"Fungus until proven otherwise," Dr. Doug Kauffman.
"5 Simple Steps to Get Rid of Candida," Michael Smith, December 20, 2019.
The Kaufmann Diet is an effective anti-fungal diet that works in two ways. First, the diet eliminates foods that are rich in simple carbohydrates and sugar, including grains, corn, sugar, potatoes, and soy. Second, the diet mitigates exposure to mycotoxins (fungal poisons) by eliminating foods that are known to be commonly contaminated with these poisons. Corn, grains, soy, and peanuts are heavy offenders here, but so are alcoholic beverages, food made with yeast, or fungus itself, in the form of mushrooms, nutritional yeasts, or mycoprotein.
You are encouraged to eat fresh, non-starchy vegetables (especially greens); lean meat; poultry; fish; eggs; certain, limited fruits; nuts; seeds; butter; and limited dairy. Foods like grains (and anything made with grains), corn, potatoes, legumes, sugary fruits and most dairy products are eliminated. Detailed insight into the diet is located on this site and in our books.
While the diet is likely the most important component of the anti-fungal program, it is important to introduce natural, potent anti-fungal supplements to your regimen as well. These supplements can hasten the elimination of yeasts and fungi in the body. There are a number that are readily available in your health food store, including oregano oil, cinnamon oil, clove oil, curcumin, olive leaf extract, caprylic acid, d-limonene, and many, many others.
In addition, adding anti-mycotic supplements such as psyllium hulls or activated charcoal can help bind to mycotoxins as these organisms are eliminated and help usher them out of the body.
One of the ways that fungi gain a stronghold in the gut is through the use of antibiotics, which eliminate the beneficial flora in the gut. It is important as you eliminate yeasts to reintroduce these beneficial bacteria into the gut, which is possible via probiotic supplementation. Probiotics are readily available and an important addition to your Kaufmann Diet regimen. Read more.
Infectious Diabetes: A Cutting-Edge Approach to Stopping One of America's Fastest Growing Epidemics in Its Tracks, Doug A. Kaufmann with David Holland Kaufmann, 2003.
The Fungus Link to Diabetes: A Cutting-Edge Approach to Stopping One of America's Fastest Growing Epidemics in Its Tracks, Doug A. Kaufmann, 2003.
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