Showing posts with label Bill Sardi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Sardi. Show all posts

Friday, August 24, 2018


An astonishing simple way to quell autoimmune reactions throughout the body is to use BAKING SODA (sodium bicarbonate). A half-teaspoon of baking soda (not baking powder) with a half-a-glass of water taken on an empty stomach immediately thrusts the digestive tract into an alkaline state.

Well, I don't want to keep the secrets of the realm to myself forever, so I guess I'll go ahead and share with folks a simple remedy that doctors may know about but won't tell his patients about.  That remedy?  Baking soda.  What did I say?  BAKING SODA.  Not baking powder, but BAKING SODA; yeah, that Arm & Hammer salty tasting powder.  I don't want you to forget, BAKING SODA.

Relaxes muscles.
Reverses kidney failure. 
Shrinks tumors.  
Reverses metastasized cancers. 

A friend of mine who is a nurse shared with me a few years back on the relaxation benefits of it. When I used to run, my knees would get sore or tender.  So I tried 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and voila.  All the muscles in my legs and back were relaxed.  It was the best feeling.  I'd wished I'd learned of it and used it years ago.  Live and learn.  Its effectiveness forced me to read up on it, and what I did read was almost too fantastic.  I learned that baking soda can reverse kidney failure.  What!!!  I am sensitive to the meanings of words.  My FB friends can't stand that I hold them to account on the meanings they convey with words, so when I read that baking soda REVERSES kidney failure, I had to read it for myself.  In fact, it gets people off of dialysis.  [According to that article, the kidneys all by themselves produce 250 mgs of bicarbonate soda per day.  Baking soda tones the kidneys and, get this, shrinks tumors.  Go figure.]  How much does one need to take to get miraculous results?  It depends.  My nurse friend warned me, several years ago, that you only need 1 teaspoon per week.  So that's all I tried and I got relief once a week, but if you read the testimonies below you'll find people taking  1/2 to 1 teaspoon per night, some even 2 teaspoons per day.  I take between 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per night and love the effects upon waking.  It relaxes my digestion through the night, so none of those bad dreams from poor digestion.    

Keep reading . . . . 

In 2015, I'd read that baking soda reverses metastasized cancers.  Here's the headline, "Even the most aggressive cancers which have metastasized have been reversed with baking soda cancer treatments." Stunning. 

In April of this year, I'd read about the mechanism that makes baking soda such a powerful remedy.  The mesothelial cells on the surface of the spleen are triggered by baking soda, but that trigger is not to activate anti-inflammatory cells but rather it signals the spleen to NOT mount an overly protective immune response that can alter a delicate balance between M1 and M2 macrophages, meaning white blood cells that target bacteria, viruses, parasites, and tumor cells.  What the presence of cancer does is it activates a non-stop response to an inflammatory environment.  The baking soda quells that inflammation, and so the immune system is calmed.  It's that calm that accounted for my relaxation in my muscles and joints.  It was drug-like: deep and wonderful.  Read this:

Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia have discovered a nerve center in a cell layer in the spleen that controls the immune response and therefore inflammation throughout the body.  Given that virtually all chronic age-related disease involves inflammation (called inflammaging), this discovery is of monumental significance and has widespread application for virtually every organ and tissue in the body as the spleen is not only an abdominal organ that is involved in the recycling of old blood cells but is also a key part of the human immune system.

Then just recently, Bill Sardi wrote and sent out an article where he cites people who'd read his article on baking soda and wrote into him to tell him of its benefits on their conditions.  Where do I begin?

The rest of this article belongs to Bill Sardi.

