Showing posts with label ESG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ESG. Show all posts

Saturday, January 20, 2024

MICHAEL RECHTENWALD on how to divest from corporate ESG, WEF, and CBDC

Thursday, September 22, 2022

"Thanks to Jamie Dimon for his honest answer, although I would have preferred, “STFU, commie."

No one explains what ESG is and how it shapes corporate America than James Lindsay does. He'd recently been kicked off of Twitter. Unbelievable.

This interview here he covers all the bullet points of ESG, Environmental, Social, Governance.  Ugh.  

Thursday, July 21, 2022

SRI LANKA: The country is completely destroyed after implementing WEF policies. But how? Through ESG, otherwise known as the Woke Corporate Culture

When I see this happen, I shake my head and think of the Who song, "Won't Get Fooled Again," 1971.  Then I realize that none of these revolutions serve the working or the middle class.  It means more slavery as long ESG persists to make corporate culture woke.   

Just when you thought you had momentum for more freedom, restitution, and a new life, bam!  More slavery.  Pelham@resist_05 is right, "Sri Lanka . . . citizens use QR codes to buy fuel rations.  The country is completely destroyed after implementing WEF policies."

So why does this happen?  How does this happen?  How does a seemingly organized body of purported workers or purported middle-class take to the streets, overthrow the police, raid the presidential palace, and set the president on the run toward his getaway ship or plane (actually, if it's a ship, it's not a real getaway), and then the following week you the people being forced to implement social controls that they'd never dream of and that turns them ever deeper into serfs?  

Well, there's an answer for that, and it's called ESG, an acronym for Environmental, Social, and Governance [policies and controls].  Control over who, or what?  The corporation that you work for.  James Lindsay is hands down the best on this.  He knows it inside and out.

This is the WOKE culture.  You should know how it works so that you can inform others.  A Social Credit Score for corporations already exists with corporations all over the world.  


ESG is a set of metrics, environmental, social, and governance metrics.  How well is your company performing?  Do you have environmental controls in place?   Do you take proactive recycling, whatever?  And your “E Score” (of the ESG) goes up. 

Do you have a woke culture?  Are you doing diversity training?  How many diversity officers do you have?  Do you have a full office of diversity officers?  Your “S Score” goes up. 

How are you governing your company?  Are you governing it according to these best practices?  Which will also include having Diversity Officers.  Then do you have ESG officers coming in to oversee the whole thing?  Even more commissars, even more bureaucracy.  Then your “G Score” goes up.  Are you playing along by all of the rules that we’ve set arbitrarily at Davos?  Well, how in the Hell did they get anyone to go along with this? 

A) They offer them financial incentives.  If you lose some money, we’ll make sure that it comes back to you by implementing this.  

Or, B), you’re Blackrock or Vanguard or Goldman Sachs, those being the 3 biggest asset management firms, and they say, 

Oh, you want to have your company publicly traded, your ESG Score has to be above X.  

Oh, you wanted to have this kind of capital infusion, 

Oh, you wanted us to handle your assets for you and to make this kind of a return?  

Oh, you want to be put in a higher return category?  Your ESG Score has to be so high. 

Basically, your ESG Score has become . . . the big fear, if they win, if we get a full-blown social credit system over the average individual, they created a social credit system for corporations already that’s called ESG.  ESG is the social credit system in corporate America.  And if that falls apart, then it all falls apart.  But right now, the logic is, “Oh, you need a replacement HR training for diversity so that you can get your S Score up so that you can participate, but you don’t want to give people “Woke” stuff, so you give them a fake one as if the Diversity and ESG Commissar that you’re eventually going to have to hire isn’t going to root that right out of you sooner or later.  This is why it’s like creating fake training, creating a fake diversity training when you didn’t need diversity training in the first place actually reifies the logic of your destruction anyway.  It is a short-term solution that IS no solution. 

Why is it all happening?  Well, I just painted for you the big-picture picture of how all the world is being destroyed right now.  All the corporations then collude with the governments to make all of this stuff go so that each can apply their strengths where they’re allowed to, the governments can make mandates, they can make laws, and they can make executive orders.  They can’t censor people but Facebook and Twitter can, so they have a back and forth deal there. We won’t bust up your crooked business if you do our stuff for us.  That aspect of how it works is also there, but the big thing that makes it all go and all the corporate participation—all the corporate participation—comes down to the fact that asset management firms can jerk them around by a social credit score with the letters ESG. 

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Protesters storm the presidential palace in Sri Lanka's capital.

It started like this.

BTW, Linsday tags his posts with ESG, which means Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Criteria

Monday, September 27, 2021

ESG extorts corporations into the globalist agenda.