Friday, March 7, 2025

DR. ERIC BERG: plastic recycling . . . is simply a way to keep you buying plastic items. recycling symbol just gives an impression that, oh, yeah, this can be recycled.

Only 9% of all plastics can be recycled.  The vast majority of plastics are either incinerated or sink to the bottom of the ocean.  --Dr. Eric Berg

Do yogurt and kimchi remove microplastics?  

Specific probiotics, like lactobacillus, acidophilus, and bifidobacteria bifidium, have been shown to actually clear and trap these microplastics in the GI tract, bind to them, and eliminate them through our digestive tract.  That's because they're negatively charged, as the probiotics are going to trap the microplastics.  My tip here is to look for probiotics without magnesium stearate, a flow agent; without cellulose, a filler; and without titanium or silicon dioxide.

Detox microplastics out of your brain.  The brain accumulates the most microplastics of all of the organs.  The brain accumulates 7 to 30 times more microplastics than the liver and the kidneys.  

Today, I'm going to talk about how to get rid of this plastic, not just plastics but something else called "Forever chemicals."  They bind with proteins in your blood, creating all sorts of problems, especially as they build up into something called bioaccumulation over time.  

00:41. In one report that I saw, the average person has seven grams of plastic in the brain.  

The first thing you need to know about plastics is the big scam about plastic recycling.  That's simply a way to keep you buying plastic items.  Only 9% of all plastics can be recycled.  The vast majority of plastics are either incinerated or sink to the bottom of the ocean.  If you look on the bottom of the plastic containers, you'll see a little that looks like a recycling symbol; it just gives an impression that, oh, yeah, this can be recycled.  Well, check out this clip right here.
Recycling is expensive and labor intensive and making new plastic from fossil fuels is almost always cheaper forever Plastic industry documents clearly concluded that there were no effective Market mechanisms for mixed Plastics and that there is serious doubt that can ever be made viable on an economic basis.
There was never an enthusiastic belief that recycling was ultimately going to work in a significant way.
I think they knew that the infrastructure wasn't there to really have recycling amount to a whole lot if the public thinks the recycling is working then they're not going to be as concerned about the environment.

02:00. I will let you know that there are certain Technologies that are being created right now using microbes that eat plastic and fungi that can eat plastic there are certain types of enzymes that are developed that can eat plastic but until those were developed there are really only two things that you can do number one avoid plastics, which I'm going to get into.  And number two, we can do things in our body to help detoxify some of this plastic and "forever chemicals." 

Let's first talk about the brain.  There is a type of lymphatic system in our brain; it's like a dishwasher; it helps clean up stuff.  That system really occurs when you're getting a really good amount of deep sleep.  High-quality deep sleep is going to be necessary to help get rid of plastics in your brain.  Another way we can get rid of plastics is by inducing autophagy, where you're cleaning up some of this toxicity.  The best way to induce autophagy is through fasting.  You need to fast for at least 18 hours to get into some significant amount of autophagy.  The thing with plastics and forever chemicals is that they create a lot of oxidative stress, which you can counter if you have a strong antioxidant systems in the body.  Consuming foods high in sulfur, that would be garlic, onions, cruciferous vegetables.  There are other natural remedies, NAC, milk thistle, tudca, are all great remedies.  

Now, let's get into probably the most important thing to get rid of the forever chemicals as well as the plastics.  If you have city water, you have to get a water filter that can help remove plastic.  Find a good one with really good reviews, or a whole house unit plastic.  

Cutting boards need to go.  You need to replace those with wood cutting boards because as you're cutting on the plastic you're just breaking the plastic particles in putting them right in the food.

Next, dishwasher pods.  

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