Here is one report:
I just wanted to share an email from my mother (age 76) forwarded below.
I informed her of your Baking Soda article about 10-days ago because after taking 1/2tsp baking soda dissolved in ~12oz of water 1-2 X daily for ~4wks I was relieved of a persistent dermatitis I have had for over TEN years. T-E-N; not sort-of-itchy and I-can’t-remember-when-I-got-it.  I distinctly remember watching HBO’s “Soprano’s” when they were still being made (2006-7) in the house-I-lived-in at the time & raking my calves with my fingernails until pain exceeded relief.
I have had itchy, scabbed calves ever since my calves are mottled with scars. A month of baking soda; 99% gone. (Diet & lifestyle remain unchanged for you nay-sayers)– Steve
Here is another account:
Between having to get up 7-8 times to pee, and bad lower back pain, a full night’s sleep is an illusion. I now have a med for the pee problem, and with the baking soda calming the inflammation curse, I have had an uninterrupted night’s sleep for 3 nights!!!! Before now I wanted to nap after being up for not very long! This is the first time I awake, get out of bed without being hobbled by pain and feeling able to welcome & tackle the day.
And another:
I finally listened to this past Saturday’s show about baking soda. I’ve been using that remedy for a few years. Every now and then I get psoriasis flare-ups. Psoriasis is an autoimmune issue, as you know. I use a teaspoon of baking soda in a half glass of water. I drink it every couple of hours. After several hours, the flare-up subsides… Friends of mine that have autoimmune issues, I tell them that it works. It’s like banging my head against a wall. They wanna spend hundreds of dollars going to the ER, more money on the drug. People don’t wanna believe there is a cure for that stuff. I swear by baking soda.
But there’s more. Patients are taking over and telling their doctors. Here’s a letter written to the editor of Kidney International journal entitled:
To the Editor: 
Goraya et al.1 have, in their interesting paper, shown that short-term (30 days) dietary acid reduction due to fruit and vegetable (F+V) or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) consumption attenuated kidney injury in hypertensive chronic kidney disease (CKD; stadium II) patients undergoing therapy with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. The F+V diet reduced systolic blood pressure and body weight, but NaHCO3 did not affect these parameters. In a comment on this paper, researchers stated that F+V diets rather than NaHCO3 supplementation might be the key to halting CKD progression. The truth seems to lie somewhere in between in that simultaneous use of F+V diets and NaHCO3 is required. In this study, NaHCO3 caused greater aldosterone reduction than the F+V diet. Because aldosterone is involved in kidney injury, long-term NaHCO3 supplementation can be more beneficial than the F+V diet alone. Furthermore, the F+V diet reduces urinary sodium concentration. An epidemiological study reported that lower sodium excretion in healthy patients is associated with higher cardiovascular disease mortality. Because the Na+ cation seems more likely to increase blood pressure when combined with the Cl− anion than with HCO3− (ref. 4), providing sodium through bicarbonate rather than kitchen salt seems reasonable. Low long-term dietary compliance is another issue with the F+V diet. Therefore, it seems that CKD patients should use NaHCO3 supplementation as well as F+V diets.
Baking Soda Could Cure Cancer
Baking soda could help fight cancer by making cells easier to target, a study has found.
Drinking the powder dissolved in water could make cells inside a tumor more active and easier for chemotherapy drugs to kill, according to researchers.
As a tumor grows bigger it cuts off the blood supply of cells inside it, causing them to effectively shut down and hide away.Baking soda, however, could trick them into acting normally and becoming an easier target for chemotherapy drugs, which target active cells.
‘The concept is so easy,’ said one researcher. ‘It’s not some $100,000 per year drug. It’s literally just baking soda.’Because the cells are more active when baking soda – also known as bicarbonate of soda – is consumed, in theory, they are more susceptible to cancer therapies.
The ability of baking soda to neutralize acids is key to the success of this research.
In solid tumors large numbers of cells have their oxygen supplies cut off – a condition called hypoxia – which causes their pH level to drop and they become acidic.
If these dormant cells are cancerous and are not reached by treatment, they may reactivate after the original tumor is removed and make the cancer grow again.
However, baking soda is good at neutralizing acid so drinking it could reduce the acidity of a tumor and bring the dormant cells back to life, the study suggests.
Therapy could target hard-to-beat cancer cells
The findings – published today in the science journal Cell – are important because dormant cells cannot typically be killed by chemotherapy.
Said the lead researcher: ‘In tumors grafted into mice, we see [cell] activity in spotty places where there’s oxygen. ‘But if you add baking soda to the drinking water given to those mice, the entire tumor lights up with activity.
Baking soda may also help with arthritis
Research published earlier this year claimed baking soda could help arthritis sufferers by reducing inflammation. After two weeks of drinking water with baking soda, people produced fewer immune cells that drive inflammation and more than dampen it down.
The study author said: ‘The shift from inflammatory to anti-inflammatory is happening everywhere. We saw it in the kidneys, we saw it in the spleen, we see it in the blood.
‘[Drinking baking soda] is potentially a really safe way to treat inflammatory disease.’ The concept is so easy,” he says. “It’s not some $100,000 per year drug. It’s literally just baking soda.”
So everyone wants to know it baking soda works. Here is an excerpt of a report I recently wrote:


