Friday, June 14, 2024

China is training way more scientists. For instance, in 2020 Chinese universities awarded 7 times (!) more engineering degrees than the US.

Looking by discipline, China leads 8 out of the 14 main scientific disciplines, including maths and physics.

In some disciplines like materials science, chemistry or engineering, it completely dominates the discipline with 70% to 80% of all high-impact papers published. 

Looking at people and education, two crucial points: 1) Contrary to popular belief, China is a net importer of scientists: "since the late 2000s, more scientists have been returning to the country than leaving"
2) China is training way more scientists. For instance, in 2020 Chinese universities awarded 7 times (!) more engineering degrees than the US. And by 2025, Chinese universities are expected to produce nearly twice as many PhD graduates in science and technology as the US.

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