a mandated vaccine, like we were herded like cattle into a car, and the only way out is through the dip, and that is how we lost our freedoms.  The vaccines make absolutely no sense.  We were sold the vaccine as our savior from the start, and if we look at the science, the science does not play out.  The vaccine was absolutely non-sensical.  We keep fighting about how good the vaccine is or how bad it is.  Two points: vaccines are meant to stimulate immunity, and in doing so prevent infection and transmission.  That’s what gives the vaccine in a population or group a benefit.  So if you get the vaccine, by protecting yourself from the virus and not getting it, you protect me.  Clearly, that has not occurred.  This COVID vaccine does not do that.  Now they claim that the vaccine has a benefit in preventing severe illness and death.  That is a therapeutic benefit.  My intervention with treatment does the same, but I do not expose the entire world to the side effects of my treatment.  I only expose sick people to that.  And that therapeutic benefit does not come from immunity but from the vaccine exposing you to spike protein and building a measure of tolerance to an allergen not to any immune-mediated response to a virus.  So the virus distracts us from the big picture.  It’s the spike protein that’s the toxin here.  Secondly, the prevention of severe illness and death is an individual benefit if it actually does that.  So if you take the vaccine, it prevents you from getting severely ill or dying.  It has no group or herd benefit.  It does not benefit me at all.  So why am I being coerced into forcing you to take the vaccine for me?  To put that into perspective, skydiving is an individual risk and an individual benefit that does not influence anyone around me.  So my right to choose to skydive is vitally important.  Now they want me to skydive because they say it benefits humanity.  Now they can’t prove the science and can’t tell me how this act of mine is going to benefit humanity yet they insist I do it.  When I do it, and I can’t see the science, they offered me a beer and a donut but I still don’t want to skydive, you still haven’t proven the science and tell me how it’s going to benefit humanity.  Now, it looks like they want to push me out the plane, but when I look up, the parachute that they’ve provided me with is full of holes and they don’t want to admit to that and I see a few dead bodies on the ground and they’re telling me that they’re fast asleep, and I don’t believe that.  Now, if they can prove a population benefit to the vaccine, maybe I’ll take this plunge for the benefit of humanity.  But until that point, we are being coerced.   

Taking Yarrow orally, such as in a tea, is said to help treat smallpox.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

ARB blood pressure meds would help, or pomegranate peel.

First, we should know what Transverse Myelitis is.  Wikipedia gives us a start:

Transverse myelitis (TM)is a rare neurological condition in which the spinal cord is inflamedTransverse implies that the inflammation extends horizontally across the spinal cord. Partial transverse myelitis and partial myelitis are terms sometimes used to specify inflammation that only affects part of the width of the spinal cord. TM is characterized by weakness and numbness of the limbs, deficits in sensation and motor skills, dysfunctional urethral and anal sphincter activities, and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system that can lead to episodes of high blood pressure. Signs and symptoms vary according to the affected level of the spinal cord. The underlying cause of TM is unknown. The spinal cord inflammation seen in TM has been associated with various infections, immune system disorders, or damage to nerve fibres, by loss of myelin.[1] As opposed to leukomyelitis which affects only the white matter, it affects the entire cross-section of the spinal cord. Decreased electrical conductivity in the nervous system can result. 

The next thing to know is what is ARB blood pressure meds, and what is ARB?  

this is going to have chimeric protein in animals

And a chilling answer: