Sunday, August 6, 2023

plasmids are what carry DNA, and lipid nanoparticles are what carry RNA.

40 trillion RNA or DNA products into you with every shot, that's 40,000 billion.  Do you really think that's a good idea?  Do you now understand why people are dying in various ways?  Do we now understand why people are getting chronic inflammatory conditions that they can't get away from?  Do we now understand why they are having seizures and neurologic consequences and brain fog and the like?  It's because the two types of genetic harm invented by humans are in us.  

Actually, the list is growing.  There's a massive increase in Type II Diabetes and its late onset.  

DNA has a different entry mechanism, which you called a plasmid.  If they're finding the DNA within these plasmids, it must be very deliberate, because it doesn't sound like an accidental or sloppy process if the DNA was in a plasmid whose purpose was to allow it as a delivery mechanism into the nucleus of the cell.  

Absolutely no question that this was not an accident.  Absolutely no question that this was carefully and scientifically accomplished.  And the fact that we have 1/3 DNA product and 2/3 RNA product whatever the reason was the ratio the makers wanted it to be.  They have lied to us in the extreme.  We are in danger in the extreme, not just in the short term.  We know that 1% to 2% of people who passed away suddenly and surprisingly, and that's way more than what should happen.  But the long-term effect on the ability to fight cancer, or for cancer perhaps to be a turbo cancer, all these are being influenced by both DNA and RNA that is within us. 

10:12  Okay, so the question flashing in my mind then is what is the effect of the DNA on our cell nucleus? What actual effect does it have and how can we differentiate between what the mRNA is doing and what we know it's connected to ACE2 Receptors and all kinds of damage it's doing throughout the reproductive systems and cardio systems, but how can we differentiate what damage the DNA does and how/what can we project what to expect from this DNA additive?  

10:51  The key thing is that it makes the whole process last longer.  If it was only mRNA, it would probably last 8 to 12 months only.  That mRNA would cede out into your body and be repeatedly creating spike, repeatedly creating spike protein.  Remember the end product is the most dangerous part of this human-engineered genome.  The spike protein is the thing that congeals blood cells against each other.  The spike protein is the thing that if it's in your liver waving a flag saying, "Hey, I'm not your liver. I'm not a human liver.  I've got this strange created spike protein.  You can identify that I'm not your liver, and you can attack it and you can make hepatitis for this person because it's not even their liver.  This is what mRNA does--it creates a flag that you're attacking through your healthy immune system.  Your healthy immune system is going after in organ after organ after organ.  For some people, it's just a specific organ that was already a bit weak to begin with.  

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