Showing posts with label — Wejolyn πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ (@Wejolyn) January 26. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Wejolyn πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ (@Wejolyn) January 26. Show all posts

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Peanuts are loaded with lectins, which pry the gut open causing leaky gut and loads of inflammation. Many, if not most peanut butter are high in mold aflatoxins, linked to cancer and liver damage.

The argument made here is that nuts are not a health food and should not treat them as such.  But how many family gatherings or Sunday football games do we see a container of nuts, mixed nuts, and cashews out on the coffee table?  Peanuts do contain Reservatrol which is a healthy compound found in red wine and other fruits.  But like most unexamined propaganda we've lived with most of our lives, this myth too has come to die with the knowledge that 

Peanuts are loaded with lectins, which pry the gut open causing leaky gut and loads of inflammation.

Many, if not most peanut butter are high in mold aflatoxins, linked to cancer and liver damage.  
Keep it simple and stick to animal based protein sources.

Part of the love for nuts is that they're crunchy. We get to bite them and put our teeth to powerful use.  To satisfy that craving, organic carrots might be a better option.  

Friday, January 26, 2024

CHARCOAL: Natural parasite control for his pigs

This was interesting because it shows how farmers/ranchers naturally deworm their livestock.  Charcoal is antiparasitic.  It's healthy for the gut.  I did not know that it whitens teeth.  Added bonus.  

Use naturally occurring charcoal, or activated charcoal for people, rather than a product from Big Agra or Big Pharma.