When white blood cells attack the tissues in the human body rather than invade and kill off bacteria and viruses an AUTOIMMUNE REACTION is said to occur. The primary white blood cell that launches a “body against itself” attack is called a macrophage (ma-kro-faj).
These macrophages emanate from monocytes, which you will find listed in a complete blood count. Macrophages literally digest or engulf pathogenic microorganisms. When too many macrophages arrive at the site of inflammation they bang into each other, releasing iron, which in turn creates tissue-destructive oxygen free-radicals.
There are two types of macrophages called M1 and M2. The M1 macrophage generates inflammation that kills off tissue damaging bacteria and viruses. M2 macrophages are wound healing and tissue repair white blood cells. A balance between M1 and M2 macrophages is needed for health. An imbalance between M1 and M2 macrophages is called macrophage polarization.
Researchers now realize macular degeneration involves macrophage polarization.
An astonishing simple way to quell autoimmune reactions throughout the body is to use BAKING SODA (sodium bicarbonate). A half-teaspoon of baking soda (not baking powder) with a half-a-glass of water taken on an empty stomach immediately thrusts the digestive tract into an alkaline state. Normally the digestive tract is very acidic so we can digest foods and break down nutrients so they can be absorbed.
The alkaline baking soda forces the digestive tract to rebalance towards acidity. In turn, this is a trigger for nerve cells in the spleen to send an anti-inflammatory signal throughout the body. The spleen is a small organ that stores, recycles and removes old blood cells in the body. When you exercise and get a stitch or cramp in your side that is your spleen squeezing down to supply more blood cells to your circulatory system.
Autoimmune reactions commonly occur in kidneys, lungs, liver, thyroid, skin, joints, eyes and other organs and tissues. Out of balance macrophages incite a wound healing response that involves growth factors. An abnormal amount of growth factor in the circulatory system (called vascular endothelial growth factor) can trigger the outcropping of new blood vessels that invade the visual center of the eyes (the macula) and destroy light receptor cells. This occurs in the advanced form of macular degeneration.
Fortunately, drugs directly injected into the eyes that block the production of this growth factor can successfully quell inflammation and save vision. Repeated injections are often needed.
However, it is obvious if there is a way to inhibit autoimmune reactions throughout the body it will help put a halt to vision loss and many other autoimmune problems.
The baking soda remedy for autoimmunity is something simple you can do each day at home. Use a ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water for at least two weeks to fully evaluate its effectiveness. Don’t take baking soda with meals as the digestive tract needs to be acidic to properly absorb nutrients like calcium, magnesium, B vitamins and vitamin C. Daily baking soda use is safe. The sodium (salt) in baking soda will not raise your blood pressure. Elevation of blood pressure is associated with table salt (sodium chloride). Chloride is derived from chlorine. Only recently has it been realized it is the chloride and not the sodium that raises blood pressure. Sea salt and table salt are mostly sodium chloride. Most salt substitutes provide potassium chloride, which could also be problematic. Mrs. Dash is a chloride-free salt substitute.

A lot of people, especially folks with poor vision or arthritis, have difficulty serving up the right dose of baking soda (1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate). For folks who can’t stand the salty taste or have difficulty holding a spoon and don’t want to overdose, I had some convenient 1 gram sodium bicarbonate capsules bottled and they are dirt cheap. Happy bicarbing.    

Monday, July 30, 2018


A review of Bill Sardi's "The Baking Soda Cure for Almost Everything," Aprile 27, 2018 @

I first took baking soda as a muscle relaxant.  Yeah.  After running about three miles one night, my knees were particularly sore.  A few weeks prior to this, a nurse friend of mine told me of the virtues of baking soda as a remedy for arthritis, including pain in the joints.  The knee is a joint, so I thought "Ah, what the heck."  So I took 1 tablespoon and voila, pain-free, almost immediately.  I was shocked.  In fact, so much of the pain was gone that I actually felt not just pain-free but I felt pretty good all around.  My knees were no longer sore.  My calves and thighs were relaxed.  I was impressed with the results.  The friend told me that you can only tolerate about 1 teaspoon per week.  Okay.  Didn't understand why the limit, but okay I live with that. 

And then a few weeks back, I come across this article by Bill Sardi, titled "The Baking Soda Cure for Almost Everything," April 27, 2018, at Lew  Well, that's a hell of a title.  And knowing how accurate and thorough Sardi tends to be, I knew that I had to read his piece and its linked resources carefully.  

