Showing posts with label Ivermectin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ivermectin. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

DR. MIKE YEADON: Nothing major on the world stage is accidental. Ivermectin is “one of the most violent anti fertility toxins I’ve ever come across”

Sunday, July 21, 2024

List of Go-To Pharmacies in Houston

Ivermectin treats stage 4 prostate cancer

Friday, July 12, 2024

Monday, May 13, 2024

Man with cancer in 11 bones in his body was told "there's really nothing else we can do." Was in remission a few months later. Why would an anti-parasitic drug like Ivermectin work on cancer?

Sunday, March 24, 2024

The FDA launched a war against ivermectin, but more importantly, it launched a war against the doctor-patient relationship.

The FDA can inform, but it has identified no authority allowing it to recommend consumers to stop taking a medicine.  That's what the Federal Circuit Judge Don Willett, appointed under Trump, said.  

The agency has chosen to resolve this lawsuit rather than to continue to litigate over statements that are between 2 and 4 years old.  

The FDA has not admitted any violation of law or any wrongdoing--  they're just going to settle though.  And they disagree with the plaintiff's allegation that the agency exceeded its authority in issuing the statements challenged in the lawsuit and stands by its authority to communicate with the public . . . but you're just going to cave, anyway.  

Friday, March 22, 2024

🚨🚨🚨 Ivermectin is often recognized – 2nd to penicillin – for having the greatest impact on human health.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

therapeutics that replenished the Bifidobacteria, such as vitamins C and D and ivermectin improved patient survival rates

Gastroenterologist and CEO of ProgenaBiome, Dr. Sabine Hazan, has said that the COVID-19 vaccine may cause immunosuppression by reducing good Bifidobacteria in the gut. She showed that after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination, Bifidobacteria levels dropped by half among her trial participants.

Bifidobacteria are essential for boosting intestinal immunity. Dr. Hazan’s earlier work showed that people with reduced Bifidobacteria in the gut were at risk of severe COVID-19 infections, and therapeutics that replenished the Bifidobacteria, such as vitamins C and D and ivermectin improved patient survival rates. She also told how her clinical trials on COVID early treatment were sabotaged during the pandemic . . . 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

IVERMECTIN: "it's not the cure for cancer. It's just simply toxic poison" --Kelsey Kinney

This post and presentation is mainly about all the fraud and grift around Ivermectin and telemedicine. 

it's not the cure for cancer it's just simply toxic poison and it's the means to get the people that they knew were not going to take the gene therapy shots under any circumstances to poison themselves just as much if not worse.  --Kelsey Kinney

Kelsey Kenny, a Registered Dietician, RD, [she's got podcasts] claims that Ivermectin is a double cross; it is a trap designed to lead people into a longer course of poison and ill health.

3:00.  It is said by the red team, "the heroes," that Ivermectin is said to be an antiparasitic, discovered 1979 by Satoshi Amora, who won a Nobel Prize in 2015 for curing onchocerciasis  which is a parasitic disease common in Africa.  Supposedly, Ivermectin is also the cure for COVID, "Wonder drug" which came from Merck, by the way, the "wonder drug" moniker. It was the alternative right if they could only just get this the whole thing COVID nonsense would be done with kind of like the vaccines were sold.

4:28. Ivermectin is not the Cure it's not the cure for anything it's not the cure for covid it's not the cure for cancer it's just simply toxic poison and it's the means to get the people that they knew were not going to take the gene therapy shots under any circumstances to poison themselves just as much if not worse with another toxic pharmaceutical drug.  It's very bad for you.  It's bad.  "Oh, who's that over there?  Oh, it's Bill Gates.  What's he doing?  He's got a tapeworm on his t-shirt there.  What does he have to do with parasites?  I thought he was the COVID jab guy, right?"  Nope.  He's into all sorts of nefarious activities.  He is a part of the parasite to panic too.  To reiterate he was part of the whole marketing scheme the whole intended to poison the blue team, the red team, and everyone in between.  So 
"Once Upon a Time in Greece"  

8:00. This kind of thing isn't new, this psychology psyop isn't new.  I found this example in Greece and see if you can't get the idea as to what happened here.
In 1821 the people of Greece rose up against the Ottoman Empire that had conquered the ailing Roman Empire and its dependent territories in 1453 life under the Turkish yolk had been hard and John Kapodistrias, the man chosen by the Greeks in 1827 to lead their newly liberated nation, faced daunting problems of Industry and education, but on his first arrival he had a more pressing issue: food. 

This video aired on September 23, 2023. 

