Showing posts with label DOJ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DOJ. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2024

BREAKING: Dr. Eithan Haim, the whistleblower who exposed Texas Children’s Hospital’s secret transgender surgery program, has been arrested by the DOJ.

This guy

Monday, November 20, 2023

Matthew Perna pleaded guilty to felony obstruction of Congress & 3 misdemeanor charges, thinking he'd do 6-12 months. After he pleaded guilty, the DOJ informed Matthew that they would seek a terrorism enhancement to his sentencing

Here is Part II.  And the rest of the article.

Lara Logan tells the full story of Matthew Perna, a man who had never been in trouble before, but was arrested after walking through the Capitol building on January 6. Perna committed suicide In February 2022 at age 37 after he pleaded guilty to felony obstruction of Congress and three misdemeanor charges, believing he would only face 6-12 months in prison. The Department of Justice informed Matthew that they would seek a terrorism enhancement to his sentencing AFTER he pleaded guilty, which would raise his sentence by a potential 5 to 7 more years in federal prison. Four days after receiving news that the DOJ would push for this sentencing enhancement, Matthew went into his garage, put a rope around his neck, and hung himself. The DOJ denied the enhancement was for terrorism after Perna’s death. While Perna threw a water bottle and waved a baton, he was not violent and did he not cause any property damage. He was struck a number of times by the edge of a police shield.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Jan 6 defendant Joe Biggs was *acquitted* of the only violent crimes he was accused of committing (see below) but because DOJ odiously decided to resurrect a "sedition" statute from 1861, he's going to prison for 17 years as a non-violent offender. (DOJ wanted *33* years.)

Friday, June 9, 2023

Leaders who've had their political opponents arrested: Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and President Joe Biden

BTW, the Justice Department controls a lot of federal agencies.  The DoJ was formed in 1870 during Ulysses S. Grant's presidency and comprises the following Federal Law Enforcement agencies:


U.S. Marshals Service

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & Explosives, the BATFE.


Federal Bureau of Prisons. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

In 4 months, the DOJ can throw an indictment together against a Republican. For 6 years they have done nothing against Peter Strzok, James Comey, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, James Biden, Joe Biden, and countless others.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

GUY REFFITT, J6er whose son turned him into the FBI did not enter the Capitol, did not commit any violence, but the DOJ is pushing for TERRORISM charges

Thanks to Jim Ostrowski.  The January 6 protester, Guy Reffitt from DC, facing terrorism charges.  

His son turned him in.  Oh, my God.  This is what the security state of "See something, say something" does to everybody--co-workers, family members, neighbors, and friends.  But maybe you're feeling unpatriotic if you don't call the police on your neighbors for free speech.  

Be sure to read that headline, 
J6er Whose Son Turned Him In to FBI, Sentencing Monday- He DID NOT Enter Capitol, Nor Commit Any Violence – Biden DOJ Now Pushing for ‘TERRORISM” Charges

The school absolutely flipped his son to betray the father.  

This was posted yesterday, August 1, 2022.

His prosecution and sentencing, this is the real crime. 

Then the added insult from the daughters, calling for Donald Trump to serve life in prison.  I don't think that her dad, Guy Reffitt, would wish for that.  He knows who the enemy is.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Biden DOJ Sues To Block Arizona's Proof Of Citizenship Voting Law