He opens with savvy financial recommendation:
The three trillion-dollar income stream produced by the medical industrial complex is about to come demolished by a home remedy–baking soda.  Buy stock in Arm & Hammer. (Church & Dwight Co. Ltd.)
I will definitely look into it.  But before I go out and buy, let's review the specifics of his recommendations.  The focus of the benefits are found on the surface of the spleen.  
Now for the details:
Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia have discovered a nerve center in a cell layer in the spleen that controls the immune response and therefore inflammation throughout the body.  Given that virtually all chronic age-related disease involves inflammation (called inflammaging), this discovery is of monumental significance and has widespread application for virtually every organ and tissue in the body as the spleen is not only an abdominal organ that is involved in the recycling of old blood cells but is also a key part of the human immune system.
What is astounding is the amount that one needs to maintain the immune response: 1/2 teaspoon per day for 2 weeks.  Do you know what that would cost?  The water costs more.  
The striking part of this discovery is that autoimmune reactions responsible for chronic inflammation throughout the body were quelled by consumption of two grams (~half a teaspoon) of baking soda in water for two weeks in healthy humans.  Researchers say baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) calms the immune response in the spleen and has a system-wide effect.
How, er, why does sodium bicarbonate work? 
An over-active immune response defines autoimmune disorders experienced in physically remote parts of the body including the eyes, kidneys, brain, joints, arteries, and lungs as well as in obesity.
As researchers explain, when sodium bicarbonate is consumed it becomes a trigger for the stomach to make more acid to digest the next meal and for the overlooked mesothelial cell lining in the spleen to signal there is no need to mount an overly protective immune response that can alter a delicate balance between M1 and M2 macrophages, white blood cells that target bacteria, viruses, parasites and tumor cells.

Credit: Cumberlands University Biology
It looks like the reason why baking soda works at all is due to the presence of the spleen and its mesothelial cells that line it.  Remove the spleen from the body in some kind of operation, and the benefits of baking soda evaporate.
Mesothelial cells line the spleen and directly secrete the nerve chemical acetylcholine.  When the spleen is removed from lab animals or just slightly disturbed, the mesothelial nervous connection in the spleen with other parts of the body was cut off and the healthy effect produced by baking soda was abolished.  Acetylcholine signaling represents the brakes on the human immune response.  Acetylcholine signals other organs to under-respond when confronted with pathogenic germs or tumor cells.
What's nice about this is that simply using an oral dosage diluted in water works.  You don't need a limousine IV drip of baking soda to realize any of the benefits.  How this news can be anything less than fantastic is beyond me.
“This is the first demonstration that orally ingested sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) can promote a powerful anti-inflammatory response in both animals and humans,” say researchers writing in the Journal of Immunology.  Baking soda “may provide a cheap, relatively safe, effective and easily accessible and/or noninvasive method to activate anti-inflammatory nerve pathways,” researchers emphasized.
Did you get that?  You're looking at a compound that treats inflammatory nerve pain or stress.  
Macrophages traverse the entire circulatory system.  But macrophages that reside in the digestive tract represent the largest population of macrophages in the human body.  This strategic location positions them as a first-line defense against harmful bacteria and other pathogens.
Imagine the widespread universal application of this simple remedy in the human body.  If only Big Pharma could have patented it.The polarization of one type of macrophage (M1) over the other (M2) is considered the key link between inflammation and many diseases.  For example, obesity greatly increases the numbers of M1 macrophages in fatty tissue.  This can result in insulin resistance (inability of cells to utilize insulin to produce energy).
Got poor vision?  Then consume the baking soda. 
A giant pillar of modern medicine against age-related disease is about to fall to baking soda therapy.  Monoclonal antibody drugs that block the cellular target of inflammatory agents represent $90 billion in annual sales.  Such drugs are commonly used to treat an advanced form of macular degeneration.  M1/M2 macrophage balance is the tipping point between a common and severe form of macular degeneration, a disease that robs older adults of their central vision.
Don't want to take the baking soda? Then try Resveratrol.
The red wine molecule resveratrol also addresses macrophage M1/M2 polarization, which makes it another excellent natural remedy for chronic inflammation as well.  This is why resveratrol supplementation has been demonstrated to rescue patients who don’t respond to monoclonal antibody drug injections.
Where do we go from here?  Are doctors going to drop their prescription pads and hand out samples of sodium bicarbonate?  That’s not likely.   Let’s see how modern medicine throws this sure-fire remedy under the rug this time.