She cites this page, Inoculation Theory.

Well, she chronicles her video here:

3:47 Studies / Articles: 
— The Greeks, the Governor and the Potatoes: John Kapodistrias had an instinct for how a long-oppressed people might think. - English Language and History 
— Inoculation theory - HandWiki — Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent [the flu] - U.S. Food & Drug Administration 
— 'Don't do it': Dr. Fauci warns against taking Ivermectin to fight [the flu] - CNN Health 
— Houston Methodist Suspends Doc for 'Spreading Dangerous' Info - MedPage Today 
— Dr. Pierre Kory, president of the FLCCC Alliance testifies before Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs looking into early outpatient COVID-19 treatment - Newswise 

19:52 Studies / Articles: 
— An Exciting Message from Shabnam Palesa Mohamed Ahead of World Ivermectin Day! - World Council for Health 
— Autism Linked to Wide Range of Commonly Used Pesticides -Daily News Blog - Beyond Pesticides — In-Depth: Nearly Half of All Americans Now Have a Chronic Disease - Epoch Times — Abamectin as a pesticide for agricultural use 
— Effects of Avermectins on the Environment Based on Its Toxicity to Plants and Soil Invertebrates - a Review 
— Systemic treatment of white-tailed deer with ivermectin-medicated bait to control free-living populations of lone star ticks (Acari:Ixodidae) 

40:20 Studies / Articles: 
— Separation and Detection of Abamectin, Ivermectin, Albendazole and Three Metabolites in Eggs Using Reversed-Phase HPLC Coupled with a Photo Diode Array Detector 
— The Dangers of Ivermectin Use in Lactating Dairy Cows - Dairy Herd Management 
— Occurrence of ivermectin in bovine milk from the Brazilian retail market 
— Antioxidant and chemoprotective potential of Streptomyces levis strain isolated from human gut 
— Politics and pellagra: the epidemic of pellagra in the U.S. in the early twentieth century.

57:56 Studies / Articles: 
— Public Health: How the Fight Against Hookworm Helped Build a System - Rockefeller Archive Centre 
— Top 30 Life Coaches To Look Out For In 2021 - Disruptors Magazine 
— Intense Vaccine Detox: 12-Day Detox and Quick Recovery Program - What We Would do to Detoxify from the Jab, Shedding, Long Haulers, and the new Covid - Global Health & Wellness Consortium 
— Bill Gates YouTube video: Oh, gross! Inside the world’s foremost parasite museum — Novavax Partners With Gates Foundation Offshoot In Efforts To Develop Malaria And TB Shots - Forbes 
— Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein met with Nobel Committee chair - Dagens NΓ¦ringsliv 
— Efficacy and Safety of High-Dose Ivermectin for Reducing Malaria Transmission (IVERMAL): Protocol for a Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Finding Trial in Western Kenya

1:17:33 Studies / Articles: 
— Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in [the flu] — Effect of ivermectin on male fertility and its interaction with P-glycoprotein inhibitor (verapamil) in rats 
— Effects of ivermectin and its combination with alpha lipoic acid on expression of IGFBP-3 and HSPA1 genes and male rat fertility 
— Effects of Ivermectin therapy on the sperm functions of Nigerian onchocerciasis patients — Liver Damage and Exposure to Toxic Concentrations of Endogenous Retinoids in the Pathogenesis of COVID-19 Disease: Hypothesis.

1:27:41 Studies / Articles: 
— The antiparasitic drug ivermectin is a novel FXR ligand that regulates metabolism.
— Specific interaction of ivermectin with retinol-binding protein from filarial parasites. 
— Three independent lines of evidence suggest retinoids as causal to schizophrenia 
— Ivermectin-Induced Acute Psychosis in Patients Infected With [C-19] Pneumonia 
— Intravenous veterinary ivermectin in a [flu] patient causing neurotoxicity

1:35:47 Studies / Articles: 
— Drug-induced psychosis associated with albendazole-ivermectin combination therapy — Increased risk of psychosis to ivermectin treatment 
— Do alcoholic beverages enhance availability of ivermectin? 
— A Pilot Study of the Safety and Initial Efficacy of Ivermectin for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder Take back control of your health by using the information in my FREE course: The Madness of Modern Nutrition.

23:25. "Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him," Albert Pike [an Associate Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court, 1809-1891], and who were those Heroes the doctors the experts our friend friends and families became villains and heroes in our eyes they said the vaccines were shedding and people were afraid to hug and talk with their families that's just plain old divide and conquer, old as dirt. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Albert Pike, 1871.

25:00 Activate strong emotions. So we're scared of COVID.

"Safer than aspirin." "Wonder drug."

RESPONSE NEEDS AND VALUES. For the Christian audience, Christian groups were saying, "The Lord gave us Ivermectin." "I am the Lord who heals you," Exodus 15:26.

Paul Marik's interview with RefugeofSinners interview and there's a crucifix on the wall directly behind the hostess. "Ivermectin is a product from nature and a gift from God." And they were playing on the fact that Ivermectin is a soil bacteria and God made it to heal you just ready and waiting in all the feed stores for just such a time, right?

Plenty of that. Easy, low-hanging fruit.


Propaganda plays on human emotions--fearb hope, anger, frustration, and sympathy to direct people toward a desired goal propaganda is a mind game.

Successful propaganda tells simple stories that are familiar and trusted often using metaphors imagery repetition and short phrases to make them seem true and to substitute  critical thinking

Creative effective propaganda that appeals directly to the needs, hopes, and fears of specific groups makes it personal and relevant and also makes people pay attention and absorb information.

#4 ATTACKING OPPONENTS Attacking opponents creates a US versus them mentality which suppresses the consideration of more complex information and ideas people are naturally attracted to conflict which can serve as a form of political Warfare to discredit people or groups.

26:33 More counter-resistance, The ReAwaken Tour with all sorts of doctors prescribing Ivermectin. World Ivermectin Day, July 29, 2023. She works for the W.H.O. by the way. Who is that? FLCCC Alliance, David . . . .  There was a very specific reason they were using horses to Market or Ivermectin.

27:22. There are rumors that Trump's vaccine actually had hydroxychloroquine Ivermectin azithromycin doxycycline and zinc in it as a way to market to MAGA people.  

Have to admit that this is the first list of benefits I've seen regarding Ivermectin. At least there's a list. No one online has been able to do this.

27:58. America's Frontline Doctors: "I got Ivermectin and I started feeling better the next day real story of how Frontline intervention saved lives."  




They weren't allowed to test Ivermectin on humans in the United States before, so why now?  Who's letting them do that?  So who is using the Emergency Use Authorization there?  

28:40. Because it was so toxic and even if they did it would be very bad because this drug is so poisonous if you search Ivermectin and cancer like they were telling everybody to do people who have no scientific training or discernment as studies go would see a bunch of cell studies saying that I remember them killed cancer cells okay so if it works it's like chemotherapy you could put any toxin on a dish of already stressed out cells, rock salt, bleach.  You could put some mercury in there; put vitamin A.  You can say it kills the cancer cells, and you can talk about all sorts of mechanisms CD38 and Janus kinase, mTOR, and p53 telomerase, all sorts of things, and it's just poison, its just poison.  And I put a lot of fancy words on that, but take it from a molecular biologist a lot of cell studies of cancer cells cell studies in a Petri dish are absolute garbage.

30:08. Now let's look into some of the heroes who are helping people with the long COVID.  Only $2390.  

Post-vaccine treatment protocol: Intermittent fasting and Ivermectin.

HCQ and Tai Chi 

Hyperbaric O2 therapy.  

Only $1,500 COVID hero, Dr. Pierre Kory.  

Dr. McCullough. 

31:00. It's like all toxic drugs; it's like super bad.  PGP inhibitors?  So is he getting paid to promote Ivermectin? Maybe maybe.

32:00. Simone Gold head of the AFLDS.  So if you want to talk to the amazing, brave Simone Gold, who went to jail, it's only $5,000 and you have a 60% chance of inquiries.  
Dr. Gold rejects about 40% of inquiries as not benefiting from her extreme level of attention.  If Dr. Gold recommends taking your case, the cost is typically $25,000.  For cases that require ongoing attention (1 to 6 months), the cost is $50,000.  

She's got a doctorate in medicine and is a lawyer?  I don't know how anybody has time for that and she runs AFLDS?  So if that's too expensive you can get the Ivermectin from all these different pet stores and feed stores.  