Saturday, July 21, 2018


Hope springs eternal.
The Washington Times reports that scientists were able to reverse the graying of hair on mice and smooth the wrinkles of the same critter.  And with this result, it is advanced that the treatment will work on humans.  Maybe.  Good luck bringing this to market.  
Science has made mice look good by reversing age-related wrinkles and hair loss at the genetic level. Humanity could get a similar make-over in the future.
They introduced a specific gene mutation on a test mouse, which prompted a change in profound appearance. Within four weeks, the mouse had developed wrinkled skin and extensive, visible hair loss. When regular function was restored within the gene by turning off the culprit mutation, the mouse returned to a previous life of smooth skin and luxurious fur only two months later — deemed “indistinguishable” from a healthy mouse of the same age.
“To our knowledge, this observation is unprecedented,” said Keshav Singh, a professor of genetics who led the study.
“This mouse model should provide an unprecedented opportunity for the development of preventive and therapeutic drug development strategies to augment the mitochondrial functions for the treatment of aging-associated skin and hair pathology and other human diseases in which mitochondrial dysfunction plays a significant role,” Mr. Singh said in a statement.
Wrinkled skin and hair loss are hallmarks of aging. What if they could be reversed?” asked researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham — who appear to have accomplished that feat, according to the research team. 
Oh, I see.  So what we've learned, then, is that to reverse aging one needs to repair the mitochondrial function.  But we already have that capability.  And for a little pushback on the study cited above, let it be known that the most important concern when it comes to reversing aging is not gene mutation, as was conducted in the experiment, but "rather the dynamic ability of genes to make proteins."
While gene mutations only account for ~2% of all disease, most chronic age-related disease doesn’t involve faults in gene structure but rather the dynamic ability of genes to make proteins (called gene expression or gene silencing) which is referred to as epigenetics.  
Sardi adds that
. . . inherited gene mutations may be inevitable and produce single-gene disorders such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell, muscular dystrophy or Huntington’s disease.  But aging and its accompanying diseases (diabetes, arthritis, cancer, heart, brain and liver disease) are modifiable. 
I'll add two more points by Sardi on an anti-aging compound.
The diet, namely a calorie-restricted diet, practiced daily or intermittently, doubles the lifespan and healthspan [my emphasis] of lower forms of life (fruit flies, roundworms, and mice).  Or a molecular mimic (i.e. anti-aging pill) may target the same genes as food deprivation and provide a shortcut to allay the ravages of aging.   
. . .  
In other words, what would taken a lifetime to achieve in a laboratory mouse was exceeded by 9-fold in just 12 weeks.  Eighty-two percent (82%) of the same 832 longevity genes were switched in the same direction (on or off) as a limited calorie diet by the resveratrol matrix (Longevinex®), which is a commercially available nutraceutical.  That is the closest anyone has come to a molecular mimic of a calorie-restricted diet. 
But get Sardi's Longevinex.  It's one of the few Resveratrol products that's actually been tested.  

Thursday, June 21, 2018


Oh, boy, thanks for reminding me. 
But it's true and we need to take precautions. 
from LiveStrong . . . 

When you don't get enough activity and instead sit around all day, your muscles are at rest -- and this can take a big toll on your health. Your body was made to move and be active, so if you're spending the majority of your time at a desk or lazing around on the couch, you'll see the effects. Inactivity has major physical effects on your body as a whole, but also on certain muscle groups in particular.
The muscles in your back, particularly the erector spinae muscles which run parallel to your spine, are affected when you remain inactive for long periods of time. Unless you're maintaining proper posture when you're sitting around, this can seriously affect your spine and even cause permanent problems such as back pain and damage to spinal structures. Always sit up straight without hunching over and use ergonomic chairs or furniture when possible.
The legs contain more muscle groups than any other region of your body and therefore take a significant impact when you remain inactive for long periods of time. Even if you're just sitting for multiple hours, if it's a regular thing you're going to notice your quads, hamstrings, and calves are changing, becoming less toned and perky as your muscles get smaller and less defined. You might notice the effects first on your upper legs and hips, where fat deposits are common. This is largely due to the fact that fat in this area tends to be less metabolically active than the fat on other areas of the body, according to Dr. Mehmet Oz. Leg raises, leg extensions and hip flexion exercises are all simple movements that can be done at a desk.
The gluteal muscles in your buttocks are some of the most affected muscles from inactivity. The buttocks is made up of three major muscle groups: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus muscles. Over time, if you're sitting around and not working out these muscles, they become soft and undefined, leaving your butt looking flat and misshapen. Not only that, but there are potential health consequences as well, such as bouts of low back pain and conditions like piriformis syndrome. Whether you're on the couch watching your favorite show or at the office, it's easy to fit in a couple of minutes to do some squats or lunges to help keep those butt muscles toned and tight.
If you spend a lot of time sitting around, you may also notice changes in the muscles in your arms because they're not active. There are a few major muscle groups that make up the arms -- the biceps sit at front on your upper arms, the triceps at back and the forearms in your lower arms. The triceps are a common area for fat deposits, meaning you're most likely to notice excess, flabby skin in this area on your arms. If you are spending time sitting around and have your hands free, use a dumbbell to do a few bicep curls or triceps kickback exercises to keep your arms toned, even when you're just sitting around.
Your abdominal muscles are also affected by inactivity. The rectus abdominis muscles sit at the front, the obliques along the sides and the transverse abdominis, which is the deepest abdominal muscle, wraps around the sides and sits underneath the internal oblique muscles. Fat accumulation and muscle deterioration is typically most noticeable first along the front and sides of your waist. One easy way to help avoid this is to engage your core, even when you're just sitting at your desk or lounging around. You do this by tucking your lower abdominal muscles in, so you can feel tightness in your abs.
Make the Right Changes
If you do work an office job or work elsewhere where you spend most of your day sitting down, there are ways to stay active. To prevent the negative consequences to your health, do what you can to fit in as much physical activity as possible through your day. Lift dumbbells on your lunch break, walk to work instead of taking your car and use the stairs instead of riding the elevator. Even the seemingly smallest steps you take will make a difference and help you maintain better health.  