"Medicines your old doctor won't tell you about."  O, and they have a pharmacy that they work with you too.  Pharmacy will work with you to get off your pharma they. ALL DAY CHEMIST.  Here is a very popular option from India where you don't need a prescription for Ivermectin.  And here is Stella Immanuel's little operation where she'll really help you stick it's a big Pharma by prescribing oh Fran drip throw mice in fluconazole and Ivermectin 

34:31.  Dr. Stella Immanuel will sell you her own emergency preparedness of ivermectin and help you stick it to Big Pharma by prescribing you Flagylozofran, azithrimycin, Fluconozel, and Ivermectin, etc. all that stuff.  Or you could go on David avocado wolves television Graham and click on this and buy Sasquatch stickers and Lifesavers sell cringe oh my gosh and they're all actually just Ivermectin tablets and somehow they're all getting away with it just by calling it Ivermectin.  If you're not under a doctor's care they'll tell you to go to the animal route.  Sometimes they tell you that 

Friday, November 10, 2023

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

They buried a life-saving drug so that they, meaning the FDA, could on behalf of vaccine makers, get an EUA on the vaccines all the while cheap and effective Ivermectin was pushed off the radar

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Caught on Tape: CVS Pharmacist in Midlothian TX Blocks Ivermectin Prescription

More and more recordings of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions are coming out. How much damage did the FDA’s ridiculous “Horse” tweet do?

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

TOXICOLOGIST, JANCI LINDSAY: We never needed these vaccines. We had treatments that worked: Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. I can tell you as a toxicologist, they are not toxic.

Dr. Janci Lindsay testifies before the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on DHEC, on September 15, 2023.. 

Get Ivermectin.   The full 18-minute presentation is excellentDr. Phillip Buckhaults presented first.  He really defends the vaccine.  Kind of shocking.  So now, as of Wednesday, March 13, 2024, that video of Buckhaults is removed.  

Saturday, September 16, 2023

A TALE OF TWO DRUGS: How the U.S. government demonized Ivermectin after India, in only six weeks, reduced Covid 19 cases by 97% in Uttar Pradesh.

Dr. Eads explains that the combination of Ivermectin, Fenbendozale, and B-17 works to kill several common cancers.  Give it a quick read or listen. 

Important facts on Ivermectin

Where to source it from?  From India or TennesseeThis Indian company promises it within 7 days, which kind of answers a lot of people's complaints about ordering from India.  I have not used that particular Indian vendor, but I have used ReliableRx, and I have not had any problems with them.  

DR. CALLS PHARMACY ON IVERMECTIN: Ignorant pharmacists hang up on us. Don’t know @US_FDA rules. Don’t know medicine. Don't know laws. Don’t know drug interactions. Sell Paxlovid.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

"seeing the loss of Bifidobacteria in severe Covid patients, seeing vit C, IVM increases the bif within 24 hrs"

Also, exposing the interference by media in my research. We could not finish our trials because of the hit Job lobbyists did on Hcq and IVM…Lobbyists who control CNN and FOX and both sides of politics --Sabine Hazan

Monday, August 14, 2023

"The FDA is not your doctor. Their job is to approve drugs to the market and that's it. They should not be prohibiting drugs. They shouldn't be endorsing drugs. That's not their role, and that's the point of our lawsuit"

purpose of our lawsuit, to remind everybody that the FDA is not your doctor.  Their job is to approve drugs to the market and that's it.  They should be neutral.  They should not be prohibiting drugs.  They shouldn't be endorsing drugs. That's not their role, and that's the point of our lawsuit.  --Dr. Mary Talley Bowden.

Three doctors who were fired for prescribing or promoting the cheap therapeutic drug, Ivermectin, for the treatment of Covid-19, asked the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to revive a case that a federal judge dismissed back in December 2022.  

[The judge in this case is The Honorable Priscilla Richmond she's the chief judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.  The date of the hearing was August 8th 2023.]

During the hearing, a justice department attorney named Ashley Cheung Honold tried to defend the FDA's strong campaign against Ivermectin including this tweet where they tell people to just stop it to suggest that the only form of ivermectin comes as horse paste listen

They did not purport to require anyone to do anything or to prohibit anyone from doing what about when it said no stop it why isn't that a command that seems to me that if you were in an English class they would say that is a command stop it that is different than we are providing helpful information.

Your honor, the language that was used in these tweets were merely quips, and I don't think these quips change the substance of the FDA's statement as plaintiffs concede.

Is that a command, "Stop it"?

The tweets about the horse Ivermectin were intended to advise consumers that they should not use Ivermectin intended for animals and that this could be unsafe.

Here is the manipulative ad in question.

I'm sorry, can you answer the question, please?  Is that a command, "Stop it"?

Senator Ron Johnson took to Twitter about the about-face of the federal government when confronted with the actual law.  Senator Johnson pointed out that the government admitted in court that the doctors indeed have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin off-label.