I am posting this video because, despite its automated narration, it does cover the important role of the Erector Spinae muscles.  These are the muscles that support your spine, the muscles that are affected the most from prolonged hours of sitting.  This one reason why journalists or people sitting long hours at work will buy expensive chairs.  Other videos [here and here] do a better job at visualization but not by much.  Those of us who move minute by minute on our jobs know that the back gets a workout and that can certainly be a good thing.  Then there are those of us who sit prolonged hours, like computer programmers, truck drivers, accountants, and others where the Erector Spinae muscles are prone to getting weak.  
So what type of exercises support and build the Erector Spinae muscles?  Good question.   

Here is another.   

What about food or supplements?  Can they help?  Yes, just not as much as exercise, which only costs you time. 

Bill Sardi explains the benefits of Hyaluronic Acid:
The water content of each disc in the spine is a reliable measure of degeneration and regeneration.  Water is held in the disc by a molecule called hyaluronic acid, which is produced by fibroblast cells throughout the body.  Hyaluronic acid, which is comprised of two sugar-like molecules (glucosamine + glucuronic acid) holding hands, exists in the gooey connective tissue outside of cells.  
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is the great water-holding molecule of the body.  Estrogen stimulates HA which is why females have smoother skin, thicker hair, and exhibit greater flexibility than males.  It is HA that makes the tissues in a young woman rubbery so tissues will stretch so a newborn baby can squeeze out of a woman’s womb. 
The supplement regimen consisted of 500 mg glucosamine and 400 mg chondroitin daily.  The 56-year-old patient, who had experienced back pain and lack of flexibility for 15 years, had less bulging and protrusion of the disc in his lower back and relief of symptoms after 2 years of supplementation.  The photographic evidence is compelling.
See for yourself.  It looks like the case with any supplement to be effective is long-term use.  So be prepared for that regimen if you're serious about rejuvenation.  On the spine, you've got a few options

Thursday, May 10, 2018


A few quotes from Bill Sardi.  

There is a doctor in Italy who is astonishingly curing Parkinson's disease with B1 shots (mostly among alcoholics).   
Because of poor absorption, it is unlikely the best diet or fortified foods can overcome a state of B1 deficiency. 
Vitamin B1 is well provided but just not absorbed or is rapidly excreted (diuretics). 
An announcement of the highly absorbable fat-soluble form of vitamin B1 (Benfotiamine) cures and prevents Alzheimer's disease is expected soon
And Five,
One of the ways widespread nutritional deficiencies remain hidden is that blood tests only reveal what is called the reference range (commonly occurring range), not the healthy range.
I remember sitting in an Anatomy class at UC Irvine back in 1990 and how the professor made the comment that vitamin supplements only produce expensive urine.  My thought that followed was "Why would he make such a claim?  Was it to direct all health authority to the practitioners of health, to doctors?  Was he a spokesman for doctors?"  I didn't know.  I didn't know his credentials.  I should have checked.  But it was an Anatomy class.  He made other cracks, too, that I didn't like.  Years passed before I began to understand how universities are staffed with folks loyal to the medical industrial complex and not necessarily to human health.  This is one reason I appreciate the work of nutritional journalists, especially Bill Sardi.  
Sardi in his article, "Just Remember Dietary Supplements Are Not Supported By Science And Are A Waste of Money," reminds us, perhaps constantly so, that nutritional supplements play an important, nay, vital role in providing health, in recovering from illness and injury, as well as stave off the ravages of age-related diseases.  Troubling is the fact that we don't read as much as we should learn about the benefits, or that we begin to read regrettably when it is a bit late.  In his latest reminder, Sardi lists the benefits of certain vitamins. 
Folic Acid prevents spinal defects during birth.
In the 1990s grain products were fortified with folic acid to prevent birth defects (spina bifida, anencephaly) . . . 
Folic Acid prevents strokes; prevents deaths from stroke, and facilitates better and faster recovery.  You probably need to be on Folic Acid daily to get these results.  I wouldn't wait until after the fact if you know what I mean. 
and a decline in stroke-related mortality was reported. Researchers then subsequently reported that 31,000 stroke-associated deaths may have been prevented by folic acid food fortification. Folic acid blood levels doubled during this period (from 6.6 to 15 nanograms/milliliter per blood sample) with an accompanying 14% decline in homocysteine blood levels, which was believed to be the mechanism responsible for the decline.
If you're not familiar with Bill Sardi, a nutritional journalist who has been studying, reviewing, reporting on the supplement industry since the 1970s, and you're unsure whether to take his word, then check his sources.
Here is the Lancet:
Then in 2007 The Lancet journal reported that folic acid (vitamin B9) supplementation reduces stroke risk by 18%.
Here is the Journal of the American Medical Association:
Then again in 2015 the Journal of the American Medical Association reported the combined use of a blood pressure pill (enalapril) and folic acid, but not the drug alone, significantly reduced the risk for first stroke.
Maybe my old UC Irvine Anatomy professor could read an article or two by Bill Sardi and learn . . . learn something beyond the 3 x 5 index card of allowable opinion on vitamin supplements.  But it appears that my old Anatomy professor was not alone, that, in fact, there was an industry consensus that multivitamins were a waste of money.  Read for yourself.
Thereafter organized medicine reached a consensus that:
Dietary supplements are still popular despite little evidence they're useful. – Science-Based Medicine
Study after study has demonstrated that favorites like multivitamins don’t actually improve outcomes on a number of health measures. -
Multivitamins are a waste of money, doctors say. – Scientific American
There is no evidence that taking a multivitamin regularly has the ability to ward off chronic diseases. –
Thankfully, opinions change.  The results of Folic Acid on stroke and its effects are a stunning 73% decline.  
Fast forward to today. . . . News reports claim a massive 73% decline in strokes and stroke-related death among the highest risk patients and a 21% decline in stroke overall with folic acid supplementation.
If we're 65 and older, we should be taking Folic Acid daily.  
About 795,000 people suffer a stroke each year in the U.S. and more than 140,000 people die from stroke. Most strokes occur among adults over age 65. If a recent study holds true for every senior American, the consumption of a multivitamin with folic acid could reduce the number of strokes from 795,000 to 628,050 (166,950 fewer strokes). Stroke death rates would dramatically plunge too. And they say vitamin supplements are worthless. Go figure.
Folic Acid reduces strokes in folks with high blood pressure from 5.6% to 1.8%.  Can you doctor's prescription claim that?  Ha.
Strokes occur among individuals who have high blood pressure. Their risk for stroke is 5.6% and folic acid drastically reduces this risk to 1.8% in high-risk groups.
Imagine the savings in healthcare costs if folks supplemented daily with Folic Acid.  I didn't realize that stroke-related costs run $34 billion a year.
With strokes costing $34 billion a year, a public health agenda to encourage all senior Americans to supplement with folic acid could theoretically reduce strokes costs to $26.9 billion, a savings of $7.9 billion.
According to the Census Bureau, there were 49.2 million Americans over age 65 in 2016. At $.20 [cents] per folic acid pill, it would cost $3.59 billion for American seniors to protect themselves from a stroke. Net savings would be ~$4.3 billion. It appears modern medicine is throwing away health dollars and lives for its bias against dietary supplements. Obviously, folic acid pills far exceeded what food fortification began over two decades ago.
Folic Acid is required for DNA repair.  Blood vessels are damaged without adequate folic acid.  
The researchers noted that a low folic acid level was associated with a low blood platelet count. Folic acid is required to repair DNA. It then follows that wall of blood vessels and blood platelets are damaged and platelet count declines without adequate folic acid. Blood platelets are responsible for blood clotting, a necessary part of wound healing.

If this is true, and I have no reason so far to doubt it, why then do university professors, representatives for modern medicine, continue in their claim that vitamin supplements and multi-vitamin supplements, in particular, are of no benefit?  

Sardi addresses this too. 