Here the FDA was not regulating the off-label use of drugs.  These statements are not regulations.  They have no legal consequences.  They don't prohibit doctors from prescribing Ivermectin to treat Covid or for any other purpose.  Quite to the contrary, there are three incidences that I'd like to point the court to in the record that show that FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin to treat covid.

So then why are your patients still facing backlashes like this at the drug counter?  "Hi.  I had the same prescription filled at the other store."

Joining us now to discuss these huge developments in the case are two of the plaintiffs Dr. Paul Merrick and Dr. Mary Bowden.  Welcome to you both.  It's good to see you.  This was really big . . . the line of questioning and the struggle to answer from the government lawyer was just amazing.  I'll start with you, Dr. Bowden.  The main argument here is that the FDA admitted to regulating big Pharma.  It doesn't have the authority, though, right, to tell doctors what they can and cannot do, which they acknowledge in court, but if you talk to a doctor, which I did, some of them pretend as if their hands are tied, that they couldn't prescribe Ivermectin.

4:15. There's a misconception that the FDA has more power than they do I think.  The Judge pointed that out quite nicely.  She said, you know, "People believe that the FDA has this power, this right," and that's sort of the purpose of our lawsuit, to remind everybody that the FDA is not your doctor.  Their job is to approve drugs to the market and that's it.  They should be neutral.  They should not be prohibiting drugs.  They shouldn't be endorsing drugs. That's not their role, and that's the point of our lawsuit.

I was quite struck and I played this for my audience on Friday about the argument of sovereign immunity Dr. Merrick.  Essentially the FDA says that we can put out information that's not exactly correct, or that could even harm American citizens and that they have sovereign immunity.  How did you feel about that statement do you believe that's true?

5:19. Yeah, clearly that's absurd.  It means that they are allowed to do anything illegal under the pretense of sovereign immunity.  So let's be clear that the FDA has been on a campaign, a vigorous campaign to deface and dehumanize the use of Ivermectin, which is a safe effective medication, and as a result of this, as you saw in that clip, patients are being denied access to Ivermectin.  Physicians are losing their licenses because they prescribed Ivermectin.  So the misinformation that is being perpetuated by the FDA continues, and as Mary said that is beyond their jurisdiction.  They should not be interfering with the patient-physician relationship.  Their role is to approve drugs they are not in the business of practicing medicine and from the clips that you saw it seems that they're doing a rapid 360 about turns because clearly they made a mistake.

6:30. Yeah, clearly and it seemed like based on what I heard from the hearing, Dr. Bowden, that the judges will likely rule in your favor.  Where do you see this going?  Is the case going to be reinstated?

6:45. Well, unfortunately, the purpose of the lawsuit is basically to have them take down their tweets and take down the misinformation that they put on their website.  Our attorneys don't anticipate that we will get any sort of retraction, although I feel like that is warranted.  We are not seeking damages. Where this goes from here is at the appeal was over sovereign immunity so what may go back to the district court where then we have to prove standing so it's a little up in the air.

7:20. But the damage is already done.  Look if the information is out there. I tried to get Ivermectin for a different purpose than it's used for off-label and the doctor who was willing to prescribe it told me, "Look, don't take this to a local pharmacy.  You got to tell me what pharmacy you're going to take it to because I don't want to hurt my relationship with a pharmacy that I prescribe other medicines, you know, to my local patients."  And that's just absurd.  The damage is done.  If they don't issue a retraction or put out a statement, do you see this war on Ivermectin, Dr. Marick, ever ending, especially as we're we are being warned this other wave of Covid coming? 

8:00. So to speak, the horses are out of the barn already.  They have caused enormous damage.  As Mary said, the purpose of our suit is to prevent them from doing this going forward.  We can't have the FDA interfering with the practice of medicine and that's really the basis of our suit.  But you are correct: the damage that's been done is overwhelming and irreversible.  As you say there is this profound misconception that Ivermectin is horse paste, that it's made for horses, and that it's an unsafe medication.  And those two premises are completely false.  It is one of the safest medications on this planet.  And over 3 billion doses have been given to humans safely, so this is a highly effective medication.  It's exceedingly safe and the notion that it's a toxic horse dewormer is really complete Lee false and misinformation and so the FDA themselves are perpetuating false information and they're interfering with the patient physician relationship.

9:10. Dr Bowden before we end what can people do to help you all fight? 

9:15. Well we're in an information War so keeping the dialogue alive continuing to talk about it continuing to put the heat on the FDA to correct this continue to put the heat on our legislators.  If we lose this case it really emboldens the FDA so it's important and we need to keep talking about it.