Here is how modern medicine comes to its erroneous conclusion [that] dietary supplements are not needed: 
. . . a good diet will provide all the nutrients necessary for health. 
Of course, that position is self-serving as modern medicine games human populations for more disease to treat.
A good diet is not enough to stave off disease or to maintain health.  And I particularly like Sardi calling out "high-calorie malnutrition."  Wow.  I wonder if one of the reasons that vitamin supplementation is frowned upon by the medical industry and its representatives at the universities is that for vitamins to be effective, one must remove sugars, high-glycemic carbohydrates, and alcohols from one's diet.  These foods are representative of huge industries.  You tell people that B1 improves this, restores that, and prevents this on condition that they stop consuming one of these foods, then you might see the conflict of interest that the university reps protect.  
Beriberi, the name for the disease that emanates from a deficiency of thiamin (vitamin B1), is broadly prevalent [in] well-fed societies as it is induced by "high-calorie malnutrition" given that added sugars, carbohydrates, alcohol, and even tea block its absorption. 
Okay, here is another bullet point for those 50 and up managing stomach acid.
The progressive decline in stomach acid secretion with advancing age is yet another reason why B1 deficiency is highly prevalent but unrecognized. 
What is interesting that B1 deficiency is not easily recognizable or detectable.  Sardi says that "it defies detection as a collective disease." And my guess is that the physician who doesn't know much about nutrition, will diagnose B1 deficiency as some psychiatric condition and compel him to write a referral to a psychiatrist rather than informally recommend a patient to take 2 B1 tablets every day for the next week, then call him by week's end.  
Derrick Lonsdale, the reigning expert on vitamin B1, says thiamin deficiency has a low mortality and a long morbidity.
That low-mortality and long-morbidity mean that a B1 deficiency won't kill you, but it will present the symptoms of illness, the kind that is chronic or "long morbidity." 
Because B1 deficiency is associated with so many maladies (autism, diabetic complications, disruptive autonomic [nervous] system disorders, heart failure, neuropathy, sudden infant death, alcoholism, it defies detection as a collective disease. An announcement of the highly absorbable fat-soluble form of vitamin B1 (Benfotiamine) cures and prevents Alzheimer's disease is expected soon. There is a doctor in Italy who is astonishingly curing Parkinson's disease with B1 shots (mostly among alcoholics).
B1 can be found aplenty in our food supply and even through supplementation.  Supply is not the issue: absorption is.  
Because of poor absorption, it is unlikely the best diet or fortified foods can overcome a state of B1 deficiency. Once classified as a prison camp for malnutrition disease, beriberi is now prevalent as a disease of overconsumption. A sub-disease population is beriberi induced by water pills (diuretics). Modern medicine can't imagine how a B vitamin deficiency prevails in a well-fed population. Vitamin B1 is well provided but just not absorbed or is rapidly excreted (diuretics).
What's terrible is that the symptoms of a B1 deficiency show up as mild cognitive, even psychiatric in nature, and so not knowing that they are deficient in B1, some folks seek relief via marijuana, which only exacerbates the symptoms.  Ugh.  
According to the US Department of Agriculture "only" 18.4% of Americans consume an inadequate amount of thiamin (that's ~57 million Americans), not enough to cause a run on health food stores, but millions more simply don't absorb or retain B1. The B1-deficient run for marijuana instead.


Healthy ranges used to measure values in your blood are mistaken and often result in poor detection of B12 deficiency.  
Pernicious (vitamin B12) anemia is prevalent depending upon the blood level used to define deficiencyUp to 40% of US adults may be B12 deficient. One of the ways widespread nutritional deficiencies remain hidden is that blood tests only reveal what is called the reference range (commonly occurring range), not the healthy range. If massive numbers of people are B12 deficient then that becomes the reference range, which mistakenly can lead to the false belief an individual has a normal (common) blood level but is deficient.
Doctors misdiagnose all the time, often for self-serving interests. 
It is common for doctors to look at a blood test and mistakenly conclude whatever symptoms a patient is suffering from are not caused by a shortage of vitamin B12.
False normal B12 blood tests are common. This is likely why many older adults with so-called normal blood levels experience clearance of symptoms upon B12 supplementation.
For me at least, B12 gave me back my circadian rhythms, and I am able to return to a regular sleep pattern, one where my sleep is uninterrupted and deep; not long, just deep and I wake rested.  B12 does this.  
B12 deficiency may be rampant, especially among certain groups (vegetarians, gastric bypass patients, users of B12 depleting drugs (metformin, antacids), yet public health authorities will claim prevalence of deficiency is low. A US Department of Agriculture report issued over a decade ago noted that 4 or 10 Americans "may be flirting with vitamin B12 deficiency." 
Even milder symptoms that we dismiss with a wave of the hand could be a B12 deficiency.
Many chronic unsuspected symptoms of B12 deficiency such as a chronic cough and back pain, may never be counted in estimates of the prevalence of B12 pathology.
The comparative costs of supplementation are in your favor. 
JUST REMEMBER, the prevailing position by modern medicine, despite the science, is that vitamin supplements are needless. You must be a crazy, eccentric, ignorant, easily misled fool to be caught taking dietary supplements. Best to take them in your closet where nobody will see you. Because of this attitude, many patients simply hide the fact from their doctors [that] they are loading up with vitamins every day. Still, Americans only spend ~$8 a month on dietary supplements and ~$250 a month on drugs. It should be the